Salinye Posted October 8, 2003 Report Posted October 8, 2003 What are your thoughts on fortune tellers? Do you believe in them? If not do you still believe in the gift of psychic abilities? Do you believe in them, yet have moral feelings that steer you away from them? Do you believe in them and allow them to influence you in any way? Do you view them as cheap entertainment? Tell me what you believe!!! (Or I'll look into my crystal ball and tell you what you believe! ) To take the question a step further. If a "seer" gave you a reading would it influence you in any way? Food for thought... ~Salinye
Parmenion Posted October 8, 2003 Report Posted October 8, 2003 I think fortune tellers are for the most part these days merely money-grabbers. I do however believe in psychic abilities but just that more people pretend to have them than actually do. Or maybe they pretend to have more ability than they do. I believe that the power of relationships with other people actually affects this to a large degree. People talk on the traits of intuition or precognition (spelling) in everyday life. I believe it may be because you know people so well sometimes that you actually form such a strong bond with them that sometimes you "know" things from either things you pick up subconciously or things that are related to you via energy waves. Remembering that all of us are made up of tiny atoms which are held together via melding of electrons etc surely when energy is passed along our synaptic chords it can also be sent out of our bodies? I dunno - but I think its possible. I remember once (may sound sad but its not really)...I was seeing a lass for several years. I went down to my friends house 20 miles away from where she was going out with her friends from work. When she called the next day I don't know why but I just said "you were with someone else last night weren't you". She asked me how I knew. I couldn't say but I was able to tell her who out of a group of 10 lads she was with - I didn't know why I picked him at the time but later I thought I had saw an energy when she'd passed him an x-mas teddy (was that time of year). Then again maybe one could pass it off as perception - but it sure shocked the socks off of her!! (Wasn't an unhappy story - everything actually turned out rather well, and we had a chuckle about it). Don't know if this really answers your Question Salinye - I may have rambled
Cerulean Posted October 8, 2003 Report Posted October 8, 2003 I keep saying to myself I'm going to bed, and I'm still up - bah stop posting all this interesting stuff guys! Think of my blurry head in the morning! Parm - what you said really struck a chord with me. Three years ago my nephew committed suicide. He wasn't found for several days, but some part of me knew he was dead. Two nights running I had vivid nightmares where I was running round all of my family's houses counting people and shouting out that someone was missing. I saw images of my sister screaming, and then on the third day coming home from work I heard my voice - clear as day telling someone I wouldn't be able to make an appointment because I had to go home for my nephew's funeral. That evening my brother called with the news. My mum had just found David. I can't explain any of that. He was in England, I was in Dubai - I don't know how many thousands of miles distance that is, or if distance should be in any way relevant. Somehow we were connected. At the time it frightened me, now I think there's comfort to be derived from it. C.
Zariah Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 My uncle, whom I mentioned in another question (the one about chosing a deceased person to spend an evening with) died of cancer when I was 13. He had battled cancer for 5 years. My mom had been down with him for his last few weeks in Florida, while my dad and I remained home in Virginia. On August 5th at 12:03 am exactly, I shot strait out of my bed and knew that my uncle passed away. I woke my dad up, and we called my aunt. He died at exactly 12:03 am. Freaky.....
Peredhil Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Hmmm. We tend to remember the times things work out to our belief system. How many times have you had a dream that wasn't real? A terror or fear, that simply didn't work out? I do believe in spirits and a spiritual warfare. I'm all for seers and prophecy if they're willing to assent to the biblical test - one prophecy that fails results in death, so as not to contaminate the people...
Gwaihir Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I don't really believe in seers, but I do think that some sort of psychic abilities do exist. I too have had experiences where over and over and over and over I and a friend of mine will change the topic randomly to the same utterly out of the blue thing with the same words. The scientist in me says that's ludicrous, but it's happened too many times for me to totally disregard it, so I do believe these things can happen.
Canid Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 (edited) My, I didn't realize I'd be the only one with no belief in it what-so-ever, but hey - I'm used to being different. Just as a note to Gwaihir's topic changing point - out of the blue is rarely out of the blue. There are millions of vague connections our brains place between completely different things and when changing topics, conciously or not it is those connections that guide the switches. I propose that your friend and yourself are wired up in similar ways - even if you are in other ways different people. Just my own little theorizing... To the original questions of the thread: “What are your thoughts on fortune tellers?” They choose the most probable predictions. “Do you believe in them?” No. “If not do you still believe in the gift of psychic abilities?” No. “Do you believe in them, yet have moral feelings that steer you away from them?” No. “Do you believe in them and allow them to influence you in any way?” No. “Do you view them as cheap entertainment?” Yes. “To take the question a step further. If a "seer" gave you a reading would it influence you in any way?” ...and, surprise, surprise..... no! Edited October 9, 2003 by Canid
Ayshela Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 =) no, i don't either, Canid, so it isn't just you for whatever that may be worth.
Lady Celes Crusader Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I do not believe in any kind of fortune telling, seering abilities, etc. Although I did have "deja vu" flashbacks and it annoys me greatly.
Regel Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Was Sherlock Holmes a seer? No his was an extremely observant individual that could gather clues quickly and draw logical conclusions. It is an ability that can be cultivated, honed and sharpened. Yes it is. Do they fortunetellers see into the future? I doubt that the see into the future but I do believe that they can draw logical conclusions. Do I believe in psychic abilities? I believe that the human mind is vastly under developed but is that psychic abilities? Can't say. Finally if a fortuneteller told me my fortune you can be sure of one thing. I didn't pay for it.
reverie Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Personally, I like getting my palm read and reading the horoscopes... mostly it's for fun... I don't put too much stock in them, but am always open to the supernatural... and i'm forever suffering deja vu... it gets annoying. Hmm, taking another spin on it, I have actually been faith healed before: back in 1998, I had a foot injury that just would not heal... After 11 months of bone scans,x-rays, braces, steriods, and a few comments like "well, you'll never see this one in the books." a friend offered to heal it for me. Using the christain variat of this power, he blessed my foot. Within 24 hours it was healed. In 48 hours, it messed up again when I tried to run on it, but bounced back in a few days. After that it was smooth sailing... So I believe there's a lot of power out there, we just have to know how to tap into it. Hmm, at another instance: I remember being asked to leave a palm reader's table at a psychic convention. He was reading my girl friend at the time, and said I caused too much interferace. Something to do with me being "water" or something. Okay that was fun... rev...
Tamaranis Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I try to keep an open mind, and not dismiss things simply because they seem unlikely or fantastic... But I think that the majority to all of fortune tellers are simply out to make a dollar. If I could see the future I'd keep that knowledge to myself. Unless I forsaw some good reason not to...
Alaeha Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Well... I've got to admit that I am the stereotypical Pisces... for what little that may be worth. But Tamaranis pretty much said it for me... but while I'm not going to disbelieve in the group as a whole, most of them, at the very least, are just out for easy money off the gullible.
Merelas Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I never knew that uber was a real word... hmm. Oh, and back to the question: I believe mainly what's been said about fortune tellers being out to make money... and Who knows, some of them may be legit... but I'm not going to plan my budget around one of them telling me I'm about to win the lottery, am I? On another note, I used to (still do, occasionally, but much less frequently as I'm getting older. [there's a thought... getting older, lol]) Have dreams that would come true... I mean, I would be asleep, and be in a situation at school or something, and then a few days later that exact scene would happen. I don't know if that is telling the future, or what... but It's happened before. My best friend once said the words I knew he was going to say (telling me that he was moving, as it sadly turned out) because of one of these dream experiences. I don't have many now... maybe once a month, max. It's sad, I liked it... Oh well
Appy Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 ooh interesting question yes, specially with my own believe.. that time is just a perception. I agree with all ppl that say that most are out just to make money. But I also have my own experiences and theories I have a dear friend living in the USA, me still living in Holland at the time. We knew when the other would come online, said the same things in chat, had the same ideas. All fine, I can even believe Canid's explanation on little connections being picked up by the both of us and patterns that we remembered (the comming online thing) Then there was this one night. I was in my bed, sleeping pretty deep (didn't get much before) and suddenly woke up being totally freaked out and sweating like a pig. one thing I remembered doing was checking the time and thinking of Don. Something had happened to him, something that scared me aswell. What had happened was that that evening while he was in class someone had started firing a gun in the room next to theirs.. that was what woke me up, it was the exact same time. Second story. I have a deep bond with someone on this board, and one night, while I was lying in bed (again lol) trying to sleep I heard a phone ring. Once. As if it was my mobile.. but that was impossible because I haven't used that for half a year because i can't use a dutch phone here in Germany. Again i had a creepy feeling and again I had checked the time. Turns out that at that time indeed a phone had rang once, and it was my friends phone, which she had picked up fast because it was right next to her. But there was no one on the other side. *phew* ok, long stories. And I have no idea what to think of them, but yes, I do believe people can know what will happen before hand (the there is no time theory) and that they can know something has happened to someone, especially if that someone is close to them (and you don't even have to know that) oh and Parm? Quote Remembering that all of us are made up of tiny atoms which are held together via melding of electrons etc surely when energy is passed along our synaptic chords it can also be sent out of our bodies? I dunno - but I think its possible. I'm glad that I'm not the only one with that thought.. we should discuss it one day.. in fact, we have a lot to discuss still! lol
The Portrait of Zool Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I believe all dreams are true, it is simply that few happen. And so it is with earnest fortune telling. I agree with Big P that we tend to remember the times things work out to our belief system, and further that we create our own destiny, beautifying the universe through our own growth, and creating war by standing against spirit. One only need look to mundane history to see this in eternal action.
Aardvark Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I sometimes make predictions for no reason. I just blurt out a prediction. Most of the time, it turns out to be right. The rest still have time to come true. I also seem to have shorter-ranged form of precognition. I can see a potentially life-threatening situation moments before it happens. This is immensely useful on the roads of Sydney, where some of the world's worst drivers practise what they do worst. I've managed to save my arse and the arse of several twits who decide that the 10 meters to the pedestrian crossing is just too far, they might as well just run out from behind the bus while wearing dark clothes at three in the morning Although this ability has saved my arse, often times it hasn't saved my car. Like now. I reacted in time to save my skin, but still have a couple grand worth of damage to the front/side of my car because of the stupidest display of bad driving in the history of the last month or so.
The Portrait of Zool Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I hate when that happens - but I'm glad you're all right!
Canid Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Quote Remembering that all of us are made up of tiny atoms which are held together via melding of electrons etc surely when energy is passed along our synaptic chords it can also be sent out of our bodies? I dunno - but I think its possible.I think that very unlikely as in these situations there are thousands of miles in between people and while humans are made up of atoms and electrons, so is everything else. May I propose another theory? I think it likely that to a degree, the brain will fabricate memories - these precognitions being a likely candidate. I have a memory from when I was small of a certain set of rooms. My brain is convinced of its reality but I a 98% certain that I was never in such a place. In the same way that you can complete the second half of a sentance that someone has stopped in the middle of, I think the mind will often take an incomplete thought, find the most logical completion and say, "this is what happened". The brain is a complex organ... it is easily concievable that it will sometimes mix reality with fantasy. Say a person has a bad dream sometime in the night. When they wake up, they have no concious memory of the dream - it is recorded in your short term memory as an incomplete, subconcious thought. You hear shortly after getting up that someone you knew well has died. There is an incomplete thought in your memory that matches tone with the current situation. Your brain assumes they must be connected and tells you that you thought this would happen during the night. This is now a solid memory that feels completely real - you have no way to distinguish it from an actual memory because your brain has recorded it as such. I'll use déja vu as an example of this - you have a vague memory of a situation similar to your current one, thus your brain draws connections. However in this case the similarity is not strong enough, you are too awake, and most importantly, you entered into the situation concious of the fact that you had not done it before, which prevents the tie from being completed. Thus you feel you have done this before... but you know you haven't. I hope you were able to follow that. Psychology is an interesting field...
Loki Wyrd Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I don't buy into the psychic stuff myself. But to each their own. Though I must say sometimes when using some psychedelics I do feel a little psychic myself.
Beautiful Nightmare Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 *nods in Appys direction* I believe that people do have physcic powers but i agree with my brother and think that the majority of fortune tellers are just fakes and are very good at reading what people are like this requires no phycic power just takes knowing what people in general are like! Just my opinion!
Louveteau Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Now my opinion. To be honest: I haven't got a clue. Do psychic abilities exists or not?? Are seers for real or not?? I don't care at all actually. Though my idea is that if you know the future, life wouldn't be fun exploring. And I don't really think seeing the future is possible, you might be able to see a possible future. But every turn you make on your path towards death (or perfection perhaps) influences your future and every path has got another outcome. Perhaps there's people who are able to see a future, but that future is a possibilty, not a certainty. About the psychic abilities, I dunno and I never really experienced anything like that at all as well.
Parmenion Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Canid said: Quote Remembering that all of us are made up of tiny atoms which are held together via melding of electrons etc surely when energy is passed along our synaptic chords it can also be sent out of our bodies? I dunno - but I think its possible.I think that very unlikely as in these situations there are thousands of miles in between people and while humans are made up of atoms and electrons, so is everything else. May I propose another theory? Very unlikely? Not as much as you think when you throw the CHAOS theory into the mix hehe. Everything is of course made up of atoms which one may believe would distort possible outflow to the brains of others. However, one could also argue that such an outflow could conceivably pass through all atoms everywhere being passed on without end but...the only people actually getting any "readings" from this are those who would be in tune with what is being sent. Either conciously or subconciously. I don't think either theory is "more" unlikely - more that they all have merit and its fun hammering them out and sharing with friends. Peredhil - Were you a witch-hunter in a previous life kekeke?
Savannah Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 I think fortune tellers and phone psychics are for the most part fakes. I believe in deja vu because I lean toward beliving in reincarnation. I also believe that for the most part what people call a psychic connection is just an extreme closeness to a person. A bonding of your minds if you will. You can be so close to someone that if they think something you know it. You know what they will wear before they go to a closet to pick it out. I think everyone has the ability to see things they should not know-but is it supernatural? Or just your subconcious picking up on things around you that you ignore. You have a vision of an impending disaster while you are asleep because at the moment your mind is at rest and all the thoughts it has picked up get the chance to be put in order. I think everyone has this ability. I think most don't use it because it takes some work to figure it out and it gives you truths about things you do not want to know.
Peredhil Posted October 9, 2003 Report Posted October 9, 2003 Parm - sorry, personal belief system is that at the current time, when you die, you're dead. Reincarnation is a different system. as a side-note: "sweating like a pig", pigs only sweat between their toes. This is one reason for mud-wallows, to cool down and prevent sun burns.
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