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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Asmadeus

  • Birthday 09/12/1988

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    His race is unknown, he's an illusionist
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    I guess level 2 if I ever write anything =P

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  1. Nice job here, the songs all have some nice melodies and they follow one another quite fluently and nicely - and the stories are all either funny or relating deep feelings, which makes the compilation very interesting. I really couldn't say which one of theses have the best story, they all could be listened to thousand times, and I also like most of the songs' musicality as well. I generally prefer the lively rythm from the first tracks to the slower last few, but I'm not able to set my mind on a top. Let's just say that all the songs are first
  2. OOC: Gryphon's picture do work, just have to visit one of his website page by stripping the url after the dot net, and then go back to the picture. Sad image linking protection Have you ever ... Been up the whole night because you wanted something so much that it was worth failing an important school-test ? Waited a few hours for the rain to begin just outside your house ? Howled at the moon with people around ? (Unsuccessfully tried to make your father stop smoking for about ten years ?... *coughs*)
  3. I blame the lib subject, my -like ending adjectives are really miles away from any possible meaning
  4. And I've choosen... Madlib Formula #556 Rainbow - 'Myriadlib' ! By the way, do not even think of reading my two adjectives ending in "-like" ; really. I'll change 'em tomorrow or the day after latest. (or not) 1) [A Vehicle] giant myriadipede 2) [Verb, Past Tense] duplicated 3) [Plural Noun] pixels 4) [Verb, Past Tense] reproduced 5) [Adjective Ending in "-like"] chinese population-like 6) [A Number] 10'000 7) [Plural Noun] ants [Feature of Said Plural Noun (7)] legs 9) [Article of Clothing] chainmail 10) [Adverb] exponentially 11) [Adjective] numerous 12) [A Hair Accessory] comb 13) [Adjective] infinite 14) [Part of Body] hair 15) [An Artifact] Cornu Copia 16) [Noun] Universe 17) [Plural Noun] bubbles 18) [superlative Adjective (i.e longest, lowest, etc.)] most 19) [Formal Title for a Person] Creator of the Infinity 20) [Adjective Ending in "-like"] wheatseed-like
  5. "Hey ! What are you doing here ?" Asked Bottox O'Callaghan, a Leprechaun, seeing something at the end of his personal rainbow. Everyone know there's a pot of gold there... Even Goblins, like the one Bottox saw an instant ago, filling its rags with pure gold... But that wasn't for its good, since as a herd of Elephants headed toward it, and it was too busy to notice it ! Poor creature, it was completely crushed by the pachyderms. The heartless green person rode his rainbow away after packing up his gold, since the place wasn't safe for it anymore, and warned some of his friends around a cup of tea that they might want to hide their treasures better for safety... New words : - Magic - Raw - Delete - Fur
  6. A Gnomie enters the Garden Gnome Recreation Center, takes a look around to see what is here, and quickly gets angry : "How DARE you calling this place a GNOME garden ? I don't see anything made for gnomes ! It's all still a few inches too big !" He glances at the statue, desk, bullet... "Look, that statue is 2.145 inches too high, the desk 1.68, and that bullet could be used as a chair !" He pulls out some kind of shovel and digs into the candy. Or try to, at least : it didn't even scratch it. He decides to leap it, and it tasted quite good, so he didn't comment about it. He keeps trying every single stuff, moaning about everything, and once he is done with the whole lot he pulls out a TOOLBOX out of nowhere and adds it. He nods : "THAT was the missing thing ! No gear, metal bit, rod, nothing ! And it's not even messy !" He throws some broken contraptions on the ground... "Way better now." He turns back and leave the garden, happy of what he has done.
  7. Hum... I didn't even think at making a story out of that, but I'll be working on it and write down some more ideas and develop a bit more, since you liked it (but it's always been my major problem whenever I had to write something, I'm always saying the least that's possible, and even maybe less sometimes...) Anyway, thanks for the good comments (By the way, I've watched quite a bunch of the Star Trek : The Next Generation but I don't recall that one, it might just have been a dream, or not, I'll probably never know)
  8. Well, how weird it seems to be, I give full credits to an old dream of mine, since I think the story I'm recounting comes from one... Unless if it was from a (very) short novel I've totally forgotten. But if it does ring a bell to anyone, even if it's quite far from what they remember, that'd be nice Also, forgive me if what you're going to read has no meaning... It wouldn't surprise me. By the way, any comment is welcome ----- In a close future, a young 16 year-olded lady is having her final exam, which will define her whole life. This exam is not like any you might have seen, it is only a one-hour simulation : the candidate sits on a chair, gets electrodes all over their body, and is sent to a virtual word supposed to recreate a part of ours. The guy is supposed to cope with it and manage to perform a few tasks, as if they were really in such a case, while an examiner is watching their actions. Well, once comfortably seated, that girl begins to distinguish where she is. It is a lovely road, next to a lake, and with some kind of mountain behind the water. On the other side of the road, she can see countless fields of corn. Moreover, it was very cold, and she was thinking that she might be in Sweden when some old man walked toward her. When he came into the reach of her voice, she saluted him in a close-to-perfect Swedish, and asked him where was the closest city. She knew that she was right when he answered in the same tongue, and he pointed out that there were no big town around, but that there were a travelling band of circus entertainers close by. She then walked for a while, and talked to the chief, then manageed to get enroled into the troupe : She'd be taken along as long as she participates in the aerialist part, since they were lacking an artist... And since she'd done a great performance when she had been asked to show what she was able to, as far as circus is concerned. At the end of the first representation, she "wakes up" and sees about ten faces staring at her, along with another ten watching the screen where "her world" showed... When she asks why everyone's watching, she's congratuled by her examiner and a few others for having the best possible mark, and being sorry for having her test during three times its intended duration. Learning that it's been too long, she asks after her father who was supposed to wait outside for her to come back, and since he didn't come in to see why she was late, the whole bunch of people goes out at once and see a man on a bench, staring at a little square item. Once smiling, once frowning, then laughing again : he was reading a book.
  9. I did try to write my name with my own blood... I've ran out after like five letter, it isn't that easy to get a relyable source of blood when you want "just a bit, but no waste either" Anyway... Have you ever... lacked ideas on what you might have done that's not common ? Have you ever typed on a keyboard that's WITHOUT the "a", "z", "e", and "r" keys ? (There are way too many "e", "r" and "a" in English, I'm taking hours to type a single line... At least I can think on what to write next while I focus on filling the blancs...)
  10. Physics
  11. "I'm at the line (I'm never crossing that line)" I'm facing the unknown, Mom told me to not to. Shall I go exploring ? Mom told me to not to. But what if I go past that line ? I know I didn't adjure, But Mom'll blame me, for sure. She'll make another line, And she won't be happy. Maybe if I ask her, She could make a new line. A long and far line, then I'd explore till nine, And discover new things, untill I catch the line... But then I'll ask again, and it would be all fine ! _____________ I don't like very much my first part, but well, it can't be helped, I'm lacking some ideas... But at least I'll can say "I've done something !" Teheeheee... _____________ "What can I do right now ?"
  12. That's one of the funniest things I've read so far, and god (or any other guy that watched me all over my life) knows I've read alot of funny things ! Now hang on a minute, I have a few calls to do
  13. Farewell
  14. I'm not very music... And I'm way too young for the 70's... So... (Isn't that bunny CUTE ?)
  15. I guess I'm set for wishing a late-happy birthday as well... So... Happy Birthday ! (Or happy Transformation Day, depending if you're a Racouol-believer or not)
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