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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by ryurei

  1. OOC: the character i understand from the posts and your character description would be something like this... body: 4 mind: 5 soul: 8 attributes mechanical genius lv 4 (alows her to build/ repair mechanical things 20 times faster/better than the average mechanic.) magic lv 6 ( can summon up to 12 'skelies' or cast any spell that will deal up to 100 points of damage total. items lv 6 (has any and all pieces she needs to build/repair/raise just about anything. they are availible to her at all times, unless someone steals/confiscates them) defects Ageism/descrimination lv 1 (as was said a gnome child/necromancer has some discrimination from everyone to overcome; not everyone appreciates a troupe of foot-high skeletons running around.....) does this sound like you were trying for???? BIC: Ryu comes out to the lean to and hands Minta an official looking document consisting of varrious information gathered on her. "Mai asked me to bring this to you and verify the information is correct," Ryu said as he gave the skellie a strange look. "Does it look correct??"
  2. "Oh, Whatever! Just don't mess anything up, Mai has been Busy with her manuscript, and left a bit of a mess," Ryu sighs as he startes down the street. OOC: sorry for not getting back with the character but as ryu said i've been busy with my manuscript and will be a bit delayed
  3. May Siesakusha watch over you!
  4. OOC: i like the thought of the character I will try to see what specifics will work well with her and PM the details to you. BIC(back in character): Ryu steps out of Mai's apartment and sees a little girl sporting short, wavy-curly indigo hair and matching eyes in a round face. The robes she wares seem to be made out of some sort of leather and have dozens of overstuffed pockets, covering her from neck to toe. The child comes about to his waist and gives him a distrusting look. "is this Mai's place??" she asks. "Yes, this is her place however she's out at the moment. Can I help you??" Ryu asks as he squatted down to look her in the eyes. "My name is Minta and I'm here about the flyers," she replied. "Uh yeah that’s not going to happen till the 15th so try back then," Ryu said as he sighed heavily. "You can wait if you like but its not in motion till then."
  5. Chapter 1 the begining A new flyer has been seen posted in various places around Pen Keep. It has an other worldly feel to it and attracts all who catch sight of it to read what it has to say: “To all Peoples of all Places, plains, and dimensions; We now face a threat to our safety and need to recruit a team of four adventure seekers. The weak of heart need not to apply although we will need: A healer; a fighter; a stealthy person; And a good mage (if a mage could be roused from their tower). This does not mean only these types will be allowed. Any on willing to apply please notify Mai Takekaze at your earliest convenience So that they can make arrangements to get us together.” OOC: hey guys and gals! I’m trying to see if I can run an internet paper and pencil role playing game loosely based on Big Eyes Small Mouth (also called BESM). The style is an anything-goes and I’d like to say everyone is welcome to play. However due to inexperience with large groups of players on my part I’d like to keep it around 4-6 players. The basis for BESM is anime so anything you want your character to do is technically possible, I just need them cemented in before we start. Building rules are: 1. every character will have two attributes and three basic stats (body, mind, and soul) 2. At least one defect is desired as this gives the character a little more depth and is greatly appreciated. Just a few attributes and defects: Normal Attributes: Animal Friendship Though acceptable, it isn't very common to the genre. Appearance: Used to show beauty . Useful for dandies, or persuasive agents. Aura of Command: Well-to-do gentlemen of the 20s or military characters with leadership ability might have this. Combat Mastery: More applicable to combat focus genres. Divine Relationship: Useful as a measure of basic luck, though a particularly nasty Keeper may accompany it with darker forces. Extra Attacks: NPCs with unusual combat abilities can make good use of this. It should be rare for PCs, however, even in a combat focus game. Flunkies: Rich men with retainers or military underlings can be represented with this attribute. Gun Bunny: Dead Eye and Portable Armoury are examples for this ability while there are others. A staple for the smart investigators or agents. Kensei: Kensei abilities are generally Lightning Draw, Two Weapons, Blind Fighting, Judge Opponent, and Precise Stroke. Massive Damage: Inappropriate for CoC. Mechanical Genius: This attribute is useful for the typical mechanic. Organizational Ties: Characters tied to a secret organization or a government agency should have this. It is useful for police, military characters, or members of companies. Personal Gear: A standard attribute. A Keeper should feel free to drop personal gear if desired, but the rules are a nice, simple way to handle equipment. Normal Defects: Ageism: Though typically meant to reflect younger characters, other –isms are very applicable to CoC characters. Discrimination based on race, wealth, and other factors are common in all periods. It is suggested that each level reflects a +2 difficulty for applicable tasks. Old age isn't really appropriate for defects and should simply affect Body, if it has any effects. Attack Restriction: This is most appropriate for combat focus games, but violence and issues of violence permeate most campaigns to a point. Awkward: Appropriate to professors and the many intellectuals. Easily Distracted: Similer to Awkward. Girl/Guy Magnet: This is used to add comedy to the game and isn’t advised for any wishing a serious character. serious characters taking this will look strange. Inept Combat: Can’t fight for one reason or the other.. Marked: Whether from birthmarks or scarring, making you easy to spot. Nemesis: A bit odd for a starting character, but not unheard of. Not So Fast: Your character is not as fast as they should be for what ever reason. Not So Strong: Similar to not so fast. Not So Tough: Ditto. One Arm/No Arms: One Arm is a bit unusual, but not unreasonable as a defect. No Arms should be avoided, particularly in campaigns where the character will require constant supervision by other characters. This defect could also be used to reflect impaired mobility. Owned: This can reflect control in the sence your character is always needing permission before acting, or domination by a variety of organizations or groups Phobia: A common defect, particularly later in a campaign. Physically Unappealing: Unattractive. Recurring Nightmares: It's advised that starting characters avoid these sorts of defects. There's plenty of time to gain them later. Red Tape: Common to any characters that have to deal with government or other organizations on a frequent basis. This is particularly appropriate in Delta Green campaigns. Sensory Impairment: Much of the same device as for One Arm/No Arms. Significant Other: A useful defect to give characters some dimension, time or place. Skeleton in the Closet: A fairly standard defect. This might be a bit overly dramatic for some campaigns. Special Requirement: This defect is for anything not covered. Wanted: Fairly appropriate for many CoC games. Keepers that find Wanted PCs don't fit their game style or campaign setup should disallow this defect. Some sites that have some other rules and such are: http://www.geocities.com/qryph/BESM.html http://www.nggnet.com/Games/rpgs/ArticlesR...attndefects.htm will be acepting players till april 15 or till the player quota is filled. Any character creation questions pm me with your character ideas and I can send more detailed info that might help. If you have any specific questions PM me and I’ll try my best to answer your questions. also will post answere to question once i reciev them in BESM Q&A.
  6. *We have no form, therefore we fear it. And because we are formless, we revere it.* From bleach We lost accord, when feelings we deny. Emotions we lose, when others prevail. In unseen prisons, life did dim. In useless struggles, we do thrash. Only to continue in the next; Fearing it, revering it, Losing form, pride lost, Feelings denied, others prevailing, Life dimming, we thrash The cycle continues beyond time’s end, Because in truth: we are only humans. When again it turns, raising us over them Flourishing above them, we relax our guards Deeming final triumph, we fail to learn Again they rise up, and we fall to them, Only to continue in the next; Fearing it, revering it, Losing form, pride lost, Us rising, relaxing guards Failing lessons, we fall The cycle continues beyond time’s end, Because in truth: we are only humans. When at last our lessons, we believe are learned No difference between, all together as one Unified with nature, we fail to see Looking to heaven, the truth still hidden Only to continue in the next; Fearing it, revering it, Losing form, pride lost, Believed learning, together as, Seeing failed hidden truths. The cycle continues beyond time’s end, Because in truth: we are only humans. With disorganized form, we wandered on. With dissident voice, we cried aloud. And with mindless roaming, we do attract the hunter. Thus we are slain, and vanish from this plain. Only to continue in the next; Fearing it, revering it, Losing form, pride lost, Wandering on, crying aloud Attracting the hunter, being slain, The cycle continues beyond time’s end, Because in truth: we are only humans. OOC: After lots of thought and 20 mochas later i have made some changes that Tanuchan suggested. I again changed the context(…sorta) and added some more verses. Please leave some comments on how this version looks and any other thoughts you may have on it. Again I hope you all enjoy it.
  7. this poem I believe holds the heart of a one sided romance while holding to optimism. it truly sums up many of my misadventures without a doubt. thank you for sharing this piece.
  8. *We have no form, therefore we fear it. And because we are formless, we revere it.* Our form we lost, when pride did overwhelm. Our pride we lost, when rights we did turn away. With disorganized form, we wandered on. With dissident voice, we cried aloud. And with mindless roaming, we do attract the hunter. *Thus we are slain*, and vanish from this plain. Only to continue in the next; Fearing it, revering it, Losing form, pride lost, Wandering on, crying aloud Attracting the hunter, being slain, The cycle continues beyond time’s end, Because in truth: we are only humans. OOC: the parts in asterisks were borrowed without permission from the Bleach anime series. They were in the begining and I felt the parts to be woefully inadequate. So I put it here in diferant context and extended it. Please leave some comments on how to improve this, and I hope you all enjoy it.
  9. Second movement: Ryu lay under the sakura tree that he had often seen Keiko under when she was off duty. She would often come and make paper flowers out of the dirt and then 'plant' them in the bare areas. He seriously hoped that he wouldn't have to wait any longer for her arrival. Thinking of her brought a smile to his face. And yet, was it worth all that? Ryu absently thought as the painful memories of the last hundred years briefly flitted through his mind. Oh, well, I just hope she gets here soon; I can't put off my mission forever.......or could I? "Well, well, well...if it isn't Kage Ryu! What brings you here?" Keiko asked as she walked up to the right of where he lay, placed her right hand on her hip and leaned over him. "Nothin' much. Just thought I'd lay around and nap until something better presented itself," Ryu said with a yawn as he stretched and then stood. He stretched again as he stole a glance at her figure. He quickly averted his eyes, and with a blush rising on his cheeks, said: "Hey, want to go for a walk? I know a grove of sakura trees that are still in bloom a short distance from here." "Probably a trap again, right?" Keiko said with a suspicious glance as she turned away from him. "Let's see, last time you tripped, so now what's the plan?" "NO! I promised no more tricks. Remember? Besides, it's not as much fun to steal kisses from you as I thought. Your retaliation is killer." Ryu said with a look of sincere hurt replacing his sly grin. "Yes, I remember your promise. BUT, your kind aren't known for being bound to their word. Especially YOU, Renegade," she said, with a slightly less suspicious look, as she turned. "Fine! This time You will have no doubt of my sincerity," Ryu said as he reached above his head with his left hand and broke a small branch off of the tree. Using the branch, he tore open a wound from right to left across his chest. He threw the branch to the side as he gathered and formed the magical energies into a ball of light in his right palm, "SPIRITS, HEAL TO SCAR!" As the wound healed, it turned into a splatter shaped scar, then he pushed the ball of light into the scar and uttered the sealing spell: "NOW SPIRTS OF TIME, I COMMAND IN THE LANGUAGE OF MY FOREFATHERS: EIEN NI!" As he dropped to his knees, he made marks over the scar, written in the unused language of the Daemon Lords, with the spilled blood. "I vow with the Heavens, earth, and all of hell as my witnesses: as long as this scar remains, I cannot bring any harm to Kaji Keiko and my servants shall obey her every command!" with this said, Ryu toppled over face down. When he didn't move afterwards, Keiko dropped to her knees, rolled him onto his back. As she did so, the word on his scar disappeared in a puff of steam. She gathered him in her arms and held him close. With tears streaming down her face, she yelled at him, "Stupid Idiot! You didn't need to go that far!......." Ryu woke up and realized that he was holding someone and someone had their arms around him. He then opened his eyes to find himself looking at Keiko's peaceful face. Keiko started crying as she muttered "Stupid idiot! You didn't need to go that far! I'd believe......" and opened her eyes. In an embarrassed silence, staring into each other's eyes, they each realized that they felt completely comfortable in each others arms without understanding why they felt that way. Suddenly they realized they were in a camp as a voice called from outside the tent: "Hey Doc, you going to check on the love birds?" Instantly they both sat up and turned their backs to each other as a host of voices/noises rang out with other more common camp duties. A female voice, much closer to the tent, answered, "Yes, I'm going to see if they're ready to eat yet. You know more than a day's worth of beauty sleep and she might be my rival!" With this the speaker opened the tent and stepped in. The woman who entered the tent was tall with her spiky chestnut colored hair brushing against the top of the tent. She wore a skin tight tank top that emphasized her assets. On top of this she wore a mesh jacket. Her jeans were also form fitting, showing off the rest of her body. "Sorry to interrupt you lovers, but breakfast is ready when you are." With that, she stepped back out and walked away. "Shit." A red-faced Ryu said as he grabbed his shirt off the pack in the comer of the tent. "I'll go so you can change," he said as he left the tent. He quickly sought out the woman who had walked into the tent. As he stepped out, he saw that he was surrounded by tents and people who appeared to have come from every walk of life and every religion on the planet. There were even some that he could not recognize. As he wandered through the camp, he noticed that everyone was dressed in worn clothing and was either physically or magically strong. As he moved through the camp, several sorcerers and wizards cast various spells at Ryu to test his strength. Ryu instinctively cast a magic reflecting field around himself just as the first of the spells reached him. One very drunk man stood as Ryu passed his table. Ryu recognized him as the giant who assaulted him previously. "Yu thar. Yeah yu.....Yu killed Janice! Ah'll mehk yu pay!" the giant shouted as threw his mug down and charged at Ryu. "WINDS OF LIFE, STRONG AS STEEL, BIND HIM HOLD FAST!" As Ryu chanted as strong winds sprang up on every side of the giant and held him. "Hey! What's going on here?" shouted a familiar voice. As Ryu turned, he saw the woman who had been in the tent push through the crowd that had gathered. Ryu's concentration faltered for a moment and the wind holding the grant failed a moment, just long enough for him to brake free. He charged forward, and as Ryu turned back to face him, hit Ryu hard enough to throw him back into the crowd. As Ryu landed, his body carved a deep trench into the ground as it ground to a halt. "Sukoshi! Don't kill him!" shouted the lady as she rushed to Ryu. "Too late, no one could survive that hit," Sukoshi stated as he sat back down to his drinks. "Couldn't survive what?" Ryu asked with a razor sharp voice, from the hole that his body had carved. In a flash, Ryu stood behind Sukoshi, his eyes ablaze. "I've been hit much harder than that. Why don't you give me your best shot and I'll just stand here." Sukoshi rose and hit at Ryu only to find Ryu crouching on his arm which was in the location Ryu's face had been only moments ago. "Ya know, I don't think I'll do that after all.....Take this!" And with that Ryu shifted his weight and kicked Sukoshi in the face. In an instant Ryu was in front of Sukoshi and said as the giant continued flying toward him, "Oh…yes, I must show you what a real punch is." with that Ryu punched him in the back and Sukoshi flew back into a large tree and left a faint but lasting impression. "That was only part of a real punch....full power would be wasted on you. And as for you," Ryu said as he suddenly stood in front of the woman who had entered their tent, "I would like a private conversation with you." As Ryu said this, his eyes and voice returned to normal. "Hi, Megumi! Talking to the new recruit?" asked the scimitar man from the test fight earlier. "Recruit?" Ryu mumbled as he looked the man over. "Yes, sir. He's asking for a private conference, so could we use your tent, Sensei?" Megumi asked with a wink. "What the...?" Ryu started after seeing the wink. "Of course you can use it. I'll be the last person to keep him from his desires," Sensei interrupted as he put an arm around Ryu's shoulders. With a whisper he added, "Just play along, son. She'll have to admit to it sooner or later, and this is a chance to push her towards sooner." With that he pushed Ryu into the direction of Megumi who took his arm and lead him away before he could protest. When they arrived at the indicated tent and ducked inside, Ryu said, "Now just hear me out, ah....um....Megumi, was it?' With a quick nod from her as she pulled off her mesh jacket, Ryu, with his eyes fixed on her chest, and a blush starting to deepen on his cheeks, continued speaking. "Me and Keiko are childhood friends, not lovers, so...er...I mean..." his voice trailed off as he forced himself to look elsewhere in the tent as his blush deepened. His head jerked to look at her face as Megumi reached over and pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side. "Now take your pants off." Megumi said as she started to rustle through a bag. "WHAT!!!!" Ryu shouted as he took a step back. "Are you even listening to me???!?!??!?!" Megumi looked up and turned toward him with a stethoscope in her hands and flatly stated, "Don't worry, this is a completely professional visit." "OH! So you're a Doctor?" Ryu asked as a brief flash of disappointment flashed across his face only to be replaced by a cocky look, as he said, "That relieves my mind somewhat. I thought you couldn't resist my charms, or something." Then he started removing his pants. "Charms? What charms?" Megumi asked with a quizzical look on her face. As she looked up at him and noticed his hang-dog look, she hastily added, "Oh! Yes! Your charms. Right. Well, I don't have time for that right now. Besides, I've got my eyes set on someone else, anyway. Lay down on the blanket. Tell me if this hurts." Kneeling beside him, she started pushing her hands on his abdomen and chest. Without waiting for him to speak, she continued talking, "Listen, Kage Ryu, I really don't care about your relationship with Kaji Keiko." After a pause she added, "But, you know, for 'childhood friends', you two certainly act more like lovers. If you don't want everyone to have the wrong idea, stop acting like lovers!" 'Acting like lovers!' Do we???? Ryu pondered as Megumi continued her examination. "Well, you've got a clean bill of health!" She stated with an impish grin as she suddenly stood. With a sly wink, Megumi implied, "Probably thanks to all the TLC from Keiko!" As Ryu started to blush fiercely she suddenly became serious and stated, "Just stay away from those wizards from night before last. It may wind up costing you your life and then some next time you meet." This being said, she threw his clothes at him and turned away. After getting his pants on, he suddenly stated, "Fine. But what did that man mean by New Recruit'??" He pulled his shirt on as he stepped out of the tent. Ryu held the flap back as Megumi stepped out pulling on her jacket. "RYU!!!!" Keiko's voice shouted from the general direction of their tent. "What do you think you're doing?!?!?!?" Everyone between Ryu and Keiko either went flying or jumped out of the way as Keiko charged over with her eyes ablaze. "See ya later, Kage, had a blast," Megumi said with a provocative grin. "It looks like the Missus is a little upset." "Missus?" Ryu asked as he watched Megumi saunter off. "WHAT?!?" Keiko shouted as she arrived. "Who's the Missus??? You had best not be referring to me!" with that she said this she reached into the pocket of the jeans she now wore and whipped out her ribbon-club. She started to swing it at Ryu's head but suddenly stopped mid-swing and shook as if a chill had run through her. Ryu also felt a sickening uneasiness run through him. As he turned he saw a small girl with pigtails approach. She looked Ryu and Keiko over with a perplexed look on her face. She walked around them while staring at them the whole time. She stopped in front of Ryu and looked up at his face and stated in an emotionless voice, "You are not human are you?" Ryu took a moment and looked her over. Her shirt, which ended at the top of her shorts, was very loose and baggy with sleeves pushed up to her elbows and held in place by strips of white cloth. Her shorts, which came down to her knees, were held up by suspenders, and also there was a clip in place to hold the waistband tight. On her feet were oversized combat boots topped by thick socks. Around her neck were light blue prayer beads that caught the light in a way that made them seem to faintly glow. But what drew his eyes completely was the color of her eyes. The pupils of her eyes were blue, but instead of the usual white color around them, they were colored red. "Um...Who are you?" Keiko asked as the child again circled Ryu. As she walked around Keiko with the same look on her face she answered in an equally emotionless voice, "I am Channeller Chan Youchi. But you may call me Youchi." "So...Who's supposed to be Babysitting you?" Ryu asked with an annoyed look as he got down to her eye level. "I am quite mature for my age and so babysitters are not necessary, Ryu was it?" as Youchi continued in her monotone. She undid the cloth strips holding up her sleeves as she looked at Keiko's face. Ryu was surprised to see the sleeves ended several inches past her fingertips. "How old are you, miss?" Youchi asked in her flat tone as she looked deep into Keiko's eyes. With a mildly amused look Keiko replied, "I'm about 21 Years old. How about you?" As Youchi turned and left as she answered, "Eight winters." Ryu and Keiko stood in apparent shock as they watched Youchi leave. After she was out of sight Ryu yelled at Sensei, "What the Hell is a brat like her doing in a mercenary camp??? And you had better not try to tell me that she is a fighter here!" With a look of mingled seriousness and sorrow Sensei answered, "Till you two joined she was the next to strongest fighter here." "Yeah, that's also been bothering me. What's this talk about me joining and being a 'New Recruit'?" Ryu asked with an angry expression "Um...Ryu," Keiko said as she touched his shirt and turned it to steel. "My shirt!" Ryu cried as the shirt suddenly became heavy. "Ryu, we need to talk," Keiko continued as she reached for her ribbon. "Sure! Talk... of Course!!!" Ryu nervously stammered as he grabbed her hand just shy of the weapon. "What'd I tell ya boy!? You can use my tent since it is so close," Sensei said as he pushed them into the tent. "Alright all of you clear out now! ! !" Instantly everyone in the clearing vanished. "So who are they? Mercenaries or Ninja??" Ryu muttered as Sensei's words echoed in his ears. "'What'd I tell ya, boy'?" Keiko mimicked with a suspicious look as she returned his shirt to normal. "What did he mean???" "You don't want to know at the moment. So what do you want to talk about?" Ryu said with a disgusted look as he sat down with arms and legs crossed and head bowed. "Well, it's like this um... well after I knocked you out the two nights ago I spoke with Sensei and um... heard what was going on. You see in Hakaritokai, last year I think it was, a group of super powerful people who had just settled there took over the town. They were naturally rejected by the strongest bands, and of course a gang war broke out. In the confusion that ensued, all those that stood against the band were being killed. Dark whisperings said that this super strong group was behind the disappearance of several virtuous groups. The same whispers also stated that there was an immortal being in charge of the group. Sensei's group was one of the few to merely become outcasts. Recently, though, a reward of 10,900 platinum pieces and permission to enter and leave Hakari has been offered to any group able to stop the air elementals assaulting a temple north of Kaji," Keiko said hesitantly, remembering how mad he had always been when people forced him to work with others he had no affection for. "So I thought that if we were to assist them we might get a share of the reward and gain allies. So I said we would join them... if you're going to get mad at anyone for mixing you up in this mess, then get mad at me for not asking you first." Keiko ended with a deep breath and for the first time since starting to speak she looked over at Ryu who hadn't moved since setting down. He had an air of deep meditation about him and Keiko sat for several minutes waiting for him to respond. Finally she reached over and lightly pushed his shoulder with her finger. With a soft snore Ryu toppled over unfazed. ''WHY YOU STUPID MORON!!!! I'M TALKING TO YOU AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SLEEP!?!?!" Keiko shouted as she whipped out her ribbon and bashed Ryu in the head. "YEOUCH!!! What the Hell was that for!!???!!??"Ryu shouted with his anger clearly shown on his face, as he sat up with a start. With a hurt look Keiko shouted, "I'm talking and you're ignoring me!!!" "You said that you wanted to join to gain allies and help out. SO? I don't care what we do as long as...Ah ..I um ...We work together. Yeah! That's what I mean!" Ryu stumbled as his anger faded and was replaced by a look of self irritation and embarrassment. "What ever! So why do they think that we're lovers? Did you do or say..." "NO!!!! Stupid!"Keiko said as she started fiercely blushing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to imply... Ah… never mind. So how come the misunderstanding arose?" Ryu said as he also blushed. "Well, since we just found out that we may not be physically related, I didn't feel like claiming kinship to you....." Keiko started as she started to look very uncomfortable. I don't like her mood… maybe I shouldn't have asked... How to break the mood? Ryu thought as he proceeded to blurt out the first thought that entered his head, "Oh! I see someone has a major crush on her big brother!" Shit, why did I say That???? "I just don't want to be related to a perverted moron that sneaks peaks at his darling innocent sister!!!" Keiko said with a sudden look of total and pure innocence covering her red embarrassed face. "Yeah, right! Like I'd look at such an underdeveloped brat like You!" Ryu shouted thoughtlessly in his embarrassment only to suddenly cringe away in fear as Keiko drew her sword, as fast as lightning. "Why…You IDIOT! How dare You call me underdeveloped! I'LL have you know I'm a.....Never mind!! It doesn't matter what size I am, because I'm going to kill you!!!"Keiko shouted as she charged at Ryu who was running out the opening to the tent and away from her. Damn! What did I say this time? Ryu thought as he dodged around the camp equipment in the clearing. As realization of what he said dawned on him Keiko came within inches of cutting through his side as the memory froze him. Shit! Did I actually say that? !? !? ! No wonder she reacted with such ferocity. I have Got to learn to think before I speak! "I'm sorry, Keiko. You're not underdeveloped! Er..um ..I mean with such a cute face and body a man can't..er..ah..I mean...." Ryu attempted to apologize while still not thinking of what he said. Keiko swung the sword downward as if in a death stroke. Ryu braced himself to be split open only to find that she had tuned it into a large club that bashed his brains in. As he fell over in pain, grabbing his head, Keiko said, "Perverted Moron!" She returned the sword to normal and sheathed it. "I'll get you later." She stated as she walked past him. "Well, well. You two haven't changed at all," said a female voice from behind a tree. As she stepped out, she motioned toward Ryu, "Kage, you just nap there for now." Instantly, Ryu fell into a fast and deep sleep. The person stood a moment to make sure Ryu stayed asleep giving Keiko a chance to size her up. The person was sort of a transparent blue, she lacked any type of clothing, and had a small bit of visible wind swirling around her. Casting spells without words or major gestures......and her appearance......... she must be an air elemental. "So what does an air elemental want with us?? And why did you attack Ryu?" Keiko asked as she placed herself between the elemental and Ryu. "None of your business! Now move or die!!!" With this the elemental charged forward and extended her hand as her finger nails lengthened and grew sharp. Instinctively Keiko shielded herself with her arms. As the elemental got within four feet of Keiko the amulet around Keiko's neck glowed brightly and the elemental's magically created body shredded and the energy started to swirl around Keiko as ribbons just like it had around the armor that had enveloped Ryu earlier. As Keiko looked through the energies, past memories dislodged themselves and clouded her mind. She grabbed her head as she fell to her knees and then to her face as she entered a world of half forgotten dreams. In this dream, Keiko opened her eyes she saw that she stood in a battlefield and spells of all sorts were flying around her. All that passed within four feet was ripped to shreds and added to the energy that swirled like ribbons around her. As she looked for a new target to attack a clumsily shot anti-magic arrow hit the amulet that hung around her neck. Instantly the amulet shattered and the energies that had become physical ribbons shot out in every direction and seriously wounded Keiko in the process. As she fell to the ground, she heard an all too familiar voice shouting, "At last the spell will be broken, and my Darling Ryu will be all mine at last!!!" Keiko then heard Ryu's deceptively calm voice saying, "What the hell did you do, Mesuinu?!?" There was a moment before she saw Ryu's face in front of her. "If she dies then so shall you, Bitch!" Ryu looked down at Keiko and said, "Don't you dare die on me, Kaji! Or I'll make you pay!!!" Ryu stood and instantly ribbons of pure nonelemental magic swirled around him as he cast a summoning, " NOW I CALL TO THE DARKNESS BEYOND LIFE AND DEATH TO WHERE THOSE UNABLE TO EITHER LIVE OR DIE RESIDE, I CALL TO YOU THE POWER OF LIFE IN THE FLESH; ASSIST ME AURA THE LIFE GIVER! AND I CALL ALSO TO THEE WHO ART CALLED THE GREAT GUARDIAN OF THE GATES COME MY SERVANT CERUBUS AID ME IN THIS MINE TIME OF NEED!" A huge pillar of light shot upward as Ryu finished. Instantly a thirty foot tall, three headed dog appeared next to a girl who wore a white cloak and hood. Her silver hair hung out of the hood and her ice blue eyes seemed to glow in the dimness of the twilight. "Aura, take Keiko to my house and care for her wounds. Cerubus, Go with them and guard them! I'll clear the path." Ryu said as his skin turned scaly and his hair turned to silver. As horns rapidly grew out, Aura floated over to Keiko as she passed out saying in an excited voice, "Excuse me Great Lord Kage; but you do realize you will pay for my services with something of great value to you'!" Ryu looked at Keiko as his hands became claw-like then looked at Aura and said, "Screw the cost! Take care of her, or this is the last time anyone will be able to even imagine calling upon you!" Ryu stepped back as he sprouted wings covered with black feathers. "Awesome!" Aura said with an excited smile as Ryu finished transforming. With movement faster than anyone could follow with eyes or sixth sense, Ryu started tearing through both friend and foe till only the woman who shot the arrow stood before him. "Stand Down!" Ryu shouted as he trembled in his rage. "No," was the calm yet light reply. "Stand down or face the consequences, Princess," Ryu shouted. The spirit pressure around the two rapidly grew to astounding heights as Ryu prepared to attack, "You know you will never be a match for me!" "NO! This Tenchi must die now!" Mesuinu shouted as she took a relaxed fighting pose. "Fine! I warned you!" Ryu shouted as he charged forward. His power was so great the earth broke up as he delivered an uppercut that shot Mesuinu into the air. Ryu flew up and seemed to split into twenty or more semi transparent images that started to land blow after solid blow on her. Suddenly Mesuinu's Chi flowed outward forming what seemed to be a black flame enveloping her. Ryu's next blow was deflected with enough force to send Ryu rushing to the ground. Ryu twisted in mid air and landed feet first. Still spinning, he continued away from her. When he stopped, he was facing her. He reached down and tore out a chunk of earth equal to his size and pitched it at her. As soon as the stone left his hands he started to form holy symbols required for one of the most powerful holy spells in the air. "Impossible," stated one of the younger Tenchi as he looked to another nearby Tenchi who strongly resembled Megumi. "The decedents of darkness can not learn much less cast holy spells! Right, mistress?" Megumi responded with a look of surprise, "An Oni who is not of any element or side. By parentage and appearance he is truly an Oni. Yet his heart is free from the stain of the darkness as we can see. Therefore he cannot be a true descendant." "How can we see?" asked the younger. "Look closely at the field: those who he encountered are already standing. Nor does he plan to kill his current opponent. Although, with her Chi expended like this she might die. That is, if she doesn't end this fight soon."' Megumi replied as the rock reached the outer bits of her Chi and started to disintegrate. When the last traces of the rock faded from existence Ryu thrust his hands out towards her with both wrists touching and shouted, "ONI NIKATAI HAKAI!" For a split second a ball of pure unaltered holy magic rested in his hands in the shape of a ball which then rapidly shot forth and disintegrated Mesuinu's body. At the same time that Ryu's paid its toll for channeling the power and collapsed, Cerubus shrank to half his size at the same time. "Get a move on, Aura!" Ryu shouted as he sat with a start. He looked around and found himself in a tent. Damn! What a nightmare! Way too frickin' realistic!!! Have to get a charm to guard against magical sleep. Ryu thought as he realized he had dreamed it all. He looked around as he lay back, Keiko didn't seem to be moving at all and in unexplainable concern, Ryu reached over and placed his hand over her heart only to sigh in relief as her steady heartbeat was felt. He then dozed back off in this position. In his dream, he stood before an altar built to Seisakusha and was lighting several candles. He heard someone enter the room. Hearing no foot steps, he turned to see who it was. Aura was floating up at a fast rate with her arms wide and with cloak and hood thrown back revealing that she wore nothing underneath. "Stupid Bitch! Cover yourself before the Lord of No Elements!" Ryu shouted as he averted his eyes. When he felt her grab him in a bear hug it became obvious that she had no intention of putting on any clothing. Shoving her away he shouted, "Damn you! Why do you always do this to me?!?!?" "You don't like the modifications I just had made?" Aura asked as she grabbed Ryu's hand and placed it on her bare chest. "Ah," Ryu stated as he instinctively squeezed. "You certainly have grown big in a short time." As realization dawned on Ryu as to what he was doing, his face turned bright red as he tried to remove his hand. Aura held Ryu's hand in place for a moment as she stated "Pervert!!" "Damn you! Is tormenting me your only reason for being here?" Ryu said as he dipped his hands in a bowl of water as if to wash them of his actions. "Nope. Just came to get my payment from Keiko. The entertainment was just a freebie. See ya!!" Aura answered as across the hall a terrified scream loudly came to them. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BREASTS?!?!?" Keiko screamed loud enough to make the water in the bowl ripple. Ryu hurried across the hall and opened the door to find Keiko standing in front of the mirror without shirt or support strap holding her greatly diminished chest. As he averted his eyes, he knocked on the door. Keiko turned and touched the wall. Instantly the door became a hoard of tentacles and held Ryu firmly with one pushing his face to where he couldn't see her change. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME YOU PERVERT!?" "I didn't Do anything!" Ryu said as he attempted to turn further away. "How do I know you didn't?" Keiko asked in a slightly less agitated voice. "You at least thought about it!" "I can't deny that the thought had crossed my mind, in passing, but I'm not so much of an animal that I act on every thought that crosses my mind," Ryu stated as the door returned to its normal shape and Keiko touched his shoulder. With a start, Keiko sat up and looked around. She saw Ryu had wound up between the sleeping mats and had his hand on her lap. She smiled as she held his hand to her cheek a moment before setting it at his side. She reached over, pulled a blanket over him, and as if it were a habit planted a small kiss on his forehead "Pervert." she softly reprimanded herself. She started to lie back down only to sit back up noticing the smell of smoke on the early morning air. Ryu started to mutter in his sleep as magical energy started to absorb into his body, "O GREAT CERUBUS GUARDIAN OF THE GATES. I CALL UPON THEE! LEND TO ME THINE AID AT THIS THE TIME OF MINE NEED" As the spell finished a pillar of light shot upward only to fade in an instant. Heavy footsteps approached as the smell of smoke grew stronger, and flames from somewhere outside light up the tent. As Keiko stepped out the tent Ryu muttered, "Don't let her find out..." Keiko found herself standing before a scene of destruction, several tents were knocked flat and some even had fire licking the edges. Suddenly with a step the dog she just dreamed about appeared. In a booming voice the middle head said, "I have come to this place as you have asked my lord. Please don't hide yourself from me." The head nearest Keiko saw her and lowered itself in a show of deep respect and asked, "Great Mistress Kaji forgive me for bothering you, but have you seen Lord Kageryu? He has summoned me yet I cannot find him." As the other heads also lowered themselves and the great beast lowered it's front half in a low bow, Keiko heard herself answer as if this was a common occurrence, "Ryu is sleeping in the tent." "Very well, do you have any orders for me while I await my Lord's command?" the creature asked as the middle head slightly raised itself to look into her eyes. Again as if it were a conditioned reflex she responded, "Sit and wait here." With an accompanying chill Youchi stepped out of the nearest tent and looked at the creature through half asleep eyes. "What a big stupid dog you are, Moron," she stated in her typical monotone as she walked toward the kitchen area. About this time Ryu popped his head out of the tent and upon seeing Cerubus asked in a half asleep voice, "Oh Good! Is Keiko safe?" With a quizzical look Cerubus responded "My Lord that task has been completed." "Good. Keiko didn't find out what Aura did, did she??" as he spoke he sounded more and more awake, and Cerubus seemed to shrink smaller and smaller. Before Cerubus could respond, Keiko's face turned bright red as she punched Ryu back into the tent as she shouted, "HOW DARE YOU!!! Ryu was suddenly fully awake as Cerubus disappeared and was replaced by a coal black Great Dane puppy with fire red eyes. Both Keiko and the puppy rushed into the tent shouting at him as their voices overlapped. "Wait!!! Slow down Keiko. What do you mean, 'how dare you do to my dream'??" Ryu said in complete bewilderment. "I've got no clue what you are saying." "I said 'How dare you talk about my dream!"'Keiko said as she threateningly approached Ryu. "And I said 'What did you do to me?"'the puppy said in a deep voice. Keiko and Ryu both stopped and looked first at the dog and then at each other. What they saw appeared to be a regular Great Dane puppy. "Did that dog just talk???" Ryu asked as he stared at it in amazement. The dog rushed up and jumped on Ryu. "Never mind that what did you do???" the dog said as its voice jumped from deep bass to a high ranged sopranino and back. "Well I guess he is about puberty as dogs go," Keiko said as Ryu burst out laughing. "You do realize your being rude don't you? Your voice still cracks from time to time too," She added with a frown. "Whose voice still bReaks??" Ryu asked as his voice obligingly broke. "Told ya so!" Keiko said as she tried to keep from smiling. "Did it on purpose," Ryu said as he looked away form them. At this time Megumi sticks her head in the tent, "Hey! Hope I'm not interrupting a lovers spat but we need to......."She trailed off as she caught sight of Cerubus. "I'm..Ah... What was I.. Oh yeah!! We need to assemble at Sensei's tent for assignments. And by the way your PET will need to get a physical afterward. No telling what kind of germs or diseases HE might have picked up." "Okay sure thing," Ryu said as he and Keiko left the tent. As Cerubus fell in line he muttered, "'What's She doing here???" "Huh?? You say something??"Ryu asked as he continued toward Sensei's tent. As Youchi approached from the food tent Ryu again felt the unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach that seemed surrounded her. He tuned toward her as he said, "and why are you going???" "Simple. I am a fighter and must report to my leader when he calls." Youchi replied as she pulled her hair back into a makeshift ponytail. "Watch your step." Ryu who had continued to walk while he was looking at her walked right in to a tall man with short spiky silver colored hair. The man had been in the process of putting a blood red coat with a high collar on over a black sleeveless shirt. The man finished as Ryu proceeded to apologize. The man squatted down and started to feel the ground as he said in a angry voice," shut the hell up you stupid bastard. If you are sorry help me find my shades." Ryu was completely taken back by the man's attitude as Keiko reached down and picked up a pair of oval shaped sunglasses and handed them to the man. "Here you go. I'm sorry about my companion; he is an oaf who won't look where he's going." she said pointedly as she helped him up. As the man put his glasses on over his sightless eyes he stopped and suddenly seemed angrier. "What the hell do you think your doing here, Bastard???" the man demanded as he grabbed Ryu's shirt collar with hand reveling his half gloves to be covered in blood stained steel plates. What the hell?? Ryu thought as he replied, "um.. I'm Ryu Rei, and have never seen you before. And, if you wish to keep it, you'll remove your hand promptly." "Release him, Onisama. He's not at full strength yet." Megumi said as she held an acupuncture needle to Onisama's jugular vein. "And you had best not contradict me Kage Ryu." "Very well, but you can't stop me next time, bitch," Onisama said as he released Ryu and headed towards the rest of the camp. "You had best return soon you Bastard Kage. And don't lie to me I know it is you, I can see your aura!" he added as he turned and continued on rapidly. "Damn freak!" Ryu muttered as he put distance himself and Onisama. He soon hushed up as his mind focused on a spell he had noticed embedded in the skull shaped earrings Onisama had on. As soon as everyone had assembled Sensei started speaking as if to some young children in school, "Alright, everyone. Our next mission is to the Kage temple near the northern edge of Kajitokai's influence. The temple has come into ill favor of the Air goddess Mesuinusora. Legions of air elementals have been reportedly attacking the temple and have placed it under siege. A notice has gone out to every mercenary group still living that they require aid and that the Dosenkyo of Hakaritokai, yes the same group that exiled us, has offered to supply the reward to any group that can free the temple. The reward consists of one hundred platinum coins to each person of the exterminating group and even ten to each person in the band who are unable to participate. For us this will mean 10,900 platinum pieces, in addition, they offer the victorious band free passage through the town of Hakari for three years. Since we have several new recruits in the band--the best-known being the 'love birds'," Sensei paused as everyone chuckled while Ryu and Keiko turned bright red. "Gotta clear that up soon..."Ryu muttered as Sensei continued. "I am going to go over some basics about our opponents so no one will have sore feelings over who will be going. I also don't want any complaints about the assignments...." Sensei was cut off as someone in the crowd shouted out "Hear that Kyon no gripes!" "Ahem.. yes well as I was saying," Sensei said as he frowned at the man. As he started up again the veteran members of the band sat down a motioned for the newcomers to do the same. "Now you will probably see how he got his name," Megumi whispered as she motioned for Ryu and Keiko to sit. As Ryu sat down he noticed Onisama lean back against a nearby tree. "Every elemental is a spirit that makes a pact with one branch of elemental magic upon their death so they may continue living," Sensei continued when everyone had settled down. "the branches of elemental magic consist of: light, dark, air, earth, water, fire. There is one other branch that is uncontrollable and untouchable to most people with the exception of the legendary Lord of No Elements and his apprentices. These spirits are loaned bodies formed of energy based in elemental magic. Their appearances are normally semi-transparent and may or may not be clothed depending on the whim of the summoner. They are immune to almost all forms of damage with the exception of magic and anti-magic weapons. Chi based attacks also inflict damage if the one wielding the chi is strong enough." Sensei paused a moment to take a breath as Keiko bashed a sleeping Ryo in the back of the head with her ribbon club. "This being said the party going shall be Sukoshi, Ken, Onisama, Kyoshin, Kyon, Keiko, Ryu, myself and Youchi." "Hold on just a Goddamn minute why the hell are you sending a little child into battle?!?!?!?l What kinda....." as Ryu jumped up and shouted, Megumi touched a pressure point at the base of his neck. Ryu promptly passed out mid-sentence. Keiko stood up and gently stated, "I to have concerns about sending Youchi into battle against such forces." "Perhaps if we were to battle to prove my strength it would quell your misgivings," Youchi said in a monotone as she faced Keiko. "If you beat me then I shall voluntarily withdraw from the mission." "Very well," Keiko said as she crouched down with her left arm extended behind her and touched the ground........   july 22 2007: edited for changes.
  10. In to the Assembly room walks Ryu who steps up to a podium placed at the front of the room. He clears his throat and began, “I found a note from MRS. Yoko asking me to post the next installment for her. It seams in confusion of moving in to the keep she’s locked herself in her house and needs some assistance.” He pauses a moment then begins reading the papers in front of him: “Hey there. This is the first part of the first chapter (YAY! ) This story of mine has a lot of Japanese references, so if you don’t know what it all means, my faithful and loyal Ninja Minion will be holding a session after each chapter to explain it all. If she misses something, please forgive her, as her brain isn’t functioning very well ever since she hit her head a few weeks back  CHAPTER ONE Sakura dashed down the stairs, dressed in her school uniform, and almost tripping over the last two stairs. She hurried into the kitchen, where her mother, Kasumi, and her younger brother, Takashi, were eating breakfast. “So you finally woke up, huh, nee-chan?” Takashi asked, his dark eyes twinkling with humor. “Shut up, squirt,” Sakura growled, pouring herself a glass of milk and gulping it down. Plunking the glass down on the table, she glared at him. “And just why are you sitting there, calmly eating breakfast!? You have school too!!” “I don’t have to leave as early as you,” Takashi said, then gave an exaggerated glance at the clock. “Oh, my, will you just look at the time!!” “Aah! I’m gonna be late!” Sakura yelped. “Bye, see you later!” she yelled as she grabbed her toast and dashed out of the house, slamming the front door in the process. “She’s such a ditz sometimes,” Takashi observed, finishing his milk. “Now, now, be nice,” Kasumi chided, taking her dishes to the sink. “Oh, dear. Sakura-chan forgot her lunch. Taka-chan, would you be a dear and drop this off at her school on your way to your school?” “Fine, oka-san,” Takashi said, reddening slightly. “But stop calling me ‘chan’! I’m fourteen years old!” “Yes, dear.” Sakura ran down the road towards her school, eating her toast as she ran. My name is Sakura Koshiba. I’m 16 years old, and this is my first day of high school. I guess you could call me an aspiring young writer, but I’ve only got one story so far, and it’s progressing very slowly. “Oy, Sakura!” Sakura turned her head to see one of her best friends running towards her. Her dark eyes were partially hidden by her shaggy red hair, which was messily pulled into a short ponytail. This is one of my best friends since grade school, Ran Hanabishi. Her parents run an okonomiyaki restaurant. “How’s the manuscript coming?” Ran asked, joining Sakura in running down the street. “I got the next chapter written last night,” Sakura replied. “I’ve got a copy of it with me, so I can give it to you after classes.” “Cool! I think your story’s really interesting,” Ran said, breathing heavily. “Thanks!” Sakura said, grinning. Of course, people might find it slightly hard to believe that my story is based on these dreams I’ve been having for the last two years. Come to think of it, I even know three people who look like three of the people in my dreams. . . “By the way, how come your parents weren’t at the opening ceremony yesterday?” Ran asked. “Dad had work, and Mom was taken down to the police station for almost causing several car accidents. I think they called it ‘reckless endangerment’, or something like that.” “Uh-oh. What’d she do now?” “She walked across the street right in the middle of the flow of traffic! She was lucky to get off with only a warning!” Ran burst out laughing. “Your family is just so much fun! Hey, we made it with ten minutes to spare!” They dashed inside the gates of Kaio High School, and stood there, panting. “Do you see Tohru anywhere?” Sakura gasped. Ran straightened up to her full 5’6” height, and peered out over the crowd of students and teachers. “It’s hard to see anyone in this crowd!” “Well, let’s try over by the bulletin boards,” Sakura suggested. “She might be there.” “I doubt it,” Ran muttered. “I’ll be surprised if we can even find the bulletin boards.” But, despite her grumbles, Ran followed her friend into the crowd. They were finally rewarded by the sight of the third member of their trio standing by the bulletin boards, waving to them. Her long brown hair was pulled into a neat braid, and her dark brown eyes sparkled with life. This is my other best friend, Tohru Ijyuin. People may think that we make an unlikely trio, but we’re the best of friends. “I see that you guys are late again, as usual,” Tohru commented, a teasing smile on her face. “Really? Well, if you hadn’t noticed, it’s murder trying to get through those crowds!” Ran exclaimed. Smiling at her friends good-natured bantering, Sakura turned her attention to the class lists, looking for familiar names. She noticed happily that she, Ran and Tohru were still in the same class, then one other name jumped out at her. “Shin Kusanagi?” she whispered. “It can’t be. . .” “Oy, Sakura,” Ran said, leaning in front of her friend. “Did you hear what Tohru said?” “I’m sorry,” Sakura said, tearing her gaze away from the list. “What did you say?” “Remember Chika Watanuki?” Tohru repeated. “Well, she was in our class last year, and from what I hear, she’s dating Amano, who was the captain of the junior high basketball team!” “Really?” Sakura mused. “Excuse me, but are you Sakura Koshiba?” a boy’s voice asked. Sakura turned around, only to see the boy she never thought she’d see again. “Shin-chan!?” she exclaimed. Takashi trotted down the road, carrying Sakura’s lunch in one hand. He was passing by an alley when he heard a cat meowing. He stopped, and out walked a black cat. “Hey there, kitty,” he said, kneeling down by it. “What are you doing here?” The cat simply meowed again, and looked at him with unblinking golden eyes. “Kagero, there you are!” a voice exclaimed. Takashi looked up to see two girls about his age hurrying towards him. They appeared to be twins, almost identical with dark gray hair and green eyes. The one wore jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, with her hair shaggily cut to about shoulder-length, with several earrings and a string of amber-colored prayer beads wrapped around her right wrist. Her sister had longer hair which was pulled into two ponytails, and was dressed in a denim skirt and a sweater, and had several thin golden-colored bracelets on her right wrist, and prayer beads identical to her sister’s around her left wrist. “Is this your cat?” he asked. “Yes, he is,” said the short-haired girl. “He disappeared last night,” the other girl said. “Oh, okay,” Takashi said. He then glanced at his watch. “Shoot! I’ve got to hurry, or I’ll be late for school! Bye!” He then dashed down the street. “Interesting,” the long-haired girl said, staring at her prayer beads, which were gently shaking on her wrist. “Who’d have thought that Princess Lin. . .” “. . .would have Mystics so close to her,” her twin finished, pushing a lock of hair out of her face. “I don’t see you two out much, Satsuki, Nadeshiko,” Kagero said. “Well, Kaname told us to find you,” Satsuki, the short-haired girl, said. “And we’re to give you a message,” Nadeshiko told him matter-of-factly. The two of them bore an expression that dared the cat to say that they were not supposed to be there. “And the message is?” Kagero asked, somewhat impatiently. The twins smiled at each other, then recited together: “When you meet the Mystic of Beasts, The hands of Fate have started to move. Follow him close and you will see All whom you have been seeking.” “It doesn’t even rhyme, much less make very much sense,” Kagero muttered, shaking his head. “Kaname also said to tell you that it would be good for you to stay within sight of at least the princess. . .” Nadeshiko started, then Satsuki finished the rest of the message. “. . .for today, cuz something very interesting will be happening very soon.” “I don’t suppose that the Time-Keeper happened to specify what exactly would be happening,” Kagero said, his voice dripping sarcasm. The twins simply gave him mysterious smiles. Kagero sighed in irritation, then started down the street, muttering to himself. “I swear, that woman’s one joy in life is aggravating the heck out of anyone and everyone!” “Bye-bye, Kagero!” the twins chorused, waving to him as he walked away. They then turned and walked down the street in the opposite direction of the cat, laughing. That’s all for now, I’ll get more at a later date, sorry. END OF FIRST INSTALLMENT!!!” Ryu pauses and takes a quick drink of clear liquid that magically appears next to him before continuing, “Thank you for listening to the story. And if anyone sees MRS. Yoko tell her she owes me one.”
  11. Interlude: Tokyo International Airport, Japan around noon A peculiar couple came out of the terminal. The man was about 6 foot tall and wore a black T-shirt and jeans with mirrored shades covering his eyes. He was clean shaven and carried a stuffed haversack over his right shoulder and a small suitcase in his right hand. Clinging to his other arm was a small girl who looked to be around 6 years old. She wore overall cutoffs with a light blue, short sleeved shirt over them. Her black hair was pulled back into a long braid. As she looked up at the man with her copper eyes, he started in an annoyed voice, "Like I said in Kansas City, 'quit hanging from my arm like that.' Don't you realize how bad it looks for me??????" "Don't you like me, Kenshiro??" she asked in a pleading voice. Kenshiro sighed and hung his head as he replied, "Yes, you're my best friend and all, Yue..." "And your parents said I could marry you if I want, so....what's the big deal????" Yue interrupted with a frown. "The point is, you may be 21, but you look like a six year old, and I look almost three times older! And I really don't want to go to jail because you look so young!!!" Kenshiro finished with a look of total defeat. They walked out to see a sign with their names written on it being held by a tall oriental woman with black hair. "You Kenshiro and Yue from America?" she asked in broken English as they approached. "Yes, that's us!" Yue answered in perfect Japanese. With a look of surprise, the woman introduced herself in Japanese, "My name is Kyoko. I am Director Megumi's assistant. She sent me to pick you up and take you to her office." She adjusted the collar of her modest business dress while leading them to the airport parking lot. Kyoko approached a small white sports car that sat idling. Just as she reached to open the door, a blast of uncontrolled energy pushed her into the car. Kenshiro landed feet first on the back door as his shades fell away. Launching himself forward, he grabbed Yue, who had been standing stiffly as her power ran unchecked. As the energy warped the surroundings, Kenshiro looked over at Kyoko while slinging Yue over his shoulder. "Which way to the hospital?" he asked in a voice that trembled uncontrollably. With her eyes glued to his white, sightless eyes, Kyoko managed to point in the direction of the hospital. No sooner had she pointed the way than he vanished in that direction with a sonic boom. Megumi looked up from her laptop as she felt an enormous out-of-control energy approaching her at an alarming rate. She ran down the emergency stairs to the first floor. As she approached the lobby, she heard Kenshiro shouting at the receptionist, "Tell Megumi Ishasan to get down here now!" Megumi smiled as she hurried around the corner and over to Kenshiro and Yue. "What seems to be the problem?" Megumi asked as the building started to warp from the energy. "Megumi! Her power is out of control and it is more than I can handle. Help me contain it," Kenshiro said as he sat Yue down in a chair. Megumi walked over and started to seal part of the power as it tried to strike her. The power tried to fight for fifteen minutes until it was once again under control. Once the power had faded, the surroundings regained their normal appearance. They took Yue down the hall to an unoccupied room and laid her on the bed. "How often does her magic run unchecked like this??" Megumi asked as she wiped sweat off her forehead. "Hers is around noon. Mine tries to go nuts around six in the evening." Megumi looked around and then leaned in toward Kenshiro and whispered, "Her power is almost as powerful as yours, isn't it??" "I don't know. She can't access any of it consciously. So I've never seen her use it," Kenshiro whispered with a shrug. "Well, I have some VERY interesting reading that involves our search," Megumi said as she stood up. Suddenly Yue sat up in the bed and yawned. She blinked several times and looked back and forth as if trying to figure out where she was. Suddenly with a huge grin she jumps up on Kenshiro's back and hangs off him, "She saved me again!" Yue shouted as she started to giggle. "Get OFF!!!!" Kenshiro shouted as he tried to grab her. As the two argued back and forth Megumi lead them down the hall to the main elevator. "Sorry to interrupt, but will you be starting in the school tomorrow or on Monday??" Megumi asked as she stepped on. Paris France A tall person stood on the observation deck of the Eiffel tower reading a letter from the Tokyo battle school. The long tan leather coat this person wore concealed most of their body. A small black and white monkey sat on their shoulders playing with the waist length silver hair that spilled out from under the black baseball cap. "So it begins. I guess I should really take my place on this stage as well."   OOC: moving on with the story:) july 22 2007: edited for changes.
  12. Ryu wanders in to the Pen courtyard with Keiko close behind. They pause a moment and with a confused look try to figure out where all the gnomes came from. With a shrug they examine the objects and services left by previous members only to wonder at the odd collection of things gathered. “I wonder where the items are going to go after this is over?” Ryu muttered as Keiko frowned at him. “probably into the pockets of that…..” he trailed off as Keiko put a hand into her ribbon pocket. “Ah…. I mean… What should we leave Keiko???” “Maybe we could start with a new attitude???” Keiko asked pointedly with a sweet look on her face. “Yes! a great start!” Ryu said with a forced smile as he sweated bullets. “Hey I know what we can leave!” Ryu said as he started to dig through his pockets for some string. “What are you thinking of??” Keiko asked as she crossed her arms. With a true smile Ryu pulled out the string he found and tied the ends together. and started to chant, “ Genkaku jitsugen suru no ho ni ano sora” he sat it down the now stiff string and walked away with Keiko to try the fountain and see how well it did at making Sake. A small child with pale skin and white hair floats up to the string and looks at it quizzically. Her ice blue eyes look it over several times as she floats there. As realization of what was left dawns on her she smiles and giggles. “Only he wouldn’t think of leaving an explanation!” she states with a light voice. A second voice sounding as if it came from the abyss was heard saying, “Well his mind is often on her lately thanks to you.” “Well, Taura, I think our contribution should be an explanation what do you think.?” The girl asked to the voice. “I think we should just leave after trashing it but if you insist, Aura, I can’t stop you right now,” Taura answered angrily. Aura smiled broadly as she decided how best to explain it. With a wave of her hand over the air in front of the string glowing words appeared: With a thought your desires will take shape within the circle. They shall be as solid objects to do what you wish till the setting sun. Then they shall return to their native state.
  13. (Quote) This story seems pretty funny to me so far, mai. :-)(quote) thank you it is suposed to be that way (Quote)Mai must have been drinking expressos while watching all-nighter anime marathons when she was writing this for Megumi, as the story really feels more like a series of over-the-top anime sequences spliced together than it does any sort of narrative.(Quote) this is not true it's just my love of allthing anime/manga showing through (Quote)The complete outlandishness and absurdity of it all does result in some funny scenes, which I really liked. The referencing of the Monster Manual when attacking the Malbro was dang funny, and the thought of Cerubus needing a physical was hilarious.(Quote) *so flatered the author has no clue how to respond to this.....* (Quote)Megumi is probably the character that's stood out the most to me so far with her seemingly charming looks and doctor's personality, though characterization is obviously not an important element of this piece.(Quote) again thank you for the inputi guess i need to work on the other characters a bit more and bring them into the spot light. (Quote)I like the comedy revolving around desire, with the doctor scene involving Megumi and Ryu standing out to me in particular. The "drop your pants" confusion was very funny!(Quote) good eye it is ment to be a romantic comedy type book (Quote)First, I would suggest using fewer dream sequences and fewer blackout/wake up transitions, as there were points where these were hard to follow and left me feeling confused.(Quote) ok how would it be better to do the dream /blackout transitions as they are a itrigal part of the story (Quote)The story doesn't have to be logical, cohesive, or linear, but you still want to make sure that the reader has some sense of your train of thought. :-) (Quote) i kinda figured this part but thankyou for the reassurance:P (Quote)Second, I would recommend using more paragraph spacing and indentation, as it can get a little tricky to read when all of the words seem to be crammed into one block of text.(Quote) sorry about the spaceing the site removed alot of it when i posted it on here (Quote)Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how many chapters of this style of humor are written.(Quote) all of them:P (Quote) Out of curiousity, will we be seeing Megumi's reaction to Mai's story at some point? :-)(Quote) maybe....i haven't gotten far on this rewrite so it is a possibility
  14. OOC: well that's chapter one what do you all think of it???
  15. The man whose scimitar Ryu had destroyed bowed low before Ryu while the other man simply caressed the ruined handle of his mace with big tears rolling down his face. The one bowing before Ryu spoke up and said, "Good sir, me and my companions are merely simple mercenaries who have lost two good men to a strong Adamantoise, and have been in search of replacements who can assist us in completing our mission. We overheard you and the fine lady," as he said this Ryu's face darkened, "speaking about needing work, and that you were good at fighting and we decided to test you to see if you would be an acceptable replacement. If you would please forgive our methods...." The man quickly shut up as Ryu swung the sword down and pointed it at the man. The sword hung just centimeters away from the man's nose. "So you think that this lame, unbelievable excuse is reason enough to tie up MY WOMAN????" Ryu practically shouted as he raised his sword as if to deliver a death blow. "YOU STUPID, MORONIC, JERK!!! JUST WHO IS YOUR WOMAN?!'' Keiko shouted as the ropes and gag turned to dust and fell off of her. As she charged at Ryu, she inadvertently flattened the red haired man. She punched Ryu hard, sending him flying back into a tree several feet away. Damn! Did I say that out loud? I'm such a moron. Ryu thought as he started to stand up. As he instantly calmed his hair became normal as did his eyes. After Keiko got off of him, the man sat up and rubbed the area where Keiko had stomped on him. With an expression of pure awe, he watched Keiko and Ryu as they continued arguing over what was said. The Giant suddenly started wailing, "Janice! My poor Janice!!! Sensei! He killed my Janice!" The man with red hair turned and said, "Shut up, you moron! We must convince them to join us! Besides, you can get another mace somewhere else, Sukoshi." "How dare you even consider calling me your woman, you stupid idiot!" Keiko continued with an expression that could have curdled milk as she blushed darkly. "Like I would even consider dating a moron like you, you dummy!" "Like I'd be interested in a stupid, know-it-all like YOU!' Ryu said as he put his hands behind his head and turned his back to her to hide his own equally red face. "STUPID !?! WHY…YOU DIRTY, NO GOOD, STUPID IDIOT! WHY DON'T YOU JUST DROP DEAD?!?" Keiko shouted as she pulled a ribbon out of her pocket. With a flick of her wrist, it turned into a large steel club. Just as Ryu turned around Keiko let him have it but good. As the darkness surrounded him he could feel the light beckoning to him. Ryu sat up with a start, and found himself in a crowd of people who didn't appear to notice him. He tried to look around and found his body was moving on its own. As he walked down the street, he realized that this was more of a war camp than a town. As a large shadow passed over his head, he looked up swiftly and saw someone flying towards him who looked like Keiko with fire white wings. As soon as he saw Keiko, his body drew two swords from his amulet. Keiko drew her own sword and started to fight with him. "NO!" Ryu shouted as he was forcefully kicked out of the body. He ran over to try and disarm them, only to find he pass right through them. His body sprouted pitch black wings, and took to the skies, leaving Ryu standing on the ground helpless to do more than watch them. The other him, who was now flying overhead, touched the amulet on his arm again. The amulet started to glow as silver started oozing out of it and covering him. Without warning, Ryu's left arm felt like it was burning up and started to glow brightly around where the amulet was. "What the....?" Ryu shouted with a jump and found himself jumping to his feet near a campfire. The sun had set some time ago and someone had started a large fire, which was burning low now, and covered him with a blanket. "Oh, must've passed out..... What a strange dream that was," he started to settle back down to sleep some more when he jumped up to avoid being killed by a sword slash. "Watch it, you Jackass! What do ya think you're doing?" Ryu shouted as he slugged the man in the face. Ryu turned only to find that there were hundreds of armed people surrounding him. He quickly dodged another sword blow and started to chant a spell. "DEATH, DESTRUCTION, AND CHAOS, COME TO MY HAND AND LET ALL MY FOES BE DAMNED BY MY POWER!" He held his right hand out in front of him and instantly multicolored orbs shot off of his hand. The orbs were deflected by invisible magic shield that glowed darkly where the orbs had hit. "Shit, so much for that plan. Keiko! Where are you?" Ryu shouted as he shoved a man wielding a war hammer into a scythe wielder. "Over here!" Keiko shouted as she dodged a mace blow. "It's about time you woke up, stupid! Now get off your butt and give me a hand!" "You're the one that knocked me out, stupid! Hey, watch it!" Ryu shouted as he dodged yet another sword blow. "Listen, I'd love to finish this debate, but your friends don't seem to be for that," he said as he started to move in her direction. "So let's finish after we teach these dumbasses a lesson," Ryu finished as he jumped over another guy and kicked him in the back hard enough to break it. "Fine. Just don't cast magic on them; it's useless until we remove those magic shields." Keiko said as she stepped into the river and pulled the water up to form an ice shield that surprisingly blocked three sword blows. "Those shields are even blocking direct usage of my abilities." "Took the question right out of my mouth. How about some indirect usage? Like darts or something?" Ryu shouted as he jumped into the river over several raised swords to reach her. The last sword nicked his left arm and a small amount of blood started to flow. He reached over and made the nick bigger and started to let the blood flow into the river. "WATER, ACCEPT MY BLOOD AND OBEY MY WILL. I COMMAND YOU! WATER SPRAY!!!" With the last syllable, Ryu made an upward motion with his right hand and the entire stream seemed to jump straight up. Keiko hit the bloodied water with her hands and it formed thousands of darts that shot towards the attackers. Most of the darts bounced off the dark shields and fell harmlessly to the ground. Several darts hit the targets irregardless of the shields. Those who were hit seemed to implode in a sulphur smelling smoke. "That's some heavy-duty magic they're wielding. Can you dispel it, Ryu?" Keiko asked as they backed away from a frenzy of weapon blows. "Cover me, Keiko," Ryu said as he started to call the mystic energies to him. Keiko nodded and moved the recently emptied riverbed as if using play-dough to form a protective shield around them. "LORD OF LIGHT, I CALL UPON YOU, SEISAKUSHA! GRANT ME POWER; OVERCOME THE MAGIC OF MY ENEMIES AND DISPEL IT TO THE DEPTHS OF THE BOTTOMS OF THE NINE HELLS; DISPEL BLAST!" Ryu chanted as the power he called for responded to the holy symbols he drew into the air. In a flash all but five of the attackers vanished in foul smelling clouds of smoke. "Well, what do ya know? DOPPLEGANGERS! I must say, these odds are much better!" Ryu said as he cracked his knuckles and smiled. The five who stood before them seemed startled and stood there as if to size up Ryu and Keiko. All five were dressed in long black robes and had gems seemingly embedded in their foreheads. Without warning, one of the men made a back-handed motion in Ryu's direction. Instantly a sword materialized in front of Ryu and plunged into his chest. At the same time another of the men made a twirling motion with his hand and a glowing rope wrapped itself around Keiko. With a second motion, the same man started to pull the rope and Keiko closer to him. Keiko seemed unable to manipulate the matter as she struggled against it. She looked at Ryu and called for him with her eyes as she was drawn closer. Damn! I can't die yet ...... Must save Keiko! "Seisakusha, give me power to protect her!" Ryu screamed as he grabbed the sword in his chest and pulled it out. The sword vanished as the amulet suddenly lit up and started glowing brightly. The gem seemed to melt into his arm while the silver started oozing out and coated his body. The silver bubbled up and formed a large suit of armor with Ryu at the center. The armor was as big as the trees Ryu had been sleeping under and had wings. The next thing Ryu saw was a small silver colored space with his lower half and left arm under the "floor". He tugged his left arm out of the floor and found that the gem appeared to have embedded itself into his arm. He could suddenly see Keiko being dragged toward the men. As he started to instinctively draw on the magical energies surrounding the armor and himself, memories started to swirl around and resurface. One memory in particular rose up and overtook the others. He again heard the voice of his teacher; a voice he had not heard for eight years when he had received his final spell from her. That spell was the spell of the Kensora... 8 Years Ago "SPIRITS OF FIRE, YOUR OBEDIENCE I COMMAND!" Ryu chanted as he started the spell. He quickly stole a glace out of the corner of his eyes at Keiko's form through a curtain. "COME FORTH!" instantly the fires he called on turned and attacked him. "Ryu, you will regret it if you don't pay more attention to your spells than you are now!" said a tall, blond haired woman as she came up behind Ryu as he doubled over from the pain. SHE DREW UPON THE ENERGIES SURROUNDING HIM AND BEGAN CHANTING, "SPIRITS OF LIFE, I COMMAND YOU! FULL HEAL!" Ryu's wounds started to heal instantly as she finished the spell. "Now, Ryu, try it again, and pay attention this time!!!" "SPIRITS OF FIRE, YOUR OBEDIENCE I COMMAND. COME FORTH! BURN MY ENEMIES WITH THE FLAMES FROM THE HOTTEST DEPTHS OF HELL, MAY EVEN THEIR ASHES BURN AWAY; FLARE STORM!" Ryu recast with his complete concentration. Instantly a curtain of air seamed to glow red with the intense heat that was radiated out. The curtain rolled out like a wave and sent all twenty targets into a fiery oblivion. "Good! You have a real talent when you pay attention to what you are doing," his teacher praised as she tossed a tri-sealed scroll that radiated an inconceivably strong holy magic. "This is the last spell you can learn from me. It requires the most powerful amplifier of legend to control or even cast it. I think, since unlike the other students, both you and your sister's futures remain as a black void before me, you may have use for this spell at some time. However, it is beyond your capabilities as of now." After taking the scroll from her he looked at it as if trying to remember something half frogotten. He looked up at her with a frown, "So what's it do, Blondie?" Ryu's disrespectful tone was obvious to the other students as he started to break the seals and open the scroll. "It allows the hidden powers of the Legendary Ghost Armor, Kensora to burst forth and annihilate all your enemies in the Holy Power. It also will heal your allies and dispel Evil magic." she explained ignoring his insult. "Sorta sounds familiar... as if ..." Ryu muttered as he skimmed through the writings on the scroll. "What's that?" his teacher asked. "Nothing, old hag!" Ryu said with a frown as he started to read the scroll out loud; "LIGHT, DUST, SUN, WARMTH,......" Present Day "EARTH, LIGHT, ANSWER MY SUMMONS! SEISAKUSHA, ADD YOUR UNLIMITED STRENGTH MINE." Suddenly the magic gathered seemed to multiply itself by thousands and took on a physical appearance as a cyclone of raging ribbons that glowed brightly as they spun around the armor. "REPAY ALL EVIL WITH JUDGMENT FROM ON HIGH, AND KINDNESS WITH ITS OWN JUSTICE! I DEMAND IT NOW! HOLY BLAST!!!!!!" As he cast the last syllable of the spell the magic powers which were surrounding the armor changed into a wall of brilliant light encircling it. The wall rapidly shot outward and struck the five attackers instantly turning them into small piles of smoldering ashes. Ryu looked around and saw that Keiko was standing there unharmed and well. With a sigh of relief Ryu's armor knelt on one knee as he passed out...... Keiko saw the armor that had mysteriously appeared around Ryu kneel on one knee. She suddenly had a gut wrenching feeling that Ryu was in trouble and in need of help. She raced toward the armor as a white dome of energy, brighter than the now rising sun, surrounded the armor. In her worry and frustration she charged at the dome trying to force her way through. The energy threw her back into several rocks and knocked her out. As she passed out she heard familiar voices speaking. "Are you sure you want to do this?" asked a strangely familiar voice. "I will be with her at all costs!" she clearly heard Ryu shout with an angry snarl. And to her great surprise she heard her voice say, "And I will never leave him." "Then let it be done," the first voice said again. What she then heard and felt was even more puzzling: bewildering confusion and the voices of many people. With a start she sat up to find herself in a tent dressed in an old fashioned yukata. She looked around and saw Ryu laying next to her on a separate mat. She hurried over and pulled the sheet down to look at his injuries. The wound in his chest was open and thankfully not bleeding any more. Someone had covered it with bandages and cleaned it but it seemed unhealable by most standards. She knelt beside him and removed the bandages. She then placed her hands over the wound and prepared for the most powerful restoration spell she knew. After forming the energies inside herself she started to speak the words of the spell, "SEISAKUSHA, I CALL ON THINE POWERS TO REVERSE TIME ON THIS SPOT AND RESTORE THIS WOUNDED SOUL TO ITS FORMER GLORY. BE IT IN THINE WILL THEN DO AS I ASK NOW: RESTORATION WAVE!" Instantly the energies formed a visible ball of light over her hands and lit up the tent. It slowly descended though her hands and into the wound which closed up without a scar. Rapidly, all the bruises and other wounds upon Ryu closed and healed with out trace. And still the mark on his chest remained. It's always been there as if to remind us of some great and unknown evil our parents committed long ago, she thought as she traced the mark. Suddenly, for some unknown reason, she burst into tears and threw her arms around Ryu. In utter exhaustion from using her own energy on the spell, she passed out holding him tightly... july 22 2007: edited for changes.
  16. "I'd rather not," he said with a disgusted look as he remembered the way the bag burned apart when he last attempted that particular spell. "Besides, I'm not into magic items like some other people I know. I'll leave that to them. Anyway, I'd probably wind up making a healing potion that blows up or a flaming sword that heals the bad guy," he added with a laugh. "Yeah, but someone I know just doesn't just doesn't want to try it," she replied with a pointed glance. "Humph, Whatever!" Ryu replied with an uncaring shrug. "Huh? Yes! Be right back! Gotta go to work!!" he said with a grin as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side, as he rushed at 5 monsters. The monsters were about Ryu's size with green slimy skin and hundreds of tentacles surrounding a large mouth with sharp teeth. "Watch out, Ryu! Those are Monster #29 in the manual. The Malbro!" Keiko shouted as she caught the shirt before it landed. 'Damn intruder! You will pay for your insolence!' The Malbro telepathically shouted as they turned to face him. Don't be so sure. Ryu thought as he started gathering raw energy from his surroundings. "Catch!" Keiko shouted as she threw her sheathed katana to him. He deftly caught it without looking, only to feel a sudden overwhelming surge of power that threatened to drown his mind in a flood of faint and almost nonexistent memories of war and blood soaked battle fields. LET ME OUT! came a thought from the deepest parts of himself as the sky darkened and the memories vanished. His hair turned silver as he threw the sheathed sword away with enough force to make it stick halfway out of a tree. "NO!!!!!" he shouted in a voiceless scream "I COMMAND THOSE OF THE SKY AND ORDER THE SPIRITS OF FIRE! HEAVEN AND HELL COLLIDE! FLARE WAVE!!!" As Ryu finished casting the spell each of the monsters were engulfed in flames that didn't burn anything else in the area. "A bit of overkill, isn't it??" Keiko asked as she rapped the back of his head with her fist. After dropping the shirt over his head, she turned to walk towards the tree that held her sword. "Shut up! It's only a level 5 spell. Besides, you know I can't cast anything below a level 4!" Ryu shouted as he pulled his shirt on. That's three times this week I've almost lost control of my spells! He thought as the memories of the last few minutes faded into the deepest part of himself. He started down the path once more, without waiting for Keiko, while his hair returned to its natural color. Keiko grasped the part of the sheath that remained out of the tree and with little effort pulled it free. "Well, let's just hurry home to 'Dad' before he comes to get you out of trouble," Keiko said as she tried to catch up. ?You> "At least we have good food and a warm place to sleep; not to mention your clean clothes," she said with an annoyed look. "Keiko, I really think that we should leave the old geezer already, and strike out on our own!" Ryu complained, as they approached a rundown old house sitting next to the entrance to a mine. "Seriously, he really just pulls me down." "So, why don't you just go, then?" Keiko asked with a teasing smile. "Oh, wait. That's right, you can't stand to leave me alone with the old man, can you?" Leave it to HER to read one's heart better than any mind reader, Ryu thought as he opened the door for her. As he opened the door for her, Ryu called in with mock seriousness, "Her royal pain has returned to the magnificent palace of the gods, O mighty king of ALL good things!" He entered the building, only to fly back out from Keiko's angry kick. Only she could match me in speed! He complimented her in his mind, as he stood up and very cautiously entered the shack, expecting to be kicked out again. "What the heck happened here!?" he exclaimed at the sight of the interior. The entire interior of the building had been turned upside down and all the furniture tossed around, but all of their valuables were still there, suggesting that either there was something of more value inside, or the person who had done this was searching for someone. "Keiko, wait here. I'll check it out," Ryu said, stepping through the mess into the other rooms. "Where's that old fart when you need him?" he muttered as he went down the hall past the kitchen. As he continued his search, he heard someone moving around in Keiko's bedroom. Enraged, he kicked in the door to the room, a few strands of his hair turning silver. Inside he saw the man who had raised him and Keiko digging through Keiko's clothes. "What the heck do you think you're doing with her clothes, old timer!?" Ryu demanded, grabbing the man's shirt. "Hold it, son. You and your sister are in grave danger. Here," the man said as he grabbed two traveling packs from near the fallen door and stuffed the clothes in one of them. He quickly slipped from Ryu's grip and put the packs in his arms, then started pushing him in the direction of the door. "You two must leave immediately. They are coming for you. Run as fast as you can and never return. Oh! Ah, Take these as well. I'll see you some other time, Seisakusha permitting," the man said as he handed a package to Keiko and pushed the two of them out of the door. As they emerged from the doorway, Ryu felt a spell being released and enveloping them. "Now hold on just a dang minute, old man! Who's after us!?!" Ryu shouted as he whirled around with clenched fists. But the house and even the mine had vanished, and they were standing next to a dirt road in a forest, dense trees and bushes surrounding them. "Well, this is just BEAUTIFUL!!" Ryu shouted. "Where the heck are we!?" he asked in a disgusted tone of voice as he looked around. As he calmed a bit, his hair turned all black. "First things first, Ryu. If we're on our own now, what supplies do we have on hand?" Keiko said as she started to dig through the packs and her pockets. "Let's see-clothes, a week's worth of food, fire stones, a magic bound map and letter, and 20 silver pieces." "So what does the old fart have to say?" Ryu asked as he started folding and repacking their stuff. "Let's see, it says; Dear children, I regret not preparing you better when I had the chance. But what is done is done. Twenty-one years ago, there was a huge storm that hit Sakura and demolished most of it. The next day, your Uncle Jeff, and I went down to look for survivors. We found two children that none of the other survivors claimed any knowledge of who they were or even of any knowledge of their parents. Since we found them together, we assumed that they were brother and sister. "They were wrapped in a blanket that depicted an angel and a demon holding hands, with several feathers, black and white, sticking out of the folds. Inside with the two of you was a packet with two amulets and a letter we assumed was from your father or mother. Neither of us could read it, but hoping we could find someone to decipher it, we saved it. I'll make sure to get it to you with the amulets. "About 6 years later, a wounded stranger appeared, hailing from a temple called Milch. He claimed to have known you two in a previous life, and told us what your names were. He offered to take you home with him when he recovered. That night, though, he passed on to the next world. Nothing more happened until today, when hundreds of soldiers suddenly appeared outside the door around noon and demanded I turn you over for your execution. I told them you had left home last year and I had not seen you since. They were unconvinced and said they would be back for you this evening, then vanished like a spark. I don't think they were mortal, ya know? "Your teacher came after they left, and said she had felt a strong supernatural evil approaching the house and feared for you. Upon hearing what had happened, she insisted on helping to protect both of you. I sent her to prepare a spell that would transport both of you to a safe place and hopefully that they couldn't track. Now I must let you write your own future. Stay safe until we meet again, William 'Bill' Undry" Keiko finished reading with a look of profound awe. "Well, it seems that you'll get your wish, Ryu," she said as she turned to look at him. She squinted at the sun which was setting behind him. "We're on our own, and now we have evil people. .no, scratch that- supernaturally evil people chasing us." "Damn it! I don't care if they show up right now! That old geezer just kicked us out on our butts! At the very least he could have let us pack our own things!!" Ryu shouted as his cheeks showed a little color. He quickly threw his pack over his shoulder and turned away from her. "So that's what bothering you! You never could stand anyone messing with my clothes. Usually, you won't...even if I ask you to hand them to me," she said in realization as she gave him a light push. "What's that got to do with anything!?" Ryu demanded as his face turned red. For some unknown reason, she suddenly felt very shy and started blushing as well. "Oh, ah. . .nothing, I guess. Um. . .oh! So, what amulets do you think he's talking about?" "Huh? Oh, they must be what's in the piece of cloth left in the package," Ryu said as he took the package from on top one of the packs where he had put it. As he opened it, faint memories of battles and bloodshed fluttered briefly in the back of his mind. The package contained two silver amulets. The one was hanging from a silver chain, one half of a blood red ruby surrounded by silver, while the other was made to be worn on one's wrist, with silver surrounding what looked to be the other half of the ruby. Inside the wrist amulet a letter had been put. "This must be the letter that the old geezer mentioned. No wonder he couldn't read it, it's in the 'ancient high' Daemon language," Ryu muttered with a sigh of irritation as he looked at it. He turned and started to read aloud: "To those born within the confines of time: I'm sorry that you were left in this form without anyone to guide your actions. The King, however, deemed it necessary, saying that otherwise you would lean to one side or the other if anyone was left to guide you. However, your past must be remembered. I have sent with you the amulets of your prior lives without asking for his consent. I must also warn you to choose your side well, for upon your choice rests the fate of all creation. Sincerely, KENCHI. P.S. Always keep your fate in mind and never forget your reasons." As Ryu finished reading it, Keiko made a small gasping sort of noise. I can't believe they couldn't get a Master Mage to read it before now, Keiko thought as she looked it over. Unless there is a spell on the scroll and has somehow been guarded from magic detection. Keiko thought as the reread it. "Something wrong?" Ryu asked in a concerned tone of voice. "No, just shocked to hear that you actually paid attention during classes. I thought all you learned how to do was tormenting teachers and classmates," she said as she prepared to dodge a playful swipe. She was surprised when instead he put the chain amulet around her neck. "This one looks best on you," Ryu said, ignoring the previous comment. As it touched her skin, for the briefest of moments, the ruby faintly glowed. Ryu then proceeded to place the other one on his wrist. As with the other, the ruby glowed faintly but for a moment. "Well then, if we're on our own, we have to think rationally and logically," Keiko said, looking very thoughtful. A look Ryu didn't like to see on her face. "After all, what we have won't last long. So, first order of business is to get a source of income." "That might be hard," Ryu said. "I mean, all I do well is fight and eat." "You're good at spells, stupid," Keiko said with a laugh as she finished packing and picked up her pack and slung it over her shoulder. "Then again, the little stuff is beyond you, so they might not hire you." "Nah, I'll just let my apprentice take care of the little stuff!" he joked. "Oh, so you're my master now, are you?" Keiko said with a half smile which quickly disappeared when she saw how close it was to sunset. Turning serious, she pulled out the map and looked at it, then started off the south-east, calling, "Anyway, let's go now!" "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Ryu asked as he hurried to catch up with her. "Hikaritokai," she replied as she started to jog. "Teacher sent us several miles from home! She must have had a high quality transportation spell to get us this far." "Why on earth are we going there for?" he asked as he caught up. "Simple. I've always wanted to go there, and it's big enough to hide us for a while," Keiko looked into his eyes and smiled. "Besides, it's the capital for mercenary gangs, and someone who can only eat and fight will fit in perfectly." Frowning, Ryu said, "Fine! Let's get going." He soon overtook her. Several moments latter a thoughtful look passed over his face. "By the way, wouldn't it be faster if you cast a simple flight spell on us?" he asked as he turned back towards her. Ryu instantly stopped when he saw that she was no longer behind him. In an instant, he started crashing back through the bushes he had passed looking for her. He found her tied up and gagged with three men surrounding her. One was dressed in traditional samurai traveling yukata. His black hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, and both of his hands rested on his katanas hanging on either side of his hips. The second man stood twice as tall as Ryu and wore several animal skins that had been stitched together. His unnaturally white hair kept blowing in his face and across the great stone mace he had slung over his shoulder. The third man, who stood between the other two, drew his scimitar and rested it on his shoulder. This man wore the fatigues of a now long gone and forgotten country, and his short cropped bright red hair stood out in the green forest. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Ryu shouted. As all three rushed at him, Ryu bowed his head and cut the mark on his chest. The blood gushed out as if trying to escape the confinement of his chest and quickly formed a sword in midair. As the flow vanished Ryu reached out with his right hand and grabbed the hilt. Swinging the sword outward, he allowed the sheath to fly off and hit the katana man in the forehead. The man dropped to the ground in a heap as Ryu's sword continued its path to the right. As he reached the furthest of his reach, he reversed his grip on it, and swinging it back, cut through the scimitar near its hilt. Then, with his left hand, Ryu caught the mace and held it firmly just mere centimeters from the right of his head. Ryu slowly raised his head to reveal red, glowing eyes that looked like they were on fire. As this happened, a silvery sheen started creeping across his hair. In a deceptively calm voice that held great menace, Ryu said, "I asked you: what the hell do you think you're doing?" As he finished speaking, he tightened his grip on the mace and pulverized it, letting the dust blow away in the wind. OOC: again sorry for the long delay but hopefully this will be added to sooner than last time:). july 22 2007: edited for changes.
  17. life
  18. Several miles away, two men stood watching the events in Sakura unfold in the reflection on the lake that they stood by. The older of the two was hunched over from the long years he had weathered and leaned on an equally aged staff. His clear blue eyes seemed to shine in the light, while his hood shadowed his wrinkled face. Yet the way he carried himself was like a confident young warrior would. Both men wore gleaming white robes that seemed more than they were. The other man appeared much younger and had an air of nobility about him. As the young man pushed back his hood, his shoulder length black hair was revealed. As They watched the events unfolding, the young one turned to the elder and asked, "Sir, should we really leave them like this?" "This is the fate that they demanded. Therefore, it is their curse, and, possibly, even their blessing. It is all in their hands," the elder said solemnly as if pronouncing a powerful spell or judgment. The young man watched a moment longer then tuned. "I suppose we have to trust them. But perhaps I might watch over them from afar since my brothers and sisters shall want revenge for his so-called trickery??" The elder vanished with the sudden breeze as his reply was heard ever so softly, "Very well, Karisuma. Just don't interfere with their decision, but let me know immediately if any others try to." "Thank you, I'll do as you command, my Master," Karisuma said as he, too, vanished into nothingness. TWENTY-ONE YEARS LATER In the forest five miles north-east of the now-thriving town of Sakura, walked two young people following along the path to the old mines. The woman looked to be in her late teens with short, unkempt, dark blue hair. A large pair of midnight blue eyes peered out from under her too-long bangs. A forest green cape hung from her shoulders over the dark brown, short-sleeved shirt. Her right hand rested in the side pocket of her forest green, knee length skirt while her left rested on the hilt of her long katana. Her companion, who frequently stole glances of her out of the corner of his copper-colored eyes, walked along side her with his hands in the pockets of his blue denim jeans. His white, short-sleeved shirt was open and blowing free in the light breeze, showing a dark spot on his chest that was shaped like a splatter mark. His neatly arranged black hair hung to around the middle of his back. "So you got every thing the old fart wanted, right?" he asked as he lifted his hands behind his head and linked his fingers. "Ryu, that's the tenth time you've asked that, and for the tenth time, yes, I have all of it in the magic pouch," the woman answered in a tone that dared him to ask again. "Why do you keep asking? Wait! You're not hungry so soon after that late lunch we had just a bit ago, are you? "No, Keiko. It's just, you actually have the fire stones in there along with all the food? I mean, the food will be edible when we get home...right?" he asked in a worried tone. "Hey!! You're the one that can't make a good magic pouch!! Remember?" Keiko said with an irritated look. OOC: again just part of it will post more soon hopefully july 22 2007: edited for changes
  19. SONETT OF T'HERA: Movement one The day after the 'STORM' Two men shifted through the rubble left in the wake of not just one, but what seemed to be close to 50 tornados that simultaneously hit the area the day before. It was odd, that the gigantic Sakura tree which stood in the center of town, the tree that the town was named after, had not been uprooted despite the destruction that surrounded it. But even that tree had not emerged totally unscathed from the destruction of 'The Storm' the previous day. Several limbs of the ancient tree lay on the ground; yet surprisingly, the delicate blossoms still clung to the detached branches. To the west of the tree stood the remains of a building that had been demolished by the storms, and this was the area that the two men currently were searching through. One was a short, overweight, bald man wearing denim jeans and a t-shirt, the other was a tall, dark-haired man, whose muscles rippled beneath the sleeveless white shirt he wore. Both were within ten feet of the tree, moving debris around and looking for the Koun statue, which the villagers believed brought great luck to the village. The shorter man stood up and looked over towards where his partner stood. "Hey, Jeff, have you seen anything that might suggest that this house was lived in? I mean, there should be at least a stove or something around here." This man wiped sweat from his forehead before continuing, "Come to think of it, was there even a house here last time we were here? I know we don't come to town often enough, but I would have thought we would have heard of someone building anything, since they would need some ore for nails and such from our mine." "Maybe this is just wreckage from another building?" Jeff answered as he stood. "You saw how those twisters were yesterday! They just came down, hit, and disappeared! The whole storm was over so quickly! Did it even last 5 minutes?!? With the way those twisters hit, something like that probably wouldn't have happened. It's just odd that this much debris would be here if no house was here, and yet there also is no heavy furniture like the other houses," Bill said nervously. "Good point. Maybe this hadn't been occupied yet. Yeah! Maybe they were expecting new residents? We'll have to ask someone later," Jeff conceded. "Y'know, it's miraculous that no one was killed or injured, as bad as this looks," Bill reflected as they resumed their job. Without warning, a large bundle fell out of the Sakura tree. "What the...?" Both men said in unison as they approached it. As they drew closer, they heard a child's cry. Fueled by concern, they ran over to the bundle. Upon lifting the edge of the blanket, they found two infants who both appeared to be around one year old. As they unwrapped the babes, they found several large feathers in the folds. Some feathers were gleaming white, while the others were pitch black....... OOC:this is only part of the first chapter, sorry work has been killer latly july 22 2007: edited for changes
  20. count me in on bribing the porcelin mafia!
  21. cherries
  22. bratwerst
  23. So what does every one think?????
  24. This post touches my soul and reminds me of my relationship with a "Friend" (she's neither a GF or just a Friend) i truely like it:)
  25. I like both of your stories in this set quite enjoyable:)
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