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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by ryurei

  1. ok this probly belongs some where else but its all i got:P so here it is: "what are you doing? why do you run? you still have not called me.” I fear him “face forward. you should be able to hear it now.” Hear what? “ that which blocks your ears is worthless fear.” Whats wrong with fear? “ the enemy is one, you are one. what is there to fear?” Your right what do I have to fear? Is it his strength? His commanding aura? His money? “ cast off your fear! look forward! go forward! never stand still. retreat and you will age. hesitate and you will die.” That’s right I shouldn’t fear this man! He is only a man after all! “Mr. Morrison I’m here to take you daughter to the prom.”
  2. Big Booming voice: "You want to fix the thing i sent to kill you?!?!?!?!?" there was silence for a bit then, "Alright let her fix you before killing them off." Keiko in the mean time is sitting on the grass trying to figure out just what exactly is going on. as is her custom she starts making paper flowers out of the dirt as she is thinking. she stops in the midle of the tenth flower and looks to the sky, "Whats your name?" OOC: sorry it took so long guys i had my computer in the shop trying to fix it....to much time without updating my ativirus software i'm told:P
  3. Ryu hurried through the keep killing all the span-ja's (as he came to call them) he crossed. Hearing explosions and feeling a unrestrained energy he rushed into the room and with out stoping his faster than light-sound-and time speed rushed into the air vent and quickly caught up with the source. When he stopped he realized kikiyu black paws was here along with a poor looking Degorram. "Um hi?" ryu said as he instinctualy tried to help Degorram sooth the power to keep it under controll(OOC: sorry if this is already done i don't quite understand this character.). "Iwas looking for you Kikiyu when i felt her power going a little out of hand...." Ryu turned to Degorram as she suddenly looked better and in more control of her powers. "are you ok??" in the mean time Taura arives in the room with Wyvern and company and climbs on wyv's back before asking in an errie abysal voice, "Where has the master gone??" as wyv looks at her she gets a freaky grin on her face.
  4. "Blue, what are you doing with the guns and mask??" asked a frightened young woman who was huddled in the corner. "Ah what a tangible feel of fear that permiates in this room!" said the boy. "I am the Outlaw Onigumo and you shall be my 2759 th victim in 1000 years." "Svengali, Save me!!!" she shouted as the was set upon. Draconomican Dungons Dragons D20 (*shrug* so its a D theme sorry)
  5. from the skys a booming voice seems to echo, "After arriving everyone has meet with a zombie who at first askes for his arm back only to try and eat them when they do so!!!" the zombie looks up at the sky and says, "But i don't want to! can't you do something else with this, Lord Sumimasu?" Again the disembodied voice shouted, "DO IT!!!" with a sigh the zombie tries to chase the party into the trees.
  6. As Ryu wandered through the keep more than a little pissed off about Keiko leaving. The last time Keiko had been away (kidnapped would be more exact) he had almost destroyed a plane of existence trying to find her. This time she had chosen to go on a trip and would be back soon he hopped. So what to do to pass the time? He wondered as he saw several shadows pass him by. If only there was a out break of..oh maybe ninjas..then I’d have something to do. he thought with a sigh. wait a minute shadows passing me!!!! Ryu spun around as a shuriken hit his amulet releasing a hiss of gas. "To the darkness I call come to me Shadow of death TAURA!" In front of Ryu a black pit opened up as scraping sounds were heard crawling out of the pit was a young girl wearing a dirty off-white shirt that hung down to her knees. Her waist length Ebony hair hung down in front of her equally dark eyes. Her skin was pale and sun deprived. As the area seemed to darken she asked with a voice sounding to be from the abyss, "What do you need Master?!?" "See those ninjas?? they attacked me," Ryu calmly said as the pit vanished. "Then they shall die!" she shouted as the swung her arms at them her arms suddenly became elastic and covered the 10 ft. between her and the ninjas before they could react they were absorbed in to the exposed flesh of her arms leaving behind the..um...spandex suit. "um is that what i think it is??"Ryu asked genuinely confused as Tarua's arm returned. "Master what ninja clan wears Spandex????"Taura asked even in a voice sounding even more confused than her masters. "I have no clue.... hey didn't i hear of a ninja moving in here? lets go ask her since she knows more about ninja's than I ever would," Ryu said as he set off to find Kikuyu black paws. "Of course my master!" Taura said as she hurried after him dropping the spandex. Unknown to them a small shadow crept over and stole away the suites….
  7. "Okay everyone!" Mai said as he opened the door that Ryu was fiddleing with while every one was talking. "Ryu has the portal opened and Kieko is going with you." as Mai said this a young woman came down the street with midnight blue hair and eyes. "Nice to meet you all," she said as she walked through the door and vanished. "Ah yeah just follow her to the kingdom of Zenbu." with this Mai turns and leaves with an irritated looking Ryu storming off.
  8. OOC: Stick Body 8 Mind 4 Soul 7 Combat Value: 10 (Attack) 8 (Defense) Health Points: 95 Energy Points: 65 Attributes: Aura of Command (Level 3) Although Stick doesn't usually act in a leadership role, when he takes charge, he tends to do it in a manner that causes people around him to follow. If nothing else, he is a good leader in times of need. Combat Mastery (Level 4) Stick may not be a veteran, but he is seen many battles, and undergone extensive training. He is skilled with the use of his own weaponry, and useful without; not to mention whatever he can put in his hands. Damn Healthy! (Level 2) Stick can really take a beating. Divine Realtionship (Level 3) As the Avatar of the Goddess of nature, Stick is granted 'favours' from time to time. Energy Bonus (Level 1) Stick can usually keep on trucking at the worst of times. Focused Damage (Level 6) Stick *really* knows how to use his BigPointyStick. Speed (Level 2) Through intensve training, Stick is approximately twice as fast as most other humans at most tasks, including things like running. Unique Character Attribute (Level 4): BigPointyStick: Stick's namesake, the BPS appears somewhat like a plain wooden quarterstaff, except both ends are sharpened into points. The BPS is also malleable at Stick's will, although he isn't aware of that fact yet. It has other mysterious powers as well, but the only one he really knows is that he can use it as a focus for when he channels the energy of Nature; that power usually only presents itself in times of dire need however. Defects: Easily Distracted (1 BP) It's undecided whether Stick's eyes are bigger than his stomache or if its the other way around, but it is clear that he can't help himself if he sees some tasty food lying around. Unique Character Defect (1 BP) Sleep: Stick really really likes to sleep. He can be somewhat difficulty to wake up at times.
  9. OOC: oh woe is me who hath no net connection of his own! well this week is just the posting of the character sheets. please review them and let me know if they are ture to your character or not. if not i will rewrite them accordingly. BIC: Mai looks at the new arival with a look of suprise and looks him over several times before reading the paper he was handed. "Well i think this is more correct ...am i wrong??" he askes as he makes some adjustments and hands the paper back. "That reminds me! here's the other sheets i forgot, lets see I've got Loki, The Pen and...hmm...I'm still missing yours, Stick. Or do you have it??" OOC: the sheets that aren't already posted in order of arival: The Pen--- A standard dib pen for all appearances: Totally black, with an inky sheen. Because the Pen IS mightier than the Sword Body 2(not physically strong) Mind 9(smarter than average, but smart enough not everyone can understand it) Soul 5 Defects. No arms, legs, head or other limbs more commonly found in less innocent genres of anime. Can't exert physical strength alone: For example, while it could stop a 30 ton weight in mid-fall, it couldn't lift said weight back up, nor a sheet of paper, for that matter. Sensory Impairment: Has no sight or smell, yet has other senses that doubles for sight in the vicinity of two dozen yards or so. Can't talk (air wrights instead) Unusual diet. Exists off of ink alone. With no qualms to induce the holder of the ink as well. Slightly off the hook. Attributes. Ageless: doesn’t seem to age physically Level 3 invulnerability from the NGG link.(ok we’ll go with their definition for this character) Small. It's a standard dib pen as far as dimensions are concerned. Hover level 4: Is unaffected by gravity, and moves by hovering at normal human speeds. Drawy!(not sure quite what to call this so will leave it as is) It draws, on paper, on anything else, or just in thin air. Whatever it draws is quite real, and usually shares the same qualities the pen itself does, though can potentially be "alive" with a limited sort of intelligence. Say stick figures could walk, or even lift objects relative to their size. Anything drawn in thin air will collapse after some minutes, or at the pen's whim. Ink reservoir: has a limited # of drawings it can produce before needing refilled but it is far larger than one would expect. Can do 300 drawings before a refill needed. ‘drawn in’: the pen can at will make enemies approach it if their mind stats are lower than its own.  LOKI--- looks about twenty-five, black hair pulled into a ponytail, right eye is silver, left eye is dark green-blue with a slitted pupil, very tall and lanky with long legs Acts very cheerful, smiles a lot, but turns very mysterious and dark at times. Body 10 Mind 9 Soul 5 attributes Shadow-walker: able to teleport between shadows at distances up to 10 yards Uncanny luck level 4: can avoid up to 10 points of damage dealt to her Martial arts training level 5: knows most martial arts and can almost seamlessly shift between them. +3 to fighting skills. defects Amnesia: she always evades questions about herself because she doesn’t remember a lot about herself. and of course wyv's 'adjustments' Name: William Pompousissy Occupation: Head Curator of the Akashan Library Secondary Occupation: intellectual sissy Favorite Food: lima beans (hah!) Favorite Color: Pink (HAH!) Favorite Animal: Leech (HAWH!) Body 10 (from carrying all the books to um...their respective shelves. Mind 6 (sharper than most but still can be fooled) Soul 7(strong willed and yet has his weak spots) Attributes: Position of Authority lv. 3 (big celebrity around librarians especially!) Moustache can be detached and tossed as a fluffy projectile (the stash of DOOM!!!) makes enemies quake with fear as you escape. Disguise lv. 1: tries hard but most times fails (sorry wyv couldn't resist) Defects: Pompous and Vain Extreme Cowardice Awkward Intellectualism Inept Combat Not so Fast Not so Strong Not so Tough Owned by the Library (not so sure about this but what thu hey) Excessive Pansy-ism Sensory Impairment - he generally sucks at everything Wanted - by the Akashan Library for filing books
  10. OOC: hey every one! i know i'm a bit late getting on with the story, and i appologize. I've got to put off the in-depth details and the like for another week or so...(I forgot the rule book and my notes to wright the first part in any details:P) so the first part is a who's who BIC: As the day came and passed the adventurers stood waiting to be introduced to those who hired them. as they stand infront of mais house he finaly steps out to see Minta still wiating with her skelly, Stick standing there looking a bit confused, a floating Pen, and a disterbingly bright Loki. "Huh what are you all doing here????" he says, "Your not suposed to be here till tomarr......" as Mai stops and startes to count his fingers and mutter to himself Keiko also exits the door and looks at the group. "I told you to get that portal ready earlier" keiko said as she turned and left. "uh..ok i'll just go get that portal ready why don't you get to know each other first..." and with this Mai dashes back into the house and the sounds of rushing and tumbling are heard within. OOC: i'll give every one a week to respond to whats going on and post then again sorry for the delay.
  11. a new notice has been spotted: there are six days till the quest begins anyone wanting to join need to get applications in before the 14 Good luck!
  12. have you ever seen the world and realised it's piontless?(the world that is ) then turn and see the point?
  13. Ryu reached into his pocket and pulled out yet another scrap of paper, "lets see this one is from the 'Antique Revolution' store......hmm I got a grill for twenty yen, a horse for fifteen yen, and a bottle of 1609 pearl Sake for nine billion?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I’ve got to stop this kind of spending for food." next words: samurai neko-girl katana Sake
  14. the original topic is here: http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=14740&hl
  15. I build the dreams that are whispering softly and letting My hopes rejuvenate. I build upon the dreams during the day. Unconsciously I softly touch The unseen pain. Swimming in the water, I float through my mind. Starring slowly at the ice blue eyes, That I try to protect. The dying winds fade, as the dreams that are dear, with muted sounds shatter away from me. I again build with hopes that are softly stirring and helping, To move me to action. I build upon these papers during the day, by night I reach out, To my unseen muse. Swimming in thought, my mind seeks her yet again. Starring slowly at her blinding looks, I seek to protect her. The winds of change fade, as the dreams that are dear to this heart, come to life with clarity as they speak to me.
  16. Thanks, Patrick!!!!! i was wondering when i got on earlier and it was blue.......wondered if it was meeting my feelings of the time anywho thanks for the hard woork
  17. "this might be a bit late but welcome to the party," a tall cloacked figure says as they pass the open door. As this person continue along a mutter about the stupid teachers and editors is heard it escape. OOC: welcome to the keep!
  18. what happened to the link????? i tried to use it for the information would be interesting, but the link isn't seeming to go through:( is this just me or did the link get changed?? or am i more computer illiterate than i thought?
  19. "the Permafrost covered the fine town of Wimple where the Agrarian stew was born," Ryu read from a sheet of paper. "Thats all good and find but how does this help me find the Shrike???" next four: death manuscript necronomicon nekonomicon
  20. slayers
  21. Wading through time, Searching for life’s meaning, Hoping for something real, Doubting the results, Believing an answer remains. Through tales of yore, And legends past, One may find others truths, And in finding those, One may even find their own. However, Each find their own interpretation, In others words and deeds, What is understood by one, Another may not see. But then a world of me, Is not to be, For then nothing would change, All the same, Eternal boredom forevermore, For what one may see, I may miss, And what they may miss, I might find, Together seeing all that is. So in need of strife, We together unite, And overcome the false in life, Our strength shared, To live as one.
  22. On the previous flyers posted through out the keep a amendment has been seen near the bottom: "to minta, mercer, stick, pen, and any others who might be interested: Due to unfortunate inconveniences The date has been pushed back a month. sorry for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience." OOC: sorry guys, I’ve got finals coming up and need to study a bit harder than I thought:( again I do appreciate the interest shown the game will just be delayed NOT canceled. ps. I like the idea of The Pen, however I’ve been to busy to get a character sheet made for him. And stick is also welcome to join! If you don't find a copy of the rule book, post what you have in mind and I’ll send a reply with some possibilities here. in fact if you use the book you have and make a character with it that would make for an interesting addition:)
  23. OOC: This is a replie to a question i recieved the question was if there are any basic rules to keep in mind when planning the character. so the answer is: the BESM system i'm using is version 2. it is mostly going to be a diplomatic game how ever i will try to work out my bugs and get set to have a die roller available. baisicly anything you want to do with a character is possible(i won't turn any character idea away but i might tone it down if they are too powerful). And since i'm too lazy to type and print the entire rules and all send me an idea of what you want to do with your charater and i'll post a sheet as close as i can get to what you want. most importaint is that this is mostly a diplomatic game and so be prepared for lots of rping... PS. also am looking for a site that has the rules posted. If anyone finds one please let me know where it is
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