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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Dros

  1. Taurine
  2. My personal favorite was Poem #3. It kind of reminded me of and Edgar A. Poe piece I read not too long ago. The use of language just brought me back. Excellent Zepheri. I really enjoy your writing!
  3. Being a musician myself (not saying that I should be the only one who could feel this way) I can relate. The sounds brought imagery to mind and it painted a sorrowful, but beautiful picture as well. Very Very Very nice!
  4. Congrats Evangeline!!!!!!! This story really got me thinking. All around Beautiful... Congrats again!
  5. Interagation....(sorry bout the spelling)
  6. Dros walks in quoting the White Rabbits famous line "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" He sees Ozy and immediately pushes NightFae of his chest. Dros *huggleattacks* Ozy. "Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you Ozy!"
  7. Dros grabs NightFae's hands and starts swinging her around the room. "Let's change the song!" "Okie doke!" NightFae exclaimed. Dros and NightFae proceeded to sing "I've got a lovely bunch of cocoanuts!" Imapatient as they both were, they stopped singng and sighed in sync "when is he gonna get here...." Nightfae watched the door waiting for the half-dragon's magnificant enterance and blinked "I think he died..." "NO NO NO NO!" Dros yelled at NightFae. "Be patient my lover, be patient." "That's most vertainly impossible and I'm fairly sure that you already know that, my dahling. I have never been patient and this dragon's procrastination is driving me NUTS!" she said, despite the fact that she knew it wasn't procrastination, he had many things that he had to do before he could get to the most recent applicants. "I know he is a busy dragon-man-dude, but you're not making this any easier!" he said as he finally took a seat in Wyvern's chair, having forgotten the already chewed bubble gum that had resided in the seat before his toosh. Nightfae instantly bursts into a fit of giggles and covered her mouth when Dros asked "What are you laughing about?" She shook her head"Nothing" she said in a muffled tone and waited for him to stand up and find out what was so funny...The hard way. ((Cowritten by Dros and Nightfae)) ((And we had way too much fun. ^.~))
  8. Wired Romance How many times Will I let you go? I hear your emotion Hiding through a telephone. Wired romance, Connect to the sound. Your voice (a cut circuit) Breaking up (static drowns) Where are you now? Where do you slumber? A million miles away.... Tied up in the numbers.... ------------------------- A blank face Free of impression Far from this place Love without expression ------------------------- How many times Will I let you go? I hear your emotion Hiding through a telephone....
  9. Thank you! I was thinking about making an acoustic track for this piece. Not using the exact words, as you said, it isn't too rhythmic or musical as is. I think I'll make it more of an Epic Ballad than anything. Just something I can listen to put me to sleep. Afterall, this was inspired by my Grandmother, hence "The Old Lady." Thanks again Wyvern. *tacklehugs*
  10. The floating irridescence of a midnight dream, Still lingers in the once imaginative thoughts Of a child, lost, hoping to one day find the life Of the Fairytale fantasy, that hath withered into nothing. But vague memories and nightmares, Consuming all of the "signs" that might lead the way To her childhood forgotten. And remember once again, why the Old Lady called it ...Neverland...
  11. *hugs* thank you! Yes, in this piece I was trying to prove a point to myself.... I know... weird... But it worked... I just wanted to prove to myself that music isn't only part of my life, it has become a part of Me.. Thank you again for the kind words.
  12. the song writ hath crescendo dramatic ending the measure with suspension the 4/4 time begged stead to 3/6 new movements of 13 hath raised all tension for now we wait to hear resolution of the bar line that ended in minor key composer anonymous has no solution.... to the problem that no one can truly see.... this is my life... a movement... a masterpiece... one note to the next.... waiting for transition.... the threshold of forgiveness seems to have ceased... no resolution for thyne sad key.... a Dminor composition....
  13. She whispers sweet nothings in his ear, but all he understand is pain. She tells him that he has nothing to fear, because she'll always be right here. How can he feel so alone, when she's always by his side? This is a tale of a broken heart. The one he hides behind. She reads the words of an unmarked grave, the red rose on the stone in a bloody rave. The silent tear falls from her face, knowing that he's in a better place. She wishes he was back to render her speechless. But if he did come back...What wouldn't she say? This is the tale of a broken heart... The one that took him today.
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