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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by GLJordan

  1. Eagle brother glanced at the comotion and returned to watching the area for trouble form the ceiling, hoping to later get some of the ruined food. Wolf brother, stationed near Arwen, resumed observing the crowd, ready to pounce at the first sign of trouble to her. Baelestimah and ferret brother were diverted form seeking Linador's consulation on animal interactions by the need to make sure Jagkatha didn't hurt some poor dwarf seeking food.
  2. Sure you are in that case his faithful wolf,ferret,hawk and horse are ready too
  3. Baelestimah, elf of rivendel, trusted Servant of Arwen is ready. we allowed animal companions?
  4. ooc if i don't get back before hand consider my vote for lord panther or who else will save my skin. need to think of what I wish to post
  5. Adams make sure the fence has been closed and locked after the two enter and if neither say anything resumes his work.
  6. Pauses in his work to make sure the fence around the forge is locked when he hears the shriek. the first few blows afterwards sounding louder than before.
  7. my character's name is Adam
  8. you might want to hold off a bit on the game since Jrollins has had some family tragedy. not sure if he posted about it here
  9. any body object to me joining as a former hunter/woodsman turned blacksmith? know for always having a big hammer and a silver axe with him
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