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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by GLJordan

  1. the whole point of the banner is supose to be his power to stop the wolves. if the wolf can overcome the banner then his power is useless
  2. the baners power is usually considered to be greater than the wolves so in both cases no kill for the night but technically it is up to the mod
  3. Nice after Death Tanny very touching
  4. Don't you hate when the wolves get this lucky
  5. Yeah, An excuse to get out of that dreadful party
  6. bored and annoyed Giles recalls the phrase "just because I am paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me" Drunk as He is could he be right? Giles wonders quietly. Savage Dragon - Mr. Coolio
  7. While watching the drama,Gilies thinks to himself"grunt or crocked manager? personally I would go more with the crooked manager being behind the events." vote for Tanuchan - Vanessa Lochmond
  8. Troy or Philp was framed?
  9. Giles, here most likely to pad the guest list, spent most of his time near the food or getting a Dr Pepper. dressed fairly nice, He occasionally looked over the crowd for an interesting face.
  10. 1. no problem 2 what theme? 3. available
  11. I tend to pop in fairly regularly just don't post everytime I do
  12. I believe I was another sound tech?
  13. Giles Jordan was a geek/nerd/dork in school. Now in his thirties, He is a sound technician. He is of decent looks and reliable. He is quite happy to just do his job and stay out of all the drama.
  14. So who and why was I killed?
  15. I Don't know I am dead
  16. oh well guess it is time to focus elsewhere
  17. one of the vine apendages scratched Pokemon monster's head. "strange people" He thought "wonder if they all belong to Team Rocket?" he absentmindly used his wings to creat enough of a Gust to keep himself glitter free.
  18. trudging along on all fours his head looking towards the toon that spoke to him. out of his bulb come two vine like appendages, they reach into they bulb and pull out a notepad and pencil. Quickly writing something down and then handing the page to him. 'People are in trouble. Pokémon help People. Shrug notation. Besides with a little luck, It might also get my debut movie out of the limbo it languishes in.
  19. The Pokemon Monster (yes I know what pokemon means ) is the result of genetic engineering. He has the head of a Totodile, the ears of a Pikachu, the body of a Charmander, shell of a Squirtle with a Bulbasaur bulb on it.The pinchers of a Krabby,the wings of a Golbat and the tail of a Onix. He can travel of four legs or two.
  20. can I be in as a combination of various pokemon?
  21. by the way I WAS FRAMED!
  22. a three way tie and the tie breaker votes for somebody else random probabilty really dislikes me
  23. and we got a three way tie
  24. Pathos What point would he have to lie? He is a dead man not walking about to visist his God It is a video deposition so yes it was in the works before he died. As for how easy is it to quit how many here smoke? Try to stop for this trial. We know he did try and failed many times. Assure his Wife? How? All such cases have found for the defense! Randomness calls for -Savage Dragon (Johnathan Deere)
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