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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Caralyn

  • Birthday 10/07/1984

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  • Race/Gender Details
    Black panther, deep green eyes, wears a short leather top and a leather skirt. Occasionaly wears a cape. She carries a shimmering short sword at her hip and an assortment of other knifes and weapons that are concealed. Some wonder where she keeps them all. LOL
  • Bio
    She has a rather gentle dispostion, unless you make her mad. She's the one you see when you want some killed or otherwise "disposed of". She has the grace of any other feline, meaning she has the occasional moment where she just runs into things or trips over something. She doesn't give off the vibe of being a killer, rather of being an innocent feline. Only those who know her well, know who she really is.
  • Feedback Level
    I like plenty of feedback. Be honest, even if it means telling me that you didn't like my work. :)

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    innocent evil84
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  • Interests
    Reading, writing, my daughter, my husband, the internet((can't live without it)), talking with friends and many other things.

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  1. *waves* Farewell Patrick. Look forward to hearing how your trip went when you return.
  2. Caralyn saunters into the Cabaret Room with a certain air of grace. She spots Xaious and Wyvern nearly shaking his hand to death. She approached the bar and ordered a mug of the finest ale. After paying the bartender, she made her way to Xaious. It's nice to see you again Xaious. She offers him the ale. Glad to see things are looking up for you. Please keep us updated as often as possible.
  3. "You have to put your past behind you." Meaning, don't dwell on your past and live for today.
  4. Happy Birthday. Just turned 21 last week((no party for me. LOL :-P)) myself. Hope it was fun.
  5. I almost get it done, but the only level I can't max is the stupid rock one. Someone help me out here. I'm sure I'm missing something.
  6. "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away." ((LIARS!!!))
  7. "With gorilla gone, is there hope for man? With man gone, is there hope for gorilla?" -Ishmael, "Ishmael"-Daniel Quinn
  8. Very cute and agree with my fellow pennites.
  9. "Choose your words wisely!"
  10. A stealthy black figure breezes in through the door and stops in front of Wyvern's desk. She peers at Kandara and then at the eagerly awaiting Sweet. She purses her lips, like hse's going to whistle, but no sound is emmitted. Caralyn smiles as a small kitty comes bounding into Wyvern's office. "Sweet, look. There's a kitty." Sweet runs up to the kittie, nearly huggin the life out of it. Cara looks back to Kandara. "Children." She smirks. OOC: Nice poem. Very well written. Hopefully dear old Wyvern will be along soon.
  11. A bright light appeared out of nowhere, scaring the vampire rabbits away. "Vampire Rabbits, who woulda thought?" Came a rather heavily accented voice. "Better come prepared next time." With that, a stark figure walked off. The penquins stare at the descending figure when......
  12. Congratulations Black!!!
  13. Happy Birthday to you all((or to be correct "belated birthday")). Hope it was fun.
  14. Very nice. I love them all.
  15. OOC: Thank you. I look forward to roleplaying and I will try and post more work soon.
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