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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Cerenza

  • Birthday 10/07/1985

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    Be gentle but honest. I am the leaf and the branch....;)

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  1. Thank you so much for the tips and for replying I will sertinly take your advice and work some more on it It is good to have a place such as this to come to and get advice etc. I sincerely thank you.
  2. Hey guys!' It`s been some time now...lol Been super bissy and stuff, but yesterday I was just sitting here and suddenly a little poem took root in my mind. I have`nt set a title for it yet...and it`s not done yet. lol Or atleast I think so. When I read through it, it`s like there is something missing.. Enyway here is what I have so far ** I miss you in a thousand diffrent ways. When I feel the moonlight stroke my skin as I lay in bed. I miss you. When in my dreams you come...the sun sets and the stars call...I feel your breath. But then the sun rises and the stars fall...you are gone. And I miss you... ** Well..what you think so far? Eny suggestions on how to continue?
  3. Thank you Means alot.
  4. Is this "my" Camalus?
  5. More thoughts? On a diffrent little site, I got one telling me that it maby looked "not finished" that there might be more to add.... Thoughts?
  6. Thank you.
  7. In The Darkness He Comes Do you hear the Angels cry? Do you hear them scream and die? I do.... In the Heavens high above... I hear their plea; "Please! My God, let us be...." In the darkness He comes... A shadow... He raises his sword... The fire, the pain, and darkness evolves. You hide and you run, but you can not flee. His sword and his shadow forever finds thee... His eyes are like Ice, and his soul no more. He laughs and he smiles... You tremble to the core. You try to remember the light you once shared... But the Darkness is stronger... It is as you feared. You wait and you prey, but no one will come... He finds you, he strikes.... You are alone... ------ Thoughts on this one? I just got WoW...and I got a little inspiered to write a dark one...lol :wizzie:
  8. Thank you I`m starting to like it here allready
  9. Thank you all for your kind replys. Typos are a bad thing, but unfortunatly my native tung is not english.. I wrote it last night. I was sitting here inforn of my PC just thinking. I coul`nt sleep.. as usual. It`s in rememberence of a friend of mine who died in a car accident. Or rather a Trailer accident on sunday. She did`nt get to reach her 20th birthday. As you probobly can tell by the poem, we were not friends at the end...witch is why I guess I`m taking it harder than I would have maby, if we were just never friends. But we were friends once. Good friends. And then she died. And all the answers died with her. Her sudden death made me realise that we really don`t know what tomarrow brings us. Malin 27.09.1985 - 29.05.2005 Requiescat in Pacem
  10. Alone I am Cold I remember a time when we used to smile.... I remember a time when we used to laugh. But no more... Why...? What happened to us? What made you hate me so? You changed... Without telling and without sharing. You just changed. I asked you why? But you never answered. You just ignored me and I suddenly felt so alone. When you changed, everyone else changed. I was frozen out, but you were still loved. I felt so alone... Time passed, and still no one could tell me why...Not even you... Why? So many questions that needs answering. So many words not worth repeating. I wish I knew what I had done... But I never will... You left this world and with you, you took the answer. Does anyone really know? Today we remembered you... I felt so alone. One thousand questions... Should I be here? Do I belong here? Would you want me here? I don`t know... But you do. But you can`t answer me... I will never know... I feel so cold. Cold inside. Cold on the outside. Will I ever get warm? No. Why should I? Your cold. Never to be warm. Why should I? I got a call at midnight. Cliche. But the news was not. You had an accident and to your death it lead. So many questions.... I`m so alone... I don`t know them,but I do... I know who they are, but not. I was never a part of you world. And I fear your death have only parted me more from her. She does not cry on my shoulder. Why would she? I have no comfort to give her. I don`t stand with them, crying, hugging. I stand on the outside. Alwayson the outside. It`s so cold. I`m so alone. Did you ever feel the same way? Are you cold now? Are you alone? So many questions...But there is no answer. Time goes, but sleep will not come. Food grows in my mouth... I though up. You can`t eat. Why sshouldI? So many questions that needs answering... I stand in a hall. It`s so big. I call, but there is no answer. They left. I am alone. I will alwaysbe alone... They remember...I don`t. They had good times, shared them with you. I did not. I am a stranger now. Was I ever known? So many questions...but there is no answer... I am cold. I am alone. ------- Copyrighted Cerenza 2005
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