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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Night was coming yet again and Deputy Warden Higgs had no idea what to do. He had not been ready for this responsibility, had not wanted it. The curfew and the shotguns had been a desperate move and he held the order, just recently in via telegraph, to revoke the guns. He sighed. Just a couple of days and he would be able to hand the whole heap of dung over to someone who actually wanted it. He finally gave the word to have the guns brought back and allow things to calm down for the night. At least only one prisoner had died since the warden was so brutally murdered. He sighed again and gathered his coat. He could think of nothing else but going home to the welcoming arms of his wife and forgetting all the blood in her warm embrace. A smile touched his features. It is now nightphase. Specials, PM me your targets. Nightphase shall be closed about a week from now. (yeah, I'll probably be late...so what? )
  2. While it was tempting to allow Donovan to be lynched, as Katz mentioned he is an NPC... So, with 3 votes against 2, Tony is the one who is lynched. I'll have to admit however that I'm pretty much stumped on how to kill off a personality of a character, so Tanny/Mynx if you want to (co)write the lynching post, go ahead.
  3. Sorry, I'm late. Post unfortunately won't happen before Tuesday.
  4. If anyone wants to have a go at Patham, feel free to do so.
  5. Voting closes at the earliest 24 hours from now.
  6. You people do know that you're supposed to be lynching each other right? Or should I consider that everyone has 0 votes and just roll the dice?
  7. Since Doctor Paulson's gruesome death the doctors insisted on having an armed guard accompany them. Donovan was one of the most brutal guards of the establishment. He took insanely high amounts of pleasure in watching inmates squirm in pain or fear. Escorting a quack was not his idea of fun, but it was work and he had to do it. "Get the fuck back against the wall!" he yelled practically next to Bruce's ear, although the order was clearly directed at Loretta. "Move a finger the wrong fucking way and I'll shove this shotgun up your ass before I pull the trigger!" He lifted the barrel of the gun menacingly. "Open the cell, then cover the inmate. Shoot, think afterwards," he instructed Bruce. Not that he outranked him...but he liked ordering others around. And he was known for a bad temper...
  8. Yes. Or you could also add IC justification in the post.
  9. Well, you won't really know whether the wolf has died or whether the baner has just been lucky several days in a row... As for when the phase ends...at the earliest on the 6th of July.
  10. Precision: Chaos does not learn the roles of the two people he switches and the people who get switched don't know who they have switched with. (unless Chaos is one of those being switched in which case quite a bit of info can be learnt)
  11. Roles: There are four specials: Wolf Seer Baner Chaos The first three are pretty self-explanatory. The last isn't. Chaos abounds in an asylum and there is one who can exploit it. Either through hypnotism, or some other art, this person is able to inverse the thoughts of two people. The process is very draining and can only be used a limited number of times. In practice: Chaos can switch the roles of two people twice. Once he can switch the roles of two people who aren't him. And once he can switch roles with someone else, this someone then becomes Chaos and can use his special ability twice yet again. For simplifying things, Chaos's special ability happens after the other special abilities, but happens even if Chaos is already dead at the time. Baning causes Chaos's ability to not work. Chaos can choose not to use his ability during a nightphase. Chaos can also use his ability during a dayphase, the ability takes effect at the end of the dayphase. Chaos is omnipresent after all... I hope I managed to put all that into a coherent form. Roles aren't revealed upon death and the game ends when only two are left standing, disregarding whether the wolf is still alive or not at which time whoever is in charge of the asylum shall either call in the military to clean things up, or organise a mass escape. It is now dayphase for about two weeks. Vote changes are allowed, alliances are allowed, double-crossings are encouraged, just don't forget to CC me in PMs. Happy hunting and happy plotting. EDIT: edited information added in bold.
  12. Player list: Mynx - Tony Tanuchan - Bruce Katzaniel - Ms. Loretta Sorensen Lord Panther - Thomas Venefyxatu - William Johnson Hjolnai - Lokriad Savage Dragon (?) - haven't heard from since originally signing up Roles are being sent out now. There is a 5 minute delay between being able to send PMs, so don't worry if you don't yet have yours Scratch that, I changed the settings. Everyone should now be the happy recipient of a WW role PM. If I messed up and someone didn't get a PM or got several, let me know.
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