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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Seeing Jessica being in slight trouble due to her overweight bags Johnny walked over to her, while shaking his head from side to side towards Zak, rejecting the offer for the beer. "You having problems?" - he asked with a smile, full well knowing the answer. "Yes." - Jessica replied and looked at Johnny as if he could help her. Johnny's bag had already been weighed and it turned out that he had space for twelve more pouns. One thing he had always been good at was packing only the essentials. She looks quite pretty - he thought to himself. "I might have a bit of room in my bag." - he said and offered his bag to Jessica so she could put some of her stuff in it if she wanted to. Definately pretty.
  2. Patrick sat looking at the remaining players of the round and then turned towards Tzimfemme. "Bring me a scotch!" Being served about twenty seconds later he nodded his thanks to her and turned back to the others at the table, watching how they all played. Apart from himself and Wyvern everyone was still in the game. Patrick had decided to use the practice round to observe how his opponent's played so as to be able to use the information to his advantage later.
  3. After receiving his the tv company's letter Johnny stayed up late at night. He fell asleep with his father's will in his hands. It was the only reason for which he had decided to take part in this survival show. "...for my son, Johnny I leave 75% of my companies shares and my whole fortune, with one condition. He has to be able to prove during the year following my death that he can earn at least 25.000 dollars..." In the morning he woke up and quickly packed. He took the train into town, as he did not want to leave his sports car outside the TV station offices for the whole duration of the show.
  4. Patrick walks into the Temple of Shards and sits at the place designated for him without being very surprised at suddenly wearing cowboy clothing. He did look for a few seconds at the two colts in holsters in his belt, but then looked up at YanYan while he explained the rules. He seemed to not be paying much attention to the explanation, but in reality he was eager to learn the subtleties of the game. When YanYan finished he took a single look at his cards, memorised them and turned towards Sweetcherrie and Wyvern, one of whom he thought was supposed to make the first move.
  5. Johnny walked into the interview room quite confidently. Having looked at all the other applicants he felt that his chances were not good, but even better. He had just given his application form in and had almost immediately been called for the interview. "So Mr. Straw is that right?" "Yes." "On your application form it says that your father has recently deceased. I seemed to have heard that he was a very rich man." "I have not seen a single cent of his fortune." - Johnny added quickly, almost too quickly, but the answer seemed to satisfy the interviewer, a tall, slightly overweight man, looking to be in his forties. "So what were you looking for when you applied for..." The interview went on for ten more minutes, with the question mostly being about Johnny's personal viewpoints, and different ways in which he would react to different situations. "Ok, Mr. Straw. I would like to ask you to proceed to the obstacle course within the course of the afternoon." Johnny left the interview room and made his way to the building's cafeteria. He wanted to gather his energy before going to the obstacle course. At the cafeteria he looked around to see whether he could spot any attractive female applicants he would like to meet on the island if he was going to be there.
  6. If you have a picture with a warrior in black armor I can add the words to it, but I'm not as good an artist as to create the warrior.
  7. Chapter 3 He had never expected to open his eyes again. He had expected to finally meat his forefathers again, but it seemed that the gods had more in mind for him. When he opened his eyes he was lying on the ground, and the first thing he saw was the sun shining high above him. He tried to move his head, but as he did he felt a sharp pain erupt in his chest. He then remembered the events of the night. Had it been this night or had he been unconscious for longer? He heard a stream in the distance. There had been a stream next to the small village. Could it be that he was still there? What had happened to the piercers? He knew that they wouldn't have left him alive. Moving his head a fraction of an inch each time he managed to turn around and survey his surroundings. He saw a tree to the left of him, and a hut, he sort of recognised to the right. Then he heard a voice from far to the left. A voice he had never expected to hear again. "Olira!" - he tried to say, but the pain in his chest cut it in half. "Shhh" - she whispered as she bent over him. She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Don't talk, it will hurt you too much." "Wha...What happened?" - he finally managed to say. Olira stayed silent for several long moments, looking at Jerrick. "I don't really now. The piercer had dropped you to the ground and then they turned on me. I think I started fainting, but then it seemed to me that I saw your sword attack the piercers. But that could not be, as when five minutes later I came back to my senses your sword was lying shattered on the ground, with a piercer lying on top of it. All of the piercers had however been killed by something." Jerrick tried pushing himself up to his elbows but failed. "Slicer? Shattered? No...." - he was beginning to be able to speak easier. "Slicer?" - Olira asked. "My sword." - was the explanation. So what his father had told him was true. The sword did have an inner soul. Or at least it had. The ancient swordsmiths had indeed created a masterpiece. And now Slicer had sacrificed itself to save him. Would he ever be able to repay the ancient spirit? *** "I have to go south." - he announced suddenly, two weeks later. "Why?" - Olira asked. She had been dozing at his bedside. "I don't ask of you to come with me, as I shall face many dangers, there where I am headed." "I don't have anyone else but you. All my family were killed by the piercers." A tear went down her cheek, and Jerrick realised that he had been thinking selfishly. He sat up and hugged her close, not thinking of the physical pain he caused himself with the act. "I'm sorry Olira. I..." - he broke off, as Olira started sobbing loudly. "Don't leave me Jerrick. You are the only one I have now." - she managed to say between sobs. "I promise you that I won't." He held her for several minutes, not thinking of Slicer, nor his people he had left so many years ago. All his thoughts were centered on Olira now.
  8. The three stableboys could barely hide their amusement. When he had given the name of his horse, they had nearly laughed out loud. Siarannath'El Hizim he had called him. Steed of the Dark Valley it meant in his tongue, but apparently "siagarna" meant excrement in the local language. Let them have their fun - he thought and headed towards the tavern. As he entered the common room he saw that the night's drinking was already well under way. In the dimly lit hall some of the patrons were already lying in corners or on tables. To the hooded figure it seemed that everyone wanted to live their life to the fullest before being taken away. With the sect's activities increased no one felt safe, and the town militia along with General Haly's men were grasping at straws and many innocents were thrown into prison. Fear could be felt as almost a solid presence. It permeated the air, given off by the alcoholic sweat of the drinkers and drunkards. The fat barkeep, Johnathan Masterson kept serving his ale, drinking much of it himself. He wiped his thick beard of the foam and surveyed the new arrival. He had seen the mysterious figure around town previously, but not in his tavern. He felt that the figure would bring nothing but trouble. Still he greeted him pleasantly when he got to the bar and asked him what he wanted. "Your establishment does not offer what I require Mister Masterson. I seek information, and I have been told that you know the person I should look for. I have also been told that this person is in your inn tonight." "I don't deal in information. If you want lodgings, food or drink, I can help ya, but I don't deal in information. If ya ask me, that business is much too dangerous." - the barkeep shifted his weight uneasily from one foot to the other. Clearly he had the information the stranger was requesting, but did not want to reveal it. The hooded figure reached into a pocket of its cloak and put a leather pouch on the bar. The pouch made a jingling sound as it hit the bar and partially opened. Gold and silver pieces could be seen inside, along with a few bronze and copper coins. The innkeeper's eyes seemed to bulge out of their sockets as he surveyed the money, but then to the stranger's mild surprise his fear overcame his greed. "I told you that I do not deal in information." The eyes glowed a faint orange under the hood of the figure and the barkeep took a step back, a sudden terror striking him. What had come to his tavern? He tried peeking under the hood, but apart from the fear-inducing eyes he could see nothing. "I'll sell you the information." - it was one of the sewer workers sitting at the bar a few feet away. He downed the remainder of his ale and walked over to the stranger. The stranger withdrew his gaze from the innkeep and his eyes lost their glow, becoming invisible under the hood. With a movement of his head he indicated a table in a corner and went over there. The sewer worker followed him. "The one you are looking for is called Hion Emereus. He is an old man, living alone with his daughter, but it is said that he has knowledge of many things." - he said when they had gotten seated. "He lives in one of the houses on the outskirts of the town." The sewer worker described the way to the stranger, not looking at the hooded face once. "You speak the truth." - the stranger announced after a minute long silence. "He was here earlier today, but left about half an hour ago." - the man added, aiming to please the strange visitor. "Very well." - the stranger handed the pouch to the sewer worker and left the tavern without another word. *** When he passed the stables the three stable boys shouted at him from a distance: "Look! There goes the siaragna-rider!"
  9. Patrick steps up to the sign up sheet and surveys the names already there. "Is there space for one more? I'd be interested in taking part. I'm familiar with the rules of poker, however this Texas Hold'Em does not ring a bell." - he mumbles and then looks around to see whether anyone can help him.
  10. I'm in. Will edit this post either tomorrow or in two days time with a character. And here is the character: Johnny Straw Jr. Aged 27. He has charms and is in the game for the money. But he hopes that he manages to pick up a girl to be with in the game as just an added bonus. Unknown to all the other players, even the show host, his father was a millionaire and when he died last year he left Johnny his whole fortune with one condition. Johnny has to prove that he is capable of earning his own living. He thought that the easiest way to do this would be to take part in the Survivor game. He had never had a real job, due to the constant influx of money he had gotten from his father and had lived the life, spending more than what his father gave him.
  11. On the 17th I saw Evergrey, a swedish band, who play a blend of power, dark and progressive metal in Budapest. The opening band was a hungarian band called Moon of Soul, who played some good guitar themes, albeit a bit repetitively. They played five songs, which amounted to around forty minutes of pléay time. The music they play wasn't bad although there were some shouting parts in it, and I don't particularly like those. Then came Evergrey. They started with an intro created just for the sake of this tour, and then plunged into close to two hours of their great music. They played songs from all five of their albums. Since the first album only the singer hasn't changed, all the others have. In the band the singer, Tom S. Englund also plays the guitar, there is another guitarist, Henrik Danhage, a keyboardist Rikard Zander, drummer Jonas Ekdahl and bassist Mikael Hakansson. They played the songs, which were the most successful and inbetween the songs the singer or other band members fired the audience on. An interesting moment in the concert was when the singer lost his earplugs and needed the audience's help to find them. The one, who found them was rewarded with a beer. I was surprised by the small number of spectators (only around 150), but then again I hadn't been to many concerts in Budapest before. Alltogether I'd have to say that this was a good concert, good musicianship. At the end the band members came out to do signings and I had a 200 Forint (worth less than 1 Euro) note signed by all five of them.
  12. I had been ill for the past few days so hadn't been able to follow the game, but congrats to the wolves!
  13. Going by Sweetcherrie's suggestions here is a slightly modified version of the first poem: Night When night falls, Nocturnal creatures silently leave their lairs, Owls majestically glide among the forest, In search of their night-time meal. When night falls, Dishonest citizens leave their homes: Thieves, burglars and murderers, On the hunt for their newest victims. When night falls, Plants stop their photosynthetic activities, Only using up a fraction of the oxygen They had created during the day. When night falls, The little child peacefully falls asleep. His dreams are fast to reach him. What shall they be tonight?
  14. All of them written in freeverse as I don't feel comfortable with rhymes yet. Night When night falls, Nocturnal creatures silently leave their lairs, Owl majestically gliding among the forest, In search of their night-time meal. When night falls, Dishonest citizens leave their homes, Thieves, burglars and murderers, On the hunt for their newest victims. When night falls, Plants stop their photosynthetic activities, They now use up a fraction of the oxygen They had created during the day. When night falls, The little child peacefully falls asleep. His dreams are fast to reach him. What shall they be tonight? The Wolf The savage howl pierced the night, Sending a chill down the spine Of those, who knew who it came from. The wolf was out hunting again. Rabbit, bird and human all start running, Two flee and one approaches the beast. But fate's twisting lines favored the wolf. The two escaped and the one perished. His mother brings him meat, meat from a human. He takes small bites of the flesh, Looking at his mother with puppy eyes. The wolf-mother looks at him and lets out another howl. The wolf cub is running, crying his anguish to the night. His mother had been killed by revengeful hunters. And now they are coming after him, the innocent. Who knows what fate awaits him? Was it a savage beast or a caring mother? Was it a creature, which merited death? Or should it have been allowed to live? No one knows, but every coin has two sides, As does every debate have different viewpoints, Every problem has different solutions, Every child has different dreams, And every wolf is as different as every man. EDIT: changed the last line, because it wasn't giving the meaning I wanted it to give. The original last line is: And every wolf is different from every man. Under her spell The first night she looked at me, I knew she was something special. The first words uttered between us, I knew that she had caught me. I was under her spell. The first dinner we had, The scent of her perfume And her make-up, made Everything perfect. I was under her spell. The first debate we had, The words we flung at Each other. Did not Change my opinion. I was under her spell. The day I saw her last, We bid each other farewell. I hoped I would see her again. For I was still under her spell.
  15. When Ricky got to Jenny's house she was greeted by Jenny's father. Today was his day off. "She isn't at home now. She came home early from school, looking pretty upset and left before I could talk to her." Ricky got back into his car and was just about to leave when he spotted Jenny descending from the bus on the other side of the street. She had a shopping bag with the emblem of the store where they had been yesterday and found the dress for her. She walked over to Ricky's car and spoke to him through the open window. "I'm sorry that you'll have to go to the prom without me, I must have ruined all your plans. Oh, and I bought the dress anyway, might come in handy at some point don't you think?" Jenny seemed to be pretty calm, but there was a faint shakyness to her voice.
  16. Oh well, it lasted longer than my first game.
  17. Jenny smiled at Ricky. "We could start around Baker street, there are a few good shops there." They stood up and started walking towards the exit of the school. "I already have a nice dress in mind." OOC: not accusing yet.
  18. Due to the online chat she had had with Ricky the day before Jenny got to sleep later and in the morning stayed in her bed slightly longer than usual. She nearly missed the last schoolbus and arrived barely before classes started, but to her relief everyone was still talking outside. Then she found out the news about Bobby. Two players down in two days. As a cheerleader for the football team Jenny knew that the two of them had been important players for the team. She gossiped a few minutes with the other nominees and then the morning classes started. At the beginning of lunch break Jenny went to see Mr. Johnson the, physical education teacher. After explaining to him in a few words, Mr. Johnson agreed to excuse Jenny from his class. Jenny then headed towards the cafeteria. She saw Dee watching her, but at the moment did not pay much attention. She spotted Ricky sitting at a secluded table of the cafeteria. She ordered a cappuccino with milk and sat down at Ricky's table smiling at Ricky as he greeted her. "Mr. Johnson has let me off from the P.E. class. Have you managed to get rid of your classes?"
  19. "What did you say, what was your name?" - the peasant seemed to be nervous. "I did not give you my name, besides you knowing it would not change anything." - replied the mysterious cloaked figure. "I see." - the peasant wringed his hands. "I have come to buy the horse." - a gloved hand came forward and handed the peasant the announcement, which read: Hoarse fer sal. Jermy Nort, farme threeh mils weste ov towen. Prijce: 10 silva "You have the money?" - greed was visible in the peasant's eyes. "I want to see the horse first before we speak about money." "Yes, yes, follow me." The peasant led the cloaked man towards the stables. "He is a savage beast, but he is very fast. I can't use him for farming, so I'm selling him." The man didn't reply and just followed the peasant. As the peasant opened the door to the stables a loud neighing erupted from the other side. A black stallion looking to be in a really bad shape, tied to a pole with a very short rope eyed the peasant, with eyes full of hatred. The cloaked figure turned his hooded head towards the peasant and his voice came out low and menacing. "Seven silver is all I shall give you." The peasant backed away several feet from the stranger. "Take him!" The cloaked figure extended his hand and threw the seven pieces of silver at the peasant. Trying to catch them the peasant caught one, but the rest fell to the ground next to him. As he tried to gather up the coins he did not notice the stranger approach the horse. The horse, fear in its eyes tried backing away, but the rope did not let it. Then the hooded figure touched the horse. Immediately the stallion calmed down. When the farmer looked up he saw the stranger sitting on the horse. The stranger left, with the horse obeying every order he gave it.
  20. OOC: from last night, written collaboratively with cryptomancer. Jenny and Ricky started chatting with each other. Jenny says: No, Ricky I don't mind. Ricky says: I figured it gives me a chance to get to know you a bit better Ricky says: we dont get to talk much at school Jenny says: Yes, that's true. And when we get to talk, there is always someone who interrupts us. Ricky says: yes it is always hard to really talk with the others listening and gossiping. Ricky says: so i supose you all set for the prom? Jenny says: don't even ask Jenny says: my dad was supposed to take me Jenny says: but his car broke down last week and it won't get repaired until the night of the prom Ricky says: ow, not a good thing. Ricky says: I could offer an alturnative... Ricky says: my timing is off again, but I was really trying to find a way to ask you to come with me. Jenny sat surprised in front of her computer screen for several seconds. He had actually asked her!! Jenny says: to the prom you mean? Ricky says: Well.. yes. Ricky says: I dont want it to sound like a sympathy thing though, Ricky says: I really wanted to ask you, I was going to take the Corvette. got room for one more. Ricky says would really like you to be that one. Jenny says: oh, I don't know what to say Jenny says: that's so nice of you Jenny says: of course I'll accept Ricky says: thank you Ricky says: so, what are you going to wear? Ricky says: I would like to co-ordinate my look to fit. Jenny says: to tell you the truth I don't know yet Jenny says: I could wear a dress my mother had while she was still alive, but that would be outmoded probably Ricky says: Want to go shoppinjg after school sometime. Jenny says: would it be too much to ask of you to take me shopping one of the days before the prom? seeing as I can't go since my dad's car, bla bla Ricky says: I can help you choose something, and it will give us time to really talk as well. Jenny says: oh you're so sweet would tomorrow after school be good for you? Ricky says: tomorrow is great, I got most of the afternoon free, well, I can get out of mostly everything if i need to. Ricky says: I would love to take you shopping, where you want to go? Ricky says: does the mall have much to suit a ball? or would you like to head out to some of the more boutique stores. Jenny says: I phoned the clothes boutique at the mall and they said that they don't have much for a night like the prom Jenny says: do you know any good stores? Ricky says: hey we could skip the last few classes, talk to the teachers nice, and head to the city, I hear there is a good set of designer stores there to look at. if you dont mind an afternoon cruising in the jeep with me? Jenny says: my last class is p.e. so I can easily skip that, but before that I have maths, and I wouldn't want to miss that Jenny says: oh, but wait Jenny says: I've just remembered Jenny says: Ms Brown has said that she won't be able to do the maths class tomorrow Ricky says: sweet. Ricky says: so, see you in the cafereria after lunch and we can go from there? Jenny says: ok Jenny says: sounds great Ricky says: wonderful you drink cappacino? Ricky says: with sugar? Jenny says: that's right Jenny says: you must have been watching me earlier today Ricky says: yeah, sorry, I do that. Ricky says: you are beautiful Jenny stared silently at her screen surprised that Ricky had said it this fast. On the other side of the connection Ricky was thinking how to continue the conversation since Jenny wasn't typing anything. Ricky says: thank you for accepting my invite. Ricky says: it will really be wonderfull to go to the prom together. Jenny says: sorry for not replying, you surprised me a bit there Jenny says: and when I say a bit that is quite an understatement Jenny stopped typing midsentence, wondering what Ricky was going to reply. Ricky says: yeah, sorry, i can be a bit blunt at times, Ricky says: but i mean it, you really are beautiful, Jenny blushed in front of her screen, and for several moments did not know what to reply. Then thinking that she needed to say something she said: Jenny says: thank you Ricky says: you are welcome, "Jenny! Could you come for a moment?" - her dad's voice drifted up the stairs. Jenny says: brb, my dad wants to talk to me Ricky says: no problem, Ricky says: I should probible go though, homework to do. Ricky says: see you tomorrow? "Jenny, I have found a friend of mine, who could take you to the prom, he..." "No need anymore dad, I have found someone to take me." - she replied, smiling and rushed back up the stairs. Jenny says: sorry it took this long, my dad had found a friend of his to take me to the prom, but I told him I had found someone to take me Jenny says: I should also do some homework Jenny says: see you tomorrow Jenny says: Jenny signed off 10:30 pm Ricky sat looking at the screen, signed off and shutting down, he relaxed, "wow, she said yes."
  21. There was so much fear in this town. It oozed from every streetcorner, from every passerby. Fear filled the air, saturated it. Fear of the unknown. A justified fear, after what had happened in the last dozen years. It had been exactly eleven years to the day that the first murder had taken place. The Cult of Netkal, the God of Pain and Suffering, had previously, although not looked upon with a friendly glance, accepted. But something changed eleven years ago. Members of the cult started commiting horrific deeds: ritual murders, inhumane sacrifices to their dark god. The High-Council, fearing at first for the good fame of the town, tried to cover up the fact of something being seriously amiss, but when the number of murders and disappearances started growing at an alarming rate they had to call in help from the military. The crown sent three hundred pikemen and under the leadership of General Garrick Haly they sieged the headquarters of the Cult, killing everyone they found in there. The horrors they uncovered had been unthought of previously and were never brought to the attention of the public. Fears of the cult possibly gaining force again led to the king ordering General Haly to stay in the town. Seven peaceful years followed. Seven years of prosperity and unfortunately memories of the horrors of the cult faded in the eye of the public. Then on a hot, rainy summer night half a dozen young women disappeared from their homes without a trace. A week later a prominent trader was found murdered, lying in a pool of his own blood, a symbol of the cult painted on the wall of his home in his blood. The strange disappearances and murders continued over the months, but no headquarters could be found for the clan. The situation had been thus for nearly four years and the pressure on the high council and General Garrick to root out the clan ever grew. Then something happened. A strange, outlandish trading ship arrived. It brought exotic wares and a passenger. A mysterious man, who had as many names as people he met. No one knew where he came from, neither what he came for, but his arrival was the preface to many strange events to come.
  22. At the end of the day after M.B.'s death Jenny went home after school. Sitting down at her desk she switched on her desktop computer and logged in. She checked her email and then logged onto MSN. There was no one interesting on, so she set her status as busy. She took out her books and notes from her bag and started studying. Half an hour later when she was just about to start studying maths her father's voice drifted up the stairs. "Supper's ready Jenny!" Peter Marrington, Jennifer's father had lost his wife, Jenny's mother, when Jenny was only six months old in a tragic car accident. He did not remarry and spent most of his free time with his daughter. When not spending time with Jennifer he was a cook in an expensive restaurant close to the city center. He worked the midday shift, preferring to spend the nights at home. This night he had made an excellent chicken curry. Halfway through the supper the phone rang. He answered and came back a few minutes later. "Seems like my car shall not be repaired in time for me to be able to take you to your prom, darling. I'm sorry. Will you be able to find a lift?" "I'll try Dad." Finishing her dessert of vanilla pudding Jenny went back to her room, where a pop up window greeted her on her computer screen. Ricky (richard_earl@sunnyvalehighschool.com) has added you to his/her contact list. Do you wish to allow this person to see when you are online and contact you? Jenny clicked to allow him to see her online and waited to see what Ricky had to say.
  23. Jennifer winked at Ricky and then engaged in a several minute long conversation with Tiffany about whether she needed a light blue, or sea blue strap for the new watch she had bought. When Tiff finally left their table to go speak with others in the cafeteria Jenny smiled at Ricky. "You can have a conversation with her about nearly anything." She glanced at her watch and saw that only half an hour remained until lunchbreak. Still quite some time to go untill the afternoon classes. Time enough to go to the mall/shopping streets next to it and search for a dress for herself. But she needed a lift by someone. "Umm...Ricky?" "Yes?" - he replied. "Would it be possible for you to give me a lift to the mall and the shopping streets next to it right now? And then bring me back before the end of lunchbreak?" OOC: no vote yet.
  24. "Dead?" - Jennifer silently mouthed to herself when he heard the school principle's announcement. She had once been thinking of M.B. as a possible date, but after she found out about his racist comments, she forgot about him. She then noticed Ricky looking at her. He had already been eyeing her the day before at the cafeteria. He must be interested in me. Jenny thought to herself. But even though she was also somewhat attracted to him, she would let him make the first move. She smiled back at Ricky, then as the teacher announced that he was not going to continue the class she packed her stuff in her bag and made her way towards the school cafeteria.
  25. Jennifer did not look up from what she had been writing in class, until suddenly she heard her own name. Surprised she looked up and saw everyone in the class looking at her. She blushed slightly, suddenly becoming the center of attention, but she also slightly enjoyed being noticed. Normally known for her meticulously written notes, which she happily gave to anyone in class to copy, Jenny also had quite a distinct beauty with her blonde hair and light blue eyes, yet she was at times sorely lacking in self confidence. Regaining her composure she smiled at everyone looking at her, who then all turned their head towards the next nominee, who was in her class. Jenny looked back at her sheet, on which the half-finished sentence lay there. She put down her pen and closed the notepad. The teacher evidently thinking the same way as Jenny did not judge continuing the class to be worth it and let them go. Jenny left the class as everyone else and walking over to the school cafeteria she bought herself a cappucino. Sitting down at a table she started thinking about, who she could go to the prom with.
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