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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. OOC: Written collaboratively with Black. Was nice to work with you. Anna's emotional state arose to a new level of consciousness as she stormed in Patham's general direction. Not only did he break her eye shadow...she could've handled that...not only did he break her lipstick...she could've handled that as well. But he went and did the unthinkable...he ruinied her only bikini and with it her every chance to win this pageant! Anna's first glance of Patham was when he was sitting at his station and with a fit of rage she approached him and spoke. Beautiful white wings spung from her back as she changed into the form of an angel and stood before him with an intent to...at least be scary! Anna-"I am Anna...the Arch Angel of Vengeance and I want to know just what you were doing at my dressing station!" "Whawhawhat?" - Patham asked. "Your dressing room?" His expression was clearly puzzled, it looked as if he genuinely had no idea what Anna was saying, or he was a very good actor. "I don't even know where your dressing room is. Why? What happened?" Anna gave an eerie chuckle at the poor fool's response and pulled out the feather found within her closet. Anna-"Don't lie to me! I found this directly above the mess you caused! What do you say now?" Anna's emotions over took her as her hand began to glow with a white aura and broke part of the table Patham was sitting at. Patham jumped away from the table in fear. He looked at the ruins of the table. "I honestly don't know what has happened in your dressing room, but I have no idea how that feather could have gotten there." Anna gave a second grin as she couldn't yet control her powers and continued. Anna-"Sticking with that lame story are we? Are you going to seriously stand there and tell me that you didn't break my eye shadow brushes and lipstick? This I could have handled...but you also ruined my only bikini and there's no time to obtain another!" "It's not a lame story, it's the truth." - Patham said, a slight bit annoyed. "And I swear that I never touched your lipstick and shadow brushes. Neither your bikini. I didn't even know that you used lipstick." As he spoke, slowly an idea started to form in his head. "But if it wasn't me, then someone had to have been there, and possibly used your lipstick or eyeshadow. Why don't we check what the others look like?" Anna's anger died down as she began to believe Patham...after all...it could have been someone else and what would he want with her stuff? Slowly the Slayer reverted to her true form and she dawned an apologetic expression. With a soft voice and a tear in her eye she began to speak. Anna-"Im sorry for my actions...it's just...I'm new here and trying to fit in...when...you know..." Patham gently wiped the tear away. "No need to cry." - he said softly. "I would feel the same way if my stuff was taken, and I am also still quite new." "Come on, why don't we find those, or that person who messed with your stuff?" - he tried to look compassionate, and caring, but at the same time was also thinking about who had been trying to set him up with that owl feather in Anna's dressing room. Anna gave a somewhat more happy look but still very sad. Anna-"Thanks...I just don't know what to think anymore. I didn't think I stood a chance anyhow, but with this catastrophe...anyway...thanks for your kindness." "Don't be so pessimistic. I thought that you were doing quite well. At least much better than me, who had missed one of the round's." - Patham said. Anna smiled. Anna-"Ya if ya count my stumbling of my two left feet and the time I almost burned the audiance to a crispy cream!" The two of them left the room, intent on finding whoever had messed with the stuff in Anna's dressing room.
  2. Patham steps into the Cabaret Room and sees Sweetcherrie pinning the notice up on the wall. He steps behind her and while she is fixing it, reads it. "Very interesting." - he says cheerfully, surprising Sweetcherrie, since she hadn't heard him walk up behind her. Patham then takes an owl feather from one of his pockets and with it writes his name on the bottom of the notice. Next to his name he writes the headline he had thought of immediately when he had read the note. Patham can take pictures, willing to write and do interviews. Headline: "Saved for the second time" OOC: the headline was translated from a hungarian news story, but from what I understand you don't need to know what was in it to be able to write your news item.
  3. Happy belated birthday Yui!
  4. OOC: Sweetcherrie has asked me to write a conclusion to the thread, and approved the idea of a combined Romance/creepy story (well sort of). IC: Just as Sweetcherrie was about to get up to put out the fire, Patham approached it. He had a sullen look on his face, still annoyed about having missed the third round of the Beauty Pageant. He sat next to the campfire and accepted the stick with marshmellows someone handed to him. He also accepted the elven wine from Sweetcherrie. He stayed silent for several minutes, giving time for everyone to think about why he had come. He wasn't doing this for the effect, he was gathering his memories, thinking about how exactly to tell the story he had come to tell. "This story shall in places be merry and quite happy, but at other times it shall be darker. It is not easy for me to tell it, because some of the memories still hurt, when I remember them." - he saw some comforting glances from around the campsite, and felt Sweetcherrie's comforting hand on his back. Gathering his courage he started the story. "There was once a girl. I was in love with her, but she did not know this. I had been in love with her for a long time, but had never been able to gather the courage to tell her about my feelings. You see, it might not show, but deep down inside I am a very shy person." He paused looking to see whether anyone looked surprised, but by now everyone still around the campfire were listening to his story. "One day, I finally gathered the courage to ask her out. She said that she didn't think that it would work between us. Deep inside I was shattered. I had several really bad weeks after that. Sometimes I was even thinking whether it was worth continuing, because life in those times had piled so many bad things on me. But eventually I managed to pull through. My friends, among them this girl, helped a lot. Without them, I dare not imagine what would have happened." The fire was slowly starting to die down, but no one seemed to bother about it too much. "You might all say that me talking about this now, it seems that this story isn't dark or creepy in any way, but believe me, some of my thoughts during those times were pretty dark. Thinking for several hours about what would have happened if she had said yes, and then finally realising that it simply isn't going to happen can be a very scary thought. It can be as if your life falls apart in front of your own eyes." One person around the campfire nodded. He must have had a similar experience. "Forgetting is never easy. The girl is a very good friend, and even though at the moment we don't see each other much, it really did help talking to her about all I was going through. She was very understanding." He paused, then thinking that if he had told this much, he might as well continue. "I had loved her very much. I did so for a long time after she had rejected me. And I am still not sure, whether I have forgotten that feeling yet. As I said, forgetting, at least for me, isn't easy." Just as Patham finished talking, with a final glow the fire went out, enveloping those sitting around it in darkness.
  5. What to do...what to do? - Patham mused to himself, but just then he heard the announcement that round three was over. He had spent too much time thinking...
  6. Patham stood in front of the canvas, holding the different pots of paint he had taken from Sweetcherrie and wondered where to start. Then Patham decided to start with the easy part. He took the pot of blue paint, and the pot of grey paint and plunged his finger in the blue one. He drew parallel, horizontal lines of blue from the top of the canvas to about its middle. He then dipped a different finger in the grey paint and progressively, starting at about three quarters of the height of the canvas, added a bit of grey to the blue, making it slightly darker as it went lower down. Now for this thing at the middle – he thought. He took the pot of red paint and drew a slightly diagonal line, rising towards the right in the middle of the canvas, and then taking some grey paint made it slightly darker in places. His red finger then drew a vertical red line at roughly three quarters of the previous red line. Some curves and a few more, less wide vertical lines were the next to appear on the canvas. A few smears and smudges later the red paint could be put away. It was now time for the blueish-greenish-greyish stuff on the bottom. As Patham smeared the paint over the lower part of the canvas he felt once again like a kid. It had been a long time since he had had this much fun. He left one small, oval looking spot clear of paint in the lower half, and added a thick red and then above it a black line, finally painting some white paint over a part of the black. Then sort-of behind the previous red structure and below the bluish paint Patham added darkish green dotted with small whitish-yellowish dots. He stood back to admire his “masterpiece” and then made a few more corrections. A bit redder here, a bit darker there.
  7. Happy Birthday to both of you!
  8. My internet and computer access in the last few days hasn't been too good, due to painters having taken over our house and me having to sleep at my grandmother's place, so I haven't yet had a chance to pm my guesses for the similarities. Is there a time limit for when the guesses need to be sent in?
  9. From the shadow of his carnival booth Patham suddenly saw from the flying spectacle of the almost-dragon that the second round of the Beauty Pageant had started. Damnit, I'll be late. - he thought to himself, and then realised with sudden horror, that he didn't have any formal clothes. Then an idea struck him. He glanced at one of the owls, who had been helping him with his carnival booth. The owl wore an immaculate suit, which flowed perfectly along his tail feathers, along with a white shirt, which bulged at exactly the right places for an owl. For a moment Patham wondered why security owls always wore so good suits, but the next moment he was already asking the owl for his suit. "I need your suit." "But what shall I wear then?" - the owl replied frustrated. "Come on, an owl doesn't look that bad without clothes." It took another five minutes to convince the owl, and then two more for him to help, the now in owl-form, Patham into them. "How do I look?" - Patham asked. "Good enough." - was the reply from the owl, who was at quite some discomfort without his clothes. "I'm leaving you in charge of the booth, while I'm gone." - Patham said and flew off. He realised that flying with a suit on wasn't an easy feat for an owl, as it greatly hindered the flapping of his wings. But somehow he managed to make it to the Beauty Pageant, where he was met by a scene of utter chaos. The judges looked as if they had taken a swim, Tom was being comforted by Apaltra and Patham's owl nose could feel the distinct smell of burnt lizard. It was hard for him to concentrate, but at a gesture from one of the judges he was given the go ahead and landed on the stage. He walked around, showing the judges and spectators "his" suit and shirt. His feathers followed the lines of the suit almost perfectly, and to an owl observer he must have looked extremely elegant. However to the spectators gathered here the sight wasn't anything special, but they applauded as polite audiences always do. Patham did one last circle on the ground and then performed a complicated summersault in mid-air, after which he landed on his bottocks. Slightly embarassed, he walked off the stage.
  10. Paul, in ragged clothes, sat at the base of a large building, his face covered by a hood. Some passers-by had put coins in his outstretched hands. He never moved to take the coins, sitting motionless in the scorching sun. There were already several silver, and one gold piece in his hand, when a young boy walked past and placed a small, copper coin in his palm. The boy ran off and Paul stood up, stretching. From the corner of his eye he watched the boy, while pocketing the coins. When the boy was about fifty meters away, Paul went after him. The boy rounded a corner, and Paul quickened his steps. After he himself rounded the corner, he moved into the gateway to a house, and entered the doorm which had been left slightly ajar. "I've been told to tell you that Bances has announced the start of the selection of regent." "Good boy." - Paul said with a smile, and handed the boy all of the coins he had gathered during the morning. The boy thanked him and ran off outside. Paul picked up the paper from the table on which was given their next meeting place and time. Paul left ten minutes later, thinking about the current situation. The boy was a good means of gathering information and sending messages. Paul made a mental note of sending a message with the boy the next time they met.
  11. Patham, taking a break between two rounds of the beauty pageant walked purposefully to an empty spot on the beach. He thanked the two burly looking owls, who had been sending would-be vendors and sunbathers away from the spot. The freshly dug and evened sand looked perfect for this activity. Patham ordered his two helpers to set up the booth. They emptied the boxes and soon a table was on the beach, and a large sign next to it showed what was supposed to happen here, written in big, curving letters. Sand castle building contest! Entry fee none! Geld for participation: 10! Additional geld for winner: 25! Requirements: minimum 500 words! Castles shall be judged more by their final state than the way they are built! One of Patham’s helpers took out some paper, then hesitated. “Sorry, but I forgot to bring the pen for people to sign up with.” “Well you’ll have to use a feather then.” – Patham replied. Two minutes later even the apparatus to write with was ready and Patham leant back against the table, awaiting any contestants.
  12. A portal opens next to me and I step safely through it, found yet again.
  13. Do we PM guesses or just post them here?
  14. I just can't believe it. I've just been found, and now I'm lost again. How can I be so useless? At least I'm in the middle of civilization this time. Looking out of a window I can see a lot of people on the other side of a fence. Outside the gate, people who seem to be wearing identical red uniforms and tall black hats are standing. Oh wait, some more are arriving and the old ones are leaving. What can this be? The building I'm in seems to belong to a rich family. I recognize paintings by Rembrandt among many paintings and there are also quite a few sculptures, but this is definitely not a museum. I can also see some fine english and french-made furniture. I try to go through a door, but the door is locked and a man next to me tells me that not all areas are open to the public. I wonder why? Maybe this information shall help whoever looks for me.
  15. Finished the book at 5 am this morning. And just an idea about why Snape did what he did. Let's suppose that he is on the good side. However he made the unbreakable vow. He either had to keep that vow, or die, as I understood from the book. In the vow he vowed to protect and help Draco. So IMO he had to do what he did to Dumbledore if he wanted to keep the vow.
  16. Yay, I've been found! Mount Rushmore it had been indeed. Oh and looks like my having read the Dune series several times paid off. It was the Maker part, which gave away that it was a desert to me.
  17. Are you in the Sahara Desert Tanuchan?
  18. After Musicevangelist left the stage it was Patham’s turn. As he went up the steps to the stage he tripped and fell face forward onto the stage, slightly bumping his head. He got up and smiled nervously at the judges and organisers, and then the crowd. If only I had a coconut. – he thought to himself. * “Hi!” – he said while waving to the crowd. - “I’m quite new in these parts so some of you might not know me yet.” – he looked around nervously at all the faces around the stage turned at him. “I’m called Patham, and I’m also a shape shifter as Tanny, who had been on the stage just a few minutes ago. However I only have two forms, the human one you can see now and this owl one.” – as he pronounced owl, his human form disappeared and in a flurry of feathers the small owl appeared. He flapped his wings a few times to get up to a height where people could see him and attempted a bow, which surprisingly did not end with an accident. Instead Patham just performed a forward summersault in mid-air. He shifted back to his human form. “I hope you shall all enjoy yourselves today.” He left the stage, this time managing not to trip on the stairs. *OOC: you had to be in the chat room to understand this.
  19. Whoops, missed that post and just noticed it, I'll get to work on it now and try to send it today.
  20. You're not the only one. Looking at the link there is one http too many.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Congratulations Revery! PS: Since I'm hungarian I guess I'll have to point out that "sajnàlni" in hungarian is the infinitive of the verb, if you want the meaning of I'm sorry, then that is "sajnàlom" (with the accent on the 'a' in both cases in the other direction, but I don't have that a on this french keyboard).
  23. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith two days ago. Was pretty much what I expected, being an action film, with quite good comedy parts in it. The acting was good, and the action scenes were well made, and the humour fitted well. There was one moment, where I did not quite understand why Mr. Smith did what he did, but I'll keep this review spoiler free, so I won't mention the exact moment. But the film had definately been worth watching.
  24. Again I am stranded. Somewhere in the wilderness this time. When I say wilderness I'm talking about the previous state of the area, as in recent years with all the tourists, this place is nowhere near a wilderness anymore. Although I understand the language of the country, since it is english, I can't easily place it. The accent is definitely not australian though. There are a lot of foreign tourists here, and I can hear a lot of different languages being spoken. In front of me a cliff face stares at me from four different directions. Had I been here about 80 years ago, I would have been able to smell dynamite, but that smell is now long gone. How could I have gotten stranded so soon again after the last time? I was found fast enough then, hopefully it shall be the same this time. Before I go and try and find a stream to put this bottle in, I shall have to add that there are quite a few pine trees around here, although I can only smell them from a distance.
  25. And here is mine. http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=13839
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