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Oooh. I have a badge! They look pretty cool!
So here we go, roles, seeings, wolf targets, etc... Wolves were Sweetcherrie and Tanuchan. Baner was Azuran. Seer was Dean. Seeings were Tanuchan first night, no one second night and then the seer was killed. Banings were Sweetcherrie three times. Wolf targets were: Akalabeth, Akallabeth and Azuran. First and last were foiled by the baner. I hope people had at least some fun with the game, and I'm sorry again for the week long dayphase at the end. The one thing I found really surprising was that no one voted for Tanuchan this dayphase. I would have thought that Dean's post accusing her, and Dean being shown the seer would have brought her down. Oh well. I left the end of the story pretty open, available to the players to write what their characters do. Have fun ending off your storylines!
Witch! Bene Gesserit whore! - Jammilla's keen hearing picked up the sounds before they reached her, and she prepared herself, every single muscle tense, waiting the oncoming assault. One thing she did not reckon with. She was used to soft offworlders, who moved at a much slower speed than the two fremen, who moved against her. Expecting a much slower approach, she was caught off guard, and stopped the first move against her with only great difficulty, leaving her right side bare open, and the next blow caught her in the ribs. Momentarily stunned, Jammila was caught by another glancing blow from Fleur. It was a sudden realisation, as from the other woman's expression, Jammilla realised the truth. Fleur's eyes gave it all away. She could see it, see the faces of the other dead glancing back at her. Her shock only deepened when she saw the exact same expression in Rahnia's eyes. Jammilla barely felt the crysknife pierce her sternum and enter deep within her lungs. From Chakyakha it had been a very clumsy thrust. He should have been able to immediately kill with a blow like that, but blinded with rage at the accusation against Fleur, he had missed the heart. Still the blow was enough to have Jammilla fall to her knees. She managed to withdraw the crysknife from the wound, and glanced at the blood-stained white blade. Where blood had not touched the blade she could still see the original tooth of the worm. Dying was such a strange feeling. Even her training had not prepared her for it. It was not alltogether unpleasant, but Jammilla knew the pain her pierced lung would take her through if she simply let herself die. Adjusting her enzyme balance, with her finely tuned cellular control took only a simple thought and barely ten seconds later, she died a painless death, much to the onlooker's surprise. OOC: Jammilla Manquin/Jammeez was a villager. That means that the wolves have won seeing that among the four remaining players there are two wolves. Congratulations "bad" guys! Check the OOC thread to see who was who.
I *had* meant to ask Vene to take over modding while I was away, but real life caught up the day before I had to leave and I did not get the chance to do so...(yeah I know...pretty lame excuse). Anyway I'm back and ready to end the game.
The replies were quite fine, Wyv and Katz. I had a lot of laughs at your replies Wyv. Will try getting the quiz post done tonight, but catching up with forums is going only slowly.
IC post has been edited. Sorry for the lateness of the end of the phase, had to (and still have to) work on a project for tomorrow. Updated score sheet: Tanuchan - Rahnia, daughter of Niab, fremen from Sietch Tabr Azuran - Niab, father of Rahnia, fremen from Sietch Tabr Jammeez - Jammilla Manquin Sweetcherrie - Fleur, beautiful, but naive Gwaihir - Chakyakha, jaded fremen Dead: Gary Herts - NPC, 1st night kill Venefyxatu - Edi, drunkard - villager, 1st lynch Jenny Herts - NPC, 2nd night kill Pillow - Tor Salvis, Fremen scout - villager, 2nd lynch Akallabeth - Warren, Atreides soldier - villager, 3rd night kill DeanTheAdequate - Ibis Ginray, swordmaster - seer, 3rd lynch Captain Algers - NPC, 4th night kill Well here's what's up. Starting early saturday morning, I'm going off skiing for a week, and probably won't have any internet during that time. Now this leaves two possibilities. Either you get an extra-super-long dayphase stretching about a week and when I get back I end it, or I ask someone to take over modding in my absence. So, Tanny, Sweet, Jammeez, Azuran and Gwai, it's up to you five to choose the method you would like to have. It would just be cool if you could get your decision to me around same time tomorrow night. Read as: I didn't suspect the baner would be so successful in prolonging the game by stopping already 2 night kills.
Another morning, and another person dead. One might have even wondered how this person had survived for so long, as he would have been one of the most logical choices to kill first. But human minds sometimes work in twisted ways, and Captain Algers had survived three nights in these caves. The fourth night was his downfall. No sounds of struggle were heard during the night, and when Chakyakha found the Captain's body floating in the water of the cavern where the windtraps collected moisture at first nothing pointed towards a violent death. It was only when his body was, with the help of Niab, fished from the miniscule lake, that the small holes at the back of his neck were spotted. That was where the needles, still lodged inside his neck had entered. The needle pistol, used for killing him lay not far away, its charge visibly empty. Had one of the soldiers still been alive they would have noticed that the pistol was the same as the one Captain Algers had handed to Edi four days ago, but as none of the soldiers, nor Edi were alive any more the pistol meant nothing special to anyone, apart from being the weapon, which had murdered Captain Algers. Niab and Chakyakha being the only two remaining men lifted the lifeless body and carried it to the deathstills. Only six of them now remained in the sietch (OOC: there is still another NPC, see end note), and everyone's thoughts were drifting around the possibility that at least one of the people still in these caverns was a murderer. Suspicious glances were exchanged. Who was innocent, who was not. One thing was certain. Blood would still be spillt in these caverns, and water wasted... OOC: Captain Algers was an NPC. The still remaining NPC I wrote of is a woman, who lost her father, husband and two children in the Harkonnen attacks and has been buried in grief ever since. Good job baner this night! You have...well not 48 hours to find a wolf...check OOC thread for explanation. If whoever is lynched is not a wolf, then the wolves win!
"Que hijos de..." - Alfonso murmured, and turned to leave the audience chamber. Three hours later he had already packed and was in his stables, saying goodbye to the only companions who had ever considered him for what he truly was. A pity that humans could not learn from their faithful, four-legged companions. Coming to a sudden decision he threw open the stable's double doors, and started untying the horses and releasing them to their freedom. He had brought most of the them here, and after what the court, instead of thanking him, just sent him away, he felt they did not deserve to be served by horses he had trained. As the last of the horses galopped off towards the late afternoon sun, Alfonso turned and surveyed the remaining two horses in the stable. Gentle Miel, and fiery Fuego. These two had grown especially close to his heart and the choice was not easy. The sun was setting in the distance, when leading Miel, Alfonso knocked on the door Lady D'Ander's home. As he had guessed it was Erilyn who opened the door, as her status required her to follow her lady's orders. "I'm sorry that I had to cancel today's riding lesson." - Alfonso said. "But as you must have seen, I am no longer desired around here." He shrugged. He glanced at Erilyn's face, the last rays of the sun bathing one side in an orangeish light. "It is neither the tiempo, nor the lugar, for me to say what I had wanted to tell you during today's lesson, but I would like you to accept this mare, Miel is her nombre." Alfonso placed his hand over Erilyn's and when he withdrew it, Erilyn was holding the bridle of Miel, who gently turned to her, and nuzzled her with her nose. "She likes you." - Alfonso said, turning away to hide his own expression and feelings. "You have to leave?" - Erilyn asked. "I have no choice in the matter, if I wish to survive." - Alfonso said, and with one last glance at Erilyn he turned and walked the twenty meters to the next street corner, where he had left Fuego. The black stallion, sensing Alfonso's feelings, did not neigh in happyness upon its master's return. Alfonso set off at a slow pace down the street. Erilyn was still outside, gently caressing Miel's neck. Alfonso, unable to speak rode past speechless, but her voice calling after him, stopped him. "Alfonso!" "Si?" - he said turning back, and noticed Erilyn running after him. Coming alongside Fuego, she put a foot in the stirrup, and pushing herself up, kissed Alfonso. Alfonso was taken aback, he never knew that she shared his feelings, and now it was all too late. It was painful, but he had to leave. He did not want to risk endangering Erilyn. He gently pushed her away. "Yo tengo que go away. And you have to stay aqui." - he said, even though it was painful to do so. "I hope nosotros shall meet again Erilyn." "Where are you going?" - she asked him, not wanting to let go. Not now. "I'm not sure yet. So far I had only been thinking of leaving this place, and not much about the destination. I shall probably be going East though. A cousin of mine, named Eduardo is the smith in the first village towards the East. I shall tell him where I shall be going." "I will follow you, Alfonso. As soon as I can. If you will have me." Alfonso nodded, wondering whether the bad turn his life had taken today would soon be compensated. Erilyn kissed him again, and this time Alfonso returned the kiss. "I have to go." - he whispered, and at the exact same moment, Miel, having walked after Erilyn nudged her hand. Erilyn descended from the stirrup, and for a long time watched Alfonso dwindling towards the distance. OOC: thanks to Tanuchan for approving Erilyn's actions.
Tanuchan - Rahnia, daughter of Niab, fremen from Sietch Tabr Azuran - Niab, father of Rahnia, fremen from Sietch Tabr Jammeez - Jammilla Manquin Sweetcherrie - Fleur, beautiful, but naive Gwaihir - Chakyakha, jaded fremen Dead: Gary Herts - NPC, 1st night kill Venefyxatu - Edi, drunkard - villager, 1st lynch Jenny Herts - NPC, 2nd night kill Pillow - Tor Salvis, Fremen scout - villager, 2nd lynch Akallabeth - Warren, Atreides soldier - villager, 3rd night kill DeanTheAdequate - Ibis Ginray, swordmaster - seer, 3rd lynch
OOC: Azuran I considered extending the vote, but with 4 votes in from 6 players and 3 of those against Dean, having the remainder of the votes come in wouldn't have changed much. Feel free to make an rp'd post for the vote if you get the chance though. Ibis would have given nearly anything for a bath now. Just to be able to rub the desert sand from all the joints it had gotten into, and to be able to scrumb the smell off of him. He could feel it on himself, and on everyone else. He could only imagine how bad the smell must be in sietches where Fremen lived and never bathed, or showered. Back on Ginaz, where he had completed his training, washing oneself, would have taken but a short walk to the seaside, and swimming in the sea, which surrounded the small island and archipelagos. Here water was considered so precious that even drinking much of it was considered overindulgence. Ibis knew that if he took the bath here, the Fremen would probably kill him for the wasting of water. He did not even notice the three people come into his room, while he was daydreaming. All he felt was a blunt object crash against the side of his head. The first time it did not manage to knock him out and Ibis tried shouting at his agressors. "I know who did it! It was..." - CRACK! Ibis's skull was split open by the second swing of the club. His body was left in his room, in a crumpled heap on the floor, the blood trickling from the wound next to his ear slowly trickling, forming a puddle on the cave floor. OOC: Ibis Ginray/DeanTheAdequate was the seer. If during the coming nightphase the wolves manage to make their kill then they shall have won. So: good luck baner! The night phase due to people being busy about now, can be extended by a day if requested.
And here we go again. Tanuchan - Rahnia, daughter of Niab, fremen from Sietch Tabr Azuran - Niab, father of Rahnia, fremen from Sietch Tabr Jammeez - Jammilla Manquin DeanTheAdequate - Ibis Ginray, swordmaster Sweetcherrie - Fleur, beautiful, but naive Gwaihir - Chakyakha, jaded fremen Dead: Gary Herts - NPC, 1st night kill Venefyxatu - Edi, drunkard - villager, 1st lynch Jenny Herts - NPC, 2nd night kill Pillow - Tor Salvis, Fremen scout - villager, 2nd lynch Akallabeth - Warren, Atreides soldier - villager, 3rd night kill
No shrieks or sounds of struggle were heard during the night. Nearly everyone slept peacefully. Yet in the morning not everything seemed to be right. It took Captain Algers almost fifteen minutes to realise that not only the guard on duty, Ibis, but also Warren was missing from the breakfast table. Warren's body was found fifteen minutes later, still lying in the small cave, he had claimed as his own upon arriving. His throat had been sliced open and a large pool of blood had gathered around him. The Atreides hawk symbol had been torn from his uniform and lay next to him, the hawk's head seperated from its body. OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I did not have much time tonight. Akallabeth/Warren was an innocent villager. You have about 48 hours from this post to find a wolf. Good luck!
I was reminded today that I had forgotten to state how baning works ...so... If the baner targets the same person as the wolves then there is no kill. If the baner targets a wolf and there is only one wolf left, then there is no kill. And lastly if there are still two wolves and the baner targets a wolf, there is a 50% chance of no kill happening.
The random numbers after sparing him the first dayphase were against Tor, today... Once again updated score sheet: Tanuchan - Rahnia, daughter of Niab, fremen from Sietch Tabr Akallabeth - Warren, Atreides soldier Azuran - Niab, father of Rahnia, fremen from Sietch Tabr Jammeez - Jammilla Manquin DeanTheAdequate - Ibis Ginray, swordmaster Sweetcherrie - Fleur, beautiful, but naive Gwaihir - Chakyakha, jaded fremen Dead: Gary Herts - NPC, 1st night kill Venefyxatu - Edi, drunkard - villager, 1st lynch Jenny Herts - NPC, 2nd night kill Pillow - Tor Salvis, Fremen scout - villager, 2nd lynch
Whispers in the corridors. Whispers through the otherwise silent, abandoned chambers. Whispers float upon the moist air of the lower corridors. Accusatory whispers, annoyed whispers and angry whispers. Almost silent, yet still present, there for anyone to comprehend. Not immediately do the whispers reach the one they concern, but slowly and surely the rumours spread. how do we know that we can trust him?...he led us here...he probably knows these caverns inside-out...can hide anywhere Such whispers, and others. Sailing with the currents in the air. When Captain Algers finally heard them it was already too late. There was no way of stopping what had been set in motion. No way to stop an innocent from dying. Tor Salvis was far from home. Sitting in the still searingly hot late-afternoon air, close to the entrance of these caves his thoughts drifted back home, to the family he had left there, and he wished he could see them. But they would only see him in the afterlife. Lost in his daydreams, and only a small part of his attention given to what was happening around him, Tor did not hear two people creep up behind him. When he was shoved from behind, he tried regaining his balance, tried, frantically, to find a hold on the sharp rocks with his hands, but it was all in vain. His body tumbled several dozen feet down the rocky slope, and by the time it came to a halt, several of his limbs, and his neck protruded from his torso in angles, which could not be normal. OOC: Tor Salvis/Pillow was an innocent villager. Specials, you have ~24 hours to send me your targets.
Congratulations Azuran! A well deserved promotion.
I really liked the way you used descriptions in this piece to convey Julia's story. And the conclusion you work towards, of being homesick even towards a place where she got nothing from life, is also very well done. I enjoyed reading this piece and look forward to reading more of your work.
OOC: I felt like going back to the story Sweet started and continuing it, and was in a writing mood tonight, so here goes. Love Myrna was shocked at learning of John's discovery. For several seconds she did not even realise that she wasn't covering her own nakedness. She slowly came to terms with her shock and became aware of the situation she was in. She moved her hands to cover her sensitive body parts, and tried to offer John some explanation. "I...I only bought that mattress three weeks ago. I didn't put any of that stuff in it." - she said pointing at the bag John was holding. "Come on, John. You have known me for more than twenty years. I wouldn't do anything like that." Her thoughts drifted back to her last meeting with John, more than four months ago. He had finally asked her out for a date then, but despite the wonderful night they had passed together, there had been no follow up to it. Myrna guessed that John had gotten scared of what he was possibly going to get himself into. Myrna had tried calling him several times since, but had never managed to reach him, and had given up, refusing John's calls afterwards. Seeing him here and now, brought back her pleasant memories though, and she felt that she still felt the same way about him. "Myrna, I...don't know what...uhhmm..what to think." - John stammered. He had always been a shy person, and seeing Myrna naked for the first time probably didn't help him a bit. "I was sent here following a tip by an informant. I didn't know you had moved here." "Uhm...would you mind handing me a towel, John?" - Myrna asked, wanting to help him, by removing a distracting factor from the conversation. She stood up, and extended one of her hands for the towel. John took a towel from a rack next to him, and walked across the bathroom and handed the towel to Myrna. As he did so, their hands touched, and it was as if an electrical current had passed between the two of them and before either of them knew what was happening, they were in each others arms, kissing passionately, their desire of each other of the last four months suddenly unleashed. The towel, unused, fell to the ground. OOC: next word: Curiosity
Finally got a second draft of this done. Changes and additions are in red. Also if an elder could move this thread to the Writer's Workshop, I would be grateful, since this piece obviously isn't finished yet. Dasha had never thought that playing with the boys in the city's ruins could be so exciting. Since her parents had been killed three months earlier in a German bombing raid, she had lived with several other families in the shelters, and at times she and other children sneaked out to play ball, in the parts of the city, which were least touched by the fighting. She still recalled that fateful night. It had been a Friday, but not the thirteenth. Not everything happened as the stories described them. Dasha had been playing with Yelena, a girl living next door, just outside their house, when the bombers had come screaming from the sky, and released their deadly loads. She couldn't go home, since she had no home anymore, and she never saw the familiar faces of her parents, and baby brother after that day. Yelena was killed two weeks later, by an artillery shell. Today the sky was grey, and the smell of gunpowder could be felt even this far from the frontlines. The battle for Stalingrad was raging on in the distance, but for Dasha and the three boys she was playing with war was only a distant smell and a barely audible background noise. They were playing ball in the crippled ruins of an old hospital. Only a tattered and torn ground floor remained. Strangely the reception area was still whole, and it was against one of its walls that they kicked the bright red ball. Dasha and her friends were wearing grey clothes, not because they liked to, but because in the siege everything became bleak, dusty and grey. The vivid colour of the ball contrasted starkly against the monotone colours of the background. Even the normally immaculately white walls of the building, which had once been a hospital, were smeared grey by dust. Dried, and barely recognizable traces of bloodstains were visible on some of the walls, and on a torn stretcher standing next to a ruined desk. Petja, the oldest of the makeshift bunch, kicked the ball too hard, and it sailed over the ruined wall of the hospital. The four children watched the ball fly out of sight, following its curve with their eyes never leaving the bright red globe. "I'll get it!" – Dasha shouted. She ran after the ball, pouncing with joy. She hadn't had this much fun since she had last played with Yelena and she didn't want it to end yet. The German sniper saw only the bright red colour of the ball, and a figure moving to get it when he depressed the trigger.
I see no harm in it, until you clearly state which of the submissions you want to consider for being the real one for the round.
Yet again updated score sheet: Tanuchan - Rahnia, daughter of Niab, fremen from Sietch Tabr Akallabeth - Warren, Atreides soldier Azuran - Niab, father of Rahnia, fremen from Sietch Tabr Pillow - Tor Salvis, Fremen scout Jammeez - Jammilla Manquin DeanTheAdequate - Ibis Ginray, swordmaster Sweetcherrie - Fleur, beautiful, but naive Gwaihir - Chakyakha, jaded fremen Dead: Gary Herts - NPC, 1st night kill Venefyxatu - Edi, drunkard - villager, 1st lynch Jenny Herts - NPC, 2nd night kill
"No!!" - the child's scream echoed from the depths of the cavern. Captain Algers, not sleeping, not wanting last night's death to be repeated was the first to reach the scene. He expected to find Jenny Herts having found another dead body, but the sight he encountered was even worse. Slowly the others started arriving and shared Captain Algers' horror over the dead body. "Who could have wanted to kill little Jenny? She meant harm to no one." - a voice said from those gathered round. "My guess is she might have seen something last night, that she shouldn't have and the same person, or persons killed her for that." - said Captain Algers, his voice quivering with anger. He did not know how to fight this unseen enemy, how to direct his anger against it. He was a simple soldier, he had not been trained for this. "Warren, Ibis come with me for a moment!" - he ordered. He walked with them to a smaller cavern alongside the one where the dead body was. "It is clear that at least one Harkonnen agent has managed to infiltrate our group." - he said, his voice grave. "I would like you two to keep your eyes and ears open to what goes on around us and report anything suspicious to me. I just hope that I am not wrong in placing my trust in you." - he sighed. "Warren, go back to guarding the cave entrance. I shall relay you once Ibis, and I are done with disposing of the body." OOC: Jenny Herts, just as her father was an innocent NPC. There was no PC kill this night. You have about 48 hours from the timestamp of this post to find a wolf. Good luck!
I feel that some clarification is indeed needed, so here goes. When it comes to someone's quiz, the two people facing each other in the quiz choose a topic and PM me with it. I then make 4 questions for each of the two topics and add two more questions, from two other topics, making a total of ten. Then I shall PM back these ten questions to the two people and both of them shall send me their answers, answering the questions to the best of their knowledge. I shall then write the post of the quiz between the two of them and post it. If any serious misplayings of a character happen I shall of course, upon request, go back and edit. Currently Wyv and Katz have sent me their topics and I really should send them their ten questions, so I shall do so quite soon.
Updated score sheet: Tanuchan - Rahnia, daughter of Niab, fremen from Sietch Tabr Akallabeth - Warren, Atreides soldier Azuran - Niab, father of Rahnia, fremen from Sietch Tabr Pillow - Tor Salvis, Fremen scout Jammeez - Jammilla Manquin DeanTheAdequate - Ibis Ginray, swordmaster Sweetcherrie - Fleur, beautiful, but naive Gwaihir - Chakyakha, jaded fremen Dead: Venefyxatu - Edi, drunkard - villager, 1st lynch
Captain Algers had been awake for more than two days and after the events of the morning, the gruesome discovery were sorted out he had welcomed the possibility to sleep for just a few hours. When he woke up it was already nighttime and he heard angry voices shouting in a corridor some distance away. He got up and dressed quickly, but was already too late in preventing what happened. Ten minutes earlier Edi did not understand why all these people were shouting at him. One thing he was sure of. If they knocked the bottle from his hand, there would be murder. In his alcohol induced haze he barely heard the allegations thrown at him, and didn't even bother responding. A hand suddenly shoved him roughly against the wall, and the bottle smashed to the ground. Suddenly alert, Edi lunged at the man, who had pushed him, and were it not for the fact that there were three of them facing him, he would have caused some major damage. Two of them restrained him, while the third hit him repeatedly on the head. "You filthy Harkonnen traitor!" - they shouted. Edi only made feeble attempts at protecting himself. "Send him to the desert!" - one of the three suggested. The other two nodded and they dragged him to the cavern entrance. Edi was given a kick from behind and tumbled down a couple dozen feet, bruising himself on the rocks. "Don't come back, you slime!" - they shouted after him. Edi stumbled blindly down the remainder of the slope and stepped on the sand, where he collapsed in a heap. He shakily stood up, and ran over the sand, trying to distance himself as much as possible from those wanting to harm him. Little did he know that the sound of his footsteps were transmitted through the sand as sound would have been transmitted through air. It did not take long for a worm to come. Edi didn't even realise what was going on next to him, as the enormous beast swallowed him whole. OOC: The random numbers decided against Edi. Edi/Venefyxatu was an innocent villager. Better luck next time! Specials, you have 24 hours from this time stamp to send me your targets.