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Please remember whenever you start a booth to PM one of us guildleaders about it, so that we can add it to the list. I had just only noticed Gyrfalcon's booth for example while browsing the Conservatory.
Through the eternal dark of Moria and now into the mysterious realm of the elves they had travelled and all the while Seothen had mostly remained silent. Much as Warud, he did not particularly like the narrow passageways and stairs of the dwarven mines even though in his youth he had spent long months in the glittering caves at Helm's Deep. But the dark of Moria was different, opressing weighing down any pleasant thoughts and foreboding the tragedies which had struck within. Seothen had known even at the beginning that not all of them would reach their destination, but he had not expected so many to fall so early. The travel through Moria and into the golden forest had been especially cruel against the dwarves. Three of them had set out from Imladris, yet none survived now. As Seothen reflected on this cruel fate, he could not help but notice the beauty of the forest around him. Much of the stories circulating in Rohan about Lothlorien and it's lady did not speak well of the forest, some even calling it's ruler a dark sorceror, who could dominate over mortal men. In these aspects the stories did not differ much from those available to citizens of Gondor. Yet none of the stories spoke of the beauties of these woods, a beauty not only that of nature but of the elves living in these magnificent forests. Despite even the female elves carrying bows and outfitted for war, Seothen could not help his heart being drawn to their beauty. He had already noticed the beauty of the elves in Rivendell, but here they seemed to posess a rawer beauty, more natural, closer to the Rohirrim's heart. Seeing the real thing with his eyes, he knew all the stories and legends about this place to be false. He realised that he could live his whole life in this place, given of course if adequate facilities were provided for Warud. Yet even through all this beauty and the calmness which dwelt in these woods, the recent wave of tragedies to strike the fellowship troubled Seothen. It almost felt to him as if one or several persons acting from the inside of the company were trying to cause it's downfall. Some bore more suspicion than others. The hobbit Irvin for example. Seothen could not remember him uttering a single word since they left Rivendell. Could he be hiding something with his silence? OOC: vote for Sinsor => Irvin Bartholomew Muskfoot, Hobbit of The Shire
OOC: there have been several activities recently where a list of words were given, or a theme was given and you had to include them in your story at the end of which you gave a new theme/words. This activity is different. A theme shall be given for the next story and a list of words, but the words given can not appear (not even in different forms). Whenever you write a story you choose the theme and not allowed words for the next story. A story has to be around 500 words but can be much longer if you want. 10 geld is given for each participation. Edit: and I almost forgot, the stories have to have a vague link with the current carnival setting, which can be found in the list of activities, also. An example with art museum given as the theme and painting, art and statue as words you can't use. IC: It was the first time that little Johnny ever went to a museum. His parents had never taken him before, because old objects didn't really interest them, so this time it was with his class that he had to go. After what his teacher had explained to him, the colourful squares hung up around them and the weird stone objects were not that old, but mostly were from modern times. When the teacher showed them an object which looked like an upside down toilet for boys, the whole class had erupted laughing and the teacher had had trouble controlling them for several minutes... etc... OOC First theme to use is: Wyvern Not allowed words: geld, almost, elder
It took only a few minutes before Patham finally noticed Lasiera, patiently fluttering around a sofa by the wall. "Please take a seat," Patham said, indicating the sofa under Lasiera. "How can I help you?" "I was wanting to join your alliance of vagabonds and vanguards. I have come to the right place?" Lasiera's antennae turned into question marks, much to Patham's surprise. "Yes, yes, you have come to the right place. I have just the mission for you. You see", he started saying while standing up, "there is a small village to whom our guild owes a favour." Patham opened the door and started leading the way towards the Portal Room in the basement of the AVV. "Your mission shall be to go see the elder's of this village and in some way repay the favour that we owe them." Patham pointed out a portal half-way down the hall. "This should take you right inside the village." OOC: continued here: http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...85entry113585
Lasiera stepped through the portal Patham had indicated her, and arrived as the shapeshifter had said, in the central square off a peaceful little village. Around here the square was bustling with activity, merchants trying to sell of their latest wares on market day. Patham hadn't given her many indications and it was up to Lasiera to decide where she was going to start trying to repay this favour. Would she have to meet with the village's elders or would events turn out so that she would be able to repay the favour with her own actions?
Arrrrr! Ahoy me maties! One-eyed Bob shall join the fight.
nosferatu (been playing much too much with Bloodlines recently... )
Happy belated birthday Ozy! Sorry for the lack of an rp'd post, but I've got a big project to hand in on Thursday.
OOC: cowritten with Akallabeth. Thanks! The last stones had stopped falling, and Turin looked around through the slowly falling dust illuminated by Falmar's torch. It appeared that all except Stoomp had made it inside before that... thing... blocked the door. What Stoomp would be doing outside the relative safety of the mines was unknown to Turin. Perhaps Stoomp would manage to escape the thing and the wargs, and return to the safety of Rivendell. Through the gloom, he saw a shape, obviously one of the other men, coming his way, leading a much larger shape beside him. Seothen slowly removed his shield from where he had been holding it above Warud's head. A large dent in the middle of the shield indicated that had Seothen not protected his horse, the poor beast might have met his end here. His head was still ringing from a smaller pebble or rock hitting his helmet, but luckily his other body parts had been spared from the falling debris. He replaced his shield on his back, and took Warud by the bridle, leading the horse onwards with the group. It had been a hard decision to make to bring the horse into the Mines of Moria, but separation would have been worse for both of them. He nearly bumped into a figure walking in the dark without a torch in front of him, and it had only been a snort from Warud which had alerted Seothen to the other man's presence. "Sorry, nearly bumped into you back there. It so happens that I have quite a few torches. After Falmar told me that we'd be going into Moria I made sure to break a several of them from the branches of trees we passed among the foothills of the mountains. Want one of them?" Turin nodded his assent, "Thank you very much, I had failed to think of bringing any torches along, and I certainly wouldn't want to be wandering through this pit without one." Looking at Seothen and his horse, he said, "I expect that you two will have a tough time getting through this tomb. Would you like assistance in caring for Warud in some of the tight spot's we'll encounter? "Your help would be much appreciated. I know that having him in here with me will most likely complicate things, but it is hard for any Rohirrim to get separated from his steed. You know, I've known Warud ever since he was a young pony. His mother, a half-meara died when Warud was but two weeks old and I had to take care of him. It would pain me to be separated from him." Turin bowed his head. "Much is said in my land of the devotion of the Rohirrim to their steeds. And leaving any animal behind in this place would be cruel. I'll do what I can to help you both." "Thank you. If there is anything I can help you with…maybe Warud could carry some of your equipment. I'm sure it would make the going easier for you," Seothen proposed. "Well, if he could take my pack and my waterskin, I'd feel much more ready and able should we run into some trouble in this place. Or if that is too much, I'm quite capable of carrying them myself." "Don't worry, it isn't too much. Just hand them over and I'll fix them to the saddle next to my equipment." Seothen grinned, taking the items from Turin and tying them onto the saddle, checking that they were securely fixed there.
Tolkien (just because)
The skins with a * next to them shouldn't be selectable, at least I had set them to not visible, my guess is you can only see them because of having admin powers. The two which are supposed to be visible and working are the Mighty Tan Pen and IPB 2.1 Default.
At Falmar's mention of the Gap of Rohan, Seothen's face lightened up, but it almost immediately turned to a look of surprise when the elf finished his sentence. "Why do you not wish to go towards the Gap of Rohan, Falmar? I'm sure that my people would welcome you with open hands in their lands." "There were dark tidings coming from Orthanc, Seothen. We do not doubt the welcome of the Horse Lords, but Saruman the White is not friendly to us anymore. Gandalf has been kept by him, and it is clear that wisdom has left Saruman. I would rather not risk taking the One Ring near Orthanc." "When I left the Riddermark, the Gap of Rohan was still open and the malice of Saruman unheard of. I find it hard to believe these rumours that Saruman, who had long protected us and aided us would have turned against us, but I bow to the wisdom of the elves." Sometime later… Seothen had been just behind Turin when the Dunedan saved Stoomp from a warg, ready to intervene himself if the need arose. But it didn't and as the focus of battle shifted, so did Seothen shift his attention. Half a dozen wargs were trying to circle round the group and attack the animals. With a shout, Seothen leapt at the foremost of the beasts and with a wide sweep of his sword decapitated the vile creature, sending its head rolling down the slight incline. Another of the wargs jumped at Seothen who turned his back to it. The fangs of the creature clanged against metal as he crashed into the Rohirrim's shield, still fixed to his back. Turning back, a thrust was all it took to end the warg's existence. Despite killing two of the creatures things didn't look too good for Seothen. Five of the beasts were now moving at him, some of them circling round him, trying to gain every possible advantage…
The death of the pack mule troubled Warud. Seothen could sense it from the tension in his movements. The upcoming cold of Caradhras would only add to the animal's mysery, but Seothen knew that leaving him behind would have been worse. Both for him and for Warud. He couldn't help his thoughts drifting back to the carcass of the mule, which had so violently been torn open. It had to have been someone from the fellowship who did it. The sentry wouldn't have allowed anyone to come close enough unnoticed. Could it have been Baelestimah. He didn't speak much, but then again with that many animal companions, Seothen seriously doubted that he'd hurt an animal. Dwarves were not overly fond of horses on the other hand, Seothen had heard. But this was a mule and not a horse. Seothen kept thinking, but found noone he could possibly imagine having done this. He would have to watch closer from now on. OOC: no vote
Welcome to the Pen Zepheri. Quite an interesting (for the lack of finding a better word now, and so copying the others before me) story you've written, one which as Ayshela has stated some people should read. I wish I had also read this a few years ago, then I might have done some things differently in my life. I hope you shall enjoy your stay at the Pen!
I really liked this poem Phoenix and am looking forward to reading more from you. And of course: Welcome to the Pen! (although others have already beaten me to that )
An interesting (and cute) story Red Envelope! I hope you shall enjoy your stay at the Pen. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more from you.
Everyone seemed to be preoccupied with packing, and no one marvelled at the cultural riches amassed here in Rivendell. One could get lost in the arched passageways under trees which had seen more history than any human, dwarf or hobbit here. Seothen had never imagined, being a man of the plains himself, that trees could hold so much beauty, so much grace. Little did he know that the groves of trees in Imladris were naught compared to the great forest of Lothlorien or the dark woods of Mirkwood in the north. For a Rohirrim, his horse and his weapon were at times his only companions and while Seothen had brought warmer clothes with him for this journey, he hadn't even unpacked, having arrived barely before the feast. All of his possessions were either in his saddlebags or fixed to his saddle, leaving his hands free to guide his trusted friend, and at times only companion Warud or draw a weapon if the need arose. Seothen had never seen any of the little folk, or hobbits as they called themselves prior to arriving in Rivendell, and had heard of their existence only from distant tales and legends and so seeing the real thing with his own eyes had possibly been an even greater surprise than the beauty of the trees. The little folk seemed to be a cheery lot, talking merrily among themselves and, as Seothen had seen at the feast the night before, they were quite capable in eating as much, if not more, than any of the bigger races. Seothen glanced over his companions before heading to the stables. For him the most important before leaving on a journey was not checking whether he forgot to take anything or not, but whether Warud was well fed and ready himself. Items forgotten could always be obtained later, but if his horse was in need, now that was a much graver problem. Seeing how happy Warud looked Seothen had to admit that the elves did know something of how to care for horses. He seemed to have been recently fed and even his mane had been cleaned from the dirt it had gathered during the long ride to Rivendell. Seothen sighed happily, knowing that his companion was well looked after. After all, for a Rohirrim nothing was more important than his trusted steed.