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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. ...sign up for the bachelorette auction! Come on ladies, you know you want to be bid on! (Posting this here, since probably more people check the Cabaret Room than the Conservatory) The sign up will be closing sometime tomorrow night (CET).
  2. Have a very happy birthday Mynx! If you want Patham can offer to kittensit the kitten minions so that they don't trouble you today!
  3. "Caw? What the hell is that?" the blackbird asked, surprise distorting its voice. "Just because I have blue hair and white eyes, I don't see why I am to be considered weirder than a stupid talking bird," the elf replied venom evident in his voice. "Did you see the almost lizard?" Mario asked, intent on his mission. He tried bouncing, but his ever growing feet only made him fall on his buttocks. "It would seem to me that you have another problem to take care of before you continue your noble quest to almost save the princess from the dragon." The dark elf did not seem friendly and Mario could not help but wonder whether he had anything to do with his feet being by now the same length as his height.
  4. Patham rushing from one task to another bumps into the bachelorette auction and looks over the list of the participants. After shooting a questioning glance at Mynx, who simply shrugged Patham decided that action was needed. "Come on ladies! Don't be afraid! Going on a date won't hurt you!"
  5. I'm in, character to come later.
  6. Thanks for modding a great game Tanny. I had quite a bit of fun (that is when my exams and projects allowed me to post, which wasn't too often). Not revealing the roles did add quite a bit of uncertainty to the game, where we couldn't trust anyone, not even in death, which I think fit in quite nicely to the theme of the game. As to question 2: of course!
  7. I don't yet know how much time I shall have in the coming days, so what would you say to forming a team Katz?
  8. Thanks all of you. *huggles the birthday wishers*
  9. Ack! And I had been hoping to be able to survive to the end.
  10. Long were the leagues of the Riddermark, yet Warud knew these lands and had navigated them safely in pursuit of the foul orcs and now following in the hoofsteps of Shadowfax, greatest steed of these times. Seothen knew the true value of one of the mearas and knew that if Théoden had parted with the greatest of them it was not fully of his own free will. It only confirmed some of the rumours Seothen had heard before leaving Edoras. Rumours which it seemed that some were willing to kill so as to silence, as it had happened after the suspicious death of his longtime friend Ramling. The numbers of their fellowship had indeed dwindled, Gandalf's eyes did not cheat him. Too few of them remained, too few to be able to take this quest to it end if traitors remained among them. Seothen had been careful to avoid such thoughts, but after Turin's unfortunate death, or possible murder, he couldn't help thinking of the possibility of the traitor, or one of the traitors being a man. Long had he heard rumours that men were the most easily corruptable of the free races, and Seothen was not one to dismiss these rumours as easily as most men did. The aging rider was one of the few in Rohan who had read the legends about the nine, preserved in Minas Tirith. He had read that they had been kings of old, but Sauron had managed to corrupt them and the power of the ring had made them become what they were now. The ring had also clearly been exerting its evil influence on the members of this fellowship. Could Garnorn have been corrupted? OOC: Vote for Lord Panther - Garnorn
  11. I watched two films recently. Went to the cinema on Wednesday night and watched the Da Vinci Code. I had previously heard that most of the hype about the movie was just hype and that it wasn't as good as people had expected, and this is what I had also found. The film was a good movie, but sucked at being a book adaptation, making too many deviations from the original plot of the book to be able to be considered a faithful adaptation of it (much like certain scenes in the Two Towers or the Return of the King, which make changes to important scenes of the plot). The acting was ok, especially that done by Ian McKellen and Audrey Tatou. While Tom Hanks did an ok job as Robert Langdon, he was nothing exceptional. If you liked the book then go and see the film, but don't expect it to be a very close adaptation. And tonight I saw Sin City. I had not read the original stories, but still found the film very enjoyable and definitely worth watching. The film has quite a cast and not one of them disappoints. This film definitely deserves it's 60th place in the IMDB top 250. I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't shun back from a film having a bit of blood and violence in it.
  12. Oh sweet Lothlorien. How sorrowful it is that I have to leave your golden trees, and the one I had met under them. Heavyhearted am I at this parting, I feel that a part of my heart has forever been torn and shall eternally remain with her. Such were the thoughts of Seothen, son of Seoras as he gently guided the boat down the slow currents of the Silverlode. Celebrant she had called it, her voice the sound of gentle bells ringing. Seothen found his thoughts meander back to the last couple of weeks, weeks which he would readily admit to anyone, had been the best in his life so far. He had met her after the meeting with the Lady Galadriel and the Lord Celeborn. Tári she was called. Her hair was golden as that of the Lady of Lothlorien, yet reached down longer, almost to her waist. Her face was, to Seothen's aged eyes almost angelic, yet it was her eyes which captured the rohirrim's attention at first. He had never seen such blue eyes before, not even among the women of the rohirrim, who were known wide and far about their blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. Seothen had thought that he would never fall into love again at his age, yet nothing could have prepared him for her. Tári was quite young for an elf, barely older than Seothen himself, and she did not seem to care of Seothen being aged in the reckoning of his own kind. Seothen did not know why she had chosen him, but he did not think about it much either. Each hour he spent with Tári was as if he had been granted a glimpse of the legendary lands of the Valar, where the legends said, no sorrow was known. Their parting had been painful to both, but moreso to Seothen, who knew that he might never see her beautiful face again, never feel her tender skin again. He promised her that should he survive his current endaviour he would return to the woods of Lothlorien and spend the remainder of the time given to him with her. Heavy had been the parting, but Seothen found that he did not feel much sadness at it until they had cleared the golden woods. The magical powers at work in those forests had not let sadness reach him until he had overstepped their boundaries. No gift had the Lady of the Galadhrim given to him, unable to offer anything greater to Seothen than what Tári had already given to him. It was the sound of the hobbits behind him happily munching on some of the provisions provided by the elves that brought Seothen out of his daydreaming. He couldn't help smiling at the hobbits ability to feel hunger and the need to satisfy at almost any time in the day. During his travels with them he had already managed to observe their almost unsatisfiable appetite and love for food. The litte folk were pleasant companions and their hearts were much stouter than Seothen had suspected. The smile was almost wiped off the rohirrim's face as the whistle of an arrow passed barely an inch from his face. With a wide sweep of his paddle he turned the boat perpendicular to the current, presenting the smallest possible target and protecting the hobbits with his own body. Luckily no more arrows came so close to their boat and thanks to the fast currents of Anduin, which Tári had explained to Seothen meant long river in Sindarin, their boat was soon out of range. One of their number fell to the foul arrows of the orcs, disappearing into the currents of the river. The attack seemed much too coincidental, even to Seothen. Orcs patrolling the banks of the Anduin weren't unheard of, but for them to venture this far north, they had to have had some reason. Seothen suspected more and more a member of their fellowship. One who had predicted the death of a member of their fellowship even before it had happened, as if knowing that it was going to happen. OOC: vote for Phoenix - Megwyn
  13. knee-deep
  14. Forty days and forty nights Prince Mario followed the trail of the almost dragon travelling across dizzyingly highy mountains, and endless plains of razor-sharp grass before he met the first intelligent living being. When at the first the blackbird spoke to him, he nearly decapitated it with a hasty swing of his sledgehammer, but luckily he did not do so. The small bird hopped onto Mario's baseball cap and whispered in a human voice, but with tones reminiscent of the mellow, fluty song of its kind in the prince's ear. "You search for the almost dragon and the beautiful princess. The tracks lead north from here, but it is merely a trick by the lizard aimed at throwing you off his tracks." OOC: The blackbird - the blackbird has an orange-yellow beak and a yellow eye-ring. In these aspects it is like any other male blackbird, but unlike all these, this blackbird has somehow the ability to converse in a language comprehensible by humans.
  15. Quite an intriguing piece theravingderelict. I must say that I quite liked the way you used all the various images and descriptions, and showing the same scene from two different points of view added another layer to the story. I'm definitely looking forward to read more from you, either as an eventual sequel to this piece, or elsewhere.
  16. I've just checked under all of the skin settings and I couldn't find the setting for what fields to be displayed next to posts, so I'm pretty sure that this doesn't have anything to do with the skins, but is some more global setting. While someone finds a solution to this, geld totals can be seen in people's profiles.
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