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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. OOC: Only today and tomorrow left to do this, so those characters who aren't yet introduced still have a little bit of time.
  2. Sorry for not having posted recently , I'll try to get something together today.
  3. OOC: I think I've managed to use all of the most common nouns in order. I preferred not to name the child in this short piece. If I didn't miss a word, then this should be worth the 40 geld for using the words in order (I used the quite a few times, so no points for that part) I'm not sure either whether the 5 geld for participating is included in the 40. Time magazine elects person of the year! The judges told us that along the way, nearly every day one thing was uncertain: which man would win the prestigious title, and have the honour of appearing on the cover of Time all over the world, and have his name remembered during his whole life. It is rumoured that the chief editor's hand played a major part in the decision, as for the first time ever a child became Time person of the year. The eye of the world was on this child who did more than anyone else to fight for women's rights, mostly in poor African countries. It is thanks to his relentless efforts that finally women can find their deserved place in society, gaining the same work benefits as men, obtaining the same advantages, for example having the weekend off each week. The case that a young child could have such a great influence had been a major point during discussions between heads of governments at a recent UN summit. The impact of his deeds seems so great that even great multinational companies have been forced to give in to his demands, most importantly decreasing the number of discriminatory practices. Groups of workers have been formed in even the smallest factories, with the aim of resolving eventual problems arising due to this rapid change. This is the first time that Time magazine has awarded this allocated posthumously, but it is an undeniable fact that ............ 's influence is far reaching, and his legacy shall continue on, despite his untimely death.
  4. The hero leant heavily on his trusty steel sword, staring directly into the yellow, slitted eyes of the monster. It had been an epic battle, yet after a long struggle good had prevailed; not even hemorrhoids had been able to stop the valiant knight from vanquishing the evil dragon. ocean parents answer elephant
  5. Welcome back Black! It's nice to see you around again.
  6. Happy birthday! Hope that the day was as good as it deserves to be!
  7. Congratulations to all of you. Much deserved promotions.
  8. First off: welcome to the Pen mai takekaze! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Secondly: stumble
  9. Some of his fellow jurors seemed to be making quite rapid decisions about the trial, or the outcome it should have and this troubled John. He himself preferred to see all of the evidence before coming to a decision. He carefully voiced his opinion. "We have only seen one piece of evidence so far. Am I the only one to feel that it is nowhere near enough to conclude on the guilt or innocence of the tobacco companies in this trial? I feel that we are having too many arguments considering the early stage the trial is in." OOC: vote for Cat/Ayshela
  10. "Finished yet?" a deep baritone voice asked from the cover of the trees, and another, much older night elf stepped out from his green cover. "Why do you always have to spoil my fun?" the younger elf asked, as he waved his hand, causing Mario's body to slowly return to its normal proportions. The blackbird sprang up from his perch and landed on a small raspberry bush. "Food!" Mario cried as he noticed the bush. Almost instantly forgetting the night elves he rushed over and began feasting on the ripe fruit.
  11. A mouse it is.
  12. No, it's not an alarm clock.
  13. The object I grab just manages to fit into the palm of my hand. It is rounded at the back and the front, but the sides seem to be straight. I turn the object around in my hand, feeling its underside, which is also flat. As I turn the object back I feel it slightly yielding to pressure at the top, clicking a bit inward, then back out when I release it. Towards the front of the object I feel a cord coming out from a small hole, and snaking away.
  14. Volver - I watched this film by Almodovar in the cinema with friends recently. It recounts the life of a family having many problems because of the death of a mother. Not much happens in the film actionwise, but the acting is good and if you're looking for a good drama, then this film might be for you. Dune, Dune and Children of Dune - Some years back David Lynch made a Dune film and recently the sci-fi channel has made two mini-series: Dune and Children of Dune. Of these three, there are two I recommend strongly and one which in my opinion shouldn't be approached closer than a mile. David Lynch's version, while it might have had good special effects for its time looks really ridiculous nowadays. The film is four hours long and, even for a Dune fan like me, it was almost torture to have to watch it until the end. Major changes are made when compared with the book and to me the acting didn't really come together. The Dune and Children of Dune miniseries (each have 3 parts and are about 4 hours long) are much better in my opinion. The special effects were awardwinning and are much more believable than the ones in the Lynch-adaptation, actors are really top-notch and they stay quite close to the original books even. These two I can recommend heartily.
  15. (OOC: me and Mynx had planned for two weeks for the writing of introductions, so until the 25th)
  16. John actually took his duties seriously, not yet having lost his faith in the system, which was now the system he lived in. "You are right, that historically smoking was not considered the way it is now," he started. "My father used to tell me, that my ancestors smoked much stronger substances than simple nicotine. Some of those substances are today considered hard drugs or poisons, but my ancestors knew how to use them and survive." John knew that if he launched himself into talking about his ancestors he could go on for the better part of the session, so he checked himself, not wanting to make a bad impression of himself right on the first day. "About the current case, I'm not yet sure. We know almost nothing about the man, about his life, his habits, friends in childhood, lots of points which might have influenced his life. Neither have we yet heard the evidence against the tobacco companies, so I'll reserve my decision or comments until we've heard a bit of the trial."
  17. Lasiera Although outwardly the beggar had seemed amiable after Lasiera had cured him but on the inside he was slightly annoyed with the little creature destroying what brought him his daily income. Yes, he did feel better the way he was, but looking and feeling better, he could rely less on the goodwill of people in giving him a few coins. He almost cursed out loud as he realised that he might have to look for some work again. Despite these thoughts, the beggar was a simple men with a good heart, who was not one to leave a favour unthanked, even if he had not asked for that favour, and even would have possibly preferred not getting it. He led Lasiera down a winding street. A row of similar houses on the left side of the street had charred walls, and one of them was almost completely burnt down. The cripple noticed Lasiera gazing at these houses. "Dragon," he offered as an explanation but would not go into any more details. Either he was afraid of revealing more than he should or he did not know anything more. "Shortcut through here," he said presently standing right in front of the burnt down house. Only then did Lasiera spot that indeed, behind the charred husk of what once must have been the house of a middle-class family, another street was running parallel to the one they were on. The parallel street was bustling with activity, many merchants and peasants offering their wares for sale. The cripple navigated through the ruins of the home expertly. Walking past a food stand, Lasiera could not help noticing him pocket an apple, without leaving any payment. Annael, Richard and Cambio Suddenly, finding the answer to the riddle acquired a renewed sense of urgency for Annael, trapped inside the tree, as slowly the bark of the tree around her started closing in on her with an undeniable force. A voice echoed inside the tree, its voice even carrying out to Richard and Cambio, who was slowly starting to acquire the energy needed to shapeshift again. "Long were the years since her passing. Unchecked the tears sad songs we still sing."
  18. Here be a character: John White-Toe John's father still lived in an indian reserve in the heart of the U.S. Midwest, but John, breaking with the family tradition had moved away from the small remnant of his ancestors' lands, earned a Master's degree in business and now runs a small car loan firm of his on the outskirts of Biloxi. He still carries several marks of his heritage though, mostly tatoos on his back and chest, and his long hair is tied in braids. Next summer he shall have seen thirty-two winters come and pass.
  19. OOC: post co-written with Mynx. Thanks for kicking my muse into gear! Patham peeked into one of the rooms of the Conservatory and was surprised to see none other than CheerMynx standing under a sign offering flying lessons. Curious, Patham walked over, a grin already on his face. Seeing another potential applicant, CheerMynx's already wide grin increased in size as she bounced over the front of her booth and tacklehugged Patham. "Hi! Come to sign up?" "Actually..." Patham started, nearly wondering aloud about how a feline could be giving flying lessons, but he bit the end of the sentence off. "..yes," he said instead. "As you probably know I already know how to fly, the basics at least, but there is definitely room for improvement. And I must say that I'm more than interested to see what a mynx could teach to an avian." Patham's grin widened even further as he said that. "Oh, you'll never find anything like this anywhere else!" the feline jabbered as she dragged Patham over to her booth. "Besides, you only know how to fly with wings! When I'm through with you you totally won't need to bother with those pesky things!" "Actually I quite like my wings," Patham mentioned, glancing behind his back, where at the moment no wings could be seen. "Although if you manage to show me a method which is easier to master, I would be quite interested." Giggling with glee, CheerMynx signed Patham up, maintaining a firm grip on his forearm as she took the geld off him. "Well, I'm not sure it's easier if you already have wings...but I find it like, so totally easy for me to do!"
  20. Batchelorette Auction sign up is complete, it is now up to the ladies to introduce their characters!
  21. Sign up is now closed! Sorry for the non-rp-ness of this post, but I'm quite tired at the moment. The following characters now need to be introduced by their respective owners so that those who shall bid know whom they are bidding on. Sweetcherrie Dana Evangeline Rena'ah L'kaira CheerMynx Annael Fae Alexa Tanny Appy (+Ptraci for free ) WildJoker Apaltra Alaeha Sephora
  22. A chill wind blew ripples along the surface of the sea, yet shiny beads of sweat glistened on the bare backs of the men. Strong, heavyset men sitting next to their oars, rowing. One man, wearing the upper part of the skull of an ox on his head rhythmically beat on a sheepskin drum. The added weight and pull of the captured Viking longboat floating on the rope behind the ship just added to the rowers' misery. Their speed had been cut to a mere fifth of what it was normally and the seven-mile trip across the strait was taking much longer than usual. The evening's feast and the dance afterwards might be missed. The thought was on everyone's mind. A great victory had been won against the Nordic invaders and not one of those on board the ship wanted to miss the night's festivities. But the great chief had ordered for the longboat to be towed back and tow they did. The glistening rays of the setting sun reflecting on the wave tops gave renewed vigour to the men, who redoubled their efforts. The willingness of the men was reflected in the drumming increasing its pace. Land was already in sight, yet the currents were treacherous and strong in these parts, which the Vikings had experienced to their great loss. Piloting the ship with curt commands the great chief was the one who ordered the drummer to slow or increase his speed. Many Indian tribes had united in the battle and many would feast together, their decade-long enmities to fight against the common enemy. The women of the tribe greeted their men on the shore, but before they could be reunited the enemy ship had to be pulled in, next to the shore. Heavy hands pulled on the rope and slowly the vessel was tugged onto the beach. The chief having disappeared shortly after landing reappeared carrying a burning torch in one hand and incense in the other. The tribe's shaman, standing up from in front of his drums knew what he had to do. He took the incense from the chief and climbed the railing of the longboat with surprising agility. The men and women watched silently as the shaman made offerings to the various gods of the tribe, who had aided them in their fight. The captive Norse warriors had been tied to the mast of the longboat and warriors of the tribe had watched over them. Chanting loudly in his native tongue the shaman blessed the spirits of the soon to depart blond-haired seamen, wishing them speed on their journey to the eternal hunting grounds. He suddenly fell silent and with careful, measured movements poured the incense at the feet of the struggling warriors. The torch was handed up and flames sprang up. Long did the longboat burn, the flames cleansing these waters of the last remnants of the would-be invaders. The screams of the sacrificial victims were drowned out by the sounds of the festivities on the shore.
  23. Congratulations you confused ones! *huggles*
  24. Congratulations Yui! You certainly are one who deserves the title.
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