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Everything posted by Patrick
I indeed haven't seen Firefly, but that is what I mean to do after watching Serenity. Now I just need to get my hands on the TV series.
I didn't even know that there had been a TV series, but after some wikipedia searchin I found that the MTV series came more than a decade earlier. I watched Serenity this weekend. It provided two hours of nice entertainment and from the questions I could still ask myself after the end of the film, there is quite some room for a sequel. Special effects were unnoticable, which is always good in a science-fiction movie, meaning that they managed to blend in quite nicely. The acting, while not the best I have seen was definitely quite good, with the performance from Summer Glau taking the prime (in my opinion of course). The weapons used in the movie were quite cool and it was interesting to see where they were inspired from. If there was one thing I could hold against the movie it was leaving too many questions unanswered. For example, I couldn't figure out, even after the film why River Tam's character had gained the knowledge she had, and why she had her crazy moments. Still that doesn't take much away from the film, and I'd still recommend it.
Saw a couple of films the last few days (most of them acquired from Sweet - thanks again! ) Aeon Flux This film isn't as bad as some people will say it is. Yes, the plot is at times predictable and there are some minor inconsistencies, but if you're not looking for the perfect film and just two hours of light entertainment, then this is perfect. Special effects aren't bad and the idea behind the film is also quite good. A good point for the film is that it made me want to check out the comic books behind it. Battle Royale I had heard about this film long before I saw it and I had pretty good expectations. Luckily they were fulfilled. For those who don't know the film, the story shortly resumed is: a class of japanese students is sent onto an island and after three days only one can survive, otherwise they all die. The teenage actors in the film did a really good job in portraying what their characters might have been going through in such a situation. The plot reserves quite a few surprises and sudden turns. All in all, a great film, although due to some pretty gritty death scenes, I'm sure some people wouldn't enjoy it. The Shawshank Redemption This film was actually the highest rated film on IMDB some time ago, but lately it has been pushed back to second place by The Godfather. Whether it is first or second though, it definitely deserves that place. I saw it a few years ago first and had been on the hunt for it ever since, and finally got it last weekend. I usually find that Morgan Freeman acts really well in most of his films, but in this one he delivers a stunning performance, along with Tim Robbins. The film does a great job of portraying what spending decades in a prison can do to a man. Definitely a film I would heartily recommend to anyone.
OOC: Results can be found here.
The curtains parted and Patham and Mynx came out from behind them. Patham was holding a crumpled piece of paper in his hands, which he promptly uncrumpled. Patham cleared his throat, but it was Mynx who spoke. "The auction has ended and after some deliberating we have decided who has been won by whom!" Patham stepped up and read the results from the paper. OOC: results are presented as XXX's YYY, where XXX is the writer and YYY the character. BACHELORETTE AUCTION RESULTS Bachelorette Winning Bidder Sweetcherrie's Sweetcherrie Gyrfalcon's Gyrfalcon Sweetcherrie's Dana Patrick's Patrick Evangeline's Evangeline Wyvern's Wyvern Evangeline's Rena'ah jonathon wolfe's jonathon wolfe Evangeline's L'kaira Alaeha's Jirah Mynx's Cheermynx Tanuchan's Thomas the Minstrel Annael's Annael Wyvern's Wyvern Nightfae's Fae Sweetcherrie's Stoomp Nightfae's Alexa Patrick's Patham Tanuchan's Tanny Mynx's Naked Angel Appy's Appy (+Ptraci) Quincunx's Rydia Appy's Wildjoker Wyvern's Wyvern Appy's Apaltra Gyrfalcon's Daryl Alaeha's Alaeha Patrick's Patham Alaeha's Sephora Sweetcherrie's Stoomp OOC: if I made any mistakes (especially with people who didn't explicitly say which character they bid with) then send me or Mynx a PM and we'll update the list to reflect the changes.
Happy Birthday Tass! I hope the day is wonderful and goes the way you'd like it to!
"Bidding is now closed!" Patham announced in a clear voice. All the bachelorettes shot curious glances at Patham, as though they expected him to immediately answer the results. "I'll have to ask all of you to be a bit more patient. Mynx and I will have to look through all of these bids so that we don't miss anything, and it might take us some time. I thank you for your patience. Once we are done, we shall announce the results on that stage over there!" Patham shouted, pointing at a stage on the other side of the hall. OOC: once me and Mynx manage to get together we should be able to sort through the bids quite fast, but some of the bidders should expect PMs we'll be sending out asking for clarification. I hope we don't take longer than until the weekend. The results shall be announced in a new thread (for easier visibility) but we'll link to it from here.
Patham stepped up on the scene and gazed over the bachelorette and those who had already entered their bids. "The bidding is slowly drawing to an end! You have only a few hours left to win the bachelorette who shall take you on a wonderful date!" OOC: bidding closes around 11pm CET, meaning about 9 hours from now.
Well I've just finished reading Eragon a few minutes ago and I'd very happily add my recommendation to that of Ozy. It was probably the best read I've had in recent years (barring rereads of course).
"10 geld!" Patrick cried, placing his starting bid almost immediately after Sweetcherrie finished her announcement. Chiroq wobbled over, and gratefully hopped up onto the chair next to him, sending a grateful look to his saviour. On the other side of the room Wyvern still looked disappointed at missing a meal of wiggly cabbage suprème.
As soon as the bush was burnt to cinders by yet another fireball, Mario jumped behind the thick trunk of a nearby tree. Yet wherever he hid, whichever plant Mario chose as cover, all fell to Kenny's fiery wrath. Soon only one more plant was left alive in the whole clearing, the raspberry bush from which Mario had satisfied his hunger. The moment a fireball engulfed the bush, something snapped inside of Mario. Jumping from the blazing inferno, he snatched up an assortment of small pebbles from the ground and started hurling them towards Kenny. Our hero was not as good a slinger as David had been when fighting Goliath, but still on his fourth try he hit his mark. Kenny shrieked in pain, dropping his wand, and clutching his head with both hands. Both Mario and the blackbird on his shoulder rushed at Kenny, and in a matter of a few seconds beat and pecked him to death. Mario picked up the wand from the ground pocketing it for an eventual encounter with the almost dragon he was pursuing. "OMG...they killed Kenny!" the younger dark elf whispered to his companion. (OOC: sorry couldn't resist that given the name of the attacker ) "The scourge has finally been cleansed from this land," the elder replied, before walking over to Mario. "I thank you for what you have done. We shall aid you in your quest for whom you seek." From a fold in his clothes the dark elf withdrew a map, and pinpointed a cave three days journey away. "That is where you can find the reptile and his hostage."
Happy belated birthday Zool! Hope it was great!
Sweet: is yours a paintbrush?
Gyr, if not an mp3 player then is it a USB drive?
Patrick turned to watch the reptilian elder stain the pages of his cookbook with his almost dragonic drool. Chiroq standing next to Sweetcherrie was slowly backing away from Wyvern, a look of utmost terror on that Wiggly Cabbage face of his. He then turned to Patrick, his puppy-eyes pleading silently with him to save him from the clutches of the lizard planning to stew, cook or roast him. No one could resist such eyes (except Wyvern of course) and after a short glance at his purse, Patrick announced his bid. "75 geld for Chiroq."
Geld totals have been updated with a few exceptions where some small issues need to be sorted out; and the geld from the activity of the last few days, which we shall try adding as it comes along. A *very* big thank you goes out to Wyvern for doing all the updating stuff in the name of all the guildleaders. And another thank you to Gyrfalcon and Wyvern for keeping the list of activities up-to-date.
"Yes!" Patrick shouted from the left hand side, lifting his hand to show who the new bidder was. Chiroq seemed to be a funny little cabbage, and if he could save him from the almost dragonic clutches of Wyvern, then Patrick would try his best. "And I'll even up the bid to 35 geld!"
Patrick nodded gratefully as he accepted the welcomingly warm cup of liquid. Small droplets of water slowly trickled down his dark-green cloak. "Did you go for a swim?" Sweetcherrie asked, gazing at the cloak, which was wet despite the blazing sunshine which envelopped the towers of the Pen keep. "No," Patrick replied with a chuckle. "It was raining this morning and the cloak hasn't dried yet. You see," he started explaining as he undid the buckle which fastened the cloak together at his neck, "the outside of this cloak is made from a very thick material, which does not pass the water down to the lower layers, keeping whoever wears it dry." He presented the cloak to Sweetcherrie so that she might feel the material for herself. Patham took a long sip from his coffee before putting the cup down again, onto the edge of a hollow treestump. "But not only does this cloak protect from the rain and the cold, it has another very interesting ability. Should you ever sleep in this cloak, no creature would come and trouble you in your sleep, for it masks the scent you give off." Sweetcherrie nodded and wondered how the cloak was capable of that. She handed the cloak back towards Patrick "Oh, no need to give it back to me. It's the item I have come to auction off," Patrick said with a smile, taking another gulp from his daily dose of caffeine.
OOC: geld totals are mostly up to date (all geld rewards in this carnival until the 25th have been added) with again a big thank you to Wyvern. Expect some more additions in the coming days, as we try to get caught up with a backlog of geld we need to add dating back to last carnival...
OOC: just a small note after a question from a few days ago. We are accepting bids not only from male members of the Pen, but also female members who bid with male characters. *goes back to work* Also: geld totals shall be updated in the coming few days, with a big thanks to Wyvern.
John had been silent during most of the discussions of the previous day, offering only a short sentence here and there. He had not been able to comprehend how members of the jury could take bribes. John himself was an honest man, interested mostly in justice. And then the time for the verdict came. Neither of the two sides had managed to produce particularly convincing evidence, or at least so it seemed to John, who despite the particularly boring trial, had tried following closely. "I don't think there was enough evidence for us to be able to decide either way," he ventured, speaking his longest sentence in more than a day. "Therefore I vote for us dismissing the case on the lack of evidence."