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Yay! Congrats!
1. Name of Female Pennite - Lady Celes Crusader 2. Name of Male Pennite - Valdar 3. A Mythical Title - Flight of Icarus 4. Noun - brush 5. Verb, past tense - flew 6. Name of Another Pennite - Gwaihir 7. Adjective - prolific 8. Verb ending in "ing" - doing 9. A Liquid - magma 10. Adverb - extremely 11. A Time of Day - noon 12. Noun - tree 13. A Weapon - katana 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - kimono 15. Verb - graduate 16. A Piece of Furniture - chair 17. Plural Noun - mice 18. Part of Body, plural - ears
Happy belated birthday Appy! Sorry for lateness and shortness of post!
In reply to Mardrax's question in IRC: I'd like characters PM'd to me (so that details, which shouldn't be revealed in the beginning aren't), afterwards I shall distribute them, and information available to other players shall be posted about the characters.
Just a few for now. Have you ever woken up, wishing that you were still in your dream, because your life in it was magnitudes better than the one you have in the real world? Have you ever had a friend crying in your arms and not had a single intelligent thing to say? geekness warning! Have you ever taken a laptop apart, looking for the RAM inside of it, just to find that it was in the last possible place you could look (that is under the keyboard...) Have you ever actually lost your room keys right next to the table? (university dorm) Done above twice in the same week? Have you ever helped take a drunk friend back to his room, and then went to get his laundry because he was in no state to do so?
Arf...sorry for the delay...*mumbles about real life and its nasty surprises* Now to get back to Z's question. I do not have much of the scenario worked out, I always felt better at letting my games run freely. Of course I have a beginning to the story mostly worked out and the general line along which I'd like to see events progress, but if due to the way characters act ingame the plot diverges I won't force it back onto track using DM powers. Otherwise the scenario shall have both combat and character interaction in it, in what I've found to be a healthy mix in freeform games.
Happy birthday (sorry for being late) Peredhil!
October Promotions! (yes, it's been updated!)
Patrick replied to Ozymandias's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Congratulations on all your promotions! -
Happy (very belated) birthday wishes Cryptomancer! I hope the day was great and that many more shall follow it!
*bump* Anyone actually still interested in this?
As far as I saw, interns do all the crap work the people here don't want to do...
I'll leave it at that with the information so far, don't want to overload anyone with it. If anything more is needed I can make it by request or the world can be filled in as it is played. Characters can already be made, but if anyone is still interested you can still sign up. Sign upees so far: Katzaniel Appy Zadown Sweetcherrie Gyrfalcon Mardrax
Culture/Religion The elves live in a mostly woodland culture, ruled by their king and queen. They don't have any organised religion, but almost all share a profound love for nature and all of its children. The dwarves of Taneros have united under the belief in a single god, the god of mountains and fire, Montas. Each dwarven city has a lord of its own, and of these lords one is elected to head their council every twelve years. The humans follow many different beliefs and generally the different religions do accept each other, though occasional flare-ups do happen. Three great families rule each one of the big human cities and control some settlements around them, but other than that the lands the humans inhabit are very fractured and not united under any single ruler. Another human city, which deserves mention is the eastern coastal port of Jara, which is, when ships do get through, the island's link with the outside world.
History (part 2) With the influx of dwarves and elves, came other creatures. After the relaxation and then full abandon of the control of the coastlands by the Imperial Army, barbarian tribes, orcs and other foul creatures also started appearing on Taneros. At first, the different races coexisted peacefully, but then a war broke out between one of the barbarian tribes and the previously peaceful elves, and due to the indecision of the mostly human cities, of whom to support in the war, a great rift formed between the two people, and the vast majority of elves left the great human cities and founded a town (Leya) and settlements of their own in the forests along the Assi. The dwarves, true to their nature, settled down inside the mountains where they delved wide and deep creating underground cities, mining rich mineral veins. Their greatest city, Dwimmerweld, once housed more than fifty thousand dwarves, but as the mines moved further and further away, the population slowly started to lessen, and nowadays barely numbers twenty thousand, leaving whole districts of the city empty. For the humans and their mostly sea trade with the mainland, the pirates became an ever growing concern, until finally forty years ago, the three ruling families of the three great human cities allied together and through their combined military strength, managed to clear the coastline of pirate bases, though on the high seas the problem remained the same. Less defended while the war against the pirates lasted, some human settlements among the foothills of the southern mountains were pillaged by orcs, who in some cases left no survivors and burnt the villages down. The fragile alliance between the three families still holds to this day, but tensions have been rising and if one were to believe the rumours circulating among the cities, a split between them might be close, which, along with the amassing of an orcish army among the mountains, and the relative passivity of the dwarves towards the humans, is a cause for concern among the population.
*takes a hug from the hugbin* In other news: I'm really annoyed with this internship...just today and three more days to go afterwards, but my boss wants me to finish loads of stuff...loads of boring/annoying stuff...
Not yet. I'm still working on the setting. History part 2 should be following tonight if all goes well, and then I'll do a bit about religion and culture.
I'd say classic fantasy. So magic does exist, but isn't as commonplace as in some settings. The usual suspects (dwarves, orcs, elves, halflings, humans, etc...) exist, along with other fantasy beasts/monsters. The setting isn't an already existing one and I'm not one to define everything inside it, so if you have anything to suggest, a race/creature you think could/should exist, I'm open to suggestions. History (part 1) Centuries ago, the island of Taneros was still part of the Draelian Empire, but slowly, with the passing of time, and due to the great distance from the mainland, the Imperial rule got weaker and weaker, until the Empire reigned only in name. It was during the reign of Hayan Drael, close to four hundred years ago, that the Empire reasserted its control over the island bringing a flourishing economy and culture to the previously mostly military outposts on the island. The main city during these times was Nova Dralia, situated where the Weson reached the central lake. As the seat of the Imperial governor it was the city, which saw the most development during these years, bringing a life style very much like that on the mainland Imperial cities. All changed after Hayan Drael death. His son, a weakhanded ruler, did not enjoy the respect and loyalty his father had commanded. It was during his rule, that Pirates, striking from small archipelagos along the shipping routes in the ocean between the mainland and Taneros swooped down on shipping convoys, and even attacked military ships. Cut off from the mainland, the Imperial influence on Taneros waned, and after two dozen years, the growing sentiment of independence from the distant Imperial Court gathered strength, and soon, Taneros declared its independence. The by then ruler of the Empire, Hayan Drael's grandson, though the Empire did not need Taneros, could not allow the island to gain its independence, for then other Imperial provinces could have gotten similar ideas. The Imperial Army, plagued during the sea voyage by the ever strengthening pirates arrived greatly weakend on Taneros, but they still outmatched the independentists, both numerically and with their superior equipement. But they were on unfamiliar ground, and using the tactic of burning down the ground through which the Imperials had to travel, the rebels managed to slow their advance sufficiently, until they had enough military prowess to defeat them. The surrender of the Imperial forces effectively meant independence for Taneros. Nova Dralia was renamed to Novalia and new cities sprung up, the two most prominent being Askal, along the Assi, and Lostiron along the Jison. It was during this period that elves arrived from the north, settling in the woodland areas, and dwarves started appearing in the mountains. OOC: I'll try finishing this in the afternoon, but I've got to work now...
Sorry for not having gotten this setting done earlier, but a friend is staying at my place, so I don't have much time during my nights, and I didn't manage to sneak in enough time at work the past few days. I might be doing this in several segments, all depending on how much I actually have to work today. Geography The island of Taneros had long been the cradle of civilisations. At first glance at a map, one could call the island shaped like a rough egg, but upon closer examination, the many inlets, peninsulas and small islands dotting the coast give the island a slighty different, much more detailed shape. Fourteen hundred miles across at its least and twenty three hundred at its most, Taneros is by far the largest landmass throughout the treacherous western seas. Dominating the Tanerian landscape, and visible even hundreds of miles away in good weather are the southern mountains, named Draelian Mountains after the long dead Emperor, Hayan Drael. The lower slopes of the mountains are covered by vast woodlands, stretching dozens of miles after the foothills. Even the lowest peaks of the mountains are well covered by snow, and the highest peaks, measuring more than forty thousand feet in hight are, most of the time, covered in a shroud of cloud. Aside from some smaller hills in the west of Taneros, the rest of the geography of the island was mostly shaped by its three great rivers, who cover the land with fertile soil each year when the snows melt. Two of the great rivers are born from the melting snow of the Draelian mountains, commencing as small streams, but rapidly growing into the fast flowing rivers they are in the foothills, and lazy, meandering on the vast plains. Jila, the longer of these two, springs from the ground in the eastern confines of the mountains and snakes northwest, cutting through the great southern forests. Weson is born from the melting tip of two joining glaciers in the center of the mountain range and cuts due west, before turning towards the north. It's in a shallow depression in the center of the island, that the two rivers meet, forming a large lake. Renamed Jison, the flow of water, which leaves the lake towards the east, snakes through many turns towards the east, before finally reaching the vast seas. The third river, and surprisingly the one with the most flow of water, due to having the most precipitation along its course is the Assi, commencing its long journey in the western hills and travelling almost due northeast.
I think that playing it until interest/free time lasts, or the story reaches a good conclusion would be the best.
A point, which has turned up in our discussions in the guild leader forum was that while people do strive to improve in poetry or storytelling, as it is much easier to give advice there, it's not so much a case for roleplaying. As it was put, often people play characters they are familiar with, and feel comfortable playing, yet it would be really interesting to see how they played a character they are in no way familiar with. Therefore I propose an activity. I'd create a roleplaying setting, those interested in taking part would sign up and create a character they'd normally feel comfortable playing, and then I'd take all of the characters created and redistribute them randomly (or not). It's still too close to when I woke up for me to think up a setting, so I'll do that later, but feel free to already show interest in the activity.
Thanks for the comments Wyv, it's great to know that someone is reading, and enjoying this story. About Oblivion: it's single player, but not really linear. Sure, the main questline is pretty linear, but there are a lot of sidequestlines and multiple choice quests. I'll try taking your suggestions into account for the next installment (already played, just not yet written) best as I can.
Errrr...did I miss something here? Because as far as I can see from what we showed of our discussions in the Double Secret Room, it's exactly the opposite. We're actively looking at how we could restructure.
You were born on a Friday. Your star sign is Gemini. The season was Spring. You are 21 years, 2 months, 27 days old.* It is 277 days until your next Birthday.* You are 7,758 days old.* You are approximately 186,203 hours old.* You are approximately 670,331,892 seconds old.*
On the tan skin the button to go up to the top is this one: right next to the report button. And on the default skin it's this:
1 Heartfire, Inn of Ill Omen I'll just start where I had left off in my previous journal entry. As I had written, I had met Lucien Lachance, a truly fascinating character. His proposition was for me to join the Dark Brotherhood, a guild of assassins feared by many in Oblivion. The legends painted many of the members as insane mass-murderers, but Lucien clearly did not fit the profile of one. He is a fascinating character, and there is already one of his sayings I wish I could call mine. He creates rumours and does not spread them. Hopefully as my reputation grows the same shall be true for me. During his visit, Lucien proposed a test of entry to the Dark Brotherhood. If every test were so easy as this one had been then life would certainly be a cakewalk. For to enter this Brotherhood, and serve the Night Mother, I had to simply kill an old man by the name of Rufio. The task had been ridiculously easy. Even easier than getting to the Inn of Ill Omen, for on the way there, as I cut through the countryside (finding many interesting species of mushrooms along the way I must say) I was attacked by a wild boar. While its meat did provide for an enjoyable supper in the pathetic Inn of Ill Omen, it was a hard fought battle to defeat the beast. Killing Rufio, as he lay in his sleep, with a simple touch spell, while not glorious was perfectly enough for the task. I followed the task - for let us not call a mission simple murder, for behind murder there usually is no purpose and what I did was driven by a purpose - with the majestic supper of boar meat with carrots and potatoes, accompanied by a truly wondrous vintage 415 from the Surillie vineyards. I'm starting to acquire quite a fondness for the good wines of this land. Once I scrape enough money together to have a house I can call my own, I shall have to visit the vineyards themselves to stock up on their best wines. The room in the Ill of Omen is a total ripoff for 10 gold! There isn't the comfort of an elevated bed that the Merchant's Inn has, I'll have to sleep on mere furs draped on the ground, at the same height as all the insects, which most certainly inhabit this establishment. And to make it even worse, the bed, if it can even be called that, is the only piece of furnishing in the whole room. No chair to drape my clothes on, and there is even barely enough space for me to put my pack down and still be able to sleep! Total ripoff! Had the proprietor not told me where Rufio was, I would feel inclined to "take care" of him, but as it is, he has redeemed himself for the present. I seriously hope though that this is the last time I shall have to spend the night here. After barely fifteen minutes of sleep, I was once again awoken. Lucien Lachance must have expected me to complete the task this fast to have been waiting for me. He filled me in on the details. I am to go to Cheydinhal, where I shall get further missions. I plan to wake at dawn and reach Cheydinhal before nightfall, for were I to have to spend the night in another such establishment, I would not like it.