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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. "Oooh! Who are you? You look really cool! We could be friends!" I was all over Prospero, jumping around him. "I'm not Canid's puppy though, but she was really kind to me! She gave me some tasty rabbit! I haven't had so good a meal in a long time!" And on and on I went... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twirp hated being an imp. And he hated the name his master had given him. Twirp...it sounded so...stupid. He also hated running menial tasks for his master. Collect three mushrooms here! Get fourteen red berries there! How the hell was he supposed to find them under two feet of snow??? "Sssuch a loveable creature that imp, isssn't he?" "Oh, just shut up and let me do my work. He'll be back soon!" "Sssoon...what if thingsss go wrong?" "They won't."
  2. Warning: contains quite a bit of strong language...no idea why I was inspired to write this. If you don't want to read, just scroll down for the four new words. "Would you stop fucking flaunting your oh so marvellous abilities!" "Hey, could you be a bit less direct?" When Joe and Tom went drinking together it always degenerated into insults and a shouting competition between the two of them, but despite, and possibly because of this they were the best buddies. "This one...," Tom shouted, clutching himself on a barstool, "I call the metamorphosis of the cunt!" He prompty pushed his trousers down. "Well, that sure ain't a cunt I'd fuck my dear Tom. A bit too hairy for my liking." "Stop insulting my beautiful vagina Joe!" "Boys! It's time for ye two to go home." Sean was the bouncer of the small pub and both of them knew him pretty well. He had kicked them out on numerous occasions. "Come on Tom! The scenery ain't liking us here. Let's go. I need to piss..." Next words: mirror rejection disconnected ricochet
  3. Saw The departed two nights ago. I like it when a film I watch is unpredictable and this one certainly was. Great twists at the end, good story and good acting. Gets the two thumbs up from me.
  4. target
  5. Read the new installment today. Nicely written. Skielah's character is starting to nicely be fleshed out. If I can have on minor bit of criticism (somewhat along the lines of what Wyvern said) then the transformation from memory-less girl to feline killer seems to be a bit rapid to me. Then again, this might be something you plan on elaborating in the future. Looking forward even more eagerly to more.
  6. Game is officially over. Congratulations again to the wolves on their victory. Thanks to everyone for participating!
  7. The next morning Father Jones' back hurt like hell that morning. He had slept in an uncomfortable position and the strain his aged muscles had picked up killing all those vampires during the last couple of days showed. He was just having his morning coffee, when Brother Stevens brought that morning's post in. "There's a letter from the gas company and a package with a letter attached to it, doesn't give a sender." "Give me the letter and open that package," Father Jones told him between two sips of coffee. With a butter knife he cut the letter open and took a sheet of expensive paper out. Thank you for your services. They have been very useful. The Camarilla "The box! Stop open-" Fatal gas explosion in Goldendown Last night, in an upperclass home in the peaceful city of Goldendown, in an apparent explosion, seven people were burnt to death. Authorities are still investigating the causes of the explosion but so far it is being put down to a leaky gas pipe.
  8. reincarnation
  9. The seas were calm. Only the myriads of pieces of debris floating on the surface of the turquoise wate evidenced the massacre that had taken place but a few hours earlier. Soon the ocean would claim even those and then only in memory shall the thousands of brave sailors live on. "What madness...what madness can push men to hate each other so?" The rhytmic intonations of the voice on the deck of the badly damaged, only remaining ship, the Buccaneer, left only silence in itws wake. "Shut up Poet! I asked for a happy song, not some wailful lament to the dead!" The captain was clearly building himself up into one of his mighty rages. The leftovers in his plate trembled whenever his fist pounded against the table. Luckily, a voice intruded from the crow's nest before his rage could be unleashed. "I see the traitor!" Just above the horizon, the grey-ish blue sails of the Interceptor could be seen. New words: dog rocket-propelled grenade chocolate ashtray
  10. Welcome to the Pen!
  11. That calculating stare. Always that stare. She knew how to make my enthusiasm evaporate in a manner of seconds. "Show me at least some deference," she had said. "I'm tired of your dogma and your constant preachings. I'm not a kid anymore..." I had replied and slammed my door shut. I was going to regret that show of emotion later, but for now it was time to turn the music on. Loud. Very loud. pocket revolution grill horse
  12. :star: :tstar: :binary: :twinkle: Give
  13. A quick google search returned a webpage that is capable of calculating how many seconds old you are, but not the rest of the info the previous page gave: http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html
  14. Sorry, but I don't have time to write a lynching post today, got to be packing and then catching a plane. The post shall be going up tomorrow. Mithrandin/Ossidian has been lynched, and that brings the victory of the wolves. Tanny and Vene were the wolves and by taking out Finnius they can now easily win. The IC end to the game is being worked out between the three of them. Roles were as follows: Tanuchan - Lilah Lestrand - Tremere - WOLF Mithrandin - Osidian - Assamite - BANER Finnius - Francis - Malkavian Venefyxatu - Andreas Giovanni - Giovanni - WOLF Gryphon - Billi Zane - Ventrue - GRAVEDIGGER Mardrax - Francesca San Gioveto - Lasombra - SEER Savage Dragon - Simon Hopkins - Brujah Merelas - Sylas - Nosferatu It's a pity that the gravedigger went to an inactive player, would have been interesting to see that role work. Thanks to all for participating.
  15. So I went to see 300 last night, and I must say that for me it wasn't as good as what the hype said about it. The heroic message it is trying to pass and the Spartans forever clinging to their values were message that in my opinion were overshadowed by the blood and gore, which at times felt too much like gratuitous violence to me. Now don't get me wrong, it is a decent, maybe even good film, but for me it simply did not live up to the expectations I had from hearing about it and from what I had carried over from Sin City (which is from the same writer).
  16. Voting phase is extended 24 hours. Come on people, don't start counting on me extending these phases...
  17. Erroneous new PM numbers have been fixed for everyone. Found the solution to the problem on IPB's forums.
  18. Errors fixed. Any errors found from this point on, I'll have missed altogether. There are some bits of blue popping in on certain screens while the page is still loading, but once the page is fully loaded those disappear.
  19. Reply box blue is now fixed. Places where I know there is still some blue: My Friends My Assistant
  20. Apart from a few minor glitches and an image or two, the tan skin is back! (the reply box being blue is its background image, which is being worked on right now). If in about 2-3 hours time you can still see errors, anything blue (grrrr) then let me know! ~Patrick, techily tinkering...
  21. Test post for skinning purposes, don't take notice of it. lol for (int i=0; i<100; i++);
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