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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Pierre was french. Not only in the way that he spoke, but the way that he acted and the way that he dressed. He wore a black and white striped jumper, a beret on his head and loose, almost baggy trousers. Or truezerz as he would have called them. As the crowds flooded inside the exhibition area, a few curious ladies were the first to approach Pierre and his oil paintings. "Good day to you Mesdemoiselles! I am zery pleezed to see zat you ave come! Come, come closer. Pierre will show you is oil payntings. Zis one ere," he said pointing at the centerpiece of his exposition, "iz of ze famoose french caseedral, ze Notre dame in Paris. It iz a very populaire soobject with ze painters back home..." On and on he went, presenting each of his paintings to anyone who cared to watch, always pleasant, and always talking a lot.
  2. I watched Children of Men last night and I'll happily confirm all that Wyv has said about it. Great camerawork, good acting and good script. The ending is a bit predictable, but still quite good.
  3. chainsaw
  4. I saw American History X last week. For those who don't know it, the story is that of a former neo-nazi, who is trying to keep his brother off the same road he had gone down. There are a lot of flashbacks in the film, and they work quite well. Edward Norton delivers a great lead performance in this film. As Wyv said for the previous film: "Recommended"
  5. *giggles uncharacteristically* That gave me a great laugh! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Pierre Legrand Art: oil on canvas Age: 35 Pierre had been a french painter, living in Paris, trying to sell his artwork to the tourists on the Seine riverside with sometimes more,but usually less, success. When his money had ran out, he called once again on his rich uncle, who reluctantly, but in the hopes of getting rid of his annoying relative, paid Pierre a one-way ticket to the States. Ever since arriving in this new country, Pierre continued to do the same things he had done in France. He painted Paris' well known buildings from memory, trying to sell the resulting paintings to anyone willing to look at them. He also speaks with a quite heavy french accent, which unmistakably places him as an "alien".
  7. Happy belated birthday Ozy! I hope the day had been great!
  8. newspaper
  9. year Just because graduation is a year away...
  10. ...gone to sleep when everyone else was already awake?
  11. I'm in. Character to come Friday when I've gotten through exam week if that isn't too late for the game.
  12. "When you are in the wild, in the regions where man is not master of the environment, you have to adhere to different rules than in the city", my uncle always used to tell me. He had been one of the last full-time hunters of the wild north-west. As a spartan warrior defending his homeland against an invasion, so had he always continued on, never hanging up his spurs, hunting until his last breath. I brushed a vine off of his gravestone. Plants had overgrown the grave in the middle of the forest, but no animal had decided to disturb his remains. He had been a creature of the forest as much as them, and when he was buried in the forest that he had loved, his eternal rest was not disturbed by those he had hunted during his life. As I walked back to my four-wheel-drive I heard a thrush sing overhead. The bustling of civilisation barely a dozen miles away hadn't disturbed the natural order here. Yet. Next words: -sunless -four -volume -British
  13. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Pen! You're right, this is a perfect place for people to introduce themselves. If you like writing, then you've come to the right place. I hope you'll enjoy your stay!
  14. I saw Hotel Rwanda last night. For those unfamiliar with the film (even though Wyv has already reviewed it in this thread) it recounts the tale of a hotel manager saving more than a thousand Tutsis and Hutus during the Rwanda genocide. Don Cheadle was simply amazing in the main role, and deserved his Oscar nomination for it. He easily holds the movie together in the few places where the rest doesn't manage. For me the plot was coherent and even the other actors were quite good. I definitely can recommend this film.
  15. I'll add my own happy birthday wishes! May your flame shine for a long time!
  16. opression
  17. Great short story Nyarlathotep. Nicely painted imagery and as Wyvern had already said, the dark style fits the piece quite nicely. Keep up the good writing.
  18. I'll go with: Madlib Formula #1 Opaque - 'Adlib' So I went with advertising companies/products with this...I'm in no way affiliated to either of them. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18 and 19 are pretty obscure, companies/products can be found using google search for the term on the first page though. 1) [A Vehicle] Toyota 2) [Verb, Past Tense] googled 3) [Plural Noun] Marlboros 4) [Verb, Past Tense] photoshopped 5) [Adjective Ending in "-like"] Half-Life-like 6) [A Number] 300 7) [Plural Noun] Windows [Feature of Said Plural Noun (7)] Internet Explorer 9) [Article of Clothing] Gucci shoes 10) [Adverb] well 11) [Adjective] Happy 12) [A Hair Accessory] comb 13) [Adjective] great 14) [Part of Body] Head 15) [An Artifact] stone 16) [Noun] Red Hat 17) [Plural Noun] Wizards of the Coast 18) [superlative Adjective (i.e longest, lowest, etc.)] best 19) [Formal Title for a Person] mister 20) [Adjective Ending in "-like"] Doom-like
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