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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Creepy. Nicely written.
  2. I see that your descriptions are at least as good in your poems as in your stories! Great piece!
  3. Hehehe. Gave me a chuckle and then another few. Nice reaction piece.
  4. I'd be in.
  5. That almost made me giggle, but luckily I managed to suppress it, because I'd have gotten quite a few weird stares here at work. Best of luck with school and those drooping eyelids!
  6. I can easily sympathise with the feelings expressed in the poem. Nicely written.
  7. Happy birthday Yui! *huggles*
  8. I've placed my comments here. If you want to continue this story and don't want this post and Ran Yoko's post disrupting the flow, I can delete this one and move his post to the thread in the Critic's Corner.
  9. A compelling read (took me an hour while at work, which I don't regret at all ). Your descriptions of scenery, clothes, weather, etc. are very good as usual. I found however that there could have been a bit more spent on how the girls felt. I can see quite a bit of potential of exploring their feelings (both towards each other and towards others) to more depth. The actions also felt not quite fully fleshed out, but that might just be the difference in our writing styles (I usually write too much action, not enough description). I sure am hoping that you are planning to continue this story!
  10. The random numbers decided against Gryphon. Congratulations to the wolf, Mynx! (who would have won whichever way the lynching went). Thanks to all who took part in this quite short game!
  11. That evening, under the cool shadows of the oak tree planted in the town square, everyone, even the sick and elderly had gathered, called together by the indecisive mayor. His old, frail voice was unable to control the villagers and soon chaos ensued, with everyone shouting what he wanted. Slowly, but surely, the chant of one name managed to form and strengthen. Aaron gulped as he realised that the bloodthirsty crowds were chanting his own name. He tried running, but it was useless. They held him, beat him with sticks and stones and then cast his lifeless body aside. In a certain sense, the villagers were as dangerous and as deadly as the werewolf itself. OOC: Gryphon - Aaron "Longbow" was an innocent villager. And with that, the wolf has won, since there is no more baner around to stop the night kill!
  12. Very well written Psimon! Glad to see you back!
  13. Updated score sheet: Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan - seer - 1st lynch Gryphon - Aaron "Longbow" Mithrandin - Friederich Mann Mynx - William Nolan Tanuchan - Olayna Nolan - baner - 1st wolf kill Venefyxatu - Captain Mario Delas You now have at least two days of dayphase in which to find the wolf. Good luck!
  14. Olayna realised with dread that she should have not gone out against her brother's wishes that night. The man she had currently charmed was more than three decades older than her and had even bought her a pearl necklace as proof of his affection. She had nothing to complain about concerning the man. He was kind, wealthy and had a certain roguish charm to him. No, if Olayna had been able to utter a complaint it would have been to the fates, for making her choose the wrong way home. She was unable to speak though, almost utterly petrified by fear as the werewolf advanced upon her, its sharp claws glistening in the moonlight. The beast had managed to corner her and all was over. She tried screaming, but no sound came to her lips. Only when the first of the claws sunk into her stomach did she let out a bloodcurling shriek, which suddenly died away. By the time the first of the villagers had gotten to the scene, Olayna was dead, her insides turned out, yet more evidence to the incredible viciousness of the beast. William had been right. It was dangerous to go outside at night. OOC: Tanuchan/Olayna Nolan was the baner. Seems that so far luck is on the wolf's side.
  15. It was mid-afternoon and having finished work for the day Giles Jordan was walking home, his silver axe slung over his shoulder as usual. No one was surprised by it, not when there was a known werewolf among the inhabitants of the village. But there were whispers. Soft and hidden at first, but then propagated by William Nolan and Captain Delas that the silver axe might just be an element of disguise. Who could ever suspect the man, who carried the most effective weapon against werewolves? It would never be found out who struck the first blow against Giles in the town square, but after mere seconds the scene had turned into a lynching. Even those who did not suspect the unfortunate hunter took part in his beating to death, for fear of suffering the same fate themselves if they did not. As the last blow struck, the handle of Giles's axe splintered and the head slid several feet away. Everyone's attention was caught by the flittering images of human faces, and one, dreaded, wolf-like face on the flat side of it. But without the will of the axe's master, the images simply rapidly flickered past and then the ligth that had seemed to illuminate the head disappeared and was gone. OOC: Giles Jordan/Giles Jordan was your seer. Better luck next time! Wolf and baner, PM me your targets.
  16. Come on, give me at least one or two more votes. Wouldn't want a lynching after just two votes (and a tie).
  17. So we have: Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan Mynx - William Nolan Tanuchan - Olayna Nolan Gryphon - Aaron "Longbow" Venefyxatu - Captain Mario Delas Mithrandin - Friederich Mann Lord Panther, Azuran and Ashtonblades all expressed interest, but haven't yet submitted a character. If they can get back to me before the end of the dayphase, then I'll reroll roles. Edit: roles have been sent out. We have one wolf, one baner, one seer and three villagers.
  18. It was the fourth night after the wolf's howl had been heard at the Mason farm when tragedy struck. Juliet Stout was but seventeen years old, soon to be married to the miller's son. Her body, badly ripped apart, scattered over a large area behind the mill, was found by the miller. His son was also covered in blood, but apart from the shock of seeing his beloved ripped apart in front of his own eyes, he was not injured. It took more than three hours to calm him down enough to be able to talk, and even then the story came out in fragments. "Big...huge. I saw...with my own eyes. Covered in...fur from head to toe...Blood-red eyes." On and on he went, describing the horrors to all of the townsfolk who had assembled in Fat John's tavern. It was a small establishment and under present conditions quite crowded. The scent of sweat, Juliet's blood on the miller's son's clothes and an almost tangible aura of terror permeated the air, making it difficult to breathe. Guards, peasants and craftsmen all of men, armed with torches and weapons taken from the blacksmith's, William Nolan's, stockpile were positioned all across the village, but the beast did not return during the night. When Juliet was buried in the morning the mood was somber indeed. No one could escape the fearful thought that her death had just been the beginning. OOC: it is now day phase. Roles will be sent out shortly. You have at least 48 hours (I can't promise to be on time ) for voting.
  19. Sorry for the added delay, writing NPC kill post now.
  20. Congratulations on your promotion Kikuyu!
  21. I'm absolutely knackered after the weekend, so sending out of roles and all that shall happen tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
  22. I'm glad that you both like it. While still in the train I had a pretty good picture of the poem last morning, but of course I did not have any paper, or keyboard, so had to piece it back together half an hour later, which gave the result that is now. Thanks for the suggestion Wyv. If ever I do come back to this piece, I'll be sure to take it into account.
  23. *steps in* Use of profanity like shit and fuck is not permitted on the public parts of the boards with the exception of the Scarlett Pen. Please refrain from using them. At worst if you don't find a solution where you don't use them, at least star out the usually censored letters. Minors may also be visiting the boards. *steps out*
  24. Just an idea which came while I took the train to work in the morning...I don't think I'll be coming back to it, thus I'm posting it in the Banquet Room and not the Workshop. Go on, just take the glass, Maybe it'll help things pass. Is it a blessing or a curse? Does it make things worse? Drink so you can forget Without a single regret. Your life on the bottom of a glass, You slowly sip it all away. How long will this shit last? How long can it stay this way? Get a hold on your life, You're destroying it. Get yourself a life, Come on out of that pit.
  25. I'll give sign-ups and character creation another few days, say until the end of the weekend.
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