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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. raindrops fat sluggish raindrops fall to their deaths dissolving in puddles of clear water losing shape identity dissolving the skies weep in anguish each tear another raindrop drop dissolving
  2. *tacklehugs back*
  3. They can only see his smiles A pathetic facade Of everything he hides
  4. *pokes the thread with a stick*
  5. What these old bones know... Civilizations rise and fall ...and fall Mountains grow and erode ...and erode Rivers flow and dry up ...and dry up What these old bones know... Gnawed upon by time Next line: Foolishness to even think
  6. Tibbs was once someone different, a man with a past he no longer even mentions. All the people of Bree know is that as long as most of them have lived Tibbs has sat in the same corner of the Prancing Pony, nursing the same cracked wooden tankard which was only occasionally refilled. How he had lived for so long and where he got the money for all he drinks, only very few know, and they never come to visit... In reality Tibbs is one of the Dunedaìn, a ranger of the North, a man broken by the death of his wife about a century ago. He's probably about 150-160, but for a Dunedaìn, looks older, after decades of abuse through alcohol. He is by no means rich, but unbeknownst to him, his former companions still take care of him, leaving regular payments for his room at the inn.
  7. I'm off for the weekend, and only back on Monday evening, but definitely interested. Character to come.
  8. So, who's running the next game?
  9. Just for fun. Wolf targets: Azuran Gyrfalcon (devil baned - 50% saved the target) Venefyxatu (wolf baned) Devil targets: Mynx (villager) Venefyxatu (devil baned) no target (dead devil) Seer targets: Gyrfalcon (baner) The Death of Rats (devil) Mynx (villager) Baner targets: Peredhil (not targeted villager) The Death of Rats (devil, baner got lucky with 50%) Venefyxatu (targeted seer)
  10. Through the efforts of baner and seer, and the luck of the dice, the villagers have won and the last wolf has been killed. Venefyxatu - Adam Peters - SEER Peredhil - Equiano 2nd lynchee Mynx - Carey The Death of Rats - Lieutenant Swanson 3rd lynchee - DEVIL Sweetcherrie - Tiney 1st lynchee Gyrfalcon - Michael Walters - BANER Azuran - Paqs 1st wolf kill Tanuchan - Davey Jones 4th lynchee - WOLF
  11. By virtue of being the most senior crewmate on board, First Mate Matthews should have assumed command as soon as the Lieutenant had been found murdered. But he had not. Him and half a dozen other sailors had spent the night in a drunken orgy in one of the empty cabins with about a dozen slave girls. They had all acted as though it was their last night on this accursed earth. His headache could have rivaled the wrath of a singularly focused god, but it had been worth it. He sat on the floor next to the ship's wheel, which had been tied down the previous night and not touched since, nursing his hangover the only way he knew how, with rum he had stolen from the kitchens as soon as that overly fat cook had left. Even when the commotion broke out midships, he did not intervene. He felt perfect just where he was. And then a vicious snarl brought everything to a standstill on the ship as all eyes turned to Adam, and what mere seconds before had been Davey. Clothes had shredded before incredulous eyes, as muscles appeared as if from nowhere, and fur grew at alarming speeds on every inch of skin. Davey, or what had once been him, howled at the moon that was still just above the horizon, even though the sun was already out, and lunged at the cook. Adam was indeed a "very" man. Very fat, very slow to move and a very juicy morsel. He was also very calm under pressure, after years and years of training in the stressful environment of the kitchen. And even though he was slow, his pistol had almost been raised already and all it took was to raise it just a bit and pull the tri- All went black for Adam as the beast slammed into him a fraction of a second before he pulled the trigger. His aim went just a bit wide and the bullet only grazed the beast's shoulder before burying itself in the main mast, all but shattering it. Beast and man fell in a tangle to the deck, a heap of snarls, shouts and yelps. Against such a pure mass of muscle and anger, the mass of fat and fear of Adam had no chance... But he was not alone. Michael had been ready for this, he had after all wounded the beast just the night before, and stopped its kin the night before that. His musket was loaded, and his trigger hand clutched a cross. He muttered a quick prayer, and fired. The gods must have been with him, or they may have favoured Adam to live another day, for none of the pellets hit the cook, and almost all buried themselves in the werewolf's back. The little silver Michael had been able to pilfer from the captain's cabin and melt and add to the musket pellets did the job. The beast half transformed into Davey , a helpless pleading look on its face. First Mate Matthews, still with a killer headache, and a temper to go with it would have been happy to kill anyone. All that snarling and shouting and shooting were doing no good to the pounding between his ears. From barely two feet away he aimed and put a bullet right between Davey's eyes, splattering blood and brains on everyone who had been standing close. The first mate then promptly collapsed to the deck, and started snoring, still clutching a bottle of rum in one hand, and a musket in the other. Badly shaken and horribly bruised, Adam was still half-trapped under the werewolf half of the corpse. But he was alive. OOC: Game is now over, villagers win, check the OOC thread.
  12. Again, no wolf kill, the baner is doing a pretty good job. Venefyxatu - Adam Peters Peredhil - Equiano 2nd lynchee Mynx - Carey The Death of Rats - Lieutenant Swanson 3rd lynchee Sweetcherrie - Tiney 1st lynchee Gyrfalcon - Michael Walters Azuran - Paqs 1st wolf kill Tanuchan - Davey Jones
  13. Fear. It smelled it, it thrived on it. This ship stank of it. Fear permeated the wood, the sails and the rigging. A fat slug, stinking of fear, limping towards a port that was far far away... It smelled blood too, this beast of fur and fangs and claws. The humans had been tricky the night before, placing a trap, that took until the morning to get out of. But this night, this night things would be diff- The gunshot was extremely loud, especially for animal ears. The beast snarled in pain and rage as it lunged after the figure that was already turning a corner in its haste to get away. But by the time the beast itself rounded the same corner, the pesky human was gone. And the beast hadn't even gotten a good scent of it. It retreated into the depths of the ship, nursing the wound in its stomach. It would heal, it still had the strength for that. But it needed food soon... OOC: The baner has once again stopped a kill from happening. Day phase now.
  14. Night phase now. Venefyxatu - Adam Peters Peredhil - Equiano 2nd lynchee Mynx - Carey The Death of Rats - Lieutenant Swanson 3rd lynchee Sweetcherrie - Tiney 1st lynchee Gyrfalcon - Michael Walters Azuran - Paqs 1st wolf kill Tanuchan - Davey Jones
  15. Lieutenant Swanson was not pacing the deck as he had done for every day of the past few years. He was lying in his bunk, almost delirious from fever due to the wound in his shoulder. It was definitely not healing well. But that still was not enough for some of the crew. Even though no one had died the previous night, there had still been growling. The lieutenant had been the one to set them upon Equiano. Thoughts got added together, conclusions were drawn, and by the time night crawled around, the lieutenant still was in his bunk, his throat slit and blood soaking the sheets. OOC: Only had time for a short post. Night phase now, specials send me your PM's.
  16. The Fat Slug - Captain York's cabin The slave girl shivered in the morning breeze from theport hole. She had expected to die as soon as Captain York's body was found, or at least raped before being killed. None of that had happened. Equiano, an accursed Asante, but her only helper in her misery had come for the past few days to the captain's cabins to bring her food. He had not come the day before. None of the rest of the crew did either, they probably considered the captain's cabin accursed. She certainly did not feel at ease in there. But she was still alive, for now. Hunger was beginning to bite, and she knew she would have to move soon. She opened the door a crack, and peered out. The Lieutenant was doing his usual circuit around the ship. The youngsters were loafing around on the deck close to the mast. It looked like a perfectly normal day. She still had no clothes, Equiano had not been able to acquire any. Did she dare venture out with only the bloody sheets on which the captain had died covering her?
  17. Six hundred miles away John Miles had been a soldier as long as he remembered. A head wound at the age of twenty might have helped with that. For over thirty years since then he'd been with Sergeant Waters, a morose old man, who led a band of mercenaries. They had accompanied the Fat Slug three times before with no incident, and then came the monsters. He wished for the monsters now. He even wished for his first training officer in the army. He had been a cruel son of a whore, but anything was preferable to starvation...or death from thirst. This whole desertion had been a spur of the moment plan from Sergeant Waters, who convinced the majority of his men that land was still less than a day away. The storm during the night had swept them all aboard, and whoever knew how far off course. By the time John had clambered aboard, only the sergeant and himself remained. Waters...what an ironic name at a time they felt the cruel grip of thirst...was already delirious, close to dead. John sighted a sail as the sun inched past its zenith. It took the slaver three more hours to reach him. By that time he had pushed the unconscious form of his former sergeant overboard. He was determined to tell the story he himself wanted to tell. And so the legend of the Fat Slug started before she even reached port...
  18. It is now day phase. No kill during this night. Venefyxatu - Adam Peters Peredhil - Equiano 2nd lynchee Mynx - Carey The Death of Rats - Lieutenant Swanson Sweetcherrie - Tiney 1st lynchee Gyrfalcon - Michael Walters Azuran - Paqs 1st wolf kill Tanuchan - Davey Jones
  19. Night came much faster than anyone wanted. Armed sailors patrolled the ship from bow to stern and from port to starboard. Tensions were high and trigger fingers itchy. Everyone expected the worst. Apart from a single growl from the bowels of the ship however, the night passed without incident, and everyone breathed a sigh of collective relief. Had the killing of Equiano dispatched the beast? Were there more than one? Fingers were still going to be pointed. OOC: The baner has leapt into action, saving a poor soul from being torn apart. Day phase now. Happy lynching.
  20. Night phase, specials, I await your targets. Venefyxatu - Adam Peters Peredhil - Equiano 2nd lynchee Mynx - Carey The Death of Rats - Lieutenant Swanson Sweetcherrie - Tiney 1st lynchee Gyrfalcon - Michael Walters Azuran - Paqs 1st wolf kill Tanuchan - Davey Jones
  21. The first mate wiped his brow with a bloody rag. He had been one of those who had been forced into the cargo hold by Equiano. The human cargo had been badly mauled and terror was by far the dominant emotion down there. Still, they were cargo. Captain York wouldn't have approved of the cargo getting damaged, but he wouldn't have expended this much effort into saving badly damaged items. This Lieutenant Swanson...he was not cut of the same material. His only decent decision in the past few days had been to arm the crew. The muskets and pistols were from a shipment destined for a rich merchant in Boston, but it would never arrive intact. Each sailor, even the young boys were armed with at least a musket and a pistol each, several still carrying their knives too. All that was needed was a spark to set things off. That spark came when Equiano emerged onto the deck from his most recent effort of comforting the slaves. Several of the sailors had cornered Lieutenant Swanson next to the mast, and heated words were being exchanged. "Captain York would'a never have let it come this far!" "Act like a captain!" A burly sailor shoved the lieutenant forward, smashing his head in the mast. Equiano rushed over to help, pushing sailors aside as he tried getting to Swanson. He was just a few feet away when the lieutenant spoke up. "We have been cursed, indeed. We have taken a black man on the ship, and acted as if he were our own." He spat blood from a broken tooth. "With Captain York dead, who is there around to stop us finally giving him what he deserves?" Several sailors nodded, and pointed weapons at the black man. It took only a second, but Equiano remembered the first time his father took him along on a hunt. He earned his spear then, wounding the antelope, and slowing it down. He no longer had that spear, even if it hadn't been lost in a raid on his village, he would never have been allowed to keep it as a slave. But he had made another, and since the beast had been sighted, he had taken to carrying the war spear which he had carved himself with symbols from a life on the plains he would never return to. As soon as the sailors started advancing at him, he knew that he was dead. He did not flinch, did not plead, did not turn to run. The first sailor took a slash to the throat, the second a slash to the leg. Then came the lieutenant himself. Equiano braced his spear, ready to impale the white man. A dagger thrust to his shin knocked his aim slightly off, and he only skewered the lieutenant in the right shoulder, his spear irrevocably stuck. As the lieutenant fell to the deck the spear snapped with a loud crack. A second crack and then a third sounded as sailor after sailor fired his pistol or musket at the black man. He died with a smile. OOC: Again, the dice had to step in to decide. Peredhil/Equiano is dead. It is night phase. Specials, pm me your targets.
  22. As things stand, the dear old lieutenant is getting lynched with a single vote. Anyone else want to chip in?
  23. "Uh...Lieu-" the first mate started yammering. "Captain I mean! Captain Swanson SIr!" He had his sailor's hat in both hands, subconsciously crushing it "The boys and I were uh...wondering. Last time Captain York...former Captain York I mean...called out navigation points we weren't so far." He paused, licked his dry lips. As always, they tasted of salt. "So far from land I mean So, me and the boys we were wondering...are you Sir...going to order us to turn around, what with the monster and the death of Capt...former Captain York Sir?" A gaggle of sailors had gathered behind the first mate. It seemed clear that they were in agreement with the first mate. Even though they spent most of their lives at sea, it would seem that they did not want to spend a minute more than necessary on the Slug. "Sir!" the first mate suddenly exclaimed, pointing behind the Lieutenant. "The soldiers! They're trying to lower the skiff! They're leaving us!"
  24. If you want to add in a post prior to the killing with reactions to the almost lynch and all that, let me know, I can edit my post(s).
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