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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Polly Gray is one of Dan Gray's 13 year-old twin daughters. To prevent confusion, most people just call her Ollie. She has red, curly hair reaching to her shoulders and green eyes that provide a nice contrast to the hair. She has freckles, making her look like a typical little Irish girl. Whenever she starts a sentence her twin-sister finishes it and vice-versa. The two of them are nigh-inseperable. She will be going in a costume of Fred Weasley of Harry Potter fame. Or George Weasley. She and her sister haven't been able to decide who gets who yet.
  2. September 14 - Lyon - Paradise Lost This was the last day of my internship so a good opportunity and hanging out at a concert and a bit of moshing was quite welcome. An unknown Canadian band was the first opening act and they didn't leave much of an impression, they did not even manage to warm the public up too much. They were pretty enthusiastic about their music though. Then came Eyes of Eden, a new female-fronted band from Germany who played some quite good metal, which made me buy their CD the next day in a shop. Then came Paradise Lost, one of the English founders of death metal, who to tell the truth disappointed me a bit. Maybe it was the fact that I did not have their latest CD and didn't know the songs, or it might have been because they didn't do a pretty good job that night, but I was left slightly disappointed. To be honest, the best act in my opinion that night was Eyes of Eden. October 2 - Lyon - Kamelot This was definitely a concert I was looking forward to. I arrived just as the first opening act, Serenity, from Austria started playing. And let me say they played a very good set. They have a very talented singer, who on top of that was smiling throughout the concert and made a very good job of warming everyone up for the evening. And that coming from a band, who just brought out their very first CD is a very good job. They were followed by Adagio, one of the best known metal acts from France. Their concert wasn't bad, but the singer tried way too hard to get the crowd to chant. And when he spoke in English, because he said that his French wasn't good enough was a slight bit on the wrong side of comical in my opinion coming from the singer of a French band... Kamelot lived up to the personal hype I built up before the concert. They had a female guest singer with them to sing the relevant parts in their songs and she did a great job. As did the whole band. And to top off things, they played my favourite songs from them. All in all, a great evening, two great acts out of three is pretty good.
  3. Issue should be resolved. Give me a shout if you notice emails not arriving.
  4. I'm tentatively in. Character to come later.
  5. I'm in!
  6. The email notifications for received PMs, topic subscriptions and emails sent through the board seem not to be working...I'm looking into it, without even a faint idea about what can be causing it so far...
  7. It had only been his extraordinary reflexes in transforming into an owl that saved Patham's sensitive parts from being hit by tangerine. Yet the smaller weight as an owl sent him careening into Wyvern and in the whole mess Mynx was also brought down. Luckily he fell not on Wyvern but next to him. Shakily Patham stood up and shifted back to his human form, tangerine covering him head to toes. He brushed a large bit of tangerine out of his hair and tried to clear the liquid from his eyes. An empty chair presented itself to him and he sat down, not knowing that Stephen was going to sit back down. Whether the ranger really wanted to sit down, or it was the alcohol that brought him down, didn't change the end result for Patham: a ranger falling heavily into his lap as he rubbed his eyes free of tangerine. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" he cried out in shock.
  8. Great poem Kikuyu! Really nice descriptions for the fire and its effects and the transition from narrator to boy as the newest one they take in was very subtly done. Just one little quip: "The burn low in a hearth,". The "The" should be "They" I think.
  9. Ermm...so actually...I did everything about the promotion except effectively change the rank...it's done now. Much apologies for forgetting the most important part...
  10. OOC: consider as though this post were here too, but in order to save space I'm not copy pasting it.
  11. OOC: Many thanks to Vene for cowriting this with me! Just as Patham was rushing to the Cabaret Room to check out the commotion that the arrival of Blby had brought, he realized he'd almost forgotten something. Spotting Stephen and deciding that he'd rather not try bilocation at this moment, he ran over to the ranger. "Stephen! Do you have some time?" "More than you do, it seems ... what can I do?" "We still need to promote Whisky - could you arrange for that to happen in the Cabaret Room?" "Promote ... uhh ... sure?" "Thanks!" With that, Patham ran off again, not noticing the confused look on the ranger's face. Stephen scratched his head and thought for a few moments, absent-mindedly lighting a cigarette. Taking a few puffs, he figured that if there was any whisky in the Pen keep, it would probably be kept in the cellar. While he was making his way there, he wondered how he'd recognize the right drink - after all, he didn't know that much about it. Down in the cellar, he carefully felt around, using his hands and his staff, until his fingers touched a bottle. "I wonder ..." Opening the bottle and sniffing it, he thought he could smell grapes. The damp smell of the cellar itself was interfering though, so he took a swig. "Hmm ... not whisky." Carefully putting the bottle back, he tried another one. This one, too, smelled vaguely of grapes, but different. Swig "Not whisky either ..." Skipping a few bottles, he tried another shelf. This time, he could vaguely smell some kind of yeast. "Getting a lil clos'r ... seems " Swig "Nope ... 's somethin' els'. I think ..." Swig "Yep ... 's not whissy. But 'm gett'n clos'r." He tried a few more bottles, then wondered whether the whisky wouldn't be kept in a barrel, so he started stumbling around, trying to find the barrels. When he bumped into them, he swore, followed by a very un-Stephen-like giggle as he heard something metallic clang to the ground. "Whassat?" A few moments of feeling around learned him that there was a tin cup on the ground, apparently for sampling purposes. "Good! Thissss'llllbe ussssful!" The third barrel contained what he thought was whisky. Of course, Stephen needed two more cups to convince him he actually was right. When he was finally sure, he managed to remember to close the barrel before tipping it over and rolling it to the stairs. Once there, he tried rolling the barrel up a few times before realizing it wouldn't work. "Oops ... hehe." With great effort, he picked up the barrel and dumped it on the first step. Then he stepped up himself and repeated the process. Step. CLONK. Step. CLONK. Step. Clonk. Panting, sweating and staggering, Stephen finally reached the top and sat down on the barrel for a few moments to light a cigarette. ::Stephen? Stephen, stop smoking - I can sense that smell even from a simple Earth link!:: ::Those will end up killing you - not the least because some beast will think you're trying to poisoning it.:: Stephen chuckled and swayed a little more on his barrel. ::Please, can you come to the Cabaret Room? I think you might help us... it's a bit... messy around here... are you alright, Stephen?:: ::'m Fine ... onme way ... too ...:: With that, Stephen got up, tipped the barrel over again and started rolling it through the hallway towards the Cabaret Room, now hitting the left wall, then the right one, only to stagger back into the left wall, with the barrel in front of him. When he almost ran over Whisky in Babylon, he stopped. "Oh ... hi Whiksy! Was yous ... inv ... ivna ... asked to c'm over to th' Carabe... Barake ... thingamajiggery room for ... mm ... the Whiksy event? 's Good whissy, I tried!" Whisky in Babylon tried very hard to understand what the ranger was trying to tell her, but she found herself unable to decipher the meaning of his sentence. All she could understand was her own name and then Cabaret, both badly distorted. Seeing that he was rolling a barrel in the general direction of the Cabaret Room she lent him a helping hand and together they rolled the barrel inside, just as the rat skeleton fired his tangerine shot. As Patham got up from the ground, he noted the ongoing chaos and then spotted Stephen, who had taken his sweet time in getting here. From his swagger, some alcohol had been involved. Then at the sight of the barrel, Patham almost burst out laughing. Of course! "Thank you Stephen for bringing Whisky in Babylon down here. And I'm sorry I wasn't specific enough. I though you'd realise I was asking for her and not for the drink." He put a hand on Stephen's shoulder and helped him sit down next to Mynx and Tanny. He then walked back to Whisky in Babylon. "I'm sorry for not bringing you here myself, but I had to come down here and greet our new guest. Err...guests I should say." "Everyone, could I have your attention for a moment, please!" he shouted. "It is my pleasure and honour to fill in for our Loremaster at his request. I asked Whisky in Babylon here for a reason. It is my pleasure to promote you, Whisky in Babylon, hereby to Quillbearer of the Pen!" He handed her an intriquately decorated quill. Cheers erupted from all around. OOC: for reasons of the current events already ongoing, and so as not to open up a space-time rift involving several characters please place any IC replies here. OOC replies are still fine here.
  12. I've got no problem with gore.
  13. This was slowly becoming too much for Patham. The sweet scent of guinea pig had been getting ever stronger and now that human clad in white, a set of clothes the shapeshifter had never seen before had brough him right under his owl nose. The smell was too good and he knew that if he stayed this close for even just a few more seconds it would be too much for him. He gracefully flew down to the carpet about a dozen feet away and there shifted back to his human form, just as the guinea pig uttered what seemed to be words. Had he almost wanted to eat a Talking Beast? He was about to go over to talk to the researcher, Professor Hassium, when Wyvern bustled past him, almost knocking over, scheming about geld yet again. Then came the skeleton of a rodent that Patham had never seen before, with an unknown contraption in its hands. Even not knowing what it was he felt the danger, and fell flat down on his stomach, the carpet luckly cushioning his rapid descent.
  14. *prods the thread* So, errr...who's next to mod? *hopes he's low enough on the list not to be the next mod, not much time for a couple of weeks*
  15. Very nice imagery used to convey real life feelings. I quite liked this little piece.
  16. *wants more* I hope you're planning on continuing this! Great describtive phrases you have in there.
  17. Very expressive. I unfortunately know the feeling, so can sympathise.
  18. A command had been given and while no new command came the golem did as told. "Kill it," it had been told. It looked around, searching for "it", but could not find anything that specifically matched that description, so dumbly stared ahead of itself.
  19. Yay, I finally got around to reading threads from my to-read list. Interesting piece, and quite quirky as already mentioned. Not what I'm used to reading from you. Nice descriptions.
  20. "Well done," I say to the golem. Not that he understands normal speech, but it has to be done for the benefit of the knight. Rustling inside the cave...is there a guardian? I can’t let my plans be foiled this close to completion. "Kill it," I mentally command the golem.
  21. Now I'm feeling jealous. That bit aside I'm glad that you had a fun trip!
  22. Owlish ears pick up Blby's words from afar and the owl stops about two dozen feet away from the table under which Blby had passed, nimbly landing on a coathanger at the side of the Cabaret Room. Cheerful hoots come from the owl's beaks, but if someone were not to speak owlish of course they would not understand the words of greeting. OOC: Welcome to the Pen!
  23. Braindead - finally got my hands on this cult-film and watched it. Definitely not for the faint of heart, as it is very gory, but quite an entertaining zombie flick. Simpsons - If you like the TV series you'll like this, if you don't you probably won't. It's mostly the same except with jokes that can develop during the duration of the film. As for me, who only occasionally watches the TV series it was entertaining, but not the best film I've seen recently (I rewatched Pan's Labyrinth, which is still awesome )
  24. Katz! *tacklehuggles, helps you up and tacklehuggles again* We missed you! Glad to hear that the wedding went well and definitely waiting for pictures!
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