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Everything posted by NightFae
...Me?*shrug* I don't know. I think it just has to make perfect sense to pretty much anyone. Except maybe the end. That...It might take a gamer to explain.
A short teenage girl rushes into the room and stops about 5 feet from Ozy. "Hmmph. I'm late." She pouts, seeing people, animals, and...A kid all attached to Ozy. "Well...One way to make sure I get the last word." She jump up and lands very gently on his chest and sits the, cross-legged "HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OZY!!!!"She squeals in her highest, squeakiest, most annoying voice with her eyes closed tightly. She opened them and looked around, to check if she had made anyone deaf. "Damn" she muttered as she saw that she hadn't. She folded her arms and pouted again, totally spacing that she was still on his chest. "Er...Hmmph." She scooted across the floor and sat down somewhere ELSE, cross-legged, still pouting. ((Happy happy happy belated birthday, Ozy. Much love. *tee hee* ^.~))
Characters: Alexa(Lexi, Lexa):Wild, crazy, willing to try pretty much anything at least once. Jack: Quiet, unless with Lexa. Then, he's just as loud, wild, and crazy. Narrator Rose: Lexa's more realistic friend. A real push-over. Travis: Stupid teenage boy with the attention span/memory of a goldifhs. Krystal: Travis' girlfriend. Setting Outside school, first day back from Summer. The lights come on and Jack in standing center stage facing stage right. Narrator stands downstage, stage right. Lexa: -Runs from stage left and jumps on Jack's back, covering his eyes- Guess who! -giggles- Jack: -Surprised- Lex? Lexa: -Uncovers his eyes and jumps down- Yessir! Did ya miss me? Jack: -Turns around to face her- Heck yes, I missed you! -Hugs her- Lexa: -Hugs him back- Narrator: FREEZE! Both: -Freeze- Lights dim and spotlight follows Narrator Narrator: Aw. Now isn't that just adorable? -Steps towards them- But little does our little Lexi know...Over Summer, Jack, here, has not only started saying that ridiculously stupid phrase "Heck yes" but he's also...Dun dun DUN...Started smoking. Let's wait and see how she reacts -steps back and faces them- Lights go back to normal Lexa: -Pushes Jack away- Why do you smell like smoke? Jack: Uhhh... Lexa: -Smells his breath- You've been smoking, haven't you? Jack: Lex...Listen to me...It's-- Lexa: UGH! -Storms offstage angerly- Jack: -Sighs and looks around- Rose! Travis -Disgusted- Krystal...Rose! Travis! Hey guys! Rose skips onstage, followed by Travis and Krystal, who are holding hands. Narrator: FREEZE! Lights dim and spotlight follows Narrator Narrator: How will he tell them? He can't very well say -Mimics Jack- Hey, Rose. I've been smoking. Heck yes! -Jumps in front of himself and turns around, mimcking Rose- Oh, Jack! -Stops- -Stands up straight- Wait...I didn't know this was Titanic -Shrugs- Let's see -Walks over to the group and observes them- Lights go back to normal Rose: Oh my GOSH! It's been so long! I missed you so much! -Hugs Jack- Now WHY didn't you tell me you were smoking? -Smacks his arm- I didn't get a call or ANYTHING! Jacks: -Rubs his arm- Ouch... Travis: Lexa knows, doesn't she? Jack: Yeah...She knows. Krystal: Uhm...Travis, baby, I'm gonna go, now. I see MY friends. -Runs offstage- Jack: Well that was rude. Travis: -Sighs- Yeah...That's Krystal for you. Jack, Travis, and Rose walk offstage, talking in low tones. Rose squeals and laughs. Lights go off and spotlight follows Narrator Narrator: Huh...Well that was easy. I wonder how long it will take for Travis and Krystal to break up...-Walks offstage, pondering this- Blackout Setting Classroom. Teacher is giving the class a lecture on smoking. Narrator walks behind the desks in which the students sit. Jack: -Whispering- Lexaaaaaa... Why won't you talk to me? Lexa: HUSH! I'm trying to pay attention to the lesson! Jack: -Sighs- It's a lecture, not a lesson. -Sighs again- Narrator: -Walks in front of the desks and stands center stage- Now the moral of this story is DON'T SMOKE. But, if you're going to, tell your friends first before they find out for themselves, as you more likely than not have a friend like Lexi, who will freak out and probably never speak to you again. And remember, kids. Tobacco schools you. Travis and Rose: W...T...F??? Fin
See? I told people I always get the last word. But wow...Thank you! This is...Wow!
Just randomly remembering poems I heard. Anarchist was one I had pretty much fallen in love with and decided to hunt it up and read it once more. And then promptly decided that anyone who HADN'T gotten the chance to read it...Should.
Hmm...Well it would be slightly odd for you to have written a poem about missing her...And posted it in a place she she would've seen it. Anyway...That off my chest, I must say. I did like this. Something about the last two lines just throws me off. But maybe it's just me.
Wow. This...Is good. Maybe it's the lack of my Grammar-Nazi-ness recently that makes me see nothing wrong with this, or the fact that I'm tired as all hell...But even if there are a few mistakes here and there...It's still a good story. Not one that you force yourself to keep reading...But one you WANT to keep reading. Keep writing! You're extremely talented. In my opinion, anyway.
I don't believe I've actually read much of the stuff you've posted(Take no offense, it's nothing personal. Just one of those things I wanted to do, just never quite got around to) but this...I like. It's cute. It's sweet. And I hope who it was written for feels very special and lucky.
I like this poem. It's very well written and also, many people can relate to it. I, myself, have been in that situation, barely knowing myself, and wondering what lies I will have to tell today to make up for lies I'd forgotten I had already made. I hope this isn't what you feel and that you keep posting here, as I've noticed that I haven't seen much of your stuff in here. Even though I know I'm not one to talk on that posting issue.
You see that field? Yes. That one over there. If you were to come out, at around 10 o’clock, you would see...Her. That dear, sweet girl, is proof that not all romance stories have happy endings. You see, it was about 50 years ago... And she was the most beautiful girl around. Almost. She was the most talented, graceful, creative girl in the entire town. Almost. It drove her nuts that all she would ever be was almost. Well, she was in love. So very much in love with the richest boy in the area. Every night, she would drive by his house, stop, and watch, never stepping foot out of her car. Well, one night, she stopped in his driveway, parked away from the house and crawled in the back seat, to get a closer look. So many people were there, it seemed, and she was naturally curious. But she would never go to the house, for she wasn’t sure if he loved her, too. Or if he even knew she existed. For who pays attention to a girl that is only second best? She sat there, in the back seat of her car and watched the open doorway. All of a sudden, a figure stopped and looked out at her car. As it started down the stairs, she realized that he was too tall, too chubby to be her love, and wondered, as he walked towards her, if she should try and get back into the front seat and drive off, before he got there. Should she have? Could she have? She didn’t think so and she didn’t want to seem like a fool for trying, so she just sat there. When the figure reached her car and opened the door, she could see that he was an older man, but not weak at all. He asked what she was doing there, to which she growled at him to get in the car. He looked around and hesitated a bit, but eventually got in. She grabbed her flashlight and quickly, yet quietly, shut the door, as she didn’t want anyone ELSE in the house to know she was there. She shined the flashlight in the man’s eyes. “Where is he?” she asked. “Where is he?” she repeated. The man scooted away from the light, as though he were afraid of it. Or her. “He’s getting married, ma’am!” he said. She, for a brief moment, thought he was joking, as, when she looked at her watch, she saw that it was a quarter after 9. Who in their right mind would get married so late? But, as she looked at the house, and into the man’s eyes, she could see that he was not, in fact, kidding her. She looked back at the open doorway and saw three figures. One, she knew was her dear loved one. The second...Was his bride. The third...She didn’t even care who the third was. She slid across the seat, opened the door and got out, slamming it shut. She then ran into that field. Yes, that field right there and slashed her throat, killing herself. It was exactly 10 o’clock at night when she took her last breath. So come, I dare you. Bring your loved one. Your girlfriend...Wife...Fiancé...Lover. Bring them to this field and watch the stars. But, at 10 o’clock, look for the girl...With the bloody neck. And run.
She sat there, quietly But knew she'd never last She wished the girl would smile And hoped she'd make it fast She knew she would last longer She knew she was the best But this girl was competition ...Hey, wait a minute..."YES!" For the girl had smiled And she had won the match The girl had cracked a smile She thought she wouldn't catch But then the girl had realized She had not really won She was looking in the mirror She had beat her own reflection She always hated competitions Involving only her Not winning doesn't bother her... It's the losing that really hurts.
She sat there, quietly But knew she's never last She wished the girl would smile And hoped she'd make it fast She knew she would last longer She knew she was the best But this girl was competition ...Hey, wait a minute..."YES!" For the girl had smiled And she had won the match She had cracked a smile She thought she wouldn't catch But then the girl had realized She had not really won She was looking in the mirror And beat her reflection She always hated competitions Involving only her Not winning doesn't bother her... It's the losing that really hurts.
Meh. The last bit was added just for the dramatic effect, but I added just a bit and changed the last line. Hope it looks better, technically. I was actually kind of curious, myself how it would've worked...But it sure sounded good. Anywho...As I said, hope this looks, sounds, and just...Well...Is better. Edit-like goodness:I also added a bit, closer to the beginning, as, when Ayshela read through it, she pointed out that it was a bit odd, this girl being in the backseat of her car, without my giving good reason as to why she should be there. And wow, I'm sounding intelligent. Sort of.
You see that field? Yes. That one over there. If you were to come out, at around 10 o’clock, you would see...Her. That dear, sweet girl, is proof that not all romance stories have happy endings. You see, it was about 50 years ago... And she was the most beautiful girl around. Almost. She was the most talented, graceful, creative girl in the entire town. Almost. It drove her nuts that all she would ever be was almost. Well, she was in love. So very much in love with the richest boy in the area. Every night, she would drive by his house, stop, and watch, never stepping foot out of her car. Well, one night, she stopped in his driveway, parked away from the house and crawled in the back seat, to get a closer look. So many people were there, it seemed, and she was naturally curious. But she would never go to the house, for she wasn’t sure if he loved her, too. Or if he even knew she existed. For who pays attention to a girl that is only second best? She sat there, in the back seat of her car and watched the open doorway. All of a sudden, a figure stopped and looked out at her car. As it started down the stairs, she realized that he was too tall, too chubby to be her love, and wondered, as he walked towards her, if she should try and get back into the front seat and drive off, before he got there. Should she have? Could she have? She didn’t think so and she didn’t want to seem like a fool for trying, so she just sat there. When the figure reached her car and opened the door, she could see that he was an older man, but not weak at all. He asked what she was doing there, to which she growled at him to get in the car. He looked around and hesitated a bit, but eventually got in. She grabbed her flashlight and quickly, yet quietly, shut the door, as she didn’t want anyone ELSE in the house to know she was there. She shined the flashlight in the man’s eyes. “Where is he?” she asked. “Where is he?” she repeated. The man scooted away from the light, as though he were afraid of it. Or her. “He’s getting married, ma’am!” he said. She, for a brief moment, thought he was joking, as, when she looked at her watch, she saw that it was a quarter after 9. Who in their right mind would get married so late? But, as she looked at the house, and into the man’s eyes, she could see that he was not, in fact, kidding her. She looked back at the open doorway and saw three figures. One, she knew was her dear loved one. The second...Was his bride. The third...She didn’t even care who the third was. She slid across the seat, opened the door and got out, slamming it shut. She then ran into that field. Yes, that field right there and slashed her throat, killing herself. It was exactly 10 o’clock at night when she took her last breath. So come, I dare you. Bring your loved one. Your girlfriend...Wife...Fiancé...Lover. Bring them to this field and watch the stars. But, at 10 o’clock, look for the girl...With the bloody neck. And run.
He'll never know How he hurt me so Or how he screwed me up He'll never know I'll never show So I guess I'm sorta stuck He'll never know I guess I'll go And try to make amends He'll never know I'll never show Not until the end.
What's cool about Peredhil is...
NightFae replied to The Portrait of Zool's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
And, in running across this, I decided to point out...That while he MAY be polite...He is quite brutally honest.(Good thing) And he agrees with me on the fact that people ask too many stupid questions that they know they don't want the answer to. And usually, they get offended when you give them said answer they don't want. He's ALWAYS willing to help. Always tries to understand, even if he doesn't at first. Is uber cute and sweet and loveable. And he's mine, too. And by the way...I guess I'll humor Doctor Evil...Bad thing...Bad thing...Bad thing... Wayyyy too polite. Too many hugs that are not given directly from him to me. Ha. -
She pulls her hair back In a pretty barrette And throws to the ground Her last cigarette She says to the world "Au revoir, adios," And puts the blade to her skin, As white as a ghost The blade sinks in deep, Blood starts to pour Now she wants it back As the blood hits the floor She wants her life back, And she starts to cry But it's too late... She's going to die.
If I weren't so sleepy I could probably finish reading that but as it's been a long weekend and my geek to english translation skills are running low, I think I'll have to finish later. It's almost kind of funny that I've read and understood people typing like that and sometimes worse. At least you can spell.
I see the children pointing I hear their mocking laughter It's hard to think they're children With hearts so dark and cold You'd tell me I was dreaming That they were laughing with me They can't be laughing with you If you're not laughing too
You'd like to say you knew meTo make yourself feel better You sat at the desk not caring As your teacher read the letter "To all of those who knew me To all of those who cared I'm sorry for the pain I've caused I hope you two can bear To the rest of you Those who couldn't care less I'm sorry you passed up the chance I wish you all the best." But now I'm dead and now I'm gone But it doesn't cross your mind That all of you that just don't care You caused my suicide *My suicide*
To plead the fifth, to just keep quiet To not cause a scene, to not cause a riot The right to remain silent is a right untouched A man who tries is a man who is tough The right to free speech is much more liked It's quite abused, you say whatever you like But don't you think the fifth is much smarter Even though you must be tough and you must try harder Any fool can find something witty to say A smart man thinks about what he would pay Think before you speak and if it seems right You can say what you want or you could fight But to just walk away without a word Is usually smart, keep your thoughts unheard
Valentine's Day, a day of love A day no one ever lets go of A day of flowers, a day of gifts Girls given presents they can't even lift I just can't stand it, this holiday sucks It's still not over...Just my luck
There is no restart button Or areas used to save You can't go back and change it Once the game is played You may think you're immortal And that you'll never die But once the black screen pops up You'll ask, "What happened to my life?" Sure you can carry around a rabbit's foot Or maybe a four leaf clover But it will happen eventually Your fatal end, Game Over