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Everything posted by NightFae
Yes, happy make-things-go-BOOM! day, America! Even though it technically ended an hour ago on the West coast. But I don't believe that was the point. I would've posted this sooner, but I was too busy making things go BOOM! ^.^
Natasha ignores John's statement and turns to Jimmy, a disgusted look in her eye. "EXCUSE ME? HOW does that logic work? This is NOT a case to go for the plaintiff, just because YOU have a problem with the big business." Natasha turned away from Jimmy, calming herself down just a bit. As untainted a juror as he may be, she still didn't like him. "The tobacco company has done everything it is required to do and it has been known for decades that it's a dangerous habit. And there have also been things to help you quit for a looooooong time." She wasn't sure exactly how long, so she didn't want to be specific, but continued anyway. "And the man could have quit long before it got to where his life was put on the line because of it."She sighed. "I still feel how I did when this started. It's the man's fault, and his alone. The tobacco company did put the product out there for him, but it's his fault for picking it up. And while they are certainly not innocent...I definately say they are not guilty." OOC:for the defense: No money for the plaintiff
"How much longer until we can go home?" Natasha sighed. Now she knew why her parents hated jury duty so much. It was horrible. Not necessarily because of the people you're stuck with - although she didn't exactly "click" with any of these people - but because it's so terribly boring. And she had better things to do! Better people to see, for that matter! "I still kinda think that this is a pointless case. Although...That one Mr...Uhh...Kregler? Krigler? Yeah...That's it. He did have some...Good...Yeah."Who was she kidding? She wasn't paying too horribly much attention. She was too busy staring at some guy's tie and wondering why on earth he would get something so hideous. Even the thought of it made her shiver. OOC: Vote for Mynx
Fae bounces up from being pounced and immedietly starts pouncing the other promotees. "Congrats, guys! Tee hee!" Fae then pounced Ozy with a "you know me way too well" look.
OOC:Congratz! Welcome to the Pen! ^.^ Fae took over the pouncing for Ayshela, who was currently being dragged off by...A six-year-old? Fae snuggled srsizzy a bit before sitting on his tummy and poking him right between his eyes. "Tee hee! Welcome welcome welcome to the Mighty Mighty Pen!"She giggled.
Natasha thought about the video...And thought some more. But she really couldn't come to a conclusion. She had been so terribly certain that this was the man's own fault...But now she wasn't sure. She had completely ignored parts of it because it was so terribly boring, but a few things caught her attention. She kept looking at Millie. What was her problem? She seemed so...Out of it. She shrugged it off. Whatever it was, she wasn't going to get involved. It was Millie's problem...Not hers. She just wanted out of this room. OOC: No idea...But the dice says it's Savage Dragon(Johnathan Deere)
Eek! Sorry I haven't been around. I haven't even really been on around ac omputer long enough to even think about WW. It actually just occured to me five minutes ago that I haven't made a post. Sorry! I'll be right on that.
Alexa felt herself be pushed forward from someone. She turned around to glare at Fae, but it either wasn't her, or she disappeared behind someone before Alexa turned around. She sighed. Might as well. Nothing to lose...Except her pride. But she already lost most of that just by being pushed into this thing. "I'm...Uhh...Alexa. I...Like...Stuff? Poetry...Music...Reading a good book...And bright colours" she continued, relaxing a bit. "And that sort of thing. Heh." She realized that wasn't exactly a great introduction...But it would have to do. She winked, to show confidence, even though she didn't really have much, and walked offstage. Now FAE decided to run up in front of everyone"Hehe! Hiya! I'm Fae and I'm 19 and I like...Pretty much everything that adorable little girlie said. Except penguins. And bunnies...Eep! Bunnies scare me." The half-faerie looked around and flashed an adorable smile and bounced offstage, tackling Lexa. "WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
"Well I already knew all that. I'm not an idiot, contrary to your belief, apparantly...But how old was this guy anyway? We don't know if he was even ALIVE when it was considered 'manly' to smoke and if he was alive at that point, he could've just been a kid! And yes, they used to tel you it was HEALTHY to smoke, too. But...Grrr." It really didn't matter how much she argued...And she knew it. But she DID have some fairly decent points to make. "And to the last point...Isn't that what those patches are for?" She sighed and kicked her feet up on the table once more, ignoring glares from the other jurors. Ooooooooof course. I haven't even been here all that long and I've already gotten myself into an arguement...What's next? She asked herself, staying out of pretty much any conversation, convinced that if she tried to participate, it would just get her into another arguement.
Kicking her feet off the table and sitting up fairly straight, at the angry stare of another juror, Natasha looked around. How CAN they talk about such a poitnless topic? It should be obvious to everyone who's at fault, here. The man himself...Uhh...What's his name...The guy. "What's the dead guy's name?" she found herself saying aloud. She looked about. "Oops." She slid down in her seat a bit further. She was supposed to remember that. She sighed. I really shouldn't be here. I have much better things to be doing. She sighed and said aloud, on purpose, even. "Shouldn't it be obvious, no matter what the 'facts' on this 'particular case' is? Honestly...It's not the tobacco company's fault that the man decided to pick up smoking from...Wherever he did. It's not the tobacco company's fault the guy didn't stop. It's not the tobacco company's fault the guy smoked himself to death." Herman Grimes, the foreman, started writing how Natasha felt. "Alright...What does everyone ELSE think? Any thoughts? Any ideas?" Natasha sat back in her seat and sighed. This week is going to suck.
Fae bounced behind Alexa, waiting for the call for introductions. "Squeeeeeeeeee. Come on, hurry up. You're too sloooow." The other girl turned around, a handful of bright blue hair being pulled back into half a set of pigtails. "If you want me to go faster, stop BUGGING me!" she stuck her tongue out playfully and turned back to the mirror to finish pulling her hair back. She had decided to go for a completely different look than she normally did, tonight. Actually...That didn't say much, as she had a different look everyday anyway...But still. She wore regular blue jeans actually tucked into her black leather heeled boots and a rather tight black tank top. She finished her hair and turned to Fae"Alright. Fine. Let's gooo." She said putting a black collar with a cross around her neck. A few last minute touches weren't bad. Fae sighed"Okay...Now you're too FAST. Get your timing right...Gosh." She looked in the mirror to see a sight that didn't exactly please her. But oh well. The little green dress was really all she had. And it was glittery, too. She giggled"Shiiiiiiny," and kicked her feet just a bit, as, when she moved her feet, her fancy-ish black heels made noise. "Tee hee." "MEEP!" she jumped as she heard the calls for introductions. She snuck up behind Sweetcherrie and leaned over to see past her, feeling waaaaaaaaaaay too short to see over her shoulder. She looked at everyone and followed Sweetcherrie out, half dragging Alexa out with her. Alexa pulled her wrist free from the little faerie and walkd out on her own, giggling at Stoomp and Wyvern. "Silly boys." She whispered to herself. "When will they learn?" She followed the others over the catwalk and ALMOST tripped...But saved herself. "Oops."She thought, turning about 7 shades of red.
Hmm...Sounds like the Princess Bride.Nice logic.
Signing up Fae for a date. Dun dun DUN. And...I've decided to throw Alexa in here, just for kicks. 'Cause she's...Fun.
-Name Natasha Allan -Sex Female -Age 22 -Basic Appearance A taller, skinny caucasian woman with fairly long dyed black hair and bright green eyes. Wears black and grey most often, with hints of colour here and there. -Background Lived with the "normal American family" up until she graduated from High School with average grades. She went to a community college for a year before she dropped out to become a waitress and save her money. She has no children to worry about, but is very annoyed about this entire jury duty thing, as it will take time away from work and the "love of her life" and "absolutely perfect" boyfriend.
Writer's block won't go away. It's temporarily here to stay. I cannot find the words to say. Someday, writer's block will pay. I will have the best poetry on display People will point to me and say "She will make it far one day." Someday, writer's block will pay. But for now, it won't go away. I guess for now, it's here to stay. Until I find the words to say. And that day...Writer's block will pay. Thank you, Sweet! That actually helps no much! I did feel that the line was out of place and didn't work but didn't know how to make it so. Much appreciated. It actually sounds a lot better this way. *huggles* -Fae
Absolutely NO problem, my dear. I hope it comes of some use to you. And yes...Poe rocks. Like I said, post more! You're a fantastic writer! -Fae
No, that wasn't intentional. Not at all. But hey...If the shoe fits...*smirk* By the way...You MUST post more. Even if that requires pulling a story out your...Head*innocent*. Because that's an order*Teasingly sticks her tongue out*
I really do like the third poem, aswell. But then, I'm a fan of Poe aswell, so that reads very easily and nicely for me. However, in the fourth poem, I find one thing that just doesn't sound quite right: "My job isn’t to do this, It’s to protect." I'd suggest maybe thinking about changing it to something like: "My job isn't this, My job is to protect." And the next line: "But in a weird way I guess by doing this it is protecting." Might sound a bit better like this: "But in a weird way, I guess this is protecting." Just to shorten it up a bit, to fit the rest of the poem. Hope it's helpful, if not, sorry. Just a bit of advice. Overall, nice work. Please post more! I enjoy reading your work. -Fae
Wow. This is an amazing peice...I really can't find another thing to say. Although "blazing hate" in the fourth stanza just...Doesn't seem to fit as well. But despite that tiny fact, it's a wonderful poem. Very well done.
Writer's block won't go away. It's temporarily here to stay. I cannot find the words to say. Someday, writer's block will pay. I'll write the best poem ever made. People will point to me and say "She will make it far one day." Someday, writer's block will pay. But for now, it won't go away. I guess for now, it's here to stay. Until I find the words to say. And that day...Writer's block will pay.
Nightfae held up one finger and opens her mouth to protest to Wyvern's statement and say that it wasn't HER fault Dros decided to sit in the chair, after seeing her put the gum there, but decided against it and turned extremely pathetic instead. "I'm vewy vewy sowwy, Mr. Wyvewn. I was onwy twying to pay you back and make you happy. I weawwy didn't know what I was doing." The short girl looked up at Wyvern with a pathetic and pouty look on her face, sniffling a bit for the effect. "I can give you an unchewed piece if you want...Maybe that wiww make it bettew?" She decided that changing every r and l to a w was just too hard and annoying so she dropped the pathetic routine. "Okay...Actually...It's not MY fault that he decided to sit down on the chair, despite the fact that he clearly saw me put it on there. And besides...He's not an honored guest anymore. He's just an initiate." She says, despite that fact that she was "just an initiate" not too horribly long ago. "Heh...Bye."She flew out the door and disappeared down the hall.
Yes, I know. No comments will get responses. HOWEVER, I'm not looking for a response. I just wanted to point out one bit...I'm not saying it's bad, I do it too from time to time. The fourth...Bit. Stanza. Whatever you want to call it...It's all a bit longer than the rest of it. It doesn't fit quite as well. And somehow, the last line...I think it might just work better to remove "standing" to make it just that little bit shorter, in order to match the others. ...Wow. That was longer than I thought it'd be. And with that...I shall leave. Ta ta, my darling. And welcome to the Pen!
NightFae pranced into the office to wait with Dros, chomping a peice of bubblegum. "When will he get here?" She whined just a tad bit impatiently. She chewed the bubblegum just a bit and pondered how toilets ACTUALLY worked when she remembered when SHE was in here"OH! Right! I owe him this!" She popped the chewed peice of bubble gum out into her hand and placed it ever-so-carefully on his chair. "There. He should be much happier now." She then began dancing and skipping and bouncing around Dros singing about toilets. "Oh the wonders of my magical toileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. It's been very nice to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. It never clogs and flushes QUIET, it's been so very nice to meeeeeeeeeeeee." Yes, yes, she knew it was supposed to be "quietly" but...Well..."Quiet" fit better. She popped another peice of bubblegum in her mouth and started chewing and pranced and danced and hummed the tune.