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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by NightFae

  1. *Nuzzles Death of Rats equally viciously*
  2. Fair enough. I'm going to add a few lines to it...The second I figure out what they are. Just inspired by the fact that I'm visiting my love and I'm going to have to go home soon. I cannot describe how much I don't want to go and how glad I am that the snow here has prevented it for quite some time. But all good things must come to an end.
  3. Nightfae, in search of Wyvern, meandered into the Recruiter's Office once more chomping on a piece of bubblegum. She had spend half an hour deciding upon a flavour when she finally stuck with watermelon. She stopped in the doorway and almost choked on her bubblegum. "Well, then! Hello and welcome to the Pen! I'm Fae and...Is he going to be okay?" Walking over to where Wyv's Almost Dragonic body was laying, still holding onto the brandishing iron with a death grip, she couldn't help but giggle. Upon seeing the "Accepted" brand, she pouted, "I didn't get a brand," and spat the bubblegum she had been chewing out into her palm and placed it ever so gently on his nose. "There. Finally." She looked around for a piece of paper and finding nothing, grabbed one of the cleaner (for lack of a better word) smut magazines and ripped out a picture of what seemed to be something that only a seven-year-old boy with an overactive imagination could have come up with and pulled a permanent marker from her pocket. Across the photo, avoiding what she could only assume was the face, she wrote "Finally got a chance to repay you for the gum. I'll work on the chair later. Seems like you need one about now. Would love to get a cup of coffee or whatever you Almost Dragons drink and catch up sometime," and signed it with a decorative heart "Fae." Having that done, she stuck the note in Wyvern's free hand and turned to Colemanite Flakes and wrapped her up in the biggest hug the tiny girl could manage "I'm sorry for the delay, I haven't been around in a while. But as I said before, welcome to the Pen! I'm Fae and I have some work to do else where," which was really just an excuse to not be around when Wyvern came to and deal with being taxed for the picture. She much preferred simply receiving a bill, "but I hope to see you around! Enjoy yourself." After a quick glance to the box of smut "Just...Not too much." She turned and danced out the door, popping another piece of gum into her mouth. "By the way... Cute bra." -I'm sorry this came so late, but better late than never, eh? Welcome!
  4. I, like Sweet, find myself coming back to this each time I make a return to the Pen. Especially when I haven't made a post in a while and I'm not sure if I should or not. This poem is great at giving an uneasy poet (or playwrite, or storyteller, what have you) the extra little confidence boost necessary to hit that little button. It's funny that people seem to thing it's just as easy as clicking a button. Ha! I wish.
  5. Friends and family want a welcome home party, to celebrate my recent travels. But I do not wish to participate in their games. In their joy I cannot engage. In coming home, you see, I left behind love, and returned to redundancy. Websters has many words to describe great sadness, but few hit harder than "Welcome Home." -I know it's not by far my best work, and I'm sure there's a lot that could be done to it (I couldn't find a better word than engage, even though it doesn't seem to fit), but I'm a little out of practice. Just something that's been on my mind.
  6. After an excruciatingly lonely and poetry deprived two years (give or take) in the so-called "real world", NightFae, more commonly known as Fae, trudged through the immense amount of snow on the ground, determined to make it back to the Mighty Pen. She had not realized until just recently quite how much she had missed the Pen, and how much fun she had had there, but a recent visit with the wonderfully Polite Peredhil and beautiful Mynx gave her the tiny push that she needed to come home. Home. What a wonderful word. I'm almost there! She opened the door and collapsed on the floor, her tiny body shivering almost to the point of convulsions. "OH SWEET JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH. WARMTH!!!" At the very least, there was the warmth of happy memories and love that filled one of the many holes in her heart. She had not until now had any doubts that she would be welcomed back with warm, loving arms and many tacklehugs, but she hoped very much that not too much had changed in her absence and that she wasn't just forgotten over time. She hadn't written much since she left, merely one poem or so, but she desperately wanted to finish her Quill Quest and enjoy the company of those she cared for. Much had changed in Fae's world, including herself, and she was glad to finally be home and bring her life experiences with her, to learn, grow, and share with anyone willing to give her a second chance of sorts. Home. I'm here. I've made it. Now. To find that blasted dragon. I have a gift for that man...Dragon...He knows what he is, damn it. I really didn't know where else to post this, and it seemed fairly appropriate for it to be here. If anyone who can move this finds a place it would fit better and would like to, please feel free to do so. I know it's been a really long time since I've even logged in (partly in the past year or so because I forgot my password and didn't think to ask anyone with the ability to change that for me until tonight), but I'M BACK! I don't know exactly how much poetry, if any, I'll be able to submit for a while, as my brain's been more focused on dealing with life's issues than writing about them, but I'd like to get back in the habit of doing so. I've missed everyone here and I'm here to stay so long as I'm welcome.
  7. Hmm. I'll take...11!
  8. Fae's tragic death
  9. Inspired by the obituaries (or Creative ways to croak before I'm 30) thread. Fae flew out of bed in the morning, squealing with excitement. Today was her date with Stoompy! There was so much to do, so much to see! But first -- getting dressed. Oh no. She realized then that she hadn't picked out anything to wear! In a panic, she picked up the phone and began to call Wrenwind. She giggled a little "Wren and Stoompy." She put her own joke aside and continued the call. After politely explaining that she had no knowledge of Fae fashion, Wren suggested that she call someone else who might know a bit more. Who did she call? None other than our very own Gwai! Not that he would necessarily know more about Fae fashion...But he was the first to agree. Really, all she needed someone to do was stand there and agree with whatever she said while she ran about trying things on and modeling them. BUT, while she was zipping right behind him, he lost his balance and took a step backwards -- right onto her leg. This stopped her mid-zip and her face met the floor rather abruptly. Limping towards her bedroom, Fae refused to accept any help offered to her. She may be small, but this just makes her twice as stubborn. Very slowly making her way into her bedroom to get her first aid kit, she tragically stepped on a tack - and died.
  10. ...considered taking bets on which one of your fish would win in a battle to the death? ...been serious about it?
  11. Honestly...I'm a little disgusted here. I have just read the most childish argument I've seen in a long time. Yes, this shows wonderful word choice and no one has quite stooped to the "well...You're a butt head, because you don't agree with me." But take away the fancy word choice, and what are we left with? People are attacking others over something that should have sparked up a decent, intelligent discussion. Possibly a debate, but not this.
  12. Alexia looked about. "Jesus. Everyone's just getting dragged out of here tonight. Wonder what the big fuss is all about." She overheard a conversation. "Accusations, hmm?" she thought to herself "This should prove to be interesting. Too bad I didn't get to talk to Mr. Coolio about that deal. Shiz." OOC: Sorry I haven't posted. Schedule got really screwy on me recently. Buuuuuut...My vote is for dragonqueen - Charmaine Meeks.
  13. Alexia Lee stood back for a bit, letting someone ELSE have the spotlight for once. She watched Carrie's outburst with a smirk. "How darling. And...How true. Security?" She said softly to no one in particular. She wasn't seriously going to call anyone to escort this man to the door, she was just poking a little fun at drunks in general. OOC: And the dice rolls a vote foooooooor...Mardrax-Carrie Dee
  14. "I don't care how big you are in this industry...DON'T call me honey." Alexia glared just a bit. "And if you want some music, fine. You'll have some music in a few days or so. Gotta talk to the band, y'know." She shrugged a bit"And for the record, I don't like you and I don't want to work with you...But they told me to talk to you since none of those pansies wanted to. I will tell you here and now this is purely business. And never call me honey again." She turned on her heels and walked away. Probably shouldn't have said any of that, but the word honey was one word she never wanted to hear again. OOC: Vote for Seth/Gryphon.
  15. Alexia Lee nearly ran in waaaaay late. But hey, she liked these kind of enterences. Spotlight, anyone? Making only a small scene, she made her enterence known. If nobody had heard of her and her band YET, they would by the end of tonight. She shoved her way through the crowd to boldly go where...Someone had obviously attempted to go that night. "Mr. Coolie? I mean...Coolio."She held back a snicker. "I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment." She had positioned herself exactly in his way, as to not be ignored. "You are aware as to what I'm going to ask, so it would really be pointless to ask, don'tcha think? So...Let's just get straight to the point, here."
  16. Alexia Lee, 18 Alexia Lee was the dummer for a punk rock band trying to make it big. She, being the typical drummer, was wild and crazy, and couldn't sing worth...Nothing. She partied and danced and stayed out 'til the break of dawn. And sometimes, even longer. She stood at 5'9" and had a bright green fauxhawk. She had every facial piercing possible, excluding the Monroe. She had a blue rose tattooed on the inside of her right wrist, a memorial for her grandmother, a Cheshire Cat on her upper left arm with the phrase "Can you stand on your head?" and her very polite "F*** YOU!" tattoo, one letter to each finger. She was very much a typical punk rocker and lived and loved it. ((I can update a little more in a bit. This was just thrown together for a moment.)
  17. Have you ever seen a squirrel chase a bird around a yard?
  18. Actually...Yes, yes I have. Except...It wasn't due to being bogged down, it was just plain fun. Now...Have you ever heard a skunk sneeze?
  19. Me three.
  20. Shizznazzles. Realized I'd written something previous to this just never got around to posting it like I was meaning to. So might as well post it here before I forget...Again. Another Broken Promise I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I promised myself I wouldn't lie. But here I am, tear-stained face, Lying to keep people out of my space. I promised myself it wouldn't be them. I promised myself, not after him. Why do I let them do this to me? Why don't they just let me be? I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I promised myself I wouldn't lie. But here I am, with her in my space, Lying to keep her from seeing my face.
  21. The touch of her skin, smooth as silk The sound of her voice, sweetly subdued The taste of her lips as they caress mine. It's nearly impossible to believe, I know, but a kiss that leads to romance and love, can quickly become another obsession. Really just something that was on my mind at the time...Comments and suggestions very much welcome(I'm using this for an English assignment, due on Wednesday). But I wrote. Which hasn't happened recently.
  22. I really appreciated this one. It really does show how people throw things away before they realize what they mean to them. I guess that's why you could call me a pack-rat. I don't think I've ever thrown anything from my childhood away. I still have a teddy bear my dad gave me when I was sick, even though it's torn up all to hell. I also appreciated this because I always was "daddy's little girl." I always will be, no matter how big I am or how angry I am at my father. I always think of him as "daddy." Err...Anyway. I did like this one. Some of the lines seemed a little longer and slightly awkward to read, but overall, it was quite good.
  23. "EEE!" Fae bounces with excitement. "Congratulations everyone!"She gave Dros a huge kiss on the cheek before bouncing to the others, pecking them very sweetly on the forehead. OOC:Congratz, guys! Y'all earned it.
  24. "STOOMP?" Fae squealed. "STOOMP???" was squeaked out once more. Alexa almost rolled on the floor with laughter. Until, of course, she noticed the faerie's eyes light up with excitement. "YAY!!! A date with Stoompy?! This will be FUN!!! I can't wait! Who'd you get, Lex?" Alexa stood up "Oh! Right..." She looked at the list, glad that she had waited until the crowd of giggling, curious, or angry women had moved on. "Pathum...Oh boy. What to do, what to do?" She paced a bit, trying to think of something that couldn't go wrong. "Crap." OOC: Wow...Fae gets the easiest and most fun(Next to Wyvern, that is.) and then I've got the two hardest characters for me to write. Alexa was a recreation of a character much like Fae, and sad to say, I don't know ANYTHING about Pathum(eek!) so...I shall...Uhh...RESEARCH! Wish me luck? Still...Eek. >.<
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