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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. I had a wall around me, built with broken dreams. Now the cracks are healing; Your gentle words close off the seams. Without a warning, without a sign, not taken over, freely given this time. I had no faith inside me, hurt and distrust reigned. Now those fears are fading; Your gentle love frees me from pain. Without a struggle, without a fight, not holding back, warmly embrace your fire. I locked my love within me, vowed to nevermore. Now that oath’s forgotten; Your gentle heart makes my heart soar. Without the wall, without the fear. No longer blind. Without the pain, without the hurt. No longer lost. Feeling loved, Just feeling loved.
  2. Hmm…so if I read this correctly you’re saying that writing lyrics is easier than writing philosophy? And does that mean that someone who writes philosophical works would very well be able to write lyrics, but not the other way around? Cause somehow that doesn’t entirely work I think… The boxes (you do seem to like boxes) you’ve put up here don’t simply stack I think. They flow over, and mix, and I think most philosophical writers would have problems writing a hit song. They are simply different genres, and to give them an order sounds like one is less important than the other, well…I would gladly do without philosophical works, but I wouldn’t want to miss that happy song giving me a good feeling inside
  3. err....somehow... I think there is no order for writing. Personally I just go there where inspiration goes, and half the time I just write what my guts tells me to write. No order, not even thought about it, just writing
  4. A little girl with bouncy curls runs into the Recruiter’s Office, and almost knocks over the black-haired man. “Oops, sorry.” With this she runs over to Wyvern’s desk and starts searching frantically through the paperwork on it. “I’m sure I left it somewhere here!” She exclaims, and starts shifting piles of paperwork around on the desk. With annoyance she seems to give up and wants to run back out again, but then stops to peer at the newcomer. Her eyes narrow, “Have you seen my magic black pen?” The expression on his face stays blank, and Sweet shrugs, “Guess not then.” And with this she bounds out of the room, screaming a ‘thanks for letting me in Woody’ over her shoulder towards the door. OOC: Welcome at the Pen Mai Tekaze, hope you’ll enjoy the community
  5. Having escaped from the auction stage, Sweetcherrie hurried along. She hoped she would not be too late, and while running she took a moment to kick off her high-heeled pumps, and lift the skirt of her robe to run faster. It was a special day and, as with all special days, everything had to happen on the same day. She reached her room and grabbed the wrapped gifts from the table; at least she’d been able to get things gift-wrapped before it got overly busy. With the hurry coursing through her she glanced in the mirror on her way out, and wavered as she saw her reflection; trying to decide whether she should change or not. But no, she was already late, and factually she was too late. With her shoes in one hand and the gifts in the other she stormed out the door again. Outside she heard a loud shriek, and saw Troy flying over when she looked up. “Not now sweetie, I have birthdays to attend to!” But the phoenix ignored her words and circled lower. “You go, I’ll follow!” Sweetcherrie waved with her shoes to indicate that the far faster bird could fly ahead, but still Troy circled lower. She shrugged and hurried on; he could do what he had to. But then she stopped dead in her tracks. Troy had projected an image, and the image had been so ridiculous that she shook her head against the impossibility and started laughing. “Don’t be silly, Troy. You can’t possibly..” Her words were cut off when the phoenix grabbed her under her arms with his claws, and took off with her. Sweetcherrie meeped, and clang on to the gifts and her shoes. The distance between her feet and the ground grew, and she closed her eyes, frantically sending Troy messages to put her down. Then she realized what she must look like from down below, and pressed her legs tight together. “Troy! Put me down!” The phoenix seemed to chuckle mischievously, and the next moment she was falling. Oh my! This wasn’t what she’d had in mind! She braced herself for impact, and pressed her eyes closed tightly. The next moment she landed with a dull thud, but soft. She opened her eyes, and saw that she had landed on a pile of meteoric pillows. Feathers were flying all over the place, and tried to enter her nose now. Sweetcherrie sneezed, and climbed out of the pillows. Troy circled above her head, projecting happy and proud images. Sweetcherrie sighed inwardly, told him sternly that they would have to speak about this later, and then hurried around the corner towards the birthday party. The astral images confused her for a moment, but then she saw Solivagus, surrounded by a group of other pennites. She slipped her shoes back on, and plucked some feathers of the blue velvet. There were at least a dozen more on her dress, and she sighed again. She would simply have to hope that it looked cute or something. With the gifts under her arms she stepped forward to Solivagus, and handed him the first package. “Happy birthday, it’s only a simple gift, one of Troy’s feathers…to write your Quill Quest with.” She hugged Solivagus, and with the other gift in her hands she turned to look for Gyrfalcon. He was standing on the side a bit, apparently trying to help Wyvern who seemed to have just run into a wall. She breathed in, and walked over. “Can I help?” She asked, gesturing at Wyvern. Gyrfalcon turned around as he heard her voice, and grinned, “You know Wyvern…I don’t think anybody can help him anymore.” Sweetcherrie chuckled softly, “I guess you’re right...he's a bit beyond reach," She said with a tone of fondness for the lizard elder. "I have a gift for your birthday.” She gave Gyrfalcon the package and watched as he took the gift-wrap off. She grinblushed a bit when he frowned at the small sponge in his hands, and looked up at her questioningly. “I figured you would have about everything after all these years, and tried to make this more personal…it means that I’m offering to clean up the mess you normally seem to clean up, at a time and occasion you choose…you know, like, I dunno…” She hackled, and looked up at him, hoping that he would understand anyway, and felt rather giggly as she looked at the trail of feathers she’d left from the pillows to here. OOC: Happy Birtday
  6. (not enough time to post IC at the moment, but after the weekend I will close this and move it into next phase )
  7. Yay! Congrats to all!
  8. The item in my hands is hard and long. I can put both my hands around it, and still I haven’t reached the end. As I feel towards the end I find that it’s about 20 cm (7.9 inches) long, and has the girth of a thick pen. Towards one side it starts tickling me, and as I stroke over it, I feel that it is soft, almost furry at that end, and it feels plastic on the other side.
  9. Stoomp had finally let go of huggling Gryphon and the nice and soft feathers, and now he wandered around on the carnival. The dwarf was feeling a bit lost because, although there were many people to hug, he started to feel slightly bored. He strolled towards the Item Auction and looked with interest at the items already on display. He listened to Wyvern presenting his item, and looked at Chiroq. In whispering tone he asked the wiggly cabbage if the big lizard really was everywhere or that he just seemed to be, but then his mouth dropped open as he listened to the explanation of the Elder. He had to have that stick! But how would he get the money? When he dropped into this world he didn’t bring much, only Teddy, some left over candies, and ooooh! Maybe he did have something! He reached with his chubby arm into his bag pack and hoped that Frerin hadn’t taken it out when he had helped him pack. He felt around with his fingers along the lining and cheered and cringed at the same time when something bit in his fingers. Stoomp pulled back his hand, and looked at his fingertips. Funnily enough his fingertips were watching back at him, where two little eyes had bitten themselves sturdily in his flesh. He closed his eyes, and the eyes on his fingers opened their eyelids, showing him what they were looking at. With a grin he hugged his hand and opened his eyes again, seeing how the eyes on his fingertips closed, making sure that he would not see with both pair of eyes at the same time and with that getting him entirely confused. He stormed forward, hugged Gwaihir on the way, and arrived at the podium. He stared up at Wyvern, and fixed his eyes on the Mahogany Travel Log for a moment and then looked back at the almost dragon. “Uhm…can I sjow ‘em somezing?” He patiently waited for Wyvern to step down and then stepped up on to the stage. He raised the hand with his eyes high above his head, and closed his own eyes. “Erm…I wanna sell Eyes in Neck, special for aventulers! And weely they only urt once, and only an ickle!” He stepped down, assuming that everybody had understood that what he really sold were a second pair of eyes; a pair that would settle on the body part of their choice, and would look for them when they would close their own eyes.
  10. Mario ate and ate, and so fast that the nightelves could barely blink or he had emptied out the bush. He rolled back on the grass and sighed happily, life was good. “Yo smallbrains! Aren’t you supposed to save a princess?” Mario waved with his hand as the blackbird chirped at him. The princess could wait a few minutes; he had to eat to keep his strength up. Lazily he stared at the sky and started dozing off, when suddenly a shot was fired. The tree right behind Mario splintered and our friend flung back up, grabbed his sledgehammer and looked around to see where it had come from. Across the clearing he had rolled through on his way into the village, he saw a hooded figure. The suit this guy was wearing was bright orange, and covered nearly his whole body, even his face, only leaving big, blinking eyes uncovered. His hands were covered in grey mittens, and in his hand he was holding an automatic machine wand. He was rapidly shooting fireballs in Mario’s direction, and our hero dove behind the berry-bush. The bush would not hold for long, and the next moment it was singed by another shot from the wand. “Behold the wrath of Kenny!” The dark figure screamed, and launched another fireball in their direction. OOC: Kenny is an NPC and can be killed....have fun
  11. Evangeline, safety pin? Patrick, a mouse? (for computer)
  12. Firstly..welcome to the Pen Secondly...definitely not a waste of time In this community you are free to spew creativity, and you can always ask for people to have a look at your work...in fact, you can always ask people around here if you have questions about the Pen or about anything connected to it Then the poem... I really liked the first one. Valid questions, and it reads like a waterfall. I remember the feelings of the person in the poem all too well, and I think you've put it nicely in words. the second one...hmm. The subject is good, but yeah the wording and rythm could do with some changes. Lastly, I still had a question...how come you chose for these numbers here? I'm not too much of a number freak, but was still wondering if there was a logical reason Anyway, welcome to the Pen once more, and I hope you'll find this community as amazing as I've always done
  13. Werewolf Game Rules Sorry Aka, this one sounds interesting, but I really can't commit to something that takes every day posting at the moment =/ Next time I'll be there again.
  14. Sweetcherrie looked on her watch and saw that she would almost be late for the bachelorette auction. She glanced down on the work she’d been doing so far and tilted her head. It wasn’t exactly what she had wanted to show as an example for what she would be auctioning off, but it would have to do. She planted the example drawing down and quickly scribbled a sign to go with it. Myasha This done Sweetcherrie put the sign down, and hurried off to get changed. So much to do, and so little time to do it! (this drawing is not finished btw, but it shows nicely as to what sort of technique I will most likely be using )
  15. The stars were twinkling merrily above, but Sweetcherrie didn’t feel so merry. She and Dana had been getting ready for their introduction, and though Dana kept saying that she shouldn’t worry, Sweetcherrie couldn’t help herself. She simply didn’t like being in the spotlight, and preferred being the one behind the screens. Plus, it was easily said if you looked as amazing as Dana did. Her friend was wearing leather pants that span tightly around her thighs, but bellbottomed around her ankles. They were of perfect length, and worked open slightly around Dana’s ankles to show the high heeled ankle-boots she was wearing. The low cut pants showed her belly button, and for the evening Dana had adorned it with a small diamond that twinkles brightly. A black leather top covered her breasts, but the v-neck was so deep cut that the curves of her full breasts were clearly visible. All in all Sweetcherrie thought Dana looked absolutely stunning. She looked in the mirror at her own outfit, and sighed. She fiddled with the long straps in front of the mirror, and sat down to do her hair up. The blue velvet of the dress hugged her figure, but compared to Dana she was so much rounder. Some called it more feminine, but Sweetcherrie only saw it as needing an extra workout. The dress she had chosen was long, but cut open till halfway up her thighs. The back of the dress was cut low, and left Sweetcherrie’s back uncovered except for the few strings that kept the front part in place. The cleavage of the robe was deep, but covered her breasts decently. Under the dress she wore thigh-high, black stockings, and as she moved the laced edge was just visible through the split of the dress. For her feet Sweetcherrie had chosen for high heels with strings wrapped around her ankles. She stuck a silver flower clasp in her blond curls, and put the silver pendant Gyrfalcon had given her for her birthday around her neck. The jewelry was simple, but she figured that it would bring out her neck nicely. In the corner of her eyes she could see how Dana applied some make-up, and decided that she wouldn’t wear any. The audience would have to do with a ‘pur natur’ Sweetcherrie for that evening. She heard the announcement for the introductions, and got up. Nervously she stroked a non-existent wrinkle out of her dress, and took a deep breath. “Don’t worry hun, you’ll do fine.” Dana said with her velvet voice. Sweetcherrie felt how Dana slipped her hand in hers, and gave a thankful squeeze. Together they walked over to the stage, and stepped into the spotlight. She smiled nervously, and saw how Dana showed a blinding grin to the audience. Then she heard a chaotic noise coming from one corner of the audience. A small dwarf was running over and hugging people on the way. “Pretty ladies!” Stoomp exclaimed, and wormed himself a way through the male members of the Pen community. “Wanna hughughug!” Somewhere in the audience she heard Wyvern’s voice reply, “Gotta paypaypay if you wanna hughughug….hmm…Almost Dragonic Bachelorette Hugs for sale, only 50 geld per hug!” Sweetcherrie giggled, and the nerves disappeared slightly. She wondered shortly where the lizard would get these Bachelorette Hugs, and thought back to the date she had gone on with him. Oh well, couldn’t get much worse than news rats she decided and let her eyes slide over the audience. When her eyes met the eyes she had been looking for she blushed, and quickly diverted her eyes to her feet. She breathed out slowly, and smiled as she looked up again and walked forward over the catwalk together with Dana.
  16. nuhuh, would have to be tiiiiiiiiny mice
  17. *blinks* which RP?
  18. Fridge door opens wide Naked Dumbo screams girl-like Blush in pink tutu
  19. Basically all 4 teams did pretty well, and I hope they all had fun running around in the Pen. Team Blue Wolf had 19 correct answers, but unfortunately missed the answer to the question of the 5 for 1 deal. Team Shifters was missing two answers in their PM, namely the reply to ‘Who spoke about long distance love in his application?’ and ‘Who was taken on a hot date, but had to pay for it?’. Team Chaos & Disaster missed several answers, but came up with some alternatives I hadn’t considered. And somehow team Mutually Confusing managed to get unconfused, and unscrambled and come up with a correct answer for each of the questions! Well done to Aleaha and Ayshela! Thank you to all 4 teams for playing, and keep your eyes open for the scavenger hunt next carnival For those who would like to play as well, but didn’t sign up. In the post below you will find the questions with the answers. The answer will show up once you highlight them with the mouse. Thanks to Gyrfalcon for making the table…I would’ve been lost from the beginning with all the html in there.
  20. game closed. PMs after this post will not be accepted anymore. Will post more later...have a killer head ache at the moment.
  21. Nope, no pencil sharpener Gwaihir, a CD? Edit: An LP?
  22. The item you pick up is about 3 cm long (1.2 inches), and you can feel that it is made of hard material that feels cool against your skin. Some sort of metal probably, because the moment you try to bend the object you feel that it springs a little, but doesn’t really give way. The shape is a drawn-out oval, as if someone drew a circle and then really pulled on both sides, and formed a flat pancake. On one side you feel a small circle, and the object is slightly thicker here. When you put your nail over it, you notice that it is some sort of wiring, turned into a circle, and then up on both sides to the other end. When your fingers arrive at this end you feel an even bigger part of metal. There is a small opening in it, and a sharper edge. You squeeze the object, and then jump back as it flicks open in your fingers and seems to bite you.
  23. Black Box. Ever seen a feel-box? It’s one of those boxes that has objects in it, two holes where you can stick your hands through, and then you have to guess what the object is inside the box by ‘looking’ at it with only your fingers. This game is basically the same. You take an object (not too large), and imagine you have to describe it, but you only know what you’re feeling. For example if you take a ping-pong ball: 5 geld for each description. 5 geld if you're the first person who correctly guesses what was described. You can guess in the thread, and the person who posted the description can say when a correct guess has been made. If you would like some help on how to write description, the StoryWeaver’s Guild has an excellent tutorial on this subject.
  24. Closing this in about 5 hours, and I still miss one team's answers.... Chaos and Confusion, whoever is which would be cool to still get your answers
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