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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. oooooh....nope But close
  2. Gyr, an mp3 player? Gwai, a stapler?
  3. Having noted her own bid on Gyrfalcon’s story, Sweetcherrie swirled around, and held the cape wide open. She heard a whistle in the back, and looked down. The cape had kept her warm, but it had not dried her clothes yet, and her shirt was sticking in a not so flattering way at her body. Quickly she closed the cape again, and with a scarlet face she stuttered, “Err….I think I’d like to bid 15 on the cloak….Do I hear more?”
  4. Sweetcherrie schwung her hammer towards Mynx, and grinned. “15 geld for Mynx! I’ll top that with a bid of 25! Do I hear more?”
  5. Straight after the bid of the dreamer she heard Patrick’s voice raise his big on chiroq, and sighed in relief. The cute cabbage was too cute to end up as main course. “75 geld for the life saver! Do I hear more?” She knew she had to ask, but she intentionally glanced away from Wyvern, and held up the Astral Pen, representing Gyrfalcon’s story.
  6. Sweetcherrie blinked. Had he really just said that? She hopped from one leg to the other, glanced at Mynx, and smiled nervously at the Dreamer’s expression. At the same time she heard bids coming from another direction, and she was somewhat relieved that she had more than one thing to do at the same time, and no time to think about this. She lifted her auction hammer, “100 geld for Mister Dreamer! Do I hear more?”
  7. hmm..somehow it already felt wrong to start another WW while the carnival is still fully up. Would anybody object if I simply leave sign up open until the carnival is finished, and then get things going again?
  8. Sweetcherrie whirled around so fast that she nearly fell of her floating rock. By now the setting seemed to change as well, and in the distance she could see a cypress hill, and she wondered how they got into the setting. She shrugged inwardly and swung her hammer towards Mynx, “Yes! 20 geld for the kitty! Do I hear 25?”
  9. The item that Stoomp was going to bid on was not on bid yet, and he had wandered away from the auction stand. The people were weirdly dressed around him, and somehow the world seems to be dressed in dead animals, painted black. It made him feel a bit queasy, and at the same time he wanted to huggle everybody since they all smelled so nice. He wondered into what looked mostly like a castle, and again saw the lizard, but this time he was sure it was a twin brother. The lizard was decked in leather and chains, KISS striped horns, boots, and other attributes that he was sure he hadn’t seen the last time he saw the Elder. He bounced over, and gloomped to the lizard, “Eiiiyooo!” Then the dwarf saw the gifts. “Oooh, izze giftday again?” He ducked into his bagpack and searched around if he still had anything useful in there. He wondered when it would go empty, but so far it had kept giving him what he needed. Stoomp felt around with his hand, and yelped as something bit in his hand. He pulled back, and pulled out a snake with it. The creature was about the same length as the dwarf’s arm, and had bitten itself stuck in Stoomp’s thumb. Now it was wiggling happily with its tail, and curled itself around Wyvern’s neck. “Snakey likes you mista.” Stoomp cooed, “Izze now your snakey, to go with the black skin.” He pointed at the leather with this. Then he gave the lizard another huggle and walked on again. Not realizing that he had totally given the gift to the wrong person. OOC: Happy Birthday Zool
  10. With a frown upon her face, and getting slightly dizzy from turning from bidder to bidder, Sweetcherrie swirled towards Gwaihir. A smile spread over her face, and she gave her hammer another swing. “Right, ten geld from our highly valued nature-loving elf! Come on people, I’m sure I heard someone whisper 15 in the back!”
  11. Still blinking from Wyvern telling everybody he would eat the wiggly cabbage if he would win Chiroq, Sweetcherrie turned when she heard the new bid. “Oh my…that wouldn’t be an easy job, interesting, but not easy.” She though insecurely, but pointed the auction hammer at The Dreamer, and put on a big smile. “15 geld for our ...err..handsome planewalker. Do I hear more?”
  12. “Nyeah…I don’t think the Doom Master will be a threat.” Bugs put the carrot back in his mouth and nibbled on it a bit. “I tod I taw im calling awound.” Tweetie added in a nervous tone, and ran off to find granny and hide from the ebil doom master. “PbbrI can ftake him!” Bugs jumped aside as Daffy fought an invisible doom master. “Nyeah, I dunno doc. This thing really is evil,” The rabbit took two more nibbles from his carrot, “He has ‘The Dip’.” Daffy stopped fighting midair, “He he he has ‘The Dip’?” With a loud scream daffy’s head started turning red, steam came flying out from his ears and eyes, and then he exploded, and fell to the ground. “Nyeah Doc, he will wipe all toons of the face of the earth, unless we stop him.” Porky raised the shotgun he had stolen from Elmer Fudd, “Bibibibibibut it’s not doom hunter season..” Daffy snatched the gun from Porky’s hands, and swang it around as he spoke, “We will get him, and kill him!” “Nyeah, but we’ll have to go to Doom Land to take him out, and he has Doooooom helpers all along the way.” “Wabablaosnsahaoppppffffrrr.” “Nyeah,” Bugs nibbled thoughtfully on his carrot, “You’re right Taz, we need help.” From his inside feather-pocket Daffy grabbed an ACME pencil and started scribbling. “We need adventurers to take on the evil *scratch scratch* eeeeeebil Dooom Master. Those who come to join must be sssstrong and fffflexible.” With the pencil he scratched his head, and almost erased part of his head-feathers by using the wrong side of the pencil. “Doom’s helpers will not be allowed!!!” He extra-blackened the exclamation marks and stuck the sign in the ground. “Nyeah, now we only have to wait for our helpers.” And with this Bugs dove into an appearing rabbit hole where he would wait for the adventurers. Let the sign up begin!
  13. Sweetcherrie blinked, and stared as Wyvern held up his sign waiting for the auction master to call the bid. Did the lizard really just say all that? “Err..Wyvern?” “Yah?” “Nevermind.” She shook her head, he really meant it. “25 geld, opening bid from Wyvern, who plans to eat Chiroq…please people, I’m sure one of you can do better! Bid on the poor wiggly cabbage and safe his life! Do I hear 30?”
  14. Grinning still she realized she had to put another item up for auctioning, and let go off the quill. It kept floating in midair so everybody could see it, and she giggled as she stepped off the rock onto the starry path towards the booth. She looked over her list, and wondered what would fit well with a drawing, a wiggly cabbage, and a story. Then she took up Patrick’s travel cloak, and immediately felt her own clothes getting soaked. She looked down her wet shirt and sighed, magical items were brilliant, but sometimes they needed special precautions. She held the travel cloak further away from her body, and walked back to the auction stand. There Sweetcherrie spread it out so people could have a good look. ”The last item up for auction at this moment is a travel cloak. Patrick told me that it would keep you dry and warm in all weather, and that it would keep you safe during sleeping, I guess that’s mainly when you’re wearing it…” She looked down at her own wet clothes again, and wished that the stars she saw were actually giving off some heat. Then she got an idea, and put the cloak around her shoulders. Immediately she felt warmer, and she smiled. “As you can see it fits all, and I can tell you that it does keep you warm. Do I hear 10 geld?” She turned around to show everybody the cloak, as she waited for the first bid.
  15. With Chiroq wiggling happily, and people already coming over to see the wares, Sweetcherrie looked at her list. Gyrfalcon had two items, and it would probably be best to put one of them up for this week, and then the next for the following week. She grabbed the quill she would use to represent his story item, and wandered back to the item stand. She looked again at the quill and blinked. The quill was glittering in her hand, she was holding a black outline of a quill, with stars twinkling in it. She looked back at the ground, and eeped, wishing she’d followed Mynx’s flying lessons now. The ground had disappeared, and she seemed to be walking on the Milky Way. Logically she felt that her feet were still on the ground, but her eyes were telling her differently. Cursing Wyvern’s setting machine, Sweetcherrie swam forward towards the rock that served as an auction stand, and simply had to giggle when she saw all the other pennites float midair. “Right,” She held up the quill, “Gyrfalcon has offered to auction off a story with the person of your choice starring as the main character. I know his stories, and I would hereby like to bid the first 10 geld myself, sooooo do I hear 15?” She grinned and held up the astral quill, while balancing on the rock.
  16. With her hands growing tired Sweetcherrie decided to use the easel to put the empty canvas on for a bit. From the corner of her eyes she saw Wyvern shuffling closer, twitching slightly as he approached her. “Sssssweetcherrie, I wassss wondering….I don’t think my item…err…the items will get the bids they dessserve this way.” Sweetcherrie raised an eyebrow, “Oh?” “Yessss, I jussst saw that Ayshela was still standing all the way on the other side of the carnival grounds, and she might not have time to get here in time to bid on my..err…the itemsss.” She frowned in reply. Though it was clear the elder lizard was mainly worried about his own geld, he did have a point. Wyvern rubbed his scaly claws together in greed, “If you would just put my item up there already, bidding can sssstart with 100 geld, you can just leave it open for the full two weeksss.” “Hmm,” She nodded, more to herself than to the elder “You know what, I’ll auction off 4 items for one week, and then the next 4 the next week, would that give people enough time you think?” She could see him think about this, it would not give his item the special position he’d been looking for, but it would already give more people the possibility to bid on he items. “Oh, and Wyvern?” “Yesss?” “I’ll start your item at 10 like the others, if that would be ok with you?” She didn’t wait for an answer, and went off to get Chiroq. The Wiggly Cabbage wiggled happily when he saw her approach, and she chuckled as she picked him up. “Looking forward to start travelling I assume.” She took Chiroq to the stand, and stepped up to the stand. “Listen up people, strategy has changed. I will item off 4 items during one week, and then the next 4 items during the following week. Each item will still get his own thread and a personal introduction.” She held up Chiroq so people could see him. “This is Chiroq, he would like to go travelling, and I think he would make a great travel companion. Bidding starts at 10 geld, and if you want to meet Chiroq you can visit him at the booth." With this she carefully stepped down again, and put Chiroq down so people could meet him before they would bid.
  17. *huggles her mind twin back* thank you.
  18. Sweetcherrie smiled at Mynx, and pointed at the feline with the auction hammer, that somehow strangely resembled a shooting star with a tail. "Ten geld, for the lovely kitty! Do I hear more? How about 15 for the gentlemen at the back?"
  19. Yesterday at ten in the evening I heard a kitten meowing. It kept on screaming, and it sounded as if it was hurt, or most definitely in need. I was talking to my mum on skype, so I told her to hang on while I would have a look. Straight in front of my house a black kitten crawled out from under a van, meowing loudly, and covered in some sort of black grease. I picked it up, and it turned out that it had its mouth wide open, and then the mouth was filled with some sort of black goo. I cleaned her mouth, and gave her water to drink. Holding her a bit closer the kitten smelled like diesel oil and feces, and her lower jaw looked as if it was severely damaged. She could not close it, and all the water she tried to drink just ran straight out again. Still she was about the liveliest kitten I’ve ever seen, and very cuddly with that. I gave her a bath, washed her with my own shampoo, and walked over to the neighbour to get a blowdryer and get her dry. We decided together that the kitten was a she since there were no testicles to be seen. Later I introduced her to my boyfriend, and named her Shara. I emptied out the bathroom and fabricated a bed from a dirty towel. She meowed for a while, but then it went silent and she had gone to sleep. This morning I let her out and she greeted me happily. While my boyfriend and I spoke Shara kept on running everywhere. Trying to drink my soja milk, and attempting to learn typing on my laptop. I called the vet and made an appointment, she would need a check-up, and her jaw would have to be looked at. I could come that afternoon, and the whole day long she kept me away from work. Then it was time to go. I had found a box, and had put the towel on the bottom. I swear, nothing is so hard as trying to keep a kitten in a box while she doesn’t want to, and you’re on a wobbly tram. The vet was very nice, and looked at her. It was most likely a dislocated jaw, and that would have to be repaired as she was asleep. Then the vet told me Shara was not a she, but a he, and that he was already 3 months old, and only small because he was underfed. We agreed that she would call me when he would wake up, and that I would come back tomorrow to pick him up. Already trying to think of a name, but deciding that this time it would be Greg’s choice, after all I had already decided on Shara, just because it seemed to fit. I went shopping. Got him a kitty toilet, a travel basket, food, the whole deal. Even a small collar with a bell on it. I came home all excited, and my friends in IRC were as excited as I was. I couldn’t wait to tell Greg that he could pick a name, because She turned out to be a He, and waited for the vet’s call to tell me that all had gone fine. She called. Shara’s jaw was dislocated so badly that she could not move it, and then the vet asked me for permission to operate. It would cost more, but I told her that I didn’t care. If there was a chance, I wanted to try, this kitten deserved it. We hung up, and I still had hope. Shara had been so lively, so jumpy, nothing could be that wrong. Well, I was. The vet called back and told me that she had consulted three other specialists, but that the jaw was so damaged that nothing could be done. She also told me that Shara would not be able to eat. I knew that the next question would be the fatal one, so I told her quickly that she could be done what was needed, and that they could let him go peacefully while sleeping. We hung up, and I started crying. This kitten has been with me only for a day, but if everybody were as brave the world would be a better place. And if all people who would do this sort of stuff to animals would simply be treated likewise the world would likely be paradise… I needed to vent, and there is nothing that gets me so angry as abuse of animals. On the door from the vet there was a small note saying that there were kittens to be picked up for free. I will pick one of these kittens up, and give it all the love I had wanted to give to Shara. If I cannot save one kitten, I sure as hell will do my utmost to save the next.
  20. Sweetcherrie added Patrick’s Item to her list, and decided that it would be time to start with the first auction. She mumbled something less nice when she had to duck for another pillow meteor, and walked towards the small auction stand. At least she knew that it must be an auction stand, but with the current setting it looked more like a floating rock. She shook her head, and stepped up. “Hear ye! Hear ye! I will now start with auctioning off the items brought in by the penmembers and will simply go by the order of sign up. You will get about 48 hours, from this post onwards, per item to bid. After this the hammer will go down on the highest big, and the seller will get his price, and the buyer his item. Capice?” She looked around at the crowd with a smile, and nodded to herself. She stepped off the stage, and grabbed the empty canvas that had been standing behind her, representing the drawing she would make. Sweetcherrie stepped back up, and held the canvas up. “First item, a drawing of your character, by yours truly. Do I hear 10 geld?” OOC: I know 48 hours is rather short, but 8 times 48 hours will get us 2 weeks down the road. You can bid IC (most fun of course ) but I can imagine that that might be a bit much, so short posts are accepted as well. Have fun
  21. Sweetcherrie had lost track of things a little, and decided that by now people would’ve had enough time to write up descriptions for the auction she was organizing. She decided that she would inventorize, and then have a look at Katz’s booth later. She’d heard others about it, and it definitely sounded interesting. She arrived at the booth, and listed the items. 1. Drawing of character, by Sweetcherrie She was well curious about who would be bidding on this, and was looking forward to getting her tablet out again. 2. Chiroq, the adventuring wiggly cabbage, by Gwaihir A giggle escaped as she thought of him, he was sooo cute, and he would be a great travel companion. 3. Mahogany Travel Log, by Wyvern The giggle turned into a grin as she thought of the possibility that a woman would become the new owner of this item. 4. Eyes in Neck, by Stoomp Frankly, she thought these were slightly creepy. Eyes that bit into your skin…she shuddered, and scribbled down the next item on her list. 5. Portable Hole with Bob the British secretary, by Mynx A private butler…would be great, and she just hoped that the hole would find a good owner. 6. Signature, by Gyrfalcon This was a pretty neat idea, your very own, personally designed signature. She had one, but there were plenty of people that seemed to work without one still, and there was nothing better than to sign your letters with a personal item. 7. Travel story, by Gyrfalcon Sweetcherrie smiled; she had always loved it when she was told stories where she was the main character. Somehow she would probably end up broke this carnival. With her elegant handwriting she put the last item on the list, and was just about to walk away again when Patrick came running over. “I have something as well still,” He said, puffing from running, “Would it be ok if I get it to you this evening?” Sweetcherrie smiled, “Sure, I’ll auction them off one by one anyways. I want to make sure that each item gets the attention it deserves.” She put the item on her list, and chuckled, “There you go. Hmm…Have you seen Stoomp anywhere by the way? He seems to have left his eyes without supervision.” Patrick shook his head, and Sweetcherrie sighed, “Well, as long as he’s not expecting me to pick them up, eww.” She quickly scribbled another sign down, and put the list next to it. “There we go,” she said to Patrick, “I think I have time for a cup of coffee before I auction off the first item, feel like a cup of coffee?”
  22. With a frown on her face, Sweetcherrie stands at Katz’s booth. It would be almost impossible to equal Wyvern’s try on her challenge, but she would definitely like to try. With a pencil she grabs from her inside pocket, she jots down the words on a piece of paper. It’s only a scribble, but she would need some time to think about this one. She sticks the paper in the back pocket of her jeans, and the pencil back in her inside pocket. Then the most amazing thing happens. Little spots of light whirl down slowly, and the world seems to warm up a few degrees. She holds out her hand and a sun fleck lights on her open palm. Morneanna’s words whisper the invitation to her, and a smile appears on Sweetcherrie’s face. Recommitting to the Pen…it seemed only yesterday that she arrived here. For a moment she closes her eyes, and lets the memory of the warm welcome embrace her. With a giggle about how Wyvern’s reaction had thrown her off back then she opens her eyes again. The Pen had given her a lot; friends, a place to be creative, warm words when needed, and harder words when asked for. She had learned from the Pen, and this “Healing Ritual” seemed the perfect opportunity to thank the pennites for all this. Feeling a little lighter in her heart she sets the fleck of light free, and looks around her. Every pennite seems to have gotten the same message, and looking at those faces she feels all warm and fuzzy inside. Sweetcherrie smiles and sets of for the clearing, she would definitely be there to share her memories, stories, and she was more than willing to recommit to the Pen, it was her home away from home after all. She ducks for a meteoric pillow flying past, and suddenly has an idea for Katz’s common words challenge. She grabs the paper back out of her pocket, and while walking she starts scribbling. With her head concentrating on the story she barely notices that she almost walks into some weird sort of tree, and is only saved because the clouds around her feet seem to guide her around it. With a soft cheer she finishes the story, looks up, and notices that she has reached the clearing without knowing that she was already this close. She sticks the paper with the story back in her pocket, and the woman sitting on the ground gestures for her to sit down. As Sweetcherrie does so she tries to get a glance of the face under the hood, but the fabric is pulled down thoroughly, and with a sigh Sweetcherrie sits back and waits for others to show up.
  23. Shanuki had taken his time after the match. He had helped cleaning up the shirts they had used as goal posts, and waited until he was the only person left. He said goodbye to Mileay, and sauntered back to his own house. Avril had looked beautiful in her snoopy shirt, but he had been pretty stupid, and had not only ignored her, but also laughed at her when they were making fun of her. The look she had given him had hurt, deep inside, but he was simply a cowards. A whole schoolyear he had needed to discover that he liked her, and then he just had to act in a stupid way. One day he would make sure to say all the right things, but that was not today. Maybe he simply had to wait until he grew up to be a man, or maybe he just had to become a ninja. Shanuki shook his head at his own illogical thoughts. There was no way that he would become a ninja, not in this world, or this lifetime at least. He stuck his hands deeper in his pockets, and kicked at a partly eaten sandwich. He must have looked like such a child in her eyes, and she had the shapes and manners of a true woman already. How would it ever be able to match those two? He reached his house, and felt with his fingers above the door post. It was a secret place his mom had though up to hide a key so he could get in even if she was at work. He found the key, and quickly opened the door. After having put the key back where he had found it, he closed the door behind him. He grabbed the comic book that was still lying open on the counter, and stroked the lock of hair. It had certainly been a weird week. He wished he was like the ninjas in the book, and as he kept touching the soft strand of hair, he turned the page back to stare at his heroes. His stomach cramped, and he mumbled something non-descript, but that would surely have gotten his mom thinking he was foul mouthing. Shanuki grinned sheepishly at his own thoughts; she was always thinking that his language was foul, but in this case it had been only a desperate romantic mumble. His fingers slid over the points of the hair, and he wanted to get up to get something to eat to stop the cramps, but found he could no longer move. He looked around him, and saw that the colours of the kitchen had changed. In one corner he saw a square box appear, and letters rattled off inside it. “Even ninjas have cramps sometimes, and..” He stopped reading. Was this a trick? Where was the camera? He’d sometimes heard about governments putting hallucinogenic stuff in the water, but he didn’t think the water company would agree with that. And he also didn’t think he was just seeing things. Finally he managed to move his hand, and managed to touch the counter. Then he screamed. His hand too was looking comic book like, and as he whirled off the chair he saw a page number appear in the right corner. A text balloon flowed out of his mouth, and his scream was typed out inside it. He stared at his hands, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. His face had disappeared behind a ninja mask, and he touched his face. He swirled around when he heard the door open, and there came in the rest of the group of ninjas from his comic book. When they saw the look on his face they all took fighting positions, and spied around. “Shanuki?” One of them said, “Is there a problem? Have they been here?” Shanuki simply couldn’t speak. How would he possibly explain this? He must be dreaming, and he pinched his arm to wake up. But in fact, all that happened was that a drawn red spot appeared on his cartoonish ninja arm, and he just looked at the other ninjas with a dumbfounded expression on his face. OOC: Not sure if it's special enough for the 5 geld extra, but I think I did use all the words from list A in the right order Couldn't get myself to also watch list B, so skipped that part and kept the story flowing instead
  24. I think the first thing I should say is that to me everything makes perfect sense, and to my love, who I sent the poem it did as well. But yeah, I'll give some more explanation. The wall was built of broken dreams...so what then is broken that can heal? Right, the dreams. He makes me believe in my dreams again, and being surrounded by your dreams is not a bad idea methinks I am not refering to love. I'm refering about myself. Freely giving myself, instead of being taken over. I've had some nasty experiences in the past, but with him I want to give myself without holding back. I think you did get the general feeling I had with this one I actually kept the same syllable count here, and said what I wanted to say. I've tried keeping the poem so that it says what I want to say, and I did my best to keep the flow. If this were any other piece I would maybe take your suggestions at heart, but with this one I did things intentionally the way I did them. Yes, I vowed to nevermore. I would nevermore fall in love, and be open to get hurt by love. I'm not vowing anymore, so I don't think that vowing would be a good idea because it would change the entire meaning of the sentence. yes, but common words or not, if they reflect what I want to say I use them. And if the main object is to convey the meaning behind things, and not to create a masterwork, then why worry too much about how it looks? Hmm..possibly true, but hey, he understood, that's what was most important The words were singing in my head when I wrote them. I feel the last stanza closes it off, and the last line strenghtens my message. I wanted to spell it out for the reader, and I wanted to let him know that there are no fears left that used to be there. I posted this to share, not for it to be ripped apart. Had that been the case I would've posted it in the workshop, since I know you critically review about everything there. I appreciate that you took the time to do this, but I won't do anything with your comments. This one came from the heart, and even though I've tweaked it to have more rhythm, they need to be my words mainly, not yours...it's how it works with feelings...
  25. (OOC: *giggles* great post Evangeline!)
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