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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Happy birthday (wish I was inspired to write more, but if I wait any longer for lightning to strike I can post it next year....)
  2. This challenge is based on the ring writing done for stories in the past by lilValdar. Basically you sign up here in this thread. Those people that have signed up will be organised into a circle, and clockwise you will write a poem about the next person in the ring. If you’re signing up with a character please mention which character you sign up with. I’ll leave sign up open for a week, and next weekend I will announce the circle Oh, and I'm in with Sweetcherrie
  3. aaaaaand with that, I would like to suggest closing this activity Thank you to the people who have written and posted their stories in this. I really enjoyed reading them Oh, and if someone feels inspired by the picture, please feel free to post your story still, just closing it for the Carnival Inspiration is always good
  4. and I said yes...maybe we should award half the geld amount? Anyway, activity closed with the Carnival coming to an end. I really enjoyed running this, and I thank everybody who joined in with this
  5. *giggle* I know people who would surely fit this profile, I also know people who would by the time they had six hours left only start thinking up the best excuse possible. I used to be one of these people, until I had to start paying for my own education…sorta got more valuable then to do my very best to get a good grade and pass Great story, thank you for sharing it with us
  6. *giggle* I really like the way you’ve strong your words together. Great humour as well and nicely sarcastic at all the right places. I also really liked how you managed to captured the story so well together, and even managed to finish on a sarcastic note Great work, and a pleasure to read
  7. *bump* Just a reminder for those who would want to join in with this, 3 days till closure
  8. Yes, join us in the IRC channel The Carnival is just about to be ended, but there is a werewolf game running (in which you could still join, just let me know), and I'm sure there will soon be more activities. Also, if you have questions, please feel free to poke people...well, you can always poke me, and I'm realitvely sure that most others around here won't have a problem with it either Hope you'll soon make new friends here.
  9. mwuahahah, I will be rich, rich I tell you! All that real estate falling into my hands *grins and wanders off pondering how to put these new locations to their best use*
  10. I quite agree, which is why I'll go with 50!
  11. *prods this thread* hello?
  12. Hah! I bid 25!
  13. Righty…I gave myself a little shaking, a pep-talk, and spoke with Gyrfalcon and Gwaihir (somehow those people are capable of dragging me out of negativity time and time again, thanks guys ), so now the something more positive thingie I had said I would post. I think the most important thing is trying to get back that feeling of togetherness. We’re here together, and we should do this together. Stop bitching about each other, and start finding back that way we used to give and receive feedback. I remember that at the beginning when I was here people actually tried their very best to make the people who had written things feel good about themselves and their work, as well as helping them to improve. We somehow seem to have lost that first part, and I miss it. Yes, we might be a happy chappy forum, and we might be a bit overly loving at times, but I liked it that way…and isn’t that why we’re here, and staying? Because we secretly all hope to find back that time when we simply had fun and felt good about being part of this community? Secondly, we should try to stop mistrusting each other. I’m guilty of this myself as well, and would like to apologize to one person in particular. Sorry Reverie, my reactions towards you have not always been as well though out as you are worthy off, my apologies. We are all here to have a good time, and all here to give or very best. I know this is hard to believe, especially seeing recent events, but if we cannot believe that everybody here is of good will, then we might as well quit trying any saving attempts straight away. Thirdly, (sorry, in ranting mode now…) please people, show yourself! We have become so hung up on quality that we seem to forget that it’s the interaction with the other people around here which makes this a special place. How are we supposed to interact if so many people are only surfing the forums, but are not posting. I would love to read all your stories/poems/rp, participate, give feedback, whatever, but give me something to do that with. I see so many people browsing, but somehow they don’t post…please, please, with sugar on top, post! Whatever you have on your hard drive that you haven’t posted for whatever reason, dump it here Lastly, and this is mainly for the people who have willingly taken the responsibility of special roles around this place. If you’re not able to fulfil this role temporarily, for whatever reason, please don’t just drop of the face of the earth…. Show us that you care enough to tell us why you won’t be there, and how long you think you won’t be able to be there. I know you care, but it’s so hard to see if you simply disappear…. Hmm…started doing something else in the middle and lost the train of thought I was on… Guess this would be enough of a rant anyway for the moment
  14. Hmm...first reaction… I applaud the initiative, but as for me, I had too many expectations, and have only been disappointed time and time again. So I've tuned them down a little, and I no longer expect anything of the Pen. I have friends around here, I post my stories and I react to others as I see fit. Each time I decide to care too much I only get hurt. I sincerely hope this works, and I will try my best to add something positive in here later. My apologies for being sceptical, but somehow things only work if you have all aboard together…but yeah, once the people who are taking up the key-positions have found out what they are willing to invest, let me know, and I might be capable of investing a bit more again as well. As it is…I’m holding my breath. Sweet~
  15. The One-Time-Only Pen Gazette or my QQ A collection of stories and poems inspired on titles that the membership had given me Title Comments Forum 1. Saved for the second time [/td] Cabaret Room 2. Then there was rain Cabaret Room 3. Cuban Commerce Collapses! Cabaret Room 4. Police puts lid on pot Cabaret Room 5. Armadillo Speaks Cabaret Room 6. Dogs gone and done it again Cabaret Room 7. Pigeons drop project; collect crap Cabaret Room 8. Parasites under our skin, locals complain Cabaret Room 9. Prized ducks set off alarms day and night. Cabaret Room 10. The cemetary everyone is dying to get into. Cabaret Room 11. Beaver attacks man's log. Cabaret Room 12. Sharpein commerce flourishes, cuban cigars in style. Cabaret Room 13. Sleep can save rare rhino. Cabaret Room 14. Time slowed down for maintenance. Cabaret Room 15. Morning Glory. Cabaret Room Back to Main List
  16. Stories and Prose Title Comments Forum Rhiannon meets Trey Application Recruiter’s Office [/td] Nope it’s NOT what you think Assembly Room Mirror Assembly Room Zadown and the computergnomes Assembly Room Questions A short story Assembly Room Dreamlogs 1 Assembly Room Dreamlogs 2 Assembly Room Dreamlogs 3 Assembly Room Dreamlogs 4 Scarlett Pen Dreamlogs 5 Assembly Room Dreamlogs 6 Assembly Room An ordinary evening The Applicants’ Alcove Darkcherrie A collection of not so happy stories Assembly Room Dark Angel written for Circles Scarlett Pen Synical written for Circles Assembly Room Seduction – Innocence Corrupted Scarlett Pen The bragging Diary of Know-It-All Assembly Room Bamboo People Assembly Room Devilish Math Assembly Room Word Association Spawn Assembly Room Back to Main List
  17. The sign “Adventurous Toons needed” had been up for quite a while now, and a few brave toons had signed up for the task. The day had come that they would have to leave on their path to find The Ebil Doom Master. Bugs had prepared an extra bag of carrots, and was now nibbling on a small one for a snack. Daffy had shown up at the meeting point with a harness so heavy that he could barely lift the thing (too bad that this was also drawn and would therefore not stand a chance against ‘The Dip’), and Taz had already managed to spin through three trees accidentally in his nervousness. The Toon Volunteers were standing around chatting happily with each other, more like they were going on a school trip, than off to meet the Evil of Evilness, the vilest creature possible, the most monstrous thing that Toonland had ever had to deal with, the….yeah, I think you get the point. Daffy tried to climb up the stage to speak to the volunteers, but his harness didn’t allow him to move very much. So, from where he was standing he shouted through an ACME megaphone (a tongue came out on the other side) that they should all gather around, and that they would leave now. His voice was muffled through the helmet, and just as he was about to pull away the megaphone the visor fell down and cought his tongue. The chatting stopped, and Daffy started bouncing around in pain. Bugs was shaking his head at Daffy, and then turned to face the crowd. “Nyeah, listen up! We will be meeting grave dangers on the way, but I know you will make it. Rumours have told us that our enemy is stationed in The Dark Toonforest. The road will be long and-” “Wabalabalababa!” Taz interrupted loudly. “Erm…nyeah, maybe we should indeed just go.” Bugs strapped his bag with carrots on his bag, and walked off towards the edge of Toonville, and in the direction of the forest. Daffy, who had finally managed to get his visor open again, pointed his wing in the air, shouted “Charge!”, and try to run off after Bugs, but fell face forwards through the weight off his harness. The brave adventurers were finally off to their great adventure........and maybe to their doom.
  18. Player Character Gyrfalcon Lupus Mynx Chiko Tanuchan Niko Gryphon Sav Dean the Adequate Freakazoid Gilles Jordan Character to come? Black 9 Choc Alaeha Alex the Sister gah, friggin tables Right, with that out...first post to come Sign up will be open until Monday when the roles will be sent out as well, until then it's free RP
  19. Guess I still have a few things to work on...
  20. Ouch, I totally missed this Happy belated Regel *hugs tight* may many more follow
  21. "Oi! That guy's running away with my handbag....hold him!"
  22. Seems to me this is one of those things that each member has the right to know, not only those that can get into the Minstral Hall
  23. Excellent descriptions. The characters are well described, and you give just enough background information to make the story work. It feels like something grabbed out of the middle of a longer story, but I think it can easily stand alone the way it does as well. Enjoyed reading this, thanks for posting it
  24. It's sad enough, but I think if Deggy had been around he would have been spoken with in person....and then banned. He has been sent a personal email to notify him, and I think it was the only reaction possible. Thank you to the Elders, who are the people having to hand out these not-so-nice messages.
  25. Skeltonic Verse: The name of a poetic form of short lines (averaging from three to six words) whose rhymes are continued as long as the poet feels it’s working well. Also known as “Tumbling Verse” because of the way the lines tumble out of the poets brain. Named after it’s inventor the English Poet John Skelton (ca. 1460-1529). Wanted to look it up to see what you were talking about exactly I like this part best It's funny and it makes sense, while at the same time you get a sort of message across. Then in the end I think it gets less good, specifically the last two lines The rhyme is fine, but the topic is entirely lost there. I know that the description of the poem says that it's written as long as the poet has words tumbling out of his head, but these lines just seem awkward to me. Seems like a fun way to write poetry though
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