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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Too late.... -Sweetcherrie
  2. I was introduced to the pen, by clicking on a link at Elfwood. I have no idea who has an account at Elfwood, and has linked the pen there, but I would like to thank this person. I haven't met all of you yet, but I have never felt so welcome before, and would like to take this opportunity to also thank all pennites here. Thank you For introducing me to the pen, I was lost before But found from then For this I thank you For the link you put on a different site I was mindlessly clicking But here I found a warm nest to hide For this I thank you For receiving me with open arms I felt unbelonging But here I am safe from harm For this I thank you *hugs everybody at the pen* - Sweetcherrie
  3. Kasmandre >>> Brilliant, can't type more because I'm laughing too hard, but onion soup? amazing! *LOL* :woot: - Sweetcherrie
  4. Oh, my mum was saying that something like this has actually happened somewhere in the US of A. But hey, maybe Rune's parents had a difficult time as well when she grew up - Sweetcherrie
  5. Erm... this is true, no? Wow, her parents are gonna have problems when she is a teenager - Sweetcherrie
  6. Brother Gulzar reads the note that was slipped in his hands by Brother Thomas, For a moment he stands there staring at the paper, he looks around to speak to Brother Thomas, but the man had already dissapeared. On the other side of the room he saw Felipe sitting down, ready to have his diner. The boy looked tired, he must have been working hard today. Brother Gulzar decided to have a chat with the young man, and walked over to sit next to him. "Is this seat taken?" He asks as he points out to the place next to Felipe. Felipe quickly empties his mouth, "No, please..."and he makes a gesture of invitation to Brother Gulzar. "You look tired?" Brother Gulzar says as he sits down. "Ah well, I had a few extra jobs to do today, I still had to scrub Brother Thomas his cell, and I hardly slept last night." "Why is that? ...Don't answer, I shouldn't be prying into private business. You should ask Brother Mathieu to make you something for a good sleep, the man does wonders with valerian." "I will, thank you," the novice mumbles. "Enjoy your diner." Brother Gulzar leaves the diningroom, mumbling to himself, "So, he hasn't slept right...wonder what he was doing...and he went back to clean Brother Thomas's room. Maybe he is affraid that we think it was him...maybe he was out of bed last night...maybe he tries to make others look guilty while it is he that has done it all along..." OOC: I accuse Venefyxatu - Felipe
  7. Happy Birthday! - Sweetcherrie
  8. The news about the unfortunate deaths of a Rabano and Francis had travelled fast through the abbey, and suspicion and distrust once again befouled the atmosphere. Relieve had been replaced by increased feelings of fear and reverence. Brother Gulzar was in the gardens when he heard the horrific stories from Brother Rhys. Together they were working on planting Valerian, for the munks that, like Brother Gulzar, had trouble sleeping lately. (his recent dreams were still weighing down heavily on his conscience) "I had hoped that they had found the culprit, but apparently I was wrong." Brother Rhys bend over to pluck some weeds from between the herbal plants, "Yes, or maybe Brother Adrian had an accomplice..." "Do you mean to say...do you think... that there is another Brother who strayed of the path?" "Not one person could have taken Rabano and Francis on his own, they were too strong. Plus the fact that Brother Adrian has escaped from the smithy, he must have had help with that..." Brother Rhys looked him in the eyes. "But who? Do you think it has been Brother Philips Hue? He has the keys of the basement..." "I don't know...maybe it was Brother Igottafiln, I heard he has asked the abott for keys so he could observe everywhere..." Brother Rhys let the words hang in the air. Brother Gulzar raked the ground and thought this theory over. Brother Igottafiln had been acting strangely lately, but then he did have the official responsibility to report all these horrific incidents, and it wouldn't be the first time that the messenger would be blamed. He probably just didn't feel all that happy about having to write letters at moments like this to his superiors. It was strange how he had supported Brother Adrian though...maybe he knew more. Brother Gulzar shook his head, he could simply not imagine Brother Igottafiln doing these things. "Do you really think Brother Igottafiln..." he shook his head and explained Brother Rhys his reasoning. "I don't know, only God can see the truth in cases like this, and there are a few people that have been acting rather strange," Brother Rhys replied when Brother Gulzar had laid down his arguments. "Haven't we all been acting rather different from usual? We are all upset about what has happened.If you think like that, even you could be guilty, and me. I mean, it's been 3 days since our last little disagreement, and here we are talking like old friends." Brother Gulzar grinned. Despite the circumstances even Brother Rhys smiled, "Hard times, make friends out of enemies, dear Brother Gulzar."
  9. I read the news post and wondered if you still need characters? If so, I would like to offer Trey, the quafter. Information on him can be found here. If you need more info, just PM me and I will give you more information. I wish you good luck with your QQ! (first part is looking good ) -Sweetcherrie
  10. I hope this is what we were supposed to do. If not please let me know and I will try to come up with a different reason for entering the library. - Sweetcherrie
  11. Brother Gulzar was praying for the souls of beloved Brother Adelmo and Brother Venancio, that their spirits would be lifted to heaven, carried by angels. He had once before met an angel. He let his mind drift back to that evening. *** Brother Gulzar peeped around the corner, he was on his way to the library, and didn't want to be discovered, so close to his target. He knew that it was prohibited to enter the library, and he also knew that he would probably not be able to find his way around, but the rumours had lured him from safety, they said there would be heretic books in that library. Brother Gulzar was hoping to find information on his favourite subject, grass. When he worked in the hanging gardens in Babylon he had met this Arab from the Gulf, who had told him of his meeting with King James IV of Schotland. Apparently this King James had invented a different way of using grass, he used it to play a game with something the Arabian man had called 'golves'. Brother Gulzar remembered every word the man had said, and was now hoping to find information on this heretic game in one of these satanic books. He tried to forget that it was a sin to play games in the time that was supposed to be devoted to God, but he couldn´t withstand the hypnotical attraction of forbidden knowledge. He carefully edged around the corner, and saw the entrance in front of him. "This doesn´t look so difficult and dangerous," he thought while he passed the threshold, "Now where would they have put those books?" He glanced down the rows of books, and saw the light of his candle reflected against the walls. The shadowgames that were formed on the walls and ceiling, gave him an eerie feeling. He shuffled slowly forward, careful not to make any noise. A weird scent hung in the air, and when he stepped around a corner he startled, it was only his presence of mind that stopped him from screaming. There was a woman standing in front of him, she was beautiful, had long golden hair, and Brother Gulzar decided that God had never created a more perfect body. Silvery light was surounding the woman, and she was holding her arms out to him. "This must be an angel," he thought and, as sinful thoughts filled his head, he stepped forward and let her arms embrace him. He had stood there for half an hour in her warm embrace, thinking all diabolic things, when he suddenly noticed that it was growing colder. He opened his eyes and glanced around, the woman had dissapeared, and he was standing alone in the middle of the bookfilled cabinets. He felt his blood rising to his head, and turned around, filled with shame. When he finally found back his room, he lied down on his bed, but instead of sleepin he dreamed all sorts of hellish dreams. *** Brother Gulzar shook his head to release the memory, and focused on his prayers, trying hard to forget his sinfull deed. OOC: changed the post to fit with description in OOC thread.
  12. Happy Birthday! - Sweetcherrie
  13. I have absolutely no idea who Rune is, but if she created this place, I am most thankful to her Happy birthday to the pen! -Sweetcherrie
  14. Ai, my mouth starts watering. I have read a poem about chocolate before...where was it again Aah, yes it was here *goes of to get the m&m's* -Sweetcherrie
  15. I can almost see the sky, your description is very good. It makes me feel longing for that special person. I like it. *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  16. Brother Gulzar had thoroughly enjoyed himself in the garden today, he had even managed to make his beloved lawn just that little bit nicer. Felipe had been a good help, and although he had been grumbling below his breath all day, he too had a healthy blush around his cheeks. Together they walked back to the toolshed to put away the rake and wheelbarrow they had been working with. They were passing Brother Adrian's beehives, when suddenly Felipe stopped. "Brother Gulzar," he whispered, "do you hear that sound?" Brother Gulzar stood still to listen what sound Felipe might have meant. "I don't hear anything but the buzzing of the bees, my son." "No it's different..." Felipe walked silently towards the hive room, bees flying all around his head. As Felipe approached the buzzing grew louder. "It almosts sounds as if there is someone talking in there..." Brother Gulzar walked over to where Felipe was standing and noticed that the novice was right, a quiet whisper was coming from the hive room. ".....Yes, he is strong, .....gardener....poisons...but he can't..." The whispers from the hive room were hardly audible. "I think they are talking about you-" Felipe had been whispering, but Brother Gulzar had put a finger to his lips, if they were talking about him he wanted to hear the rest, even if it was a sin. "All right, I'll act upon your advice." After these last words Brother Gulzar knew enough, He nodded Felipe to follow him. They walked away from the hive room, and it wasn't untill they were inside the toolshed that Felipe spoke, "I don't believe it was you Brother Gulzar...I..." It wasn't necesairy for him to finish his sentence, they both knew what he was talking about. Brother Gulzar smiled, "Thank you Felipe....I also know that it wasn't me, but unfortunately somebody thinks differently..." "Thank you for your efforts today, Felipe, you may go and get yourself cleaned up before vespers." Happy to be relieved from his duties, and from not having to continue this conversation, Felipe ran away towards the abbey. Brother Gulzar stayed in the toolshed, mindlessly moving the tools, the words he had heard sang through his brain. "Last time it was also Brother Adrian who had started the rumours, he is so fast with accusing others.....I wonder if he has something to hide..." OOC: I accuse Vahktang - Brother Adrian edit: typo
  17. Problem solved (Sorry it will probably get Felipe in even more problems, but it was too nice to let it pass, but hey, we don't want him to lose his nickname now, do we?) - Sweetcherrie
  18. Brother Gulzar hurried along the corridors, he had been praying for Brother Venancio's soul (and his own), and was now in a hurry to get back to the gardens. Sliding around the corner he bumped into Felipe, "Where are you going?" "I am going to scrub Brother Thomas's room, and -" "I don't think so, you have been enough of a burden lately, Brother Thomas has gone up to his cell to work for a bit, and you are not going to disturb him. You can come with me, young man!" "...but.." "No buts, you are coming with me to help in the gardens....and that's the last I want to hear about it," He added when he saw the novice opening his mouth in protest again. He shooed the, still protesting boy, out of the corridor into the garden, "Scrubbing private cells, who's heard of that..." shaking his head in disbelieve, following the novice towards the gardens.
  19. Brother Gulzar returned to the breakfast table, and sat down next to Brother Mathieu. "They are talking about Brother Venancio being murdered by poison." He whispered. "Yes, I know, but who would do such a thing?" "I wouldn't know, but if it is poison, maybe we should think about who has the necessairy knowledge to find these poisonous plants, next to us I mean. Well, maybe next they go accusing us." "Don't be riddiculous!" Brother Mathieu's said loudly, the murmur around them silenced. "Almost all the Brother's know how to recognize poisonous plants, and besides didn't you yourself say the other day that Brother Rhys had helped you with the garden...and that you were surprised by his knowledge..." Brother Mathieu had brouht his voice back to a whisper, but had a defiant look in his eyes. "...Maybe you're right," Brother Gulzar felt a sudden relief coming over him. "But then we can rule out Good Benneth, he doesn't know how to recognize a flower from weed." Brother Gulzar smiled, "The other day he came up to me holding a piece of weed, you know what he asks me....Fadda Flowuh? I tell you I had a hard time trying to keep a straight face while explaining that it wasn't a flower." "Yes, and you know Brother Thomas? I asked him the other day if he could bring some more White Bryony roots for Brother Thiabualt's poultice, guess what he comes back with? ...blessed thistle." "Really?" "Yeah, he told me later, well wrote more, that he probably wouldn't recognize a rose from a tulip, said that he had never got the hang of that gardening stuff." They laughed quietly about their little gardner's joke, feeling slightly guilty laughing about someone else's weakness. "At least we know for sure that our dear Brother Thomas didn't do it," Brother Gulzar said hiccuping. "...and did I tell you about Felipe? well he...." It was a good thing that they had the second canonical hour of Prime after breakfast, and that they could ask for forigiveness for their sins. For they were now not only laughing about somebody else's weakness, they were just plain gossiping....
  20. With an uneasy feeling Brother Gulzar watches Brother Benedicte leave the Abbey. The silhouette of the Brother and his donkey stand out black against the fiery sky of a new dawn. When finally all he can see is a tiny black dot he turns around and walks of to the library, filled with guilty feelings. Maybe if I had been less quick with my accusations...but I did what I had to do...I hope God will forgive me for this.... Drowned in his thoughts he walks straight into Brother Alcot, who was just leaving the library. "Brother Gulzar, goodmorning, what brought you here so early?" "I need to look up something on Bryony dear friend. Brother Thibault seems to benefit greatly from the poultice made by Brother Mathieu, and the main ingredient, Bryony, comes from my gardens. But at the moment it doesn't seem to want to grow anymore, and I will try to find out why not. "Maybe I can be of help?, I remember to have seen something on Gods healing herbs the other day..." "That would be great, thanks" Together the monks find the book with the herbal remedies. "I'm sure that you will find what you were looking for in this book." Brother Alcot smiles. "Yes, about the Bryony, yes, thank you." Brother Gulzar turns and leaves the library. He can't help thinking, "...but for absolution only God can help me."
  21. Thanks Tanny! It was probably clear to all the other players but I'm just very blond, every now and then. - Sweetcherrie
  22. I have flown today Back home Didn't die today Oh no I have flown today Above clouds Partly died today Going down I have flown today First time Didn't die today No way I have flown today Saw the light Couldn't die today Had to write Thanks Guys!! I have made it through my first flight, and although I felt slightly nauseous, I have survived. (I'm not happy with the last stanza, and might try and rewrite it (suggestions are welcome ) - Sweetcherrie
  23. I'm going to be really blond here, but does PC mean Personal Confession and NPC > Non Personal Confession? - Sweetcherrie Wanted to post in the RP but had a very tiring day and am affraid to write rubbish. (guess it'll have to wait)
  24. I definitetly agree on that one, if I haven't had at least 8 hours sleep,'I'm wrecked the next day. - Sweetcherrie
  25. Your working pie has actually helped me Akallabeth, Thanks! Thanks Tanny, I know it's just guesswork in the beginning, but it just feels so hypocrite to accuse someone without any proper reason :S Mais bonne, part of the game, non - Sweetcherrie
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