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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Oops, I almost slipped in a dirty word, and that in the middle of a room filled with silently, staring people. That would have been bad, because that would have echoed horribly. - Sweetcherrie (do you write echood like that ) Edit: grammar changes
  2. Sweetcherrie had been nodding with her head as if she had totally understood what had been explained, untill the ball was mentioned. She got up from the couch and wanted to run into the bedroom, "Yes we should go, let me check my make-up-" "You look fine just the way you are," Pilocanci interrupted, "I've ordered a taxi, and they should be here right...about...now." And sure enough a car parked in front of her appartment. They got into the cab and ten minutes later they reached their destination. Pilocanci held the door open, and they strolled into the richly decorated Cabaret Room. Sweetcherrie's mouth dropped, "Ooh, this is so beautifull" "Close your mouth, or are you planning to catch some flies?" Pilocanci grinned. "I'm liking him better every minute," Sweetcherrie thought, and grinned back, after having closed her mouth. There weren't many people their yet, but they went to get some drinks and joined Equester and Zariah at their table. Sweetcherrie looked around and saw that Venefyxatu and Tanuchan had also arrived, and waved happily to them. "Rum and Coke please, and what would you like to drink?" Pilocanci said in answer to Equester's question what he wanted to drink. Sweetcherrie thought it over for a moment, "A Bacardi Breezer Peach, please." And as Equester went to get some drinks, Sweetcherrie turned to Zariah, "I love your table decoration, where did you get the idea?"
  3. *Brother Gulzar stumbles in and falls on his knees* "Please God, give my Brothers the strenght to write and defeat these killers." OOC: No seriously, kill those....erm...bad people - Sweetcherrie
  4. It's actually a relief not having to think about who to accuse and why for a moment Now Brother Gulzar can devote his time to other things... - Sweetcherrie
  5. Brother Gulzar used his hands to scoop some water from the well. He had been travelling for two days now, and he knew he would reach the abbey when the sun would set. "I wonder how Benneth is doing?" He sat down, rested his back against a tree, and said a prayer for the brothers he had left behind. "Howdy," Brother Gulzar looked around, and saw that the voice had come from a man standing next to the well. Busy with his prayers he hadn't notice the man approach. He nodded a welcome,"hello." "Would you mind, if I sat down with you for a moment?" "No, of course not, please," and he made an inviting gesture towards the ground. "Thanks," The man sat down and opened his travelbag. he took a lump of bread from it and tore a piece of. "Warm day for a winterday." "Yes, certainly." He glanced at his new companion. Beside a travelbag the man was also carrying a leather ball the size of a watermelon. Brother Gulzar tried to hold back his curiousity, but couldn't. He would have to start praying for forgivenes immediately upon arrival in the new abbey. "What is that? If I might ask." he pointed at the leather ball. "What? Oh that. that is what they call a football" "A football?" "Yes, I have been travelling a lot, and one day I met this Roman stranger who told me about a game they played." "Say, what direction are you travelling in?" Brother Gulzar asked as he got up, "Because I am travelling south towards the next abbey, and maybe you could enlighten me with your travelstories on the way." The stranger got up as well, "I go in the same direction, and will be happy to accompany you." Together they followed the road south again, and the man told Brother Gulzar all about his adventures, but Brother Gulzar was most interested in his encounter with the Roman stranger. When they finally reached the abbey, they said goodbye, and the man travelled further southwards. "I haven't even asked his name," Brother Gulzar thought as he followed the man with his eyes, "Oh well, that's just an extra prayer to add to my already long list." Brother Gulzar tried to rid his robes from the traveling dust that had gathered on it. He was standing in front of a large, wooden door, which was the entrance to the abbey he would spend some time in. Slightly nervous he knocked on the heavy door, and waited, but no reply came. Maybe they couldn't hear him. He grasped the iron handles, and as the heavy door opened, his new home came in sight. On his right he saw the abbey stretching out, it was totally different from his old home. For one thing, everything, except for the belltower, was built groundfloor. He could see monks working on their copying behind the windows of, what he expected to be, the library. The building was bathing in the undergoing wintersun, which gave the building a warm red-golden glow. In total it formed an inviting image. He looked to his left, and saw more monks working in the gardens. His eyes started to twinkle, and his heart jumped inside his chest. On the far left he saw the green of an enormous lawn. It stretched out from the abbey to the wall, and it was nice and flat. "It will be excellent to try my new game on that lawn," he thought. He ripped his eyes loose from the lawn and walked to the entrance of the abbey, he had a lot of praying to do, and it was probably better if he would start right now. edit:typo
  6. Sweetcherrie's head started to glow, it felt as if she had suddenly gotten a burning fever. She fuddled with the earpiece for a moment, maybe she hadn't heard right, but the earpiece was still firmly in place. The presidente not only liked her present, he had even given a present in return, and what a present, he wanted to name a planet after her! For a few moments she didn't know what to say. The fear she had been feeling, just moments before, seeped away from her body. She looked at Pillow on the other sofa, and was amazed at the changes she saw in him. All of a sudden he didn't look frightening anymore, he looked sweet and fluffy. "Now don't lose your head," she said sternly to herself, "this is still Presidente Pilocanci." she looked up, and saw that he was still waiting for her answer, "Yes, I would like that very much." she said in a whisper.
  7. I seem to be walking into old friends a lot lately, and find it very hard to talk with these people. When I saw them day to day that's what we spoke about, but now it seems so much harder to find suitable subjects. But then, doesn't live work that way? change? - Sweetcherrie Zadown, you have friends here in which you can convey
  8. Caligula? I don't know a book by that name, is it good? - Sweetcherrie
  9. and I was having so much fun... Serial killers next time, sounds good - Sweetcherrie
  10. Brother Gulzar leaves with his head hanging, "Will my fellow brothers survive?" he looks at the lawn as he passes by towards the gates. A stubborness rises and he suddenly feels a bit lighter. "I will not leave untill I have done one final thing," He thinks and walks through the gates. Once outside he waits untill it is totally dark and silently walks back. He enters the toolshed, and goes at work. 2 hours later Brother Gulzar looks at the stick he is holding in his hands, made from wood and slightly wider at one end. From the workbench he picks up the little flag and a small shuffle. He also picks up the piece of parchment he had written earlier. He opens the door of the toolshed and glances around, there was no-one to be seen. He walks towards a corner of his lawn and kneels down. He carefully digs a little round hole and sticks the flag in it. He places the stick on the floor and sticks the note to the flag. He reads the note one last time: Dear Brothers, I know that I have been stressing a bit over the lawn every now and then, I deeply regret this now I can no longer enjoy your presence. I have once been told about a game called Golf, and I hereby leave you the equipment needed to play this game. The lawn should now be even enough to have a simply marvelous time. Thank you for the good times. Brother Gulzar P.S. You have all my official permission to walk on the lawn "Now I am ready," He mumbles and with a last look he dissappears as silently as he had come, off to his new home.
  11. I have another one, Desire to be your sister Desire your sister Write it down Get a mysterious illness and die. Or read the book and see the film Probably a bit easier (this is a pretty good game ) - Sweetcherrie
  12. I fear that I myself am not immune, I suspected one of our Brothers - Philips Hue. I have wronged him... yet you Brother Gulzar have been the source of no few suspicions about our Brothers yourself. Are you any less guilty than I am?" "In my heart I know that I am innocent like a new born baby, and if I could I would rip it out of my chest, to show you that it's clean of sinning." Brother Gulzar replies. Brother Caire looks at Brother Gulzar and sees that there is truth in his eyes, but his mind is unfortunately telling hime different things. "I wished that I could make you see the things that I have seen, my dear Brother Caire," Brother Gulzar continues, "If you would have my history, you too would be affraid, and wanted to catch this killer as soon as possible." Edit:typo
  13. yeah, I think I know that last one Devil's advocate?
  14. Sorry misread, doesn't make me change my accusation though - Sweetcherrie
  15. After breakfast and prime, Brother Mathiue an Brother Gulzar went to work in the gardens together. Brother Gulzar was pulling bryony roots from his lawn, and with every root that came loose from the earth with a snap, he had to think about how poor Brother Thibaults life had snapped. "Can you imagine, how affraid Brother Thibault must have been?" Brother Mathieu had obviously been thinking the same. Brother Gulzar's throat was too thick to talk so he merely nodded. Looking up he saw Brother Caire walking by towards the scriptorium, probably to work. "What do you think of him?" Brother Mathieu asks, "He doesn't seem too upset about all this, I can't even remember him expressing sorrow over the killings of our fellow Brothers." Brother Gulzar nods again, but in his head he goes over what he knows about Brother Caire. "He is a scholar, and he had voiced doubt on the rightfullness of Felipe's penance, and he has spent a lot of time in confession. But does that make him a murderer?" Brother Gulzar unrooted more bryony and flinched as the roots snapped freem from the ground, "I have also heared rumours that he wished to be the one to discover be better at uncovering herecy like the dominican monks...but what would he want to use this knowledge for?" "- listening?, hello? I asked you a question." Brother Gulzar looked up, Brother Mathieu had been talking to him but he had not been paying attention. He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry what did you say?" "I asked if you thought we needed to plant more valerian?" OOC: I accuse Gryphon - Brother Caire edit: typo
  16. Sweetcherrie was standing in front of her mirror, and looked at herself, "Why can I never choose what to wear?" She looks over her shoulder, a colourfull pile off, at least, 20 different dresses covers the bed. "I've tried all of them," she thinks while checking her watch, "and I don't have time to change anymore, or I'll be late for the ball." "Ding Dong", the sound of the doorbell interrupts her thoughts, glancing for the last time in the mirror, she hurries of to open the door. In front of the door is standing what looks like a whit ball of fur, pressed together like a harmonica bus. "Please come in your Sharpeiness," Sweetcherrie says as she opens the door further and makes an inviting gesture. The white ball of fur hops over the threshold and enters the living room, where it sits down on the couch. "Would you like a drink?" "Wroef, wuf, brk" the furball barks. Luckily Sweetcherrie studied Sharpein, and understands that the Presidente wants a rum and coke. Sweetcherrie walks over to the liquor cabinet that stands in the corner of her livingroom, she gets out the rum and coke, and starts fixing a drink for the Sharpein Presidente Pilocanci sitting on her couch. "I asked you to come because I wanted to give you something. I wanted to give it to you before we went to the ball, so you can take it with you and show off, if you want." "Wruf, bark, woof woof?" "Yes I know the risk of giving you things," she answers while pouring the drinks in a glass. Sweetcherrie knew, last time somebody had tried to give something to Presidente Pilocanci, nobody had ever seen that person again. They said that he was now enslaved, by an army of fleas. "But this is a special gift, I am pretty sure that your sharpeiness will like it," Sweetcherrie walks over to the couch, and puts the drink she had mixed on the table in front of him. "I will get it from the other room," and she dissapeares to an adjacent room. Pillow hopped of the couch to get his drink, and slurped the rum and coke down in once. While sitting down again he looked around the room, which was only sparcely decorated.The couch he had been sitting on was made of black leather, and the table was of dark, colonial wood, as was the liquor cabinet. there was a similar couch standing on the other side of the table, and in the corner he could see a flash screen, used to receive the flash news messages. next to the flash screen he saw a computer, little lights were flickering on and off, telling that data was being transitted. Both were standing on a writersdesk, again made of the same dark, colonial wood. "I'm not too good in packing things..." Sweetcherrie came back in the room, carrying a large object, wrapped in white plastic. She sat down on the sofa opposite of him, and placed the package on the table. "Would you like another drink?" Pillow, who had now become very curious as to what could be under that white plastic, quickly shook his head, and looked eagerly at the bulky package. "Well, I guess you could unpack it-" Befor Sweetcherrie had finished her sentence, the Sharpein had attacked the gift. The air was now filled with little pieces of white plastic, that were fluttering slowly to the floor. "Whuh!?" Pilocanci, looked as if he was on the verge of making her dissapear as well! "There is a description and manual that goes with it," Sweetcherrie hurries to say, and holds up a brochure, "I had it translated into Sharpein." The Presidente grabbed the papers from her hands, and starts reading. Murder & CO is proud to present: VGI 2005 A fully automatic gun built to military specifications this specific type has been used to kill manny nations The gun holds a massive amount of ammunition which will guide you safely through any mission It will fit bullets from small and larger size and the laser is used to carefully aim between the eyes. Its lights, optics, bi-pods, and other mission specific accessories are seen as a necesity in all the bigger armories The stainless steel heat shield keeps you from being fried thus securing you with a safe ride The vertical grip simplifies killing And the special effects are simply thrilling Easy to handle and easy to use this is a weapon worthy of Zeus. Don't just go killing time, Kill your enemies!!! For online manual and possible side effects, see www.murder&co.wrs Pillow looks up and glares at the nervous Sweetcherrie. "Do you like it?" she asks with a high pithced voice. She feels herself quivering lightly, because if he didn't like it, she would probably be smashed into smithereens right there and then. OOC: I'm sorry but grammatically there are probably quite some mistakes, I got lost between past and present times....
  17. Nope it's a single book, no series. - Sweetcherrie Edit: there is a book that incorporates this story, and has the same basis, but it's not part of a series (looked it up because you got me doubting )
  18. want hints? I am having more problems with the one from Mira...thinking of Ann McCaffrey, series of Pern, but I don't remember a sheephearder in there - Sweetcherrie
  19. Ok, I know that this is really old, and probably already forgotten, but to me it's new, and after reading it I just had to say how much I liked this. The repetition and structure in this gives me a hunted feeling, and I just loved reading this. - Sweetcherrie
  20. Maybe we should PM answers so that people don't see the answers here in the thread? Anyways my own contribution: Go drown yourself in a bubble Die twice or more Create your own body Discover the desert Create a world outside the domes Or read the book.
  21. Brother Gulzar had awoken with a heavy feeling in his head, the start of what would be a magnificent headache. After reading and meditation the heavy feeling had matured into a full grown brainkiller. He got dressed and walked downstairs to speak to Brother Mathieu before breakfast, and ask him for a cure for his headache. Upon entering the kitchens he saw Brother Mathieu was sitting down at the table, the man had laid his head in his hands, and looked miserable. "What's wrong?" he was strangely scared for the answer. "Brother Thinault has been killed last night, they just found him in the astronomy tower, at the bottom of the stairs." Brother Gulzar felt his heart sinking, and slowly sat down in the chair next to Brother Mathieu, "I should have paid attention, when I saw those shadows moving last night..." he whispered. Brother Mathieu looked at him, "You saw shadows moving last night?" "I thought I was imagining things." Brother Mathieu thought about this new information for a minute, "I can't blame you, I keep seeing the same dark figure in my dreams..." "I wish we knew what to do." Brother Mathieu sighed, "So do I, my dear Brother Gulzar, so do I."
  22. Happy Birthday! :woot: -Sweetcherrie
  23. Aaah, ok, now I understand, this is the Rune who build the pen. Well, she did a better job at that, than at driving. thanks Rune. - Sweetcherrie
  24. still in the game... - Sweetcherrie
  25. He turned around again, and punched his thin pillow. Brother Gulzar had been having sleeping problems ever since this drama started, but this night it was even worse. "I have accused two innocent men, even that poor Felipe who has been doing nothing wrong but working too hard." But it wasn't only feelings of guilt that deprived him of his sleep, fear was also playing a big role. He had never been feeling more scared in his whole life, one by one his brothers were leaving or dying, and he felt helpless. For what seemed like the twentiest time he kicked back his sheets, and set up straight. "I should ask the Abbot for help," He got up from his bed and slipped on some clothes. He walked to the door and reached out to open it, He stood there with his hand on the doorknob, "I can't disturb him now, he will probably attack me thinking I'm the killer, when I go to his room at night." He turned around and walked to the window. He stared down and saw shadows moving from building to building, "I should ask God for guidance...and a good night's rest," he thought with a little sarcasme, "Now I'm even seeing ghosts." He took of his clothes and went back to bed, only to lie awake for the rest of the night.
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