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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Rukmini fumbles with her hair, “this is not going to do,” and as she thinks it, her hand mirror jumps from her handbag into her hand. Looking in the mirror she carefully rearranges her long black curls, and puts a bit of extra lipstick on her lustful lips. While putting the make-up articles back in her purse, she hears somebody saying, “The one who shows the most promise shall be chosen-” She glances up and sees Darth Salakin, the headmaster. “He’s actually quite handsome, in an older kind of way,” she dreamily gazes around the cafeteria, “These people are all way too ugly to be showing any promise for what-so-ever.” She sees Jethay’s cup gliding into his hand, “I can do that far better” lazily she stretches out her hand to get the cup in front of her. She concentrates and wills the coffee in her hand, for a moment nothing happens, but than the cup starts to shudder, and slowly slides across the table. “Yes, it’s working! I knew I was better than the others.” But she has hardly finished the thought, or the cup explodes with a bang, and splashes coffee all over Mira who had just turned to leave. “You stupid cow, now look what you’ve done!” Rukmini jumps up and steps in front of Mira, “You better pick that up, or else….” Mira grins, “Or else what,” a dangerous look had appeared in her squinted eyes. Rukmini throws a black curl over her shoulder, puts her nose in the air, and sticks her prominent bosom forward, “Or else, I’ll make you pay for it!” For a moment it looks as if the first fight will be a fact, but then Mira turns away, sniggering, “You wouldn’t know where to start, bimbo,” and leaves in the direction of the library. Furious Rukmini picks up the fragments of the cup, and sits down still shaking with anger, “I’ll get her for that, even if it’s the last thing I do.”
  2. I have no idea how well known this book is. I've read it in Dutch (4 times:) ) and love it. But I also haven't got a clue what your film is, so we're kind of even - Sweetcherrie
  3. LOL - Sweetcherrie
  4. I'm apparently not too good at finding answers, I don't know any of the unanswered ones But I'm still thinking :woot: meanwhile: Find someone in stability Take him through red Run through his d®eams and kill your best friend, again. or read the book - Sweetcherrie
  5. My last drop of hope has dried IRC-less I will be We’ve tried with all our might The wall did not agree But through last night’s dark night A different twinkle did I see That twinkling little light Gave precious gifts to me The gift of knowledge and time And patience with me So I have spend some time To return a gift to thee My friendship and my passion My trust and respect too My time and my compassion All this I give to you
  6. Deggy has been trying to help me last night, but unfortunately my school seems really desperate to keep their students to studying. So I have given up, for now, and will be rejoining you on the chat in may when I'm back at my parent's house for a week. - Sweetcherrie
  7. Tell me about it - Sweetcherrie edit: was speaking about the timezones there but, I missed 4 posts or something, lol
  8. Sweetcherrie looked at Pilocanci and Zariah dancing, they were doing a great job. Zariah, who had looked insecure when she had been asked to dance, seemed to have a good time now. She smiled and was pleased that her idea had worked. She saw Black and Purple Shadows dancing as well, they too formed a good couple. Peredhil had come into the room, looking a real gentleman, and really handsome, in his Armani suit, and she thought she had seen a glimpse of Tzimfemme somewhere. She glanced over the room and saw Knight sitting in a corner of the room, puffing away on his pipe. She got up and walked over to him. “So how have you been? Haven’t seen you for a while.” Knight looked surprised at this sudden attention.
  9. Now I get in, and am immediately thrown out again It is reassuring to see that the people are still there though I will keep trying, but untill then... - Sweetcherrie
  10. Can I see the Minstrel Hall? Anyways thanks for posting an answer, I've tried connecting through this link and the info, but than I get the following messages: Does this mean I will be IRC-less untill I have a different provider. Or does anybody know a way around the firewall? - Sweetcherrie
  11. Ok, I'm back in Paris, and will be using the school Internet again. I would like to get back to the chat, problem is that I'm behind a firewall from school. I had an adress for a webbased IRC, but I've lost it, and mIRC won't run because of the firewall Does anybody have any solutions for me, please! - Sweetcherrie
  12. "Shall we?" Pilocanci had asked her to dance, it was as if he could read her mind. She was about to say yes, when she saw Zariah sitting in a corner, all by herself, looking rather lonely. Just moments before she had wanted to dance more than anything but seeing Zariah sitting there with a book... Maybe she would like to dance? Sweetcherrie hesitated for a moment, what would Pilocanci think when she would ask him? Well, she wouldn't know untill she asked... She made her decision,"Maybe you could ask Zariah to dance, I mean, I would love to dance with you of course, but she just looks so lonely, and I thought..." She stopped defending herself, after all, a woman had the right to change her mind, and if she was doing somebody else a favour.
  13. Sweetcherrie and Pilocanci watched Black fly away. Pilocanci offered Sweetcherrie a paw and they walked back inside. It was just her luck, to have these two hotheaded men, that never went out much, and had slight difficulties to adjust to crowds, fighting over her. She had to admit that both men had their qualities. Pilocanci had been friendly and they had good conversations, he was intelligent, and she had discovered mutual interests. Black on the other hand had looked dangerously romantic, and he had shown courage by apporaching her, while the Presidente was sitting next to her. Sweetcherrie sighed, at least both of them were behaving civil again, and she hoped that the rest of the evening would be a good one, without further complications. When they came back in it fell quiet, and people stared at them while Pilocanci led her back to the table. Soon enough people were chatting again, after all they had witnessed strange situations before. (Sweetcherrie had heard about an incident with a magic flute.) Back at the table she looked longingly at the dancefloor. The music was playing in a hypnotic sort of way, but Pilocanci had not asked her to dance yet, and she wasn't sure if he liked dancing.
  14. Sweetcherrie looked from one to the other, for a moment she felt that it could go horribly wrong, and it did. Pilocanci told Black to leave, and because Black had no other choice, he left. Sweetcherrie stood up and faced Pilocanci, "That was unnecessary and rude, and to think that I was just starting to like you! This was supposed to be a friendly ball, with people having a good time, and you turn this into something totally unfriendly. Did you ever stop to think that he has feelings too? I understand that he wasn't being too tactfull, but to do this...." She turned around and followed Black out of the room, mumbling to herself, "Bunch of idiots fighting over me." This thought was actually flattering, but if it meant that now three people were unhappy, she didn't want it. Pilocanci had been bluffed by her outburst and she had left so suddenly, that he only now realised what had happened. He looked around and saw people stare at him and the empty spot where Sweetcherrie had been only moments before. Angrily he got up and followed Sweetcherrie towards the door.When he had left the room, the crowd broke out in whispers. Meanwhile Sweetcherrie had managed to catch up with Black, still puffing she stopped him from walking away, and stood widelegged in front of him. "I think that you should come back to the ball, I've told Pilocanci how I feel about his way of acting, and-" Midesentence, she saw the Sharpein appoaching behind them, he looked even angrier then before. "Uh, oh" Black turned around to face Pilocanci, but Sweetcherrie stepped in front of him, shielding Black with her own body. "Now Pilocanci, you now darn well that I hate situations like this, but whatever went wrong shouldn't stop either of us from having a good time at this ball." She had forgotten the fear she had felt before, and was now standing up for her principles.
  15. Kasmandre: Brilliant last post Thanks to all for such a good first game! - Sweetcherrie
  16. "- and then they go fighting with these Affenpinschers. Honestly you should read it, it is a really good book." Sweetcherrie and Pilocanci had been talking about books, and he was describing some scenes from a fantasy novel he had recently read. So far she was having a marvelous date, in fact Pilocanci's only short coming was not being human, though that wasn't such a big deal to him.This was to be a friendly date, not a romantic one. In the corner of her eye Sweetcherrie saw a dark figure approaching her, he bowed and revealed a rose, so beautiful that it took her breath away. The scent overpowered her and she looked at the rose as if she was enchanted by it. "Ahem," Pilocanci cleared his throat, and with that he took her back to the present, and she glanced from the rose to the Sharpein next to her. The sight of the rose had made her forget all but the delicate flower. Her face felt burning hot, and she knew she must be blushing from the two pairs off eyes now aimed in her direction. She looked from Pilocanci to the rose to Black, and back to Pilocanci again. It was an akward situation and for a moment she didn't know what to do.
  17. Character edit: Hmm, I was told that flunking in the Sith academy is equal to dying and that will not do, since Rukmini would then be dead from the start. (any vampires in Star Wars?) Sooo, Let's say she's in first year, and all are wondering how she got there, and doubting she'll make it to second year. (if it depends on brains at least) - Sweetcherrie
  18. Dali would probably have been able to turn this in a gorgeous painting. It feels to me like art, that needs at least a second and a third look before you discover the tiny figures on the right. But it feels like the colours of the painting would most probably be saddening and faded, as if it's long forgotten. *Sweetcherrie nods to herself* I like it. *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  19. The lighting of the room had suddenly changed, Pilocanci came back to the table, and sat down next to her again. "Did you do this?" Sweetcherrie asked with admiration. "Yes, do you like it?" "Ooh very much," Sweetcherrie nodded, "would you like something from the buffet? I heard Zariah has hired some excellent caterers." Pilocanci nodded, and she darted of to the buffet, holding two plates in her hand. There was so much to chose from, some of the dishes looked hardly familiar to her, and others looked deliciously exotic. She placed a little bit of everything on the plates, and walked back to the table. "I wonder where they have all the recipes from,"she mumbled as she tried a piece of something that looked like a chocolate strawberry, "Hmm, the taste of this is simply splendid. I wish I could make this sort of things but I have two left hands when it comes to cooking. I love reading though, I must have read at least a dozen cookbooks." she grinned as she said it.
  20. My name is Rukmini. People always wonder how I got in the academy, because I'm simply not smart enough to have gotten in. But then they take a look at my body and start thinking, that I probably slept with the person who did the intake. I'm halfbread, part human and nobody knows what my father was, but the combination gave a wonderful mix of no brains and all body. All this would still not be a problem, if I didn't think I was really smart, and therefor really annoying. I am in the first year of the academy, for the second time around. (flunked the first year and was magically not kicked out, but granted to retake it) OOC: Hope this is ok like this, As I said I'm not a big Star Wars connaisseur, butI'll do my best to keep up with the story - Sweetcherrie
  21. Holy water will not help you now, mwahaahaa - possesed Sweetcherrie
  22. Sweetcherrie strolls by and sees all these happy people in the recruiters office. She sticks her head in and hears the word, "Accepted" "Accepted?" It takes a while for the information to seep through her blond hair. When the info is finally translated and understood, she runs in and flings herself at Akallabeth, almost strangling him. "I knew it, congratulations!!!" - Sweetcherrie
  23. Gefeliciteerd!!! En dat er nog heeeeel veeeeel jaren bij mogen komen *huggles* - Sweetcherrie
  24. Since you told it was always cold and dark when you went to work, and I said I would get you some sun. I went to Tsernobile to get some atom power, but they closed the place down, apparently it has exploded a few years back...or something. So I tried the closest thing possible. A warm gentle ray shines down on me If I'd catch it I could give it away to thee So I climb up, take a piece, and lock it up While climbing down I hold it tight And to my delight, after coming down it still shines brightly in the night. It will keep you warm and enlighten your way So take it home don't give it away Hang it up inside your home take it to work so you won't feel alone This piece of sun is for you and you alone and will shed you from the darkness and tell cold to be gone. - Sweetcherrie
  25. Nope nothing annoying at all. I just make silly mistakes every now and then, and what better way to learn than having excellent teachers around with the answers Thanks! - Sweetcherrie
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