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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Rukmini had never had the delight to see somebody getting murdered. She had retreated in her room, and was now savouring the feelings and images she had experienced at the sight of the dead Jethay. After she had carefully stored away the memories for later use, she focused her thoughts on the task ahead of her; she had still to prove that she was the most promising student in the academy. That stupid Palu didn’t stand a chance, he had slaughtered a Sith. And although it had been a most pleasant murder, he had still slaughtered the wrong person, and had shown great misjudgement by doing this. Then there was Klen, who had insulted her greatly, by suggesting that she had been admitted into the academy by looks, instead of skill. Sure she was gorgeous and breathtaking, this didn’t mean that she was stupid though. Come to think of it, Klen was too stupid to form any threat to her. What she really needed was some more information. Who could she use for this? Mira? She shook her head; she didn’t want to risk that, yet. Plus, she knew she’d stand a better chance with a male. Reaver maybe? Yes, he would be a good choice. Unconsciously she gathered the force around her and turned on a charm attack that would make any man weak. Her mirror hopped from her purse, and she checked her face in it. Happy with what she saw she went to look for Reaver.
  2. I'd have to totally agree with Wyvern, I loved the image with the eyeball. So not a lot left fot me to say really, just that I really liked this. *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  3. :wizzie: Happy birthday to you both!! :wizzie: - Sweetcherrie
  4. In IRC I had some 'silly' coversations with Zadown, below you can see the result. Zadown and the computergnomes Zadown was sitting behind his computer, a plate of pasta between him and his keyboard. Like a robot he was automatically transporting the fork to his mouth, while staring at the screen. He liked pasta, always had, and this was a good thing because it was all he could cook. Outside it was minus 15 degrees Celsius, and this morning he had almost frozen his nose off during work. But all this was now forgotten because inside it was warm and comfortable, and the next workday was stowed away in the back of his head. Even better, if his computer would be working a bit quicker, this day would have been quite all right. Annoyed by the slow reactions of his pc, he frantically clicked the mouse button again, hoping that it would speed up the process. Unfortunately it didn’t and the website he wanted to see, seemed to have gone in hibernation. Sighing he stopped clicking, and knocked on his computer, “Guys, are you still awake there?” A mumble rose up from the inside of his pc. He stood up and opened the disc drive, as it came sliding out, a little creature appeared with it. “What are you doing in there? Sleeping?” “I’m am forever sorry sir, but one of the hard drive gnomes has died of old age. We is busy finding a replacement, but we isn’t finding one brave enough, sir.” The little gnome tried to stretch his back, and a tiny crack could be heard. Zadown was getting a bit impatient with his gnomes. Last week they had been on strike for a whole hour, and this only because he made them work 23 and a half hours per day. “What do you mean, brave enough?” “Oh sir, they is all hearing rumours about how you want to feed them to a cat, sir.” The gnome twisted nervously with his little feet, “and now, there is no gnomes left willin to work for sir, sir.” The gnome saw Zadown’s face growing angrier with each of his words, and hurried to add, “But me is not believing that sir, no sir.” He tried to stand up straight again, but old age had deformed his back into a permanent hunch. Zadown slowly sat down again, and counted to ten to let the anger flow away. It took a bit longer than counting to ten, but when he was cooled down again, he asked, “What do they want this time?” “Me has heard them speakin about pension money, sir. Maybe sir can even get young gnomes when he offers day-care for the children, sir.” Zadown felt the anger rise again, but as quick as it had come, it now faded away again. It was no use to get angry with his computer gnomes. He knew that they were old, and probably very tired of the work he asked from them. And besides, he couldn’t afford to lose his computer now. Not until he had saved up enough money to get that Super-Satanic-Angel-Driven computer he had seen on the web the other day. Suddenly an idea popped in his head, “What if I would offer them cookies?” he asked the gnome. The little guy’s face started glowering with greed, as he heard the word cookies. “Me will have to go talkin to the other gnomes, sir,” and he turned around and duck into the dark hole, filled with chaotically arranged wires. Zadown waited patiently, but luckily he didn’t have to wait long. The gnome came running back out again, and sat down grasping for breath. “They is ok with that, sir, but they want the good, chocolate cookies, sir. They is also wantin milk sir.” “I never spoke about m-“ “They is sayin that they won’t do it without the milk, sir,” interrupted the gnome. Zadown thought it over for a minute. Cookies and milk would definitely be cheaper than pension and day-care. He made up his mind, “we have a deal,” he said sternly, “and could you now get back to work, please?” The gnome stood up, saluted, and walked back into the computer. Zadown pressed the button for the disc drive, and it closed. Looking back at his screen he saw that the website he had been looking for had appeared. He shook his head and went back to reading the story.
  5. Waking up, Sweetcherrie needs a moment to realize what has happened last night. Than it all comes back to her. She glances to her desk and sees that her laptop is till sleeping. They would have to have a serious talk today. Quickly she takes a shower, gets dressed, and makes herself some breakfast. Than she sits down behind her computer, but instead of pressing the on button, she asks it kindly to wake up. The computer flicks on and starts loading, a message appears in its screen, “Good morning, what can we do for -, oh its you are you going to let me do overwork again?” “I’m sorry for what I have asked you to do lately, I know it’s been hard, but to me it’s quite important.” The computer seems to think for a moment, then the next message appears, “I just wish you had taken my feelings into account...” “I know. I hope you accept my apologies, in the future I will consult you first when I start anything, ok?” Sweetcherrie could now almost hear her laptop thinking. “Ok, apologies accepted, so what would you like me to do today?” “Can you open my mailbox please? I would like to know if there have been any more replies.” The laptop zooms happily to her inbox, and hands her a new answer sheet. OOC: Akkalabeth 0 correct answers, you can join the blond people club, we're having a great time here Gyrfalcon: And yes, if you want to do research, you're more than welcome. I'm honoured that you are willing to spend so much time on this 'easy' quiz
  6. Sweetcherrie was halfway reading the new posts when she received a message, telling her she had received another answer sheet. Careful, afraid to upset her computer, she clicked to open her mailbox. Then took a step backward, and put her hands in front of her face, in case her computer would explode on her. ….nothing happened. She glanced through her fingers, and saw that absolutely nothing had changed, and that the laptop had simply refused to do the jobs asked from it. The mailbox had not opened, and so the answer sheet was still not visible for her. Now there was only one thing left she could do. She pressed a button, and opened up her computer to get the answer sheet manually. She could see the white paper, being stuck inside the laptop, and reached out to grab it. Just as she had almost completely removed the paper, the computer started growling and took a bite of the paper, almost taking one of her fingers with it. She pulled back and held a half- chewed up paper in front of her, her computer obviously didn’t like being handled manually. She closed her computer again, tenderly striking it, and whispering words of apology. She would have to be nicer to her computer next time, but at least she had the answer sheet. She quickly checked it, now knowing the answer by head, and asked her laptop kindly to take her to the Cabaret Room. OOC: Finnius 3 correct answers
  7. Sweetcherrie hung up her coat, and poored herself a glass of coke. She had been dragging rookie students around Paris all day long, and was now very tired but eager to see if there were any new replies to the quiz she had given her fellow pennites. She flicked on the computer, and opened her mailbox. The laptop started rattling and clicking as normal, but then the clicking got louder, and the rattle seemed to intensify. With a loud bang, and great, big clouds of black smoke the laptop spat three new answer sheets on her screen. Coughing she tried to wave the smoke away, while doing that she accidentally clicked on the ‘view new posts’ button. The laptop started squeaking, and whaling as if it was in immense pain. The cloud of smoke got thicker and blacker, and she feared that she would have to get the fire extinguisher from the hallway. With another loud bang, the laptop listed the newly added posts, and the noise died away.. After having done his job the laptop went back to a satisfied humming, and seemed to go back to sleep. She opened the window, and waved the smoke outside. Returning to the screen she saw that the list was longer than normal, no wonder the computer had had problems with doing all this work at the same time. With a sigh she picked up her red pencil and started with the new answer sheets. The new posts would have to wait, because she didn’t think that her laptop would momentarily be able to handle the excitement of all those goodies that were waiting to be read. OOC: - Peredhill 1 correct answer - Gwaihir 0 correct answers, hey you’re just as smart as me, blond by any chance? - Venefyxatu told me he’d taken the quiz before (this honesty is rewarded by the fact that he can now add even more of my respect to his list, and it was already very high ) 4 correct answers
  8. I missed the fun accusing part, I was planning to write another post before nightphase, but got hijacked by RL. - Sweetcherrie
  9. Having just finished with Katzaniel's answers, Sweetcherrie's mailbox starts rattling again. She picks up the newly arrived answer sheet, and picks up her pencil again. Smiling to herself she draws a few red hearts before having to put the first red cross. "This guy should definitely be a rocketschientist!" she thinks, while happily humming to herself. OOC: Deggy you past the quiz!!! with 5 correct answers.
  10. After some chrystal gazing, I can tell you that it will be.......a baby. - Sweetcherrie
  11. Rukmini sensed someone coming, totally misinterpreting the feelings she had, she thought"I bet its another admirer,", but having learned from her first experience she shielded once again her thoughts. She adjusted her curls and looked at her reflection in the window, and sat down, crossing her legs in a charming kind of way, intently waiting for her visitor. Just before the door opened she saw in a flash that it was Palu that came in her direction. "I wonder what he wan-" she had no time to finish her thoughts, the door was opened and Palu strolled in. He had an aggressive air about him, and Rukmini now sensed the danger that she had mistaken for interest. As she jumped up, her hand moved to the daggers she had always hidden in her belt, and tried to gather enough of the force around her to protect herself. "What do you want?" she asked with a slight tone of agression in her voice. OOC: no accusation yet
  12. "Would you like to dance, M'lady?" Black was standing in front of her, and he looked breathtaking. "Yes, I would like to, but won't that be causing problems," she said, as her face turned red, "I mean with Pillow and all..." "You can leave that up to me M'lady," and he stretched out his hand. Sweetcherrie laid her hand in his and he guided her to the dancefloor. She thought she sensed the prickle of eyes staring at her, and looked stealthily around to see were Pillow was. She didn't have time to think long about this, because the next song had started. Black was a good danser, and with his moves he enchanted her, untill she had forgotten where she was and just enjoyed the dance. It felt as if they were floating instead of dancing, and it was the first time she had ever felt like this. The Conservatory Room with all the guests had dissapeared and it felt as if they were dancing under the naked sky, filled with a thousand twinkling stars. When the music stopped, It took her a few moments to refind her breath and realise where she was.
  13. Sweetcherrie was sitting in front of her mailbox impatiently waiting for more replies. The thing started rattling and clicking, and with a loud bang an envelope with 9 smilies on it dropped in her inbox. Sweetcherrie smiled to herself, so many smilies could be from only one person, Katzaniel. Picking up her red pencil she opened the envelope and went at work. She put a red cross at the incorrect answers, and a little red hart at the correct answers. With the point of her tongue sticking out she carefully placed a few red crosses, before she could draw a heart. 5 minutes later she was done and looked at the result, "I'll quickly let her know how she has done," and ran of to the Cabaret Room. OOC: Katzaniel: 1 correct answer. Hey, it's still a lot more than I had.
  14. Sweetcherrie had hardly posted the quiz and the first contestant had already arrived. A white answer sheet slid into her mailbox, and she eagerly took it out to check the replies. With a red pencil she checked the answers. OOC: Appy 2 correct answers, Yeah for Appy, 20% smarter then me Edit: I've changed this post to fit with the others.
  15. I was just thinking... I could post people's score here, that way people can kind of compete with eachother. Yeah, that's what I'll do - Sweetcherrie
  16. Maybe best in PM, cause if you already know one answer.... - Sweetcherrie
  17. I got this one send by a friend of mine, I didn't know any of the answer, but I've got a good excuse, I'm blond. Thought that maybe you pennites would enjoy it. To not spoil it, I'll be posting the answers later. Good luck - Sweetcherrie
  18. I've never looked at a toiletbrush like that before. But reading this again, I must agree with you. *runs to the toilet to say thank you to her brush* - Sweetcherrie
  19. Rukmini feels her cheeks burning from shame, she would have to be more careful in the future. As the distance between Mira and Rukmini grows, she feels her curls loosen up, until finally she can remove them from strangling her. With a though the mirror jumps from her purse and she checks on her neck, red stripes burn brightly, and her face is not doing much better. “I will get her,” she thinks, and this time she is careful enough to shield her thoughts for others. The mirror clears itself away in her purse, and while grabbing it she leaves the cafeteria, intent on finding a way to prove herself to be the most promising student. edit:typo
  20. Sweetcherrie watched the star of smoke float up to the ceiling. She threw a glance at Black, he did look morbidly handsome. He caught her stare and she looked away quickly, slightly blushing. She turned back to Knight, but just when she wanted to say something, her mobile phone started ringing. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back," and she hurried out the room to answer her phone in quiet. "Yes?" "No, no, it's no problem I was still awake. Really? That's so cool. When do they want to come?" "Aha, aha, ok" while talking she wandered outside, the fresh air blew through her hair and felt nice after the warm conservatory room, "yes, that won't be a problem. I'll be there. thank you for calling. bye." She jumped from joy and thanked the moon. Suddenly she heard a sound so quiet as if it had been an abstract of a whisper, she turned around to see where it had come from.
  21. It feels a bit dark but longing at the same time, I do get a slightly different feeling with the German version, because it seems that the words are...erm...more correct? more precise? something like that at least. As to finding any mistakes, my German is not that good But I like this poem as it sort of testifies of fatalism. - Sweetcherrie
  22. Your words have struck my heart, and wander through my mind. My broken feelings smart, like a wound that has been gently covered with salt. All those feelings that you’ve planted, like a small seed inside of me A seed I’ve never asked for, and now I cannot weed But it’s too late, the rose has opened wide, its petals fall, and fly like butterflies Their wings touching my heart, breaking down the wall inside Leaving nothing but confused emotions wanting to crawl up In bundles of black velvet comfort that swallow me whole And when the stars shine bright, I twist and turn Dreaming your arms around me, till my sheets feel like a deathbed Wrapped up in dreams never allowed, I struggle to comprehend But this sprite of love will not uncover its misty secrets A single tear trickles down, as quicksilver so fast I wish that I could drown myself, in that drop of love that passed I struggle to hold on, to that dream strictly forbidden Prevent myself to scream; afraid it never, or ever, ends The lonely feeling stays, unbearable to date But I reason it away, by saying that my time will come And that there is a Yin for my Yang, that I will find some day How can I end this, when I want it to carry on?
  23. To me that site is just a help, to write my posts, and to give me ideas. - Sweetcherrie
  24. I've been looking for more info about the powers of the force, since Rukmini wil need to think up tactics to get back at Mira And I came acrosse the following site It describes the different powers and how skilled you need to be to use them. BTW great post Tanny I don't like Mira already - Sweetcherrie
  25. What did you say? eager to start? nah, there's only 4 posts in the first 1 and a half hour, lol. - Sweetcherrie
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