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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. I can feel myself sitting there. Nice wording, and excellent imagery. Thank you. - Sweetcherrie
  2. Me like - Sweetcherrie
  3. I like all the stories here, but as I'm a catlover, I must say that that last one gave me a funny lump in my throat. Thanks for the great read *hugs* Sweetcherrie
  4. *nods* yes, very nice indeed.
  5. Lizzie French is an older woman who is over her top. She has done some serious acting back in the days, but that was only in silent black and white movies. She has her roots in France, but has been living in the US of A since she was thirteen. I have some serious background stories in my head, but all will be revealed at the right time - Sweetcherrie
  6. yeah, I'm the first. I'm in. character will follow - Sweetcherrie
  7. Sweetcherrie tries to shake of the shouting gnomes that were hanging on her back. "Please let us stay, miss. Please don't send us back, miss?" "I'm just going to wish some people a happy birthday, now would you please get of my back!" The gnomes drop to the floor, still softly whining, and Sweetcherrie hurries to the Cabaret Room. She hops in and starts decorating the room. In one corner she puts some snacks for the people that wil pass by. Pasta and grilled chicken are placed on one end, while she puts the chocolate cookies and milk on the other side of the table. She puts on some music, and remembers that she should turn the heating up. Last but not least she hangs up a great Banner, that says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZADOWN AND METHINKSUFOOLISH!
  8. *Sweetcherrie sticks up her hand, and grins* "me me me" I'm in, lol *hugs Deggy, and hopes he'll be feeling better soon* - Sweetcherrie
  9. "Your so definitely cute like this." she hugged Black once more. She noticed the noise at the entrance of the room, and in the corner of her eye she saw Pillow walking towards a group of Sharpein soldiers. She felt guilty, after all he had been the perfect date, and what did she do? Right, she asked him to dance with somebody else, and than she herself went of dancing with Black. "I'm sorry Black, but I think I need to speak to Pillocanci, before he leaves." and before he had found his voice back to respond, she was gone. "Wait!" she called after him. Pilocanci looked over his shoulder, when he saw her coming he stopped walking and waited for her. "Where are you going? I mean...Oh, I don't know what I mean. I'm sorry for going of dancing with Black like that, Its just that he asked...and I...well, you know...I..." she sighed,"I'm sorry." She looked at the ground, feeling too guilty too look him in the eyes, hoping that he wasn't too angry with her.
  10. Congratulations Zariah! Great Job!! *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  11. Sweetcherrie happily bounces around the pen, humming to herself, when she sees the Russian signs. Carefully she sticks her head around the corner. Last time she walked into something that had russian signs on it, she had had an amazing time, but they had offered her so much wodka that she'd had a headache for three weeks straight. When she sees that the rest of the text is in English, she hops in and reads the rest. After reading it the first time, she reads it a second time. Her brains don't want to believe what her eyes were telling her. She was promoted to page!!! And she had even gotten a colour and a quote! Filled with joy she hugs all the people that have left their congratulations, and congratules the other pennites that are promoted. She blows up a few balloons, and adds more decoration, happily singing, "Mmmmm....red cheese, la la la."
  12. Yeah, I know I'm 25 and can hardly get out of bed anymore, my legs just won't work. *wonders if that comes from laziness or old age * Happy Birthday Aegon!! Hope you can postpone the walker a bit longer.
  13. “But why? It’s been snowing here as well, you know.” Sweetcherrie asked the gnome. “Yes miss, we know, but we can handle the cold, miss, we’re used to it. We just decided that we wanted to see the Eiffel tower, miss.” “Hmpf, as long as your not expecting me to guide you around, I have seen the thing at least a 1000 times now, and its not getting any prettier.” “No miss, we don’t mind. Can we stay, please miss?” Sweetcherrie sighed, “Yeah whatever, as long as you don’t finish my chocolate cookies without asking first, and you don’t interfere with the work I need to do.” “Deal!” The gnome said happily, and stuck out its little hand. Sweetcherrie shook the little guy’s hand with her pinkie. “Now will you please get out of the way, I have to check if there’s any new answer sheets.” “I will get it for you miss.” The gnome slipped into her laptop, and about ten seconds later he came running out again, and handed her a white paper. “We would all like to say thank you, miss” “Yeah, yeah,” Sweetcherrie was already in the middle of checking the replies of the new answer sheet, and waved him away. OOC: Lady Celes Crusader 9 correct answers (research or knowledge?)
  14. Sweetcherrie wandered past the recruiter's office, on her way to take a look at the new posts, when she heard the officedoor clos with a loud BANG. Seconds later she heard another BANg, and decided to stick her head in to see what was going on. Inside the office she saw Tzimfemme lying on the floor, half hidden under a corpse. She also saw somebody else standing there with his mouth wide open. Sweetcherrie hurried in and helped Tzimfemme from the ground. "What were you doing there?" she said, while she looked curiously at the other person in the office, "and who is this?" "I enjoy lying on the ground, and this is Shathward formerly known as ntraveler2." Sweetcherrie decided wisely not to react to the first part of Tzimfemme's reply, and stepped over to Shatward. Sticking out her hand she said with a big smile "Hi, I'm Sweetcherrie, I'm still kind of new around here as well, welcome to the pen! Is it ok if I just call you Shathward? The 'formerly known as' part is history anyways." Edit: I've taken out a phrase that was not supposed to be there, and added a word. (sorry I was abit tired when I wrote this)
  15. erm....I might not be able to make it then, I kind of have class at 9 am. Sorry Wyvern, but I will still try to listen a different time. Btw, I have asked that guy and he said that he would have to know more about your computer to be able to say how to record, and that this way he had no idea. Since I am an absolute zero in this sort of stuff, I didn't ask further. I do hope that it will work out though , because it would be so cool to be able to listen at least once. *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  16. LOL, I took the exam of this workshop today, I think I passed. But that happy feeling might also have to do with the fact that we had a couple of beers in the break before it. - Braindead Sweetcherrie
  17. Erm...so would that be 1 pm to 3 pm in Paris? - Sweetcherrie
  18. Second day of negotiations workshop. This is brain killing, all I could get out to day was: Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder why I'm here. Oh, well maybe better tomorrow
  19. Sweetcherrie came home, and pressed the button from her laptop, and went to get a nice cup of tea. When she returned with the tea in her hands, she had expected to see a message from her computer, asking her what she would like to do. But instead of one of the friendly message’s from her laptop, it said, “We have taken over your laptop, you can get it back when you pay us 5 chocolate cookies and 1 glass of milk. Sweetcherrie immediately had a shrewd suspicion what was going on. She opened the disc drive, and a familiar looking gnome was sitting there staring at her. “Hello,” it said while sheepishly grinning at her, “We’re on holiday, and picked France as our destination.” - Lord Panther: 9 correct answers (lol, another person that will be devastated that he cannot learn all about women on Google) - Black9: 0 correct answers I wished Google could learn me more about men Brilliant post Yui-chan!
  20. Sweetcherrie picked herself up from the ground, and while Wyvern was dancing on, she finally could admire the rose in all its glory. It was gorgeous. It was floating in the middle of the flask, which in itself was beautifull. She looked up at Black, and threw herself around his neck. “Thank you , thank you, thank you, that is so beautiful.” Black stumbled a clumsy, “yy..our welcome,” flashed red, and out of surprise he almost dropped the precious flask. Sweetcherrie stood back, and regarded the Lord of Death with a surprised, but delighted look. “I have never seen you blush before,” she said giggly. Black seemed to turn an even darker shade of red.
  21. I had negotiation skills workshop today, and below is the result. I'm not sure this is what we were meant to be doing though ) Hmmm...yep that sums it all up (This class took from 10 am to 6 pm, can you imagine how boring it was ) On and on it goes Minutes become hours As friends are changed to foes Meet to leave ideals behind Negotiate the next best thing The deal is done, the contracts signed
  22. Immediately when Black had taken the rose from his pocket, Sweetcherrie started to feel faint again. The rose its enchanting power swooped over her, and started working immediately. Transfixed she stared at it no longer aware of her surroundings. "This gift is dangerous." The thought shut trhough her head, but she couldn't resist. Luckily Wyvern chose this moment to almost knock her over, followed by a swarm of butterflies. The wings of the butterflies waved away the strong scent of the flower, which gave Sweetcherrie the opportunity to think rationally again. She quickly looked around for something to put the rose in, so that the dangerously sensual scent would not entrance her again.
  23. Sweetcherrie felt that this must have been the longest day of her life. That teacher (who looked like Mr. Bean) had been droning on for hours, bur still she felt he had't said anything. The first thing she did when coming home was flick on her computer, so she could have a look around the pen. Unfortunately she ran into some of the roockies students needing to know where the supermarket was. (poor people they have been here since last tuesday, what did they eat?) Finally arriving home she clicked the on button of her computer and made a cup of tea. Five minutes later she had a nice, warm cup of tea in her hands and opened her mailbox. Ever since the serious talk her computer had been nice again, so she thanked it, and checked the new answer sheets that had arrived. - Quincunx: 3 correct answers - Gyrfalcon: 10 correct answers (brilliant job on the research there, If I ever need any info for school projects I’ll be knocking on your door ) - Kasmandre: 2 correct answers
  24. Rukmini thought about what had happened, first Jethay, and now that arrogant Mira. She felt as if she had been given gifts, and it wasn’t even Christmas. That there were foul Jedi in their midst wasn’t too nice of a thought, but they would get what they deserved, preferably by her hands. She chuckled, the fact that they had decided to kill that irritant Mira though, that was a bonus she had never expected. She only wished they had taken more time, so the bitch would have suffered longer. Oh how good would it be, if it would be her that found the Jedi responsible for the recent deaths. She could already hear the voice of Darth Salakin saying that she was the most promising one. Now, who amongst them could have done this? She decided to try and use the force to see who it had been. She focused and for once, her thoughts were not disturbed, but helped by her idleness. The fact that she was so eager to see herself being chosen the most promising, gave her the power and concentration she would normally not have. Images started appearing in her head. Images from Reaver, his body filled with scars. The images disappeared, she could not hold on them any longer. Proud about that it had worked she thought about what she had seen. Reaver seemed to fit in the academy, on the other hand this Reaver always used trainings programs, and didn’t interact much with others. It almost seemed as if he didn’t want to be around them, as if he felt disgusted by them. And it didn’t feel like the normal disgust, it felt as if he was disgusted by the fact that he was surrounded by Sith. OOC: I accuse Gryphon - Reaver Malice
  25. If anybody wants to spend time researching they're more than welcome, but it's more fun to actually do this without research. That way you get to test your knowledge on the questions, instead of on your knowledge on how to do research. Added to the fact that there is nothing to win, the answer will be posted in this thread as soon as I don't receive anymore PM's with answers. So the time spend on research woul probably be better spend reading all those beautifull poems, stories and RP's on the pen But hey that's just a blonds opinion - Sweetcherrie
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