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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie
~Abilities~ she is an excellent knife fighter, but also know her way around with the spear and bow. She is an amazing horseback rider.
~History~ Maiara was born from an Irish mother and an Apache father. Because of this she has a very light skin, and has fought herself through her youth. Why does she not trust men?
OOC: I have been working on this, and she's not entirely ready yet. I just wanted to post her here. ~Brief Description~ Maiara is female. She is the daughter of one of the medicine man of the Apache Indians. She is half white, half Indian. Her mother was Irish, father Indian.
Dank je wel Daar heb ik even smakelijk om zitten lachen. *remembers the conversation, and falls of her chair from laughter* ouch that hurts *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
Lizzie had been upset about the incident all day. When she had come home the first thing she had done was find her photo albums, and get herself a Pastisse. Now she was looking over the photographs contemplating what had gone wrong. She heard that Doug had been offered a job at another company, with one condition to it, that he would have to help take this show down. Apparently they had offered him a higher position, and a greater say in things. This obviously had been too much of a temptation for his craftsmen’s pride, so he had done what had been asked. Her drink was standing on the coffee table in front of her, the ice slowly melting away while she was staring at the photographs that had been taken at last year’s annual BBQ. Each person in the photograph was like family to her, after all the show had been running for a few seasons now. She hoped that there would be no more accidents. Maybe she should try to talk to Stephen about figuring out if other people were unhappy in their jobs, and if so, what they were unhappy about. This way they might be able to prevent this from happening again. On the other hand what could they do? Their budget was already limited. She wished they had accepted her financial aid, but they had blankly refused. It was a shame that more and more people kept to themselves, they just didn’t trust each other anymore and looked suspiciously at one another, afraid that there might be more saboteurs. They used to be such a great team all together. If this show would end she might have to start thinking about retiring, and she just wasn’t ready for retirement yet. OOC: With help from Akallabeth for the reasons behind Doug's behaviour. Thank you
*Hugs Pillow* Congratulations!!! and Las Vegas, wow *humms softly 'there comes the bride...'* - Sweetcherrie
Vahktang lol, I get endlessly confused by the whole yard, inch, and feet thing. So, yes let's make it all meters
Happy Birthday!!
I used to have a big circle of friends in Holland, with wich we used to play strippoker for the fun, but we always ended up laughing and drinking more than playing cards. I still have the circle of friends, but playing cards is a bit difficult at the moment, although I meet most of them through msn. Hmmm...maybe... *runs of to see if she can organise a card game through msn*
After reading the definition, the poem feels even stronger. And I already thought it was good - Sweetcherrie
Oof, even simple comments from Peredhill are poetic. Nice one Mine a bit less, but just wanted to offer my support. I think this is *the* place to vent, and you do it with such nice words *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
Lizzie French had been one of the last people to appear on stage, so she hadn’t seen it happening. She had asked the director if she could see the footing again, he’d told her sternly that it was nothing of her concern, but that she had done a good job. As if she needed telling, she had more acting experience than all of the others together. Besides she had not been fishing for a compliment, she had wanted to see what had gone wrong. It seemed to her that it had been an accident, but she also knew about the other times that ‘accidents’ had disturbed the shooting. To her it was clear that something fishy was going on, only who could do such a thing? Their technicians seemed competent enough, and she knew Terry well enough to know that he would never let his special effects get out of hand. Rumours had been going round that it was Doug Matthews who had been clumsy enough to make a mistake, but that seemed hardly believable. Most of the people had looked scared when Sveelvergh had told them to work harder then ever, or else…, so she couldn’t imagine any of them wanting to sabotage their own show. She sighed, and hoped that it had been a one of event. She left the dressing room, where she had been drinking a cup of tea, and walked back to the set. Walking through the hallway she suddenly felt a cold shiver go through her body, as if she had stepped on someone’s grave. She also had the sensation as if somebody was watching her, the prickling feeling of eyes in her back made her turn around to see if there was anybody there. Someone disappeared around the corner; he had looked like someone she had only seen in old science magazines. But it couldn’t be. She started walking in the direction where this person had disappeared, and when she looked around the corner, she saw the same transparent figure hurrying upstairs to where the lighting was controlled. With her clicking heels she hurried down the hall, and ran up the stairs to see who it had been. Upstairs there was nobody. “I must be seeing those ghosts that everybody is whispering about, or I’m slowly starting to feel my age” she grinned, “nah, I’m not old enough for that, yet” with that thought she turned around and headed downstairs, back to the stage entrance. Another thought crossed her mind, “If everybody that was scared for their income, had been looking frightened at the meeting, she would have to find the people that had looked less scared. Those people were surely the people that had least to lose, if they would be receiving income from other sources. Or someone that had something to win by stopping this show.” She abandoned the thought and checked her watch, she was late. Stephen would not be happy with her. She hurried and arrived at the set, still panting but only a couple of minutes late, just in time to get the full blow of Stephen’s ranting on actors arriving late on stage. OOC: Vote for Knight - Bernie Frankowitz, just because he would probably like it if Benjamin was suddenly out of work.
"Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more." Mark Twain.
With Emmett doing her make-up, Lizzie had time to think of the episode of the day. They would meet this alien that claimed to be able to get them back to earth, eventually it would turn out that all he wanted was a female to mate with. Debra would be the woman who was almost kidnapped by the alien. Her role was simple, most of the time she would just have to look frightened and try to protect the little one, Benjamin, by standing half in front of him. Not too much, of course, Marisa would never accept this. The woman would probably commit murder to get her boy in the front lines. Lizzie smiled, and thought back to the time when she had just started acting. They had been in America for only two years, when some casting agency took her in. They had insisted that she changed her name from Isabelle to Lizzie, and they had added the French to make her sound more interesting. From that day of she had been Lizzie French; Rising Star in Hollywood. Daddy had been against it of course, he had rather seen that she finished her education to become one of the best secretaries the world had ever seen. The thought made her grin slightly, back then women did not have much of a choice, and if the casting agency had not found her, she would now probably be rotting away in some duke or earl’s house. This was her daddy’s second dream for her, to marry within their own circles, so he could gain even more influence. He had not needed it in the end; ambassador of France was high enough. She was thankful enough though, for her father’s influence, it had radiated down on her, and she had been able to use it a fair few times throughout her career. But she had worked hard to attain her own respectful position in TV-land, and she was proud of it. Emmett’s jabbering brought her back to the present, normally it was hard to concentrate with the constant flow of words her ear, but today she had somehow managed to lose herself in the past. However, she was still relieved when her make-up was finished. The boy was a darling, and handsome in his own way as well, if only he just stopped talking every now and then. She looked in the mirror, and thanked Emmett for doing a great job.
For your study schedule, I'm going through the same thing, and for me it always takes a week or 3/4 to get back into the shool schedules. The first few weeks you feel dead but after it does get better. So don't give up on that yet, It *will* get easier. For teakwon-do, I have never done any fighting sports, I play volleyball. But here too I've sometimes had an PEEP trainer. Just keep at it, your there for you, not for him. In the end you'll grow stronger, because you'll have fought the desire to give up. *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
"No problem, I understand, I haven't been the best of date tonight either." She looked at Black, who seemed a bit off his normal self. "Could you walk me home please? I have an early appointment tomorrow morning, and I'd rather not be late." Black bowed, "Certainly M'lady, shall we say our farewells to Zariah?" "Yes, we should thank her. She has done a magnificent job with this ball." Together they walked over to Zariah. "Thank you so much Zariah, I've had a wonderful time," Sweetcherrie said, "Tis been a grand evening, M'lady. We need to do it again sometime" Black added. They hugged Zariah, and left for the entrance, saying goodbye to the other pennites on their way to the door. When they arrived at her appartment, Sweetcherrie bend over, and kissed Black on his cheek, "Thank you for the precious gift, and maybe we could go out together again sometimes." And before Black had a chance to react, Sweetcherrie slipped inside, leaving him standing there, lost for words OOC: Worked together with Black for a lot of the posts, especially this last one. Thank you for that Black
Happy birthday! - Sweetcherrie
Lizzie French had only been listening with half an ear to Stephen Seelvergh’s rambling about ratings, and how they would have to do their absolute best this season. She loved this show, and loved playing in it, but she also knew that with her experience in acting and influence in Hollywood, she would easily get a new part in a different series. Besides that, she only continued with acting because she loved it, not for the money. Still it would be a shame if the show would have to stop. When the director had finally stopped speaking, everybody spread out over the set, still impressed by the impact of the meaning behind the words.For most people this was their bread, and they would have serious problems if this show stopped. Lizzie waited until almost everybody had left, and than stood up to have a talk with the director. With her 52 years, she had developed a natural grace. Her hips swayed gently when she walked over to the director. “Are you ok?” she asked softly, and put her hand on his arm. She had known him for a long time now, and could feel that he too was worried about his job. He looked up, and a thin smile appeared on his lips, “I will be, thank you.” He sighed, “Guess we’d better get back to work.” The director walked out the door, and Lizzie went to get her make-up done. When she reached the dressing rooms, she saw that the only available make-up artist was Emmett. Oh well, that’s what you got when you hung around after meetings. And she still had to study her lines as well, that would just have to wait till after the make-up.
Lol, this sounds so familiar. My drying reck is my clothing cupboard half the time and I'm also one of those people that buys clothes of which the lable says: "No need for ironing, Wash whatever way you want to, dries quickly" *giggle* - Sweetcherrie
Comment thread for Sakaso the Immortal
Sweetcherrie replied to Venefyxatu's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
Hmm, if you're going to refer to a different thread maybe good to have a link? Sakaso the Immortal, There you go - Sweetcherrie -
LOL Yeah, why not? Jut be carefull to not make it a "redefinition". Come to think of it, this probably makes it a bit more accesible. Hey, we might even be able to start a Pen Dictionary I've always wondered what my skills in maths were so now there's a word for it, I'm a "conformulist" And I wouldn't ignore you even if they paid me! (although it might depend on the amount ) *Loves you really* - Sweetcherrie
I love them both, they describe such loving feeling. Thank you for posting this. *thanks Oz for poking* -Sweetcherrie
There are three Dutch speakers on this site (Appy, Venefyxatu, and I, (as far as I know) and we are starting to mix up our languages. When speaking together you will find phrases half written in English and half in Dutch, even some German influences can be found. Slowly we are being Englitised, and have even invented some new words that will probably only exist in the new Dutch Pen dictionary. The idea of putting this in some sort of game came into being, and I will hereby invite you to play the game 'Spread the Word' You take an English expression and turn this into your own language, or your second language, and then turn it back into a definition of the English and the 'Other language' definition. Difficult? Well, below you can find the example: With thanks to Appy and Venefyxatu, who were essential to starting this little language game. *hugs her Dutch speaking buddies* - Sweetcherrie
Don't ask me I had all answers wrong Maybe ask one of the researchers
Sweetcherrie opened her mailbox, and found…nothing. It had been quiet for a couple of days, and she decided that it was time to post the answers. She picked up the pile of answer sheets, and made two separate scores lists, one for people who hadn’t done research, and one for people that had. Brains only: Deggy 5 Venefyxatu 4 Quincunx / Finnius 3 Appy / Kasmandre 2 Peredhill / Katzaniel 1 Gwaihir / Akallabeth / Black / Sweetcherrie 0 With help of our dear friend Google: Gyrfalcon 10 Lord Panther 9 Lady Celes Crusader 9 The correct answers as they were send to me: 1) How long did the "Hundred Years War" last? *116 years 2) Which country makes Panama hats? * Ecuador 3) From which animal do we get catgut? *Sheep and Horses (one of these answers was enough for a point) 4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? *November 5) From what is a camel's hair brush made? *Squirrel fur 6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? *Dogs 7) What was King George VI's first name? *Albert What color is a purple finch? *Crimson (brown, or reddish, or pinkish (depending on male or female) 9) From where do we get Chinese gooseberries? * New Zealand 10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? * Orange, of course. Sweetcherrie looked at all the answers sheets. It had certainly been fun, and she would soon have to do something like this again. She clicked on the 'Add reply' button… OOC: Thank you all for participating, this was so much fun