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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. I feel I should say something here, but all I can come to is "ouch" and "well done". Thank you for sharing. *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  2. *Sweetcherrie comes in, mumbling* "I seem to be late lately, but I will not be late for the next one" *bumps into a big banner* "Hmm...Happy Birthday Gwaihir and purple_shadows too! That must mean I've finally managed to arrive on time somewhere." *starts grinning broadly and bursts out in the happy birthday song* Happy Birthday to both!!
  3. even later, but hope you all had a good day
  4. Acquittal Good luck with your Quest, I hope you will find what you're looking for Sweetcherrie
  5. Dee watched Ricky and Jenny leave, and decided that she needed some more information, but who to ask? She glanced over the crowd in the cafeteria, and decided than none of them had known Brown well enough to give her the answers she needed. She looked again and saw that Ashlee was missing. She might have known Brown in a more ‘intimate’ way. Dee dug her cell phone from her schoolbag, and dialled Ashlee’s number. “Hello?” “Ashlee, it’s Dee.” “Dee?” Ashlee sounded confused. “Yeah, I wondered if you could tell me some more about Brown, I guess you heard?” OOC: Vote for Pete Reds/Knight, cause apparently it's the cool thing to do
  6. Dee was just putting out the cigarette she had been smoking in the toilets when Angela and Sheila came running in. “Dee, Brown is dead!” Sheila panted “He had an accident!” Angela cried. Dee took a moment to think about this while the puppies kept chatting. It was a shame of the car, but the loss of Brown was no big loss for the world. And, she realized, it made Duke’s chances, and therefore hers, only bigger. The only problem was that she couldn’t imagine Brown having an accident like that; He had always been so careful with his car, and for him now to have an accident like this somehow didn’t fit. “What happened exactly?” She asked. Her puppies stopped talking, it took them a moment to process the question before they could answer, but after that they told her every single detail they could remember. Dee’s suspicions grew with every fact she heard, it just didn’t seem right. “Keep your ears open girls, good work.” Dee left the toilets and walked into the cafeteria, leaving the puppies awestruck by the compliment she'd just given them. There was a whole bunch of people that surrounded that shy girl, Jennifer. “Maybe she has more to do with it?” Dee wondered, “Well it seems that if I stay close at her, at least I might get to know something more.” She walked over to where Jennifer and Ricky were standing, and heard Jenny asking if he could take her to the mall. “Who would be thinking of shopping now?” Dee thought, “I will have to keep a very close eye on that girl indeed.” OOC: No vote yet
  7. That first question is stuck in my mind, and it keeps coming up in the most akward situations. I had a job interview the other day, and this line just kept running through my mind afterwards. Obviously you did impress
  8. Would you be allowed to bring your rubber ducky with you while playing?
  9. Hehe, brilliant! I've read it a couple of times, and every time it's getting better
  10. Hehe, sorry for the length of that first post, I guess we got carried away a bit. But it's such a brilliant theme, I for one am going to have so much fun being Dee *hugs Mynx* Thanks again
  11. Dee was listening to Johnny’s message. She wasn’t surprised that she was nominated, and now she heard who the competition was, she felt satisfied. She wouldn’t have much difficulty beating the other nominees for prom queen. She had been shopping for the perfect dress last week already, and knew she looked amazing in it. The teacher released the class, and she strolled towards the door. Her faithful “puppies” were chattering like a flock of birds, but nevertheless followed her towards the canteen. The only little thing that now had to be arranged was her date. Duke grinned as he heard his name on the list of nominees. Completely ignoring the teacher who was about to decide that it was hopeless anyway, he started talking to some of his friends. Sean was panicking about still not having a date, and frankly, Duke would've panicked as well if he were Sean. He knew that he didn't have to worry, though … as they were walking to the canteen, he saw his date-to-be. They'd make a … royal couple, pun intended. Dee sat back and studied the male nominees. Her date would have to be of the same caliber as her. Ton came walking by, and although he had a good build, he wasn’t suitable to be her date. While she checked out Pete’s nice figure her eye fell on Duke Hartford. Now, he would be a suitable date. She caught him looking at her, and winked. With a grin and a gesture to his friends that he’d catch up with them, Duke headed for Dee, agilely making his way through the crowd. Self-consciously he ran a hand through his hair. “Hey gorgeous… how would you like to be my Prom Queen?” Dee smiled, great minds did think alike, “Sure handsome." with this said Dee turned around and left for home, her "puppies" were following her closely. OOC: This post is written by Vene and me, we had a brilliant time writing this Thank you Mynx for the brilliant setting. Edited because of misunderstanding about when the prom would start. We'll save the other part for later
  12. Wouldn't he then be called Lassie?
  13. Would the pirate tolerate the prince on his ship?
  14. Unfortunately Tanny and Deg have decided to retreat from the game due to disagreement on the rules. They have however posted their story, which you can find in the cabaret room, and is a nice story to read. We also have some good news; Tanny and Deg had already found the correct sentence in the RP of Venefyxatu and Patrick. This shows that it is very possible to find them. We regret that they have left our game, but hope that this will not diminish your enthusiasm for the game. We will certainly not let it influence ours :woot: - The 2 Dutchies
  15. Goog luck with your Deutsche test! (my German wouldn't pass) Anf of course, get well soon
  16. *reads Mynx's post* I'm probably two tads late... Happy Birthday! *hugs*
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. All right let’s get this party started! But, before we start sending out the Phrases and Locations to all the teams, we have some more indisputable laws of conduct to throw at you. We hope you don’t get lost while hiding the phrases, and wish you all a happy writing experience! - the 2 Dutchies The teams: 1.Tanny – Deggy 2.Patrick – Venefyxatu 3.Salinye – Katz 4.Zool – Gwai 5.Dragonqueen - Quincunx 6.Akallabeth - Vlad
  19. Would there be a giant ticking crocodile waiting for every keelhauled pirate?
  20. Happy birthday *hugs* - Sweetcherrie
  21. Dee “badaboom” McGuinnes: Dee has always been one of the most popular girls in class. She’s the bitch of the school, and if you happen to be passed over for one of her parties, your screwed. Your social life will be down the drain, and don’t ever think of getting a boyfriend in this high school again. She uses a lot of heavy make-up, and her motto is: “The blacker the eyes the better”. This goes nicely with her sleek, black hair, which falls just upon her shoulders. She prefers to wear leather, and has chosen for this prom night to wear a tight, black leather dress that reaches until just above her ankle, and leaves her shoulders uncovered. The stiletto heals she wears under them are not only sexy, but are also very handy to kick on the feet of one of her two faithful “puppies”. Dee’s “puppies” are two girls that are slightly less popular than her, and stay very close to her hoping that Dee’s popularity will rub of on them. Their real names are Sheila and Angela but everybody calls them “puppy” since Dee does, and in general it’s best to do as Dee does. The "puppies" are always dressed in white, because Dee refuses to let them wear any other colour.
  22. Would the pirates that don't notice still have wenches to go home to?
  23. Nice, a bit sad, but nice I think this would be the Dutch version. Van lente naar zomer De vogels zongen de lente een warm welkom toe Hun stemmen droegen zelfs tot in mijn kamer Zwak liggend op mijn ziekbed Keek ik ook toe hoe lente de winter opvolgde Ik wist, dat lente zou overgaan in zomer Maar dan zal ik hier niet meer zijn
  24. I've always like Sarah, but together with Maureen that would make her initials S.M. and she might not like that in later life. an I would also make for funny things, as in I.aM. So maybe better not choose a name that starts with an S or an I Seeing that Maureen is already a different form of Mary, that would not be my first choice either, although I really like the name Mary. How about Meagan, coming from Maragaret, meaning "pearl" derived from the Greek margarites. Her whole name would then mean "beloved pearl".
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