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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Can you slam a revolving door?
  2. With a giggle Stoomp was running through the corridors. He was swinging the Travel Log happily from side to side, and held it against the wall sometimes because it made such a nice scraping sound. He had heard something about cowboys and Indians, and he was definitely in the mood for some playing. He turned a corner, ran past the Cabaret Room, and forwards toward the Conservatory. He was almost there, and was just about to turn the corner when he bumped into Salinye. With a loud thud he send both of them flying, and Stoomp looked around dazedly. Then he saw the elven lady and his eyes turned bigger. “Pwetty.” He cooed softly, and picked himself up from the floor. He was just about to hug her when the stick in his hands started vibrating. It felt almost like an angry vibration, and Stoomp had suddenly trouble holding on to it. Having had this before, when he came to close to Woody, Stoomp held on with all his might. The dwarf climbed on top of the Travel Log, and with a soft ‘uhoh’ the stick took off with him. Stoomp was a little bit frightened, but all in all it was quite exhilarating to be riding the Travel Log, and as he was taken off into the Conservatory he screamed, “Yeeeehaaah!” He came flying into the Conservatory, and the Travel Log went straight for Wyvern. Sweet, standing next to the broken sticks, trying to think what to use as horses now, looked up and yelled happily. “Ooooh, you’ve got a good horsey! Can I play too?!” She ran after Stoomp, and the dwarf giggled happily as the Travel Log picked up speed. The stick was vibrating angrily now, and going faster and faster. They approached the almost dragon at great speed, but both Stoomp and Sweet only giggled, as it seemed they had found the perfect horsey.
  3. my apologies for being slightly on the late side, I suddenly remembered yesterday very late, and decided that today was early enough
  4. After long deliberation the toons decided to do what Lupus had suggested. They rolled about 50 meters of rope around Freakazoid, and tied him to an ACME rocket that would fly him home. At nightfall they had reached the forest, and decided to camp just at the edge. From the forest they could hear all sorts of creepy sounds, and also something that sounded mostly like a parrot in trouble, or at least this was what Chiko decided it had to be since the sound kept repeating itself. They quickly set up their tents again, and after a thorough inspection of the surroundings (where they found a mushroom, a mouse (Mickey?), and lots of interesting trees) they all rolled out their sleeping bags. They chatted for a while still, mainly speculating how eeeeebil exactly the Doommaster was, and then Bugs yawned and said he would go to sleep. With Freakazoid safely sent home (if you call being shot by a rocket safe) they all felt a lot safer, and one by one they followed Bugs’ example, and soon all the Toons slept…or did they? OOC: Freakazoid, Dean the Adequate was a villager. It’s now nightphase for 24 hours, specials please send me your actions.
  5. I'm closing this. I have received one story, but I would kindly like to ask that person to post the story himself, since it will then show up on his post count instead of on mine. Thank you.
  6. http://www.dayofbirth.co.uk/ Stumbled on this, it gives you quite a bit of info about your date of birth Mine: You were born on a Monday. Your star sign is Sagittarius. The season was Autumn. You are 26 years, 8 months, 1 day old.* It is 121 days until your next Birthday.* You are 9,741 days old.* You are approximately 233,806 hours old.* You are approximately 841,702,319 seconds old.* December 17th birthdays 1770: Ludwig van Beethoven, German composer 1903: Erskine Caldwell, American novelist and lots more...
  7. “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: Those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” Ray Goforth
  8. Naked almost dragons O_O Where can I get one? *grin*
  9. I fully agree! and you manage to say it so well *pulls Tanny out of her lurking for a hug, and then lets her escape back to it*
  10. After looking her note over once more, Dana puts her pen down and whispers to WildJoker, “Think I’ll soon get a reaction? I would love a new pet..err friend.”
  11. I think the best solution for the feedback problem would be a clear definition of how you're willing to give and receive feedback in your profile. That way those people who do not want "Hey, great poem, I really enjoyed that" won't get that sort of feedback any longer, and the people who do not want to be lectured on the negative without also hearing the positive won't have problems either. Maybe this can already be made clear when people sign up and fill in their profile for the first time?
  12. Should we make sure our work is safe? Or will this not eat things from the boards...
  13. [rant] Yup, totally agreed, these people should not have to do it on their own, but they should be there to show the way, especially so with the guilds. GLs were supposed to be activity leaders, people who helped create activity on the boards, and Elders are still the administrative/helpdesk engine behind the Pen. (at least this is how I’ve always seen it). And in this regard I think some parts are going slightly crooked, especially with the poetry guild. I think if the guilds were less to think of their corner as ‘the guild’ and more towards the genre as a guild you will see that the membership of the respective guilds is not doing nothing within the guild genres. However, if you mean that ‘the guilds’ are that forgotten corner in the Pen, yes, I too feel like I don’t want to post there. Especially for roleplay I want to offer as many people as possible the opportunity to join in when I start something, so naturally I will not post this in the guild corners. And if being a member of the guild means I have to post in that corner to be regarded as a proper member, I’d like to cancel my membership please. Regarding Feedback: I think it’s good to reply with whatever you feel you can give. I’ve often sat there myself thinking that something is really great, and wanting to tell this person that I really liked it, but with not enough experience to back me up and tell them how they could possibly improve on this. I come to the Pen to share my work, I want to hear what was liked and what wasn’t. And yes, I think you should try to keep someone else’s feelings in mind when replying, if you only have something negative to say, then don’t. I’ve looked around quite a bit on other writing sites, but even where there are professionals commenting on work, they do not go harsh in their feedback. So yes, say what you think, but that doesn’t mean you have to throw it in someone’s face, unless asked for of course… Critical does not mean harsh IMO [/rant]
  14. A swoosh of wind passed through the room, and as soon as it settled again a new note hung on the bulletin board.
  15. Bugs was up early, and started pacing around the tent. He chewed on a carrot while he started to clean things up, so they at least could keep going that day. They still had to go through the forest where there would be dangers lurking behind every tree. At first he didn’t even notice someone was missing from the group, but then people started waking up, and clearing away their own things. Finally the only things left were Daffy’s armour, and….Choc’s things? Where could he be? Once again the group started searching the surroundings, this time though it was easier to find a clue that something had gone horribly wrong. In a corner, at the foot of a large tree, was what looked mostly like a puddle of paint. Choc’s colours were barely distinguishable, but it was clear what had happened. Somehow during the night Choc had been grabbed by a member of The Eeeeeebil Doom Master’s team. OOC: Black9 - Choc was a villager. It's now dayphase, you have 48 hours.
  16. hmm...I think what I desire mostly at the moment is for the people who took the responsibility to be here, to actually be here. I know that the Pen is the membership, members as well as full members, but it would still be nice to actually have these people around, since they said they would. Example: 3 out of 8 Elders, and 2 out of 6 GLs have replied here so far... It might very well be that things have been discussed already in the Tower or Meeting Room, but it would be nice to see you guys around here as well.
  17. Poetry Title Comments Forum Suicide [/td] Banquet Room John Banquet Room Party Banquet Room Never Nooit Niet The European Classics Flying Banquet Room To Deggy Banquet Room Forbidden Love Banquet Room The Sun a poem written for Zadown Banquet Room Negotiation Skills Banquet Room Dreamworks Banquet Room Communication Banquet Room I am The Writer’s Workshop Expect Banquet Room Do you care? Banquet Room Bubbles Banquet Room Disillusioned Banquet Room Rogue Banquet Room Schaduwen The European Classics Senses Banquet Room Chocolate Banquet Room Culture Clash Under the Oak Tree Craving Colours Scarlett Pen Silver Wings Applicant’s Antechamber Detached Banquet Room Check but not mate The Writer’s Workshop Arrogance Banquet Room Darkcherrie A collection of my darker poems Banquet Room Reverse Logistics The Workshop Tree The Writer’s Workshop Butterfly The Workshop Marbles Banquet Room Goodbye Banquet Room Poetry Forms various forms of poetry Banquet Room Hate in reply to “I dare you!’ Cabaret Room Scourge Banquet Room Singing Smile Banquet Room Beginnings and Endings written for First Lines Banquet Room Dear Pen Under the Oak Tree Bubblegumball written for elimination poetry Banquet Room Words are not enough Banquet Room One Lick Shady Steve's Lewd Lines Scarlett Pen Marchin Ants Banquet Room Hallowed Dawn written for Last to First Banquet Room Back to Main List
  18. The day passed only slowly, and while Sav was trying to find more glitter, the other toons had mostly decided that Daffy would probably turn up again. The duck was known to get himself into trouble, so they figured that he would simply have to get himself untroubled. In the evening they all sat around the fire, happily singing camp songs, and waiting for Daffy to turn up again. One by one they started yawning, and finally the last went to bed. Bugs, who didn’t trust it one bit, tried to stay awake just a little bit longer, but then he too fell asleep. OOC: Nobody lynched. It is now nightphase for the next 24 hours, specials please send me your targets by pm.
  19. One more day...I have one story so far was this a bad idea?
  20. *giggles at Gryphons and Gyrfalcon's latest posts* yay, keep it coming like that, I'm amusing myself greatly here
  21. A little girl with blond curls dancing around her head sped through the hallways. Sweet slid to a halt outside the Conservatory, and took a moment to regain her breath. Then she bounced into the room. Under her one arm she had a large pile of sticks and in her other hand she carried a bunch of feathers. She put the sticks and the feathers on the floor. “These,” she pointed at the sticks, “are horses, and these,” she turned to point at the feathers, “are for the Indians.” “Anybody up for a game of Cowboys and Indians?”
  22. The forest grew darker and soon the stars were happily twinkling overhead, literally. Some falling stars had been spotted already, and Daffy had only barely managed to avoid one of them by jumping aside fast enough. By nightfall they had reached a clearing, and Bugs Bunny announced that the crew would camp here for the night. Taz took out a large ACME package they had been carrying along, and pressed a button. A self inflatable tent came out, and for once the product seemed to work the way it was supposed to be. The tent was large enough to fit all of them, and after Daffy had prepared them a nice ‘burned on the outside and raw on the inside diner’ they all went to bed with an empty stomach (except for Daffy who simply had to prove that the diner really wasn’t that bad by eating almost all of it). It went towards the darkest part of the night when Daffy suddenly had cramps in his stomach, and stumbled out of the tent to try and get rid of some of it. The duck really tried to be silent, but in his haste to get out of the tent he stumbled over Lupus. The wolf grunted at Daffy, but after Daffy has shushed him, he turned around again to sleep some more. Daffy reached the outside of the tent, and waggled his way around the back. He was just passing a large tree as two hands grabbed him, and pulled him into the bushes. Loud bangs and furious crashes followed, but as the toons rushed out from their tent, they couldn't quite make out the source of all the noise. The crashes and yelps of pain continued for several minutes, until they finally died down, and only silence reigned around the clearing. Frantically the assembled toons, led by Bugs Bunny scoured the surroundings already fearing whatever they may find. No one had noticed the missing duck; no one had remarked that he wasn't among the searchers, for they had fanned out in every direction to cover the most ground possible. In the end it was none other than Bugs Bunny who found the only clue that was to be found, next to the unmistakable marks of combat. Trees were knocked down, branches broken, flowers trodden down. And in the middle of the entire wreckage and carnage one single black feather was all that was left to be found of Daffy Duck. OOC: Written with the help of Patrick, thanks. It is now dayphase, have fun accusing
  23. I looked at your profile to see if you had defined a feedback level, but you haven't. So for the moment I will go with saying that I find this an interesting poem, and would like to thank you for posting it here. If you would like more feedback, let me know and I will do my best
  24. sent out a pm to the villagers anywho, figured it might help remember your role
  25. Player Character Gyrfalcon Lupus Mynx Chiko Tanuchan Niko Gryphon Sav Dean the Adequate Freakazoid Gilles Jordan The Pokemon Monster Black 9 Choc Alaeha Alex the Sister Phoenix Alex the Brother Phoenix asked if she could join and take Alex the Brother, so I added her to the list. With 9 players I'm going with 2 wolves, 1 seer, and I’ll borrow a witch from Vene Description of this role can be found here. Sending out the roles now. If you do NOT receive a pm you're a villager Oh, and since we have enough players, you can only die once. After I will start writing an NPC night-kill, and you guys will move into a dayphase after my post Dayphase = 48 hours Nightphase = 24 hours (Both are approximately since I might not have time exactly around the same time each evening ) Questions or discussion may be posted here
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