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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie
~History~ Dana was born in one of the higher families. Her parents had always expected her to marry a good husband, but instead she ran away from home, and joined a group of thieving nomads. Here the head of the tribe took her in, and has taught her all he knew. She has received training in both magical and physical combat. She can handle practically every weapon, but prefers her throwing knives, which she always carries with her.
~Brief Description~ Dana comes from an alternative dimension and has been sucked into this one through a portal incidentally created in IRC. Her world is pretty similar to this one, but she’s had problems adjusting to the customs of this world and she still feels awkward being around here. She has the potential to become pretty skilled in magical combat, but is currently lacking the necessary experience.
Dana had been wandering around this wonderful new world, and although she had been grumpy at first she had decided that it could have been worse. Sure, the first person she had met had hit her on the head, and insisted that she was someone else. The second tried to sneak up on her with an iron bar, and the third had tried to steel her mirror. But all in all, it wasn’t too bad. She took her mirror from her pocket and studied her face; a face with deep blue eyes and full lips was staring back at her. Most people would call her pretty, if it hadn’t been for the scar that showed blood red under her chin. With a finger she followed the thin white line, she remembered the bastard that had given it to her, and that had killed her teacher. One day she would find him and make him pay for what he had done to her. She flicked back her dark hair and put away the mirror, finding him would have to wait; she would first have to get back home. She walked past the Cabaret Room and sensed that someone in there was gathering enough mana too blow up the whole place. Curious who it was that had such strengths she decided to take a look and see what was happening. She carefully opened the door and was confronted with a sight that looked far from happy. A pointy-eared elf was flying around at high speed, two people were injured badly, and the other two had worried looks on their faces. She recognised only one of them from her brief introduction last night, and decided that the first thing she should do was take some speed away from the ricocheting elf before he would hit Vlad. She stuck out her hand and send out a wave of magic that slowed the elf down a bit before he slammed into the vampire, and both flew against the wall. Dana overlooked the situation and saw that a lady was already tending for one of the hurt people, and decided that she would try to do what she could for the other. She hurried over to the man and while kneeling down before him she laid a hand on his shoulder. She felt that he too controlled magic, but also sensed that he was injured badly. His green robes were covered in blood and she could feel that the energy surrounding his body was weak. “Tell me what I can do for you?” She asked with her velvet voice. The man tried to speak, but Dana saw that it was taking him energy that he could use better at this moment. She focused and let some of her own energy flow into him.
A single bubble Lost in space Wanting stabilization That single bubble Was my own Looking for integration A second bubble Came in view Raising an expectation That second bubble Filled my void Succeeded infiltration Two single bubbles Became one And found their destination Inspired by a good conversation with Venefyxatu, and revised with help from Appy. Thanks guys
Please remind me Remind me that you care Care what happens Care who I am To you About what can be Please remind me Remind me that I care Care what happens Care who you are To me About what might be Please remind me Remind me that caring Should be enough Enough for you And me Care about what might never be Please forget me Forget that I cared Cared what happened Cared who I was To you About what could have been I’ll forget you Forget that you cared Cared what happened Cared who you were To me About what will never be And my tears slowly flow When I realise that you must have been ….a dream
I really enjoyed reading this, and felt so much sympathy when you discovered that nobody recognised you anymore. But you fought a great fight, and it was interesting to read how you managed to make them remind you. Again, great story Thank you!
A nice and peaceful vision *hugs JaZzMaN* Thank you for sharing
Hmm..probably not exactly correct, and I also feel that it doesn't flow at certain points. I changed one word in Mynx's line because that felt better. Oh well, here we go: Hordes of emotions attacked my soul Made me follow them inside Forcing me to look at my faults Illuminating what I had meant to hide Showing who I am behind the wall But I shy away from that bright light Retreat from knowing all from all Hold up the mask designed by pride A masquerade invoked to misguide To mislead the demanding voice Of a world that wants it downright A world that asks me to make my choice The choice to call defeat or fight They are pulling at me to give it all But I want to crawl away and hide To become that little fly on the wall new line: It was written on the wall
I keep coming back to this poem, and every time I read it it gives me the strenght to keep posting *hugs Peredhil*
I want to cry a little Feel like dying a little Just give in and hide away From all that is expected But I can’t cry a little Could never die a little And if I would hide away Who would I expect to find me? So I smile a little And try to live a little Even show myself a little And get covered by expectations
Happy Birthday to both
Could it have been a chinese princess with knitting needles in her hair?
*Sweetcherrie hops in, sees the JaZzMaN and huggles him* Glad you're here *huggles JaZzMaN again, and hops away to read the new posts*
Doesn't that make you wonder if ducks can knit sweaters?
Happy Birthday
Dee grinned, it was typically Ashlee’s way of thinking, “Yeah, luckily Duke had already secured his car, too bad he won’t be able to drive it anymore for a while.” She heard Ashlee giggling on the other side of the phone. “You had called me the other day?” Dee asked, “I was talking to Meredith so I ignored your call, sorry bout that.”
Dee was glad that Jenny as out of the race, this would definitely make it easier for herself. She did however in no way belief that it had been Jenny that had fixed Browns car, Jenny wasn't stupid but she was also no expert in cars. Dee remembered that Ashlee had called her yesterday during lunch and that she had ignored the call, because she'd been talking to Meredith at the time. She picked up her phone, and dialed Ashlee's number.
Sweetcherrie walks in, and almost bumps into Venefyxatu who just leaves the Cabaret Room. She walks over to the wall, glances over the different messages already posted, and sees a new piece of parchment. “Hmm..magical items, that sounds interesting.” She takes a business card with her name on it from her pocket, takes a ballpoint from her suitcase, and writes on the back, “Good luck Gryphon, PM me when more info is needed.” She glances over the card one more time, and sticks it next to the parchment.
Dee nodded, “I heard rumours about it, but I wouldn’t have thought Ricky to be that-“ She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Duke and Elliott walking outside, and wondered what they were going to do. Meredith followed her stare, “You have a good catch there.” Dee nodded and smiled absently. A strange though had occurred to her, “Have you seen Vincent lately?” she asked. Meredith shook her head. “Odd. Wasn’t he thinking of asking Jenny to the ball? I heard rumours, but I’m not sure.” Dee was thinking out loud. “He certainly has a reason to get rid of the male competition.” Dee continued, “Maybe he has decided to make sure competition should get a bit smaller, and if that’s the case Ricky should be careful.” OOC: Vote for Vincent / Ozy
Do you think they would be travelling on the back of that rubber ducky?
Dee had just send her puppies away to follow Ricky and Jenny, and she was still pondering over what had happened, when she noticed that Meredith was speaking to her. It took her a moment to recall what she had asked. “I think it is a bit strange, but maybe they haven’t heard it yet.” She answered carefully, she wasn’t sure if she could trust Meredith. Sure, she seemed nice enough. Now. However, Dee also knew that she was known to turn things the way she wanted them, with whatever means she needed. “Oh, they’ve heard,” Meredith answered with a grin, “Tiffany was shouting loud enough.” Dee chuckled, it was true Tiffany had been screaming like a squealing pig, “Want to have lunch together and talk things over?” she asked Meredith.
Would their ship still be able to float in a sea of bubbles?
Dee parked her dad’s car and, after locking it, she walked up to the school. She noticed there was a whole bunch of nominees standing together, and heard Tiffany screaming over all the other excited voices. "OhmyGod you guys! Bobby was in a crash last night! The brakes like totally failed on his car! He's in hospital!" Dee was shocked and stopped walking to listen to what the rest was saying in reaction to this. People were already suggesting that it had been one of her fellow nominees that had done this, but who? Dee looked at the faces of the people standing around, and noticed that Ricky and Jenny were missing. She had already thought before that they were up to something, and them not being here only seemed to confirm that suspicion. Talking to Ashlee had not helped; the girl had only been talking about the fact that Brown had died before asking her to the prom. She discovered Angela and Sheila in the crowd and waved them over. “I want you to keep an eye on Jenny” She said to Sheila, “and you to follow Ricky.” She continued as she turned to Angela. “They are up to something, and I need to know what it is.” she said grimly. OOC: No accusation yet
“Sir,” The soldier had obviously been running, and was still panting when he saluted. Garrick saluted back, “At ease, soldier.” “Thank you, sir,” the soldier took an easier position, but hardly seemed to loosen up “We have found Captain Larusso, sir.” “Where was he? Hanging around with some women in a bar?” Garrick grinned, Larusso was one of his best captains, but he was also known for his loose behavior on his days off. He had once run into the captain on his day off, he had been in a bar, surrounded by four women, and each one had tried to catch his attention. Ever since it had been a standing joke, that captain Larusso loved the women, more than he loved life itself. “Captain Larusso is…dead, sir.” The soldier obviously didn’t feel at ease that he was the one that had to deliver this message. Garrick’s face lost its smile, and he sat down, “Dead? Where did you find him, soldier?” “We found his body on the northside of town, sir, close to the entrance of the sewers.” Garrick took a moment to process this information. For the past few weeks they had been following leads in a different part of the town, and he had thought that it had been good information he had been given. His informers had told him that those Netkal beggars were operating from one of the older parts of the city, and that they had acquired a number of the small workers houses that were so widely represented in that area. His troops had been raiding the little houses randomly, and had already found evidence that they were looking in the right direction. Garrick had though that they had finally started to get closer to their headquarters. “What was the cause of death, soldier?” “He was found with the symbol, sir.” The soldier saw General Haly’s face getting darker with every word he reported. He understood. He knew that the General had been looking for four years now, and the council was getting impatient. General Haly had been not his usual self lately. The normally so cheerful man, who was good with his men, had been seen brooding over city maps, feverishly trying to find the Netkal headquarters. “Has his body been brought back to his parents?” “They are doing that at the moment, sir.” Garrick nodded, he would have to pay Larusso’s family a personal visit, he had known him since they were little, and his loss was a loss for the whole regiment. He made sure that everything would be properly arranged for Larusso’s burial, and arranged that his parents were send some money; they would have an extra hard time now their son would no longer come home with his salary. After this he went back to his plans, and tried to figure out what it could mean that one of his best captains had been found dead at the entrance of the sewers.