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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie
Congratulations Gryphon, well deserved
The Mighty Pen's First Invitational Poker Tourney
Sweetcherrie replied to YanYanGanaffi's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Sweet bounces in on her pogostick, and almost jumps over the thread when she hears the word "poker". Midair she forgets that she is pogoing and with a big thud she lands on Patrick, who had just signed up. "Sorry about that," she says as she tries to rid him of the dust she caused to appear on his clothes, "Are you also going to play poker?" "Yep," Patrick says, "I just signed up." "I can play poker, I wil also sign up" she giggles, with a big grin she draws her name in big red letters on the paper. "This will be so cool, maybe YanYan wil let me sit next to you" Not waiting for a reply she picks op her pogostick and bounces back out again. -
This felt so overwhelming when I read it, and read it again...and again. I love this, it's a touch of melancholy mixed with a blue feeling, but at the same time it sometimes feels good to just let your tears blend in with the rain and let go of whatever has been inside too long. I would have changed the first line to: Gentle tears on a tender face. But that would depend greatly on the fact if you want to emphasize the fact that there is only one tear or more, and I'm speaking with my heart here and not with my head (since I have no knowledge whatsoever about the technicalities of a poem).
Dana saw the angel disappear and released the energy flows she had been gathering back to the air. What was she doing here? She had just vowed to fight for people she didn’t know, and on top of that they didn’t know her either. She sighed; it was probably best to introduce herself to them now, before the peace was disturbed again. She stepped up to Yui and Zadown and held out her hand. When she noticed that they only looked at her but made no move to make the same gesture, she mumbled, “I can understand you’re wondering what I’m doing here, I’ve been asking myself that same thing,” “Somehow I found myself in this parallel world, and I sensed what was going on in here,” She looked the both of them in the eyes, “I know I’m a stranger to you, but I hoped that you would accept my help. I-“ She sensed a new mage entering before she could finish what she was saying, and quickly turned around. “What’s he doing?” she asked and almost send out a shockwave of energy at the newcomer. So far every new person entering had meant trouble, and she refused to be caught unaware again. She held the magic back, but took a defensive position. Yui put her hand on Dana’s arm, “Don’t worry he’s one of us.” Dana turned around and looked in Yui’s eyes, she had sensed it before and felt it now again, this was a powerful lady but also a good person. She nodded sternly, “I will help him with his task,” she turned to the newcomer and smiled, “If he would accept my help of course.”
Original "Hide and Seek" thread can be found here. In this thread you can also find the links to the stories and see who were in the different teams. Haven't played but still want to come to the party? You're more than welcome to (as long as you bring a smile and preferably add to the chaos already created ) *** Sweetcherrie walks home from school with a scrap of paper in her hand looking somewhat sad and bumps into Appy on her skippyball *Bounce* “Heya, why the sad face?” *bounce, stops bouncing for a moment* Sweetcherrie pushes the paper under Appy's nose and sits down on the floor next to her. Appy turns the paper around in her hands a couple of time and then reads it. “My teacher wasn't too happy with me, he said that there were some great stories, but..I haven't returned all the lost phrases,” Sweetcherrie says and sniffs. Appy reads the paper again and pouts at Sweetcherrie, “But..but those that you found were good!” Sweetcherrie sniffs again and looks at Appy, “true,” she replies, now showing a weak smile, “He did say that the ones found were really good.” “Well then, he couldn't have given you that bad a mark!” Sweetcherrie's face brightens a bit "No, it was ok, he's a nice teacher, and maybe next time will be better,”She says and is positively smiling now Appy beams and gives the paper back, “I think you should be proud for finding these, I sure couldn't have,” Appy nods solemnly, “for sure!” “But I didn't do it on my own, I had help from some nice people,” Sweetcherrie nods sagely as she says this. “Yeah, we should thank them somehow, I guess.. they have been very helpful” “Yeah, we could throw them a party!” Sweetcherrie says as she stands up from the floor. “Great idea!” Appy says, points at the sky and bounces off, “To the Keep!” with a Sweetcherrie that’s feeling happier now following her. At the garden of the Keep Sweetcherrie dives in her cupboard, while Appy is shouting at some gnomes who have been drafted into helping to decora, “No no no! Those have to go ON the trees, not in them!” Sweetcherrie re-emerges with some big bags of popcorn in her arms, and shakes her head, “That's what you get from letting gnomes help you.” Sweetcherrie holds up the popcorn, “Do you think they like this?” Appy runs around putting up tables and singing 'garden party garden party garden partay!" under her breath, and looks up when she hears Sweetcherrie asking a question, “For sure, can put them on the tables by the lake.” Sweetcherrie walks of to the tables by the lake and looks back to see what else needs doing. Appy chases one of the gnomes who had gotten his hands on one of the table decoration and was wearing it as a hat now, “Give that back!” Sweetcherrie keeps walking but shouts over her shoulder, “They also need the shiny stuff we promised-“ *blub* Appy spins in mid-air after hearing the blub, “Sweet?” she looks around, “Where are you?” Sweetcherrie dives up again with her hair full of waterplants and Appy bursts out in laughter at that sight. Sweetcherrie spits out a small fountain of water, “I guess this popcorn will not be edible anymore,” She says and grins. Appy still giggles, “oh, sorry *giggle* but you look funny! *gasp for air*” She grins again, "leave it for the fishies ” Appy gives Sweetcherrie a hand so she can climb out and Sweetcherrie grabs Appy's hand to get back on the side. Sweetcherrie looks at her clothes, “Now these,” picks of some frogspawn, “will certainly make me look more festive” she mumbles. Sweetcherrie looks at the sky, “I think we should also put up something in case it starts raining. Maybe we can find a party tent somewhere?” “Good idea” Appy remembers the gnome now and sees the table decoration lying alone in the middle of the field, “Silly gnomes,”She mumbles and sighs as she picks it up. Sweetcherrie nods and starts counting in her head how many people will attend, after a moment she is looking utterly confused because of the counting and gives up, “Appy? Do you know how many people there will be coming?” “I know! Apaltra can weave the trees into something that'll keep us dry! errr.. lots?” Sweetcherrie nods absentmindedly as Appy searches her pockets and produces a staff with a green gem on top. Sweetcherrie looks at the staff. “See? This is what Apaltra uses! I'm sure I can do that too,” Appy says as she waves the staff towards the trees. A small vine appears with a poof and starts growing rapidly. “Erm...are you sure that is a good idea?” Sweetcherrie ask as she hears the tree rustle their leaves. “errr,” Appy utters not entirely sure of that now. The vine crawls among the trees and grows even faster now, covering the trunks of three trees already and Sweetcherrie tries to jump on the side to avoid being caught by the vine, but is grabbed already and falls over slowly getting covered by the vine. Appy waves the staff again, only to have another vine appear. “y'know,” Appy says thoughtfully, “maybe this wasn't such a good idea?” and jumps towards Sweet to grab her hand. “I'm pretty sure this is not going to keep us dry,” Sweetcherrie mutters and struggles to get loose from the vine. Appy pulls Sweetcherrie loose, sending her flying into Appy making them roll away. “Riiight...” Appy says, untangles herself from Sweet and steps back. Sweetcherrie jumps on one of the tables, “Were you planning to have the party underground or something?” Appy backs away some more, looking thoughtfully at the ever-growing vines, “Well, not really...” Sweetcherrie feels the table starting to move by the vines, “Any idea how we stop this?” Appy didn't put the staff away, she still holds it, and now pushes the point into the ground, and the vines stop growing with a shiver. “Hey! Did you do that?” she asks exitedly to Sweetcherrie. “Erm..no, but I think it's better if you put that staff away…” Appy nods and starts taking it out “Or wait...maybe..” Sweetcherrie says. “What?” As soon as the staff leaves the ground the vines start growing again, “errr,” and Appy puts the staff back into the ground firmly. “Hmmm....do you think it will hold up this tarpaulin?” Sweetcherrie asks. “Sure! We can use the staff to hold a vine and then put the tarpaulin over it,” Appy claps in her hands for having found the solution to two problems in one. “Oh, I'm not sure if Apaltra will be happy with her staff having to stay here for a while, but I guess it will have to do,” Sweetcherrie replies. Appy pushes the staff in more firmly and grabs the closest vine, tying it to the staff and Sweetcherrie starts helping to tie the vines to the staff. “Well she doesn't even know I have it... so what she doesn't know, she won't mind” Sweetcherrie looks at Appy with big eyes, but Appy beams at her own logic. “You took it without her knowing, oh my, I hope that works out ok,” Sweetcherrie says as she continues with tying vines to the staff and directs the gnomes to work at the same job. Shortly after a sort of dome has appeared. “Sure it will, she likes me, I'm her younger sister afterall,” Appy beams again and starts throwing the tarpaulin over the dome of vines with help of gnomes hanging on the other side. Appy steps back, and looks at the result. It looks like a heap of greenery ready for composting and covered with a plastic tarpaulin, “Tadaa!” She shouts. Sweetcherrie looks at the dome and nods, “Looks pretty good to me” Appy takes out a big jungle knife and starts chopping away those vines that're in the way, no noticing the staff shivering with each chop. Sweetcherrie sees new vines appearing in double numbers where Appy had just chopped of the vines and as Appy is pretty much done when she turns around, “Gah!” “Erm...maybe better stop? We could call it a jungle party.” Sweetcherrie notices. Appy growls a 'yes, better' under her breathe and instead ties those vines that are in the way to each other, so it looks better. She puts some of the overturned tables under the dome and adds some chairs. “Maybe we can serve tea, I've always loved tea” Sweetcherrie notes. “Of course! It's our party after all,” Appy grins “You know what, I think it's time for a break,” Sweetcherrie looks at all the decorating, “and I would actually like a cup of tea now.” “Just ask one of the gnomes to get some from the kitchen then, that's their job after all” Sweetcherrie asks one of the gnomes to bring her some raspberry tea and sits down on one of the chairs and sighs, “Thank you so much Appy, This would have been impossible without you.” Appy beams, “No need to thank me, I love organising parties!” and sits down as well as one of the gnomes approaches with a cup of tea. The gnome carefully puts the tea on the table but stumbles over one a random vine and one of the cups falls of the table. “No, what did you do that for” Sweetcherrie says and sends the gnome back to get a new cup of tea. “You can have this one Appy” She says and shoves the cup that's still in one piece over the table towards Appy. “That gnome better bring cookies as well as a new cup of tea” Sweetcherrie mumbles. Appy looks thoughtfully at the cup, “Hey, you know what else we need? Music!” Sweetcherrie’s face brightens, “Yeah we should have a band” She takes the cup of tea from the gnome that has come back and sends it away again for cookies, “But where do we find a band this late? Maybe we should stick with cd's.” “I think we're almost ready to send out the invitations,” Sweetcherrie nods, "Definitely, we could use my laptop to make some really neat ones” Appy smiles, not knowing what a laptop is, but trusting her friend, “I can bring them around on my skippyball” “Cool, I'll get working on them right now” OOC: Feel free to join the party We will give the phrases on a later occasion.
Sweet rolls in on her skates and bumps into the big sign about Mynx’s promotion. She stared at it for a moment, not having the slightest idea what it said, but thinking that it sure looked a bit dull. Her face brightened up and she quickly skated away. 10 minutes later Sweet comes racing back in and almost flings herself around Akallabeth who had just left the Cabaret Room. “Hiya,” she smiles naughtily, “I’m going to liven up that poster a bit, wanna help?” Akallabeth frowns at her, “Are you sure you want to do that, it announces that Mynx is promoted, and I’m sure that Gwaihir wants to keep it as clear as possible.” Sweet, however, waves away his objections and gets the package of magical pens from her pocket. With the tip of her tongue showing she carefully draws a little cat next to the letters. Taking a step back to admire her work, she mumbles, “Now just the final touch.” Looking around she sees Orlan walking by. “Hey Orlan” Sweet throws herself around his shoulders, “how are you? I hope you’re ok I need some help here I’ve been making a drawing for Mynx and now I would like it to come to live and since I can’t do magic I will need your help a bit will you do it please, Please?” Orlan blinks at the ramlbing, hyperactive enthusiasm of the girl, “What would you like me to do?” Sweet pulls him over to the drawing of the cat she made, “It’s already made with my magical pens, it just needs an extra touch.” Orlan looks from the jumpy girl to the picture of the cat (that could also be a cow or a dog) and sighs, “Sure” The mage touches the picture and the cat starts mewing pathetically. “Not like that, it’s a Mynx, it needs to roar,” The girl pouts. Orlan sighs again and touches the picture; the cat starts to roar and growl, “better?” Sweet nods happily, “Thank you so much” and hugs Orlan again before rolling away on her skates. OOC: Congrats Mynx! Orlan: I didn't know anyone else's char that could do this, so I hope I didn't use him wrong! I got the hint from Katz in IRC, if I did use him wrong please let me know and I'll change it.
~Relationships~ Sweet has of course a very strong bond with Sweetcherrie of course, but since they are one and the same you will never find them at the same place at the same time. Sweet also loves playing with Appy, she sees her a bit as the twin sister she has always wanted to have, and the two of them together normally means trouble. Mynx has given Sweetcherrie a kitten, but Sweet sort of claimed it and is now running around with it. Kitten is called Zira, is fire resistant, smells lies, and knows some minor spells.
~Personality~ Sweet is naughty, cheerful, and this makes the hyperactivity pretty bearable. She will always try to throw a party and try and get others to join in. She can play on her own but prefers to play together with others. She absolutely worships magic, so most of the times she will try and get others to perform some.
~Physical Description~ She’s a bit chubby, but a cute kid to see. She wears red dungarees, and sometimes steels Sweetcherrie’s French hat. She has blond curls and clear blue eyes.
~Items~ Pogo stick, Devil sticks, Roller skates, and a Diabolo. Sweet also has some magic pens that can draw stuff that will come alive when the appropriate spells are used by someone who does possess magic. Next to that she has some flying marbles that start attacking people at random. Sweet regularly finds new items in Sweetcherrie’s cupboard, and will hopefully keep surprising people with them.
~Magical Abilities~ Sweet doesn’t do magic, she has however several magical items.
~Abilities~ The only thing that Sweet is really good at is creating chaos, but with her chaotic actions and sense of humour she does manage to make people laugh sometimes.
~History~ Sweet appears when Sweetcherrie has temporarily had enough of her busy life, and starts fiddling with her age machine. Unfortunately this machine is not too precise and given Sweetcherrie’s ability to confuse technology only by looking at it, Sweet’s age changes a bit. Sweetcherrie has a cupboard full of toys for the girl, and keeps adding fancy stuff for Sweet to play with. Edit: Most of the time the cupboard just gives out things that come in handy at that exact point in time. Therefore the cupboard will be rebaptised, and will now be called: The Cupboard of Thingy, Stuff, and Something.
~Brief Description~ Sweet is a young girl who likes to do things she's been told not to do. Very honest, Sweet will not lie or cheat, but likes the allure of the forbidden, the challenge of trouble. The youthful version of Sweetcherrie brought about by an inexact age machine, Sweet is cute, if a little chubby. She has curly blonde hair and blue eyes, and usually wears red dungarees. Sweet is generally very cheerful, but hyper, and talks before she thinks. She likes magic, and other people, and has a lot of toys. Disclaimer: This description was written by Katz as part of her quill-quest.
Sweetcherrie knew that she was late, but a meeting had held her up, and then she still had to write that cathaiku. She sighed and looked at the neatly folded paper in her hand, it wasn’t much but it would have to do. She walked a bit faster and rounded the corner, there were still a few people waiting to get in. She joined the line behind someone she’d never met before, and nervously unrolled the sleeves of her sweater. It had been warm today but now it was cooling quickly, and the sweater she was wearing was only a flimsy one. “Should have stopped at home first.” She thought, and glanced over her clothes hoping they weren’t too formal for the night. She shivered, and rubbed her arms over her arms to warm up a bit. The man in front of her noticed that she was shivering, ticked his hat and offered her his grey trench coat. Gratefully she took it, and read over her haiku again. The line was only moving slowly, and Sweetcherrie saw that this was because of the fact that the trolls at the entrance were checking each new visitor meticulously. “This is so inefficient” she hissed under her breath, and decided to go and see Melba if she could help with something. She stepped up to the front of the line and was just about to open her mouth, when one of the trolls gabbed the piece of paper with the cathaiku on it. “Playful little kitten Tiny little ball of fur Angelic when asleep” Before she can open her mouth to protest the troll has put the paper in the gift bin and shoves her inside. Sweetcherrie blinks a couple of times of surprise, and notices she’s still wearing the grey trench coat.
Cool theme and nice interaction, I'd say this was a succesful game. Even though the wolves have won Thanks Mynx and all other players, I had fun writing in this one.
Dana saw it happening as if someone had pushed the play-by-play button. The flash of light and metal flared in slow motion, and sliced through Vlad’s body. The angel’s beating wings caused parts of the vampire’s body to fly her way, covering her boots with blood and still cindering ashes. Yui’s icy scream echoed in her ears and Dana staggered back a few steps, aghast by what she had just witnessed. She barely had time to recover before Yui launched a rock at the angel with a strenght she had never expected from the lady. Unfortunately the stone barely caused a scratch on the Solar’s features, and Dana doubted that this had been a smart move, but at least the lady had managed to get the Solar’s attention. Yui raged at the creature, and Dana steadied herself, expecting it to take revenge any moment now. In the back of her head she still sensed the unknown spell weaver, and hoped that his spells would be strong enough. For a moment his image became clearer and she was flooded with feelings of love, acceptance and tolerance, and in that moment she decided that she would fight for these people if needed. The spirit that was flowing through this world was worth it, even if it night mean dying. Her face hardened and she cautiously moved closer to Yui. Never letting her eye wonder from the scene in front of her, she started gathering the energy flows around her, preparing herself for whatever would come.
I believe it is customary.....
Sweetcherrie replied to cryptomancer's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I'm really enjoying what you are writing in your quest so far! Keep up the good work -
Dana shook her head and attempted to subtract energy from the air around her, she had given Zadown more than she had planned, and felt slightly light-headed. Tapping into the natural flows she sensed that the room was filled with used mana, and for a moment she had difficulties finding a clean enough flow to restore herself. But then the fog in her head cleared away and she could feel her strength coming back. She looked around and saw that the person they had called the Dreamer and the mage Zadown were standing opposite of one another; their looks holding unconcealed hostility. Both were swaying on their legs, and while Zadown was holding on to his katana, the Dreamer had placed a hand on the shoulder of the lady that had been crouching next to him when Dana had first entered the room. The lady spoke, and the fight seemed to freeze, for now at least. In the corner of her eyes Dana saw Vlad crawling away from under the elf, and struggling to get back on his feet. At that same moment she sensed a different sort of change in the natural web of energy that held its grip on this world. Someone was weaving a powerful spell, a good spell this time, aimed to spread peace. She tried to tune in to this new spell weaver, but simply didn’t have the necessary experience to localize him. She redirected her thoughts to what was happening in the room, just in time to see the walls falling to pieces that landed on Vlad. He crawled away from under them and managed to get back on his feet. "Hey...you. Lady... what... what's go...going on? Yui?" the vampire asked, breathing heavily, pain flashed over his face as he spoke. “My name is Dana” She replied with a hint of a smile, “and I’m not entirely sure myself.” She turned her face towards the lady that Vlad had addressed with the name Yui, and her look held the same question.
~Relationships~ Dana has not been able to build many relationships on the Pen yet; she has only briefly met Appy and Vlad in IRC.
~Personality~ At first sight she’s pretty relaxed, but she is constantly aware of what’s happening around her. She moves with catlike grace, and every move is calculated. She’s a nice enough personality to be around with, just don’t get her angry. More might be added later.
~Physical Description~ Dana is tall and at first sight she would not at all be considered a threat. She has the build of a very sensual woman and more then once men have tried to hit on her, not knowing who she is and what she can do. She has a scar under her chin where someone was once careless enough to stick a knife in it, but instead of decreasing her beauty it has only added an interesting story. Because the knife went straight through her throat into her mouth her, Dana was left with a velvet voice that sounds as if she has an eternal cold. She has long, straight, dark-brown hair, which she wears in a ponytail. Her eyes have the colour of the sea, and turn darker when she’s annoyed or angry.
~Items~ She carries with her two throwing knives, and a mirror. The mirror shows your true reflection, and only a truly honest person will see his own face. She wears leather trousers and a leather top; both have been magically enhanced so that a normal knife or sword will not penetrate.
~Magical Abilities~ The head of the tribe has educated Dana in controlling the natural energy flows. Unfortunately her teacher was killed before he could finish her education, and Dana still has a lot to learn. She has great potential but at the moment her skills are weak and far from perfected. She knows how to work minor spells, and can influence the energy flows as well, but at the moment she still lacks the power to rely entirely on it. Her aim, however, is very precise and she can still do serious damage if she gets angry. Yui has already labelled her a mana channeler, and that would be a pretty accurate description.
~Abilities~ Dana is a pretty good fighter. She will try to avoid hurting people, but if needed she will kill her enemy. If there is no magic used against her she will defend herself with her physical strength, in her opinion this is more honourable.