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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Errm....how may times are you guys going to ship that tea to the wrong place...I hope it doesn't fall of the boat halfway to somewhere....
  2. Mine too http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=13840
  3. The parade was slowly progressing, and Fred was already wondering when the horses would finally come. He’d been waiting all morning with his dad. They’d seen clowns and acrobats, but all he wanted to see were the horses. The sun was burning hot on their heads, and it had been a good idea of his mom to get them caps for today. “Or your brains will boil.” She’d said. Fred had only laughed about this, but by now he actually started believing that she’d been right, his brains would certainly have boiled by now. Especially because he no longer had hair to filter out some of the sun’s heat. The operation had only been partly successful, but at least he now had this really cool scar to show to his friends at the centre. He’d celebrated his 28th birthday last Saturday, and as a gift his dad had promised to take him to the parade. His dad had arranged that they would watch from of the river, afraid that his son would cause trouble in the crowd. The boat was still lying very close to the shore, but this way they would have their privacy, and Fred would still be able to see everything. The horses came in view, Fred adjusted his brand-new binoculars, another gift for his birthday, and he started bouncing excitedly and made the boat rock. The first horses were all black and their riders carried the flags that showed the colours of the city. After the black horses came a group of white horses, and Fred bounced even harder; he loved white horses and always dreamed of finding his princess on one of them. He sighed and leaned over the railing, the binoculars pressed against his eyes. “Fred, don’t get too close to_” With a loud splash Fred plunged into the water, and started yelping. Undecidedly his dad walks past the railing the ship was about 4 meters high; how would he ever get back on board when he dived after his son. Fred started sinking and he started to panic, when a lady from the shore saw what was happening. She threw down her bag on the floor and jumped into the water. Fred clung to the woman, and she swam him to the side where there were some stone steps to get out of the water. Fred’s father had started moving the boat closer to the shore, and jumped off the boat at about the same time the lady pulled Fred up the steps. “Thank you so much lady, I…I didn’t know what to do.” “No worries I work in such a centre, I’d say?” She pointed to Fred. “Fred.” “Fred here, is mentally about 10, no?” The adults kept talking, but Fred had wormed himself away. He was watching his horses, water still dripping from his clothes, and concluded that at least his brains wouldn't boil anymore.
  4. erm...nope
  5. The poor fellow won't receive it there unfortunately....
  6. Sweetcherrie sticks up her finger, I'm signing up for both so yes, please people sign up so you can tell that story with a lesson to learn, believe me there are some errr...kids? around here that could use a few lessons...
  7. Appy has found Tanuchan, and I received a PM from Tanuchan guessing where Venefyxatu (Athens) and Gwaihir (Honolulu) were, both were right... I will count them this time, because you told me in PM that you would be out of town, and are maybe not able to reply... But from here on, please anybody that wants to guess just post it in this thread, it's the easiest way of knowing who was first to guess right
  8. nope that is yes you can guess without being stranded......buuut of course it might be nice to play.... *waves the geld in front of Appy's nose*
  9. I need exact locations....
  10. Since a person can't be send out again without someone guessing the rigth location...you had it right Tanny Guesses can just be posted in this thread...
  11. I read this and a smile appeared on my face, during the day it came back into my mind a couple of times, and each time I had to smile... Thanks
  12. Sweetcherrie looks at the fire and at the food in her hands, shakes her head, and eats them without roasting.... endless sugar-red dawn now winter runs, summer renders strawberries; sweet, tender, reddish heaven nigh holy yearnings submitting godliness shine
  13. You have landed on a remote island and all you have in your pockets is a pen, a bottle with a cork and a piece of paper that can hold a maximum of 500 words. You will have to write a note telling people where you are or you will die of dehydration and starvation! You can send me a PM, I will then give you a famous place/city/country, and a list of words you’re not allowed to use in your description. You are allowed a maximum of 500 words. The writer of the story earns 10 geld and the person who is the first to guess the place that has been written about earns 5 geld. Good Luck! Edit: You will receive 10 geld for the first time you've been stranded, and 5 geld for the other times... Also you can't be send out again until you've been found by someone. You can guess as many times as you like, but the location needs to be exactly right and you only get geld for guessing right the first 2 times
  14. Sweet’s head is tilted as she watches Horace and Wyvern, and wonders how long it will take before the lizard realizes where his greediness has taken him. She takes a piece of wood from his boot, causing the booth to almost fall apart, and wades into the water. Lying on her belly on the piece of wood she paddles towards the lizard and greets the demoness while passing by. “Hello mister almost dragon,” She says happily as she paddles in circles around him. At this point Wyvern realises that he’s actually standing in the water and starts screaming that he wants out. As the lizard tries to run back to the shore, hindered by the water, Sweet slowly follows him. “You know mister almost dragon, swimming is good for you.” She says wisely and paddles around him. At that exact moment the sea decides to throw another wave over them. Sweet, having the piece of wood, stays above water, but the lizard gets swept of his feet, and goes under. Moments later the wave is gone and Sweet looks around if she can see Wyvern anywhere. When she looks behind her she finds his tail sticking out above water, in a deeper part of the sea. Quickly she paddles over, and pulls him onto her improvised board. “Maybe you’ll better hold on to this mister almost dragon, and then I’ll hold on to you.” Wyvern greedily grabs the whole piece of wood, and while she holds on to the lizard’s back Sweet tries to paddle both back to the shore, when another wave hits them. Without hesitation the girls decides to use the lizard as her board, and while he holds on to the piece of wood, she climbs on to his back. “Don’t worry mister almost dragon, we’ll get back to the shore,” She screams down, and surfs the wave on the back of the almost dragon. The wave picks them up, and Sweet balances on Wyvern’s back as if she’s a professional surfer. Below her the almost dragon moans that he hates water, but since the only way to get out is to hold on to the piece of wood, he tightly holds on and rides the wave with her. With a last push from the wave they float back on the beach. The girl jumps off Wyvern’s back, and sees that the lizard has started kissing the ground, before realizing that it’s not such a good idea to kiss a sandy beach. Sweet huggles the almost lizard, thanks him for the good ride, and leaves him hugging the ground as she bounces away to the next booth.
  15. So put on your brave smile, and show life who you are. Flick your hair in the wind, and proudly show that scar. Then you’ll know how it feels, to be loved by yourself. To not longer be second rank, but on the eye height shelf. You’ll all let them feel, that you can let him go. To show them he’s not worth The bottom of your soles.
  16. After having signed up for the beauty pageant Sweetcherrie decided to go for a swim. She dropped her beach bag in the sand, and plucked out an oversize beach towel. Careful not to get it all sandy, she spread it out on the beach. She took of her blouse and her skirt and pulled the bikini she was wearing underneath straight. One of the shoulder bands kept sliding of her shoulder and she retied the knot. She placed the beach bag on top of the towel so it wouldn’t blow away, took her snorkelling gear out, and walked towards the sea. In one of boots she heard someone proclaiming that whoever caught the biggest fish would get a price. Sweetcherrie shuddered, she didn’t like the idea of those poor fish caught on a hook, and even worse getting those wiggly creatures of the hook again. The water was fresh, and she waded in until it was reaching to her waist, then with one big dive she went in head first. Under water her hair spread out like a blonde fan, and it felt great to be surrounded by water again. She had always loved swimming and snorkelling had become a hobby. Whenever she had time to go diving for a bit she did, and a lot of the time she saw the most beautiful sights under the water. She stood up straight although the water came almost to her chin she managed to get her diving glasses on and put the snorkel in her mouth. With the end of the snorkel sticking out above water, and her diving glasses under water she could see the colourful fish swim away for her moving hands. The sun was throwing shades on the sea bottom, and the shadow play made the underwater world even more beautiful. A school of yellow fish swam by, and she followed them for a while, until a giant turtle slowly swam in her direction. Its paws were moving slowly, but they scooped enough water for the enormous animal to move. Sweetcherrie moved above it and the turtle looked up. “Hello, could you please move out of the sun?” With the surprise Sweetcherrie got from this she let go of her snorkel and swallowed a big gulp of water. She stuck her head above the water, shoved her diving glasses up on her head, and coughed to get rid of the gulp of water she had taken in, but was too curious to let the turtle get away. She put the diving glasses back on and stuck the snorkel back in her mouth. The sea turtle was still swimming underneath her, and was also still looking up. “Are you ok? You’re still swimming in my sun by the way.” Quickly she paddled away until she was swiming next to him. “I wonder how it comes you can talk?” Her thoughts had only formed the words, but the turtle was already replying. “I’ve lived in Neptune’s city for a while in my youth and he gave me the power to communicate with any sort of humanoid species. You only have to think your words and I can understand them.” The turtle seemed to grin as he said this, but Sweetcherrie wasn’t sure, because she had never seen a turtle as big as this one before, let alone see one grin. “Why is it so busy here all of a sudden?” The turtle asked. “We’re having our carnival at this beach, actually they’re organizing a fish and treasure dive contest, but I don’t like the idea of hurting those poor fish with a hook, so I decided to go for a swim instead.” The turtle seemed to think this over for a bit, and meanwhile he swam gently alongside her. “That’s very good of you, to not use hooks.” He finally said, “I know where you could get treasure, and I’m sure that for your good deed some of my friends will want to help you carry it. Follow me!” The turtle paddled downwards with his big paws, and was already quite a while away when he noticed that Sweetcherrie wasn’t following. He swam back and looked at her with a question on his wrinkled face. Sweetcherrie made an apologetic movement as far as the water allowed her. “I can’t dive that deep” “Oh silly me,” The turtle chuckled, “wait here.” He dove away again, and had soon disappeared out of sight. Sweetcherrie paddled around for a bit and watched the fish and seaweed in the water around her. She’d already started thinking that it had all been in her imagination when she saw two enormous shadows swimming her way. The turtle was swimming ahead and it turned out that the other shadow were two dolphins that carried a large sort of fishbowl in between them. “My friends here were happy to help when I told them what you needed. You can crawl under the globe; there is enough air for you, and we will then pull you down.” Only hesitating for a moment, she took a deep breath of air, and swam from under into the upside down fishbowl. Because it was made she could see everything perfectly and there was indeed enough air for her to breath. She stuck her thumb up, and the dolphins started dragging the fishbowl down. The sunlight filtered out a bit as they got deeper but it was still bright enough for her to see everything clearly. The fish here looked different and the coral was more colourful then in the higher levels of the water. After a while she started wondering where they were taking her, but a strange shape was dawning on the bottom of the sea. “These are the sunken caves from captain NeverComeBack, he used to hide his treasures in them, and only we, sea animals know its location. Inside there is an enormous chest filled with gold, and other valuable items. We can’t use it, but if you can than we’re glad to take it up for you.” The dolphins pulled her closer towards the rock formation and carefully put her down on the roof of the caves. The rock was covered with weed and it felt soft under her feet. Sweetcherrie saw the dolphins and the turtle disappear inside the caves, and about ten minutes later they reappeared with a big wooden chest in between the three of them. She carefully moved her air bubble towards the chest and looked inside. It was filled to the rim with shining golden coins, probably worth millions. It had to be one of the biggest treasures ever found in the deep seas, and she started thinking on how to get it back to the shore, but the turtle had read her mind. “I asked another friend of mine to join us, and...ah there he is” Sweetcherrie turned around to see what the turtle meant by his friend and with fright she almost knocked the fishbowl over. An enormous whale was floating in their direction and it looked rather vicious the way it seemed to grin at her. The turtle swam up to the whale, and started a explaining what had to be done. At least she thought this was what he was doing, because he was pointing at her, then at the chest, and finally he pointed up. The whale seemed to understand him perfectly and moments later the dolphins lifted her on his back with her air bubble and the treasure chest. Slowly the whale started swimming, but the turtle already had difficulties to keep up. It started to lag behind, and obviously had difficulties with the speed the whale kept. The whale looked back, and he probably mentioned that the turtle should just hold on, because the turtle grabbed one of the enormous fins, and let himself being dragged along by the whale. The sea world around her now became a blur, and before she knew it the whale took one last big paddle, and graciously he slid into shallow water. The airbowl that Sweetcherrie was under was still on the whales back, but was now sticking out above water and she tumbled it over. With an enormous effort she dragged the treasure chest of the whales back, and it fell open onto the beach; spilling shining golden coins in the sand. Sweetcherrie looked around and saw that they had landed close to the carnival boot of the carnie, and she jelled out for him to come over. The carnie came wobbling down to where the whale was, and when he saw the coins his eyes almost popped out of his head with greed. He stuttered something that this wasn’t exactly what the contest was meant for, but Sweetcherrie told him that she also had a fish. He looked around and with a dumb look on his face he asked her where this fish was. The whale flapped his tail in the water and an enormous flood wave rolled the carnie of his feet. “Ah yes,” He said as he got back up, “that fish. Yes...erm…very nice indeed, I’ll note it down” With this the carnie disappeared mumbling that in all his life he had never seen something like this, and that he was probably getting to old for this job. Sweetcherrie grinned, and turned to the turtle who was still holding on to the whales back fin. “Thank you so much for your help. Your under water world is amazing.” The turtle shook his head, and spoke in her mind. “Thank you for not using hooks, and if you ever need help under water just send us a thought.” They shook hands, and the turtle gestured to the whale. The enormous fish slowly let himself drift backwards, and soon they had both disappeared in deeper water, and with an enormous frin on her face Sweetcherrie looked at all the golden shinies in the sand. She had only planned to go for a swim, and she had come back with this; it had been a very good swim indeed.
  17. With a last brush stroke Sweetcherrie put the brush on the side, and tied her hair back in a ponytail. It wasn’t the most charming look, but with the heat on the beach it was the most practical one. She had been hesitant to sign up for this beauty pageant, but had finally decided that it wouldn’t matter if she’d win or not, it would already be fun to compete. She found her sunglasses and walked out to the portals that lead to the beach and the campsite. After having put the sunglasses on, and taking her pumps off, she stepped through the beach portal, and ten seconds later Sweetcherrie wriggled her toes in the warm sand. Approaching the beauty pageant stand she already heard the almost dragon boasting about his qualities with loud voice, and Sweetcherrie couldn’t help but smile. When the lizard had finished declaring how special he was, she stepped up and asked for a pen. With an elegant curl she signed her name on the paper, and put the pen back down. It was done now, and she would see how to manage through. With a sigh she wandered towards the other stands.
  18. Hidden in the bushes Sweet spied on the almost dragon. She’d heard so many rumours by now about a certain stamp that he’d lost, and now it had even gotten so far that he couldn’t officially accept new people. If she would lose something so important she would get into deep trouble, but apparently grown ups had their own rules, and almost dragons seem to have different rules again. Five minutes later the lizard got up and she followed him until he entered the Recruiter’s office. On one hand the little girl was jealous that he was getting away with it, but on the other she felt sorry for him that such a tiny stamp could cause so much trouble. Undecidedly she stood in front of the door. “Excuse me?” That door had just spoken to her! Sweet shuffled closer and whispered back. “You talk?” “I certainly do missy, now do you want to get in or stay out? At least stop dribbling in front of me, you’re making me nervous.” “I’m thinking of helping Wyvern a bit, he lost a stamp you see and I can draw and…” She rambled on, about what she would do and why she was still standing in front of the door. The door started wishing he had fingers and ears so he wouldn’t have to listen any longer to the babbling girl, and almost wished she went back to silent walking, when she abruptly she stopped talking, and apparently had made up her mind. “Could you please let me in mister Door?” “Gladly,” The door swung wide open, glad that she was no longer talking. Sweet stormed inside and ran into the direction of the almost dragon, but the mess caught her feet and instead of walking she went flying and landed in Wyvern’s lap. “Oops. Hello!” She smiled sweetly, “I’m here to help you, mister almost dragon, cause you lost your stamp, and I can draw you see.” With a big grin she stuck her hand in her pocket and drew out one of her magical pens. Without noticing she also pulled out the other contents of her pocket. One of her marbles rolled over the floor, a half eaten candy cane fell on the lizard’s lap, and with a soft thud the stamp in her pocket fell into an open desk drawer. With a look of pure triumph Sweet held up her magical pen in front of him. “See?” The lizard looked at her, and started saying that that wasn’t necessary, but the little girl had already nestled herself firmly in his lap, and pulled a piece of paper towards her. “So where do we need this stampthing?”
  19. With a smile on her face Sweet looked at the orchard that Two had written. It was so beautiful that she decided to draw some extra fruit in it. Sweet stuck her hands in her pocket and rummaged around to find her magic pens, her fingers found a long shaped item that felt sticky to her fingers. She grabbed it and pulled it out. As she did this the rest of the contents of her pocket came spilling out as well.... A couple of coins, pens, sweets, marbles, and a stamp fell on the floor. She held up the sticky thing to see what it was, and after some careful examinations stuck it in her mouth. Happily sucking on the candy cane, she put the stuff that had fallen on the floor back in her pocket, and bounced off...totally forgetting that she had wanted to draw some extra fruit in the orchard.... OOC: *grins* I'll get that stamp back where it is supposed to be...sorry been away for a couple of days...welcome to the Pen...
  20. Edit: This post has gotten his own thread...
  21. OOC: Post written by Venefyxatu and Sweetcherrie *hugs* Always a pleasure to write with you The bag of marshmallows she had brought flew through the air followed by a big bag of bread dough. Sweetcherrie hoped that people would be hungry; she had enough food to supply at least twenty people with food. She looked at the pile of food for a moment, and decided that she had all she needed. With her arms full of food she walked out of her tent towards the campfire. Once there she looked round for a place to put it, and noticed that Troy was still sitting in the middle of the campfire. Sweetcherrie put the food on one of the logs, and walked over to the campfire. “Will you please get out of there?” The phoenix looked up, but didn’t move. Images of comfort, warmth and stubbornness flooded her brain in such a speed that it almost knocked her off her feet. “Oh honey, I know you like the fire, but people will probably want to roast their bread and marshmallows above that fire, what do you think they will say when they find you there?” Troy flared sadly and sent her some new images, Sweetcherrie sighed, “Well yes, I know that they could roast their bread on your flames, but I’m just not so sure if that’s what they want.” At that moment she heard a voice behind her. "Hi there, lady! Careful with that fire and the bird, would you?" A small cloaked shape hopped up to her, staying at a safe distance from the fire. It kept facing the fire as it asked, "Err .. why is it in the fire? I mean ... that can't be healthy, can it?" Sweetcherrie turned around and looked at the person who had spoken. "It's a phoenix, he sorta likes it there," looking at Troy she added, "a bit too much even." She turned back to the cloaked figure, "I don't believe we've met?" The tiny hands sticking out of the cloak's sleeves were put where the hips of the figure would probably be as it leaned backwards a little to look up at her. "No, I don't think we have. I'm Tom." As it bounced a few circles around Sweetcherrie, it spoke in an excited voice. "And what's your name? And the bird's name? And does he like it there because he's a phoenix or is he a phoenix because he likes it there?" Before Sweetcherrie could say more than, "I'm Sweetcherrie, and this is Troy", however, the figure had already hopped over towards the food and started inspecting it, always making sure not to come too close to the fire. Sweetcherrie’s head started buzzing with the energy of the little man. He was already hard to follow; small as he was, but with his constant movement it was even harder. She saw him rummaging through the food, and was just about to ask if he wanted to join her for some marshmallows when she saw movement in the corner of her eyes. Troy had sensed her weary thoughts about the bouncing figure at her feet, and had suddenly decided to protect her. With a loud shriek he stormed towards Tom. Tom ran away from the burning bird, yelling, "Nooo! Don't come near me! I HATE cooked and roasted and baked and burnt and smoked and ANY KIND OF HEATED CAULIFLOWER!!" After running in weird patterns for some time, chased by Troy, Tom started making detours to run in between Sweetcherrie's legs in the hopes of making the Evil Burning Bird crash into them. With a particularly big circle, Tom had put enough distance between him and Troy to hop up and down in front of Sweetcherrie a few times, gaining some speed and altitude, and jumped up on her shirt. He didn't stop climbing until he was sitting on her shoulder. Troy stood at Sweetcherrie’s feet, still loudly shrieking. She tried desperately to calm both of them down, but with one of them on her shoulder, shouting in her ear, and the other flooding her brain with fire images this wasn’t too easy. She scooped the little man of her shoulder. “Can you please be quiet?! I’ll tell him that everything is fine.” Taken slightly aback, Tom shut up for a whole minute - a personal record for him. Sweetcherrie thought she felt something strange under his cloak, though - whatever Tom was, he didn't have a humanlike body. While she was talking to Troy, Tom took the opportunity to have a good look around from his new vantage point. In the sudden silence Sweetcherrie focused and explained to Troy that the little man was no threat to her, and that he didn’t have to protect her from him. The phoenix looked at the little man in her hands, and finally he backed down, and before Sweetcherrie could stop the bird, he ran back to the fire and nestled himself cosily in the middle of it. Sweetcherrie carefully put Tom down, and silently wondered what exactly he was, but was too polite to ask him. Instead she just suggested that they’d start with the marshmallows. "Sure, I'll put 'em in neat piles - you like piramids? I do! Love 'em in fact! they're so good for piling things into!" As Tom was hopping around excitedly and starting to fling marshmallows on the plates in more or less neat heaps, he kept talking, never noticing that his cloak sometimes blew open a little to reveal what could only be described as "green leaves". "By the way, you don't have any vegetables here, do you?" For once, Tom did shut up to actually hear the answer to his question... “Vegetables?” With a confused look at her face Sweetcherrie looked at the little bouncy guy. “Erm…I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” "Y'know! Veggies! Garlic, leeks, onions, yam, sweet potatoes, potatoes, artichokes, cucumbers, squashes, zucchinis, pumpkins, butter beans, green beans, broad beans, aduki beans, kidney beans, runner beans, beansprouts, peas, rutabagas, beets, radishes, ginger, carrots, parsnips, turnips, cabbages, corn cobs, bok choiys, celery, artichokes, okra, asparaguses, cauliflowers, especially cauliflowers, lettuce, spinach, red peppers, green peppers, , broccoli, egg plants, mushrooms, tomatoes or Brussels sprouts, to name but a few?" After saying all that in one breath, Tom gasped for air, giving Sweetcherrie another chance to say something. For a moment Sweetcherrie just stood there with her mouth wide open, looking at the bouncy man, but then she decided that she was staring, and that she wasn’t being very polite. “Erm…well…I don’t have any at the moment, but if you would like some I could always get some for you. It’s actually not such a bad idea, grilled vegetables are healthy and they taste good.” For exactly 2,4 seconds Tom stared back in absolute horror at what he'd just heard. Then he reached under his cloak and brought out as what could only be described as an impressive array of weapons. How he managed to hold them with a mere two hands is a complete mystery - nobody should be able to hold a chaingun, a rocketlauncher and two handguns in one hand, and a set of grenades, a shotgun, three submachine guns and a sniper rifle in the other. The first thing Sweetcherrie noticed as all the weapons were pointed at her, however, was that all of them were fitted with one of those red, plastic caps they put on children's toys. Then he began speaking, "WHAT? MURDERER! You'd ... you'd .. you'd GRILL those poor vegetables? You ... you ... you ... RAAHH! This is impossible! As if veggies aren't oppressed enough yet, no, you have to grill us over a campfire as well? Healthy? Here's one vegetable that's bad for your health!" The little guy waved the weapons in front of her, and Sweetcherrie tried hard not to laugh…but failed, and after two minutes the tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Are you serious? You have to be kidding, man this is the best joke I’ve heard in a looong, looong time.” She was laughing so hard, that even Troy was sending her merry images from his place in the fire, and she literally had to sit down if she didn’t want to fall over. Under his cloak, Tom's eyes went really big and watery when he saw Sweetcherrie laughing like that. His weapons were put away as quickly as he'd taken them, and he plopped down into the sand. Then he started crying with a kind of "waaahh"-sound that up until now had seemed possible only in comic books. Seeing this, Sweetcherrie started feeling kind of sorry for him and moved closer. As she patted him on the head and made soothing noises, Tom's bawling gradually lessened, until he was just sniffling. “I never meant to be mean, I’m sorry…” She sighed, and looked around to see what she would do to cheer him up again. OOC: The sign up is only meant for the stories, and the reason for this is that I wanted to fit them into this RP. Otherwise, please feel free to join in Oh, and please can someone help me to cheer this little dude up again?
  22. “The person above me speaks with a soft voice, and is always in for a game with Sweet.” This said Sweetcherrie picks up the shovel she has brought with her and starts digging. Earth flies through the air, and soon she can only just peek over the rim of the hole. She puts the shovel down, climbs out of the hole, and looks at the double-dead thread. The poor thing had died twice; once of causes she still hadn’t managed to find after an hour of digging through the ‘maze of almost two years of posting’, and once because of Tzimfemme’s arrow. Gently she scoops up the posts, and puts them in the hole. With a soft sigh she starts burying the thread. It had probably been better if it had stayed dead the first time, but she’d thought it a fun game. With a last shovel of dirt the earth is back in place, and the thread she had resurrected firmly buried. Sweetcherrie wipes some drops of sweat of her forehead, and nods at her work. Determined not to meddle with resurrection again, she turns around, and with firm steps leaves the thread behind in its final resting place. OOC: I’m sorry if I caused annoyance, never meant for that to happen…
  23. the person above me has deserved himself a big *hug*
  24. *grins* well, if Mira resurrects old threads I have a good excuse to do the same I know absolutely nothing about the person above me, other than what I've just read here.... Edit: Oh, and maybe good to repeat from the first page...
  25. ah I'll join the resurrection... My last name translates to cherries.... Over the years I've been a lot of different cherries, but my main has always been Sweetcherrie...given to me not taken. But yeah, I've been Darkcherrie, Evilcherrie, Angrycherrie, Sadcherrie....and a bunch of others. Finally decided to stick with Sweetcherrie....and try to be the other ones as little as possible.
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