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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. At her desk Sweetcherrie reads through the replies, and makes a couple of phonecalls. "Yes, hello? I can order boats of all sizes here?.....Good, one sub direction Atlantis please, one boat towards the Bermuda Triangle and one towards the Easter Islands....no...yes I did say sub...what do you mean strange? *sighs* yes, it is very necesary....yes...thank you." After putting the phone down she sits back and shakes her head. "Bureaucracy.." With another deep sigh she gets back at work.
  2. well...no tears here, but a lump in my throat. and a loss for words, which is really bad for a writer... Thanks
  3. Nervously Sweetcherrie was walking back and forth behind the stage, she was supposed to introduce herself at the stage, but she had no idea what she should say. The other contestants had all looked really good, and she thought that there was no way how she could even try to compete with them. She had no special abilities, and couldn’t even do magic. On top of that she was only human, while the other contestants all seemed more…exotic. With a sigh she wished that she had entered as Sweet for this, but knew that she would have to do this one without the reckless courage of youth. Sweetcherrie inhaled deeply, and walked up the few steps to the stage. She looked pretty good; for the occasion she wore elegant, blue jeans and on top of that she had a red blouse. The high heels weren't very comfortable to walk on, but gave her just that extra bit of confidence she knew she would need for this. Upon entering the stage she nearly walked into one of the stage lamps and stumbled over a tree stump that just came walking off stage. Sweetcherrie grabbed for the microphone and barely managed to keep herself standing on her high heels. She looked around the crowd and tried to recompose herself. "Hi, I'm not exactly sure what I should say here..." Her voice sounded soft through the microphone, "But as you all probably know, my name is Sweetcherrie" She sighed, frowned, and thought about what she would say next for a moment. "I don't do magic, but that doesn't mean I don't have my own special powers. I'm pretty good at organizing things, but I mainly use my charm when I need to get things done.” She frowned and thought about what she had always heard others say during these sort of things, only one thing came to mind. “And I’m against the war!” The minute after she’d said this out loud, she wondered why she’d said it. It sounded ridiculous to hear it through the microphone, and she felt her head turning red. “Err…I guess I will wait for the second round now…” Sweetcherrie scrambled back of the stage, and wanted to slap herself for making such a fool out of herself.
  4. I would write a more creative reply...but the carnival has kidnapped my muse Pursue the poetry.... Congratulations Revery!
  5. Hmm... ok I posted my last post when I was in a hurry, and realise that it didn't really make sense to ask for the thread to be split... so basicly I have just started a separate thread for the fingerpainting....if someone could rename this thread to 'Read and Learn' ...that would be nice... And Tanny, great lesson
  6. Tiptoeing Sweet snuck in and started to get the paint ready. She knew it wasn’t time yet to start painting, but she couldn’t resist. She took the lid of the jar with blue paint, and as she put the lid on the table the jar slipped out of her hands. The blue paint slowly dripped out of the jar and towards the side of the table. Sweet tried to jump out of the way, but it was too late. Her red dungarees now had a big blue stripe on them. Sweetcherrie would not be happy. She was already busy with the carnival and now the little girl had even messed up her trousers. With her hand she tried to wipe the blue away, but only caused the green paint on her hands to rub off as well. Her eyes grew bigger when she saw the effect her ‘cleaning’ had, and she swallowed. This was not going the way it was supposed to be. She put the cup with blue paint up straight, and wiped the blue paint of the table. At least that was clean again. Now what else would she paint? A lock of her hair fell in her face and without thinking she wiped it behind her ear, causing the blue paint to not only colour her hair, but also leave a blue stripe on her cheek. Sweet never noticed and with the tip of her tongue sticking out she continues painting. OOC: Finger Painting If you sign up for this activity you will be PMed a picture by the organiser (me tongue.gif) and you then have to paint this picture in words using at most 500 words. The goal of this is that the audience can see what you have painted without needing the picture. The pictures will all be taken from http://www.freefoto.com/index.jsp, which allows people to use the pictures for free. (hey, it might even be fun to see if you can find the picture that has been described ) For the first post you get 15 geld, for each one after you will receive 10 geld.
  7. The sun slowly went down, Dana lowers her shield, and looks at the time. She’d been meditating in the afternoon sun, and had almost forgotten that she’d promised Sweetcherrie to show up for the storytelling at the campfire. For the past week she had been thinking of what story she would tell, and it had been hard to decide upon one of them. She had so many different stories in her life, and she had told so little of them yet. Eventually she had decided to tell the story of Roman, her teacher. It marked her history and it would tell them something more about herself. Dana gets up and with a steady tread she walks towards the campsite portal, and disappears to the other side. The fire was crackles merrily and already a circle of people is sitting on the logs around it. Dana nods a short hello to Sweetcherrie and takes place next to some people she has never seen before. Someone offers her a piece of dough and shows her how she can mould it around a stick to bake it above the fire. For a while she sits there silently listening to the people talking when Sweetcherrie comes up to her and asks if she wants to start with the storytelling. Dana nods, and Sweetcherrie asks the attention for her. The murmuring voices silence and all faces turn to listen to her. She turns the bread around to make sure that it wouldn’t burn, and starts telling the story with her hushed voice. “I have decided to tell you a part of my history, and the romance I had with my teacher…back when I was still innocent and in my own world.” Her voice trails of a bit at these last words, and for a moment it looks as if she’s lost in her thoughts, but then she resumes. “One day my father came home and told me he had found me a husband. When he told me who it was, I looked at my parents, and told them with a venomous tone that I refused to marry the guy they had chosen for me. I knew that my face must have looked hard, and I loved my parents, but couldn’t believe they would make me marry to this old freak. I won’t bore you with the details, but that night I left the only home I had ever known. I loved my parents, but not even for them would I marry someone I not only didn’t love, but even despised. He was truly an old geek.” Some people start laughing at this expression, and Dana quietly waits till the laughter dies away. She looks at the faces that are staring back at her, turns the bread around, and looks back in the flames. “When the sun came up that morning I found a group of sheepherders, and blended in with them. All I had taken were some clothes, my cape, and the knifes my father had given me for my last birthday.” Dana sighs. “I looked back only once, and felt a sting of sorrow when I realised it would be the last time that I looked upon my town in a long while; maybe even forever, but I hardened my feelings, and decided that if I would come back here, I wouldn’t be the same person any longer. No longer would I be the sullen, rich girl, daughter of the head of the guards, and promised to be married to an old goat. I would never again be the daughter of my mother, and never again would I believe in innocence. The sun was rising above the horizon, and for me it was the first sunrise of my new life. By late afternoon we arrived at a well, and the sheepherders decided that we would spend the night here. There was enough grass for the animals to feed on for the night, and the well would provide water. I found a soft place to sleep under a tree and, using my cape as a blanket, I curled up to try and get some sleep. But the ground was hard and cold, and my bed had always been soft and warm, so getting to sleep wasn’t easy. I twisted and turned, the rocks poking in my side, and I was sure that I would wake up with bruises all over my body.” She laughs hoarsely. “Since then I have slept in a lot of places that were far worse, but I didn’t realise how easy my life had been till then, and I even felt sorry for myself. Eventually I must have drifted into some restless dreams, because the next thing I remember was dreaming about a whispering voice. ‘Roman, she’s a babe, can we keep her?’ upon hearing this I opened my eyes with a shock. Realisation settled that the tickling on my back came from real ants, and wasn’t the prince of my dreams stroking my back. With a tiny scream I jumped up and started slapping the ants of my body, but they were crawling inside my clothes and because of the wild movements had now started biting. I pulled of my cape, ridded myself from the rest of my clothes, and slapped away the ants that crawled over my legs and stomach. Suddenly I heard the roaring of laughter all around me, and looked up to see who it was. Some ten odd men were staring at me, and most of them were having a look on their faces that was a mix between amusement and sexual greed. I tried to cover my body with my arms, and felt my head going red. Probably the last time ever that I blushed, but back then it felt like it had to be a nightmare and I was still asleep. Finally, one of the men stepped over and with a smug grin he put my cape around me. ‘You can be my favourite new toy,’ were his exact words, and grinningly he stepped in front of me to face the other men, and started giving out his orders. He told his men to hurry, and get some of the sheep. Then he joked again that he would take care of the bonus, and with that he had meant me. The other men started laughing again and some of them shouted that being the boss had its advantages, but they followed his orders. As soon as the men had left to do what he had told them he turned around to face me again. His grin had disappeared and he looked at me with a frown. I noticed that I almost had to put my head in her neck to look him in the eyes, and this was rare for me. With my five foot seven I was tall for a woman, and back home I normally had to look down to look people in the eyes. I showed him what I hoped was a defiant pose, and told him that I wouldn’t be his toy, and demanded him to tell me what was going on. Roman blinked and a naughty smile appeared on his face, his dark eyes tinkled as they always did, he told me that he didn’t think I was in a position to give orders.” As she turns her bread roll around again, Dana chuckles. “I was so arrogant and ignorant back then. But back to my story. I noticed that he was dangerously handsome when he smiled like that, and as he pointed out my nakedness to me, I felt the brave I’d felt seconds before disappear. He told me to get dressed and even turned around to show that he wouldn’t look. He picked up my clothes, and after he had shook them free of the last ants, he gave them back to me. With his back towards me now, I quickly got dressed, but held one eye on the back of this stranger. When I had all my clothes back on I picked my bag from the ground, checked if the daggers were still in there, and quickly hid it under my cape. Not sure what I could do next, and not seeing any way to escape the men that were raiding the camp, I cleared my throat and asked him where they would take me. At that time my voice came out as if a little mouse was peeping, and I was angry with myself that I didn’t show more strength. Roman turned around and stared at me for a moment. His eyes darted over my long, dark hair and rested upon my face. People had always told me that I had expressive blue eyes, but I’d always thought they were dull. He told me that I would stay with them for a while, and that I could be their washing woman. Never before had I done household work, and I told him that I would probably ruin their clothes, but he only told me that I’d learn soon enough. The man he had called Joachim earlier came back and told him that they were ready to go. He kept looking at me as if he was undressing me with his eyes. I shivered and immediately disliked this bleak-eyed man. Roman stepped in between the two of us and told the guy that I was under his protection. The other man snickered but didn’t openly contradict, and he walked away to join the other men, who were waiting to leave. My protector asked me if I could ride a horse, and I told him I could. When I was a child my father had taught me how to ride on ponies already, and even though it wasn’t very ladylike I had always had a horse since then. He asked me my name, and I started telling him that I was Dana daughter of Molden, but I realised that I was no longer someone’s daughter, and told him that just Dana would do.” The bread was now brown, and Dana puts a piece in her mouth and chews on it thoughtfully before continuing. “Together we walked back to the other men, who were already waiting, and after Roman had jumped on the back of his horse he held out an arm to help me behind him in the saddle. The ride was long, and slowly I fell asleep with my head against his back. When Roman carried me of the horse I woke up, blinked my eyes against the light, and discovered that we were in the middle of a nomadic camp. Dawn had arrived, and the sky showed colours that are only seen when night and day meet. White canvas tents were gathered around a central fireplace, and sheep and lambs were running amidst woman and children. Roman had halted his horse in front of one of the bigger tents, and was now holding open the flap that was serving as a door, and made a sarcastic bow. (His humour was always a little sarcastic, but at the same time he had a certain gallantry.) When I entered the first thing I noticed was that the tent was a lot bigger than I had expected. The floor was covered with a straw mat, and in a corner laid blankets that were probably used as bedding. A wide variety of what I supposed were weapons, was neatly arranged at the other side. Altogether it had a homely feel, and I was surprised by the obvious absence of a woman in this tent. He told me to stay in the tent, and left. However, I have always been stubborn, and when my stomach rumbled I left the tent and followed my nose. It guided me to a cauldron full of stew, and a woman that was stirring it. She told me her name was Marian and that Roman had already said that she could expect me. She also told me that I must be special, because it had been a long time since she had seen the twinkle in his eyes. She offered me some stew, and when I had finished eating she guided me to the river for a bath. There she left me. Later I found out that she was the wife of one of Roman’s best friends, and I became very good friends with her. I washed my bowl in the river and then stripped free of my clothes to take a bath in the river. The beauty of that camp was one that could compete with the Pen keep’s beauty, and until today I suspect that they had some sort of magic to protect it, but I never found out what it was.” With her hands Dana starts describing what the surroundings in the camp looked like. “A small waterfall was coming down from one of the cliffs, and I knew that I had never seen something so beautiful before. The banks of the river, in contrast to the surroundings, were green, and were richly covered by plants. When I stepped into the water it flowed around me, and embraced me like a mother would her baby. I waded to the waterfall and let the falling water clean my hair and massage my tensed shoulders. The night I had half spent lying on a rock floor, and half on the back of a horse, was clearing away, as the water clenched my body. All my muscles relaxed and when I had washed myself I floated around in the water a bit, enjoying its refreshing touch. You can imagine that I was rather shocked when I suddenly heard a voice saying that I had a good body for the arts, when I had thought I was alone. I swallowed a big gulp of water, as I tried to cover my body, and see who it was that had said this at the same time. I dived under, and upon emerging I looked straight into the dark-brown eyes of the man that had so generously offered to share his tent with me. I asked him what on earth he was doing here, and he grinned and only said that it was nothing he hadn’t seen before.” Dana laughs at this memory, and continues with a smile. “I had to agree with him, and ignoring my own nakedness I asked him what he had meant with the arts. He told me that he had meant the art of fighting magical as well as physical. Now, I had never even thought that I would be suitable to fight, so you can imagine my surprise. Also I knew that there was a law that forbid magic since the last war, so I was a bit scared of it. I’m sure that those of you that are mages can all remember their first times they touched magic, and I will never forget the first time he showed me the natural mana flows. He took my hand and told me to close my eyes. Although I had never been with a man before, and perhaps I should have felt fear, but by then I had already fallen for his charm, and did what he asked me. He sensed that I was scared and assured me that mana was like a sword; it was the hand that controlled it that made it good or bad, not the sword itself. It made sense, and I broadened my mind for what he could show me, and at that moment I entered the flow with him. I felt a tingling sensation going down my spine, and behind my closed eyelids I saw flashes of colours, each colour dancing with its own rhythm. Romans voice telling me that I should open my eyes came from very far away, but when I did I found myself standing in the middle of those dancing colours. Our bodies seemed to attract the coloured stars that were kissing our skin. A joyful feeling filled me up, and I held out my free hand to look at it. Bright little sparks were flowing around it, and as I moved my hand the sparks moved with it, leaving a bright stripe of light that slowly faded afterwards. I focused on his face; his head had a halo of purple stars around it. He told me that it had always been there, and that he had only showed me a way to see it. Then he kissed me. We made love for the first time that afternoon, and many times after. He became my teacher, and eventually even my student in magic, but most of all he was my lover. Never have I loved a man since Roman, at least not the way I loved him. He trained me well, and I started going on raids with the group. I could tell you many stories, stories about how he taught me magic, stories about how he taught me to love, and stories about the many raids that I went on with the group, but here I have to tell you the story of his death.” Dana sighs sadly. Silence rules the campsite for a moment, and it is clear that all are wondering what has happened to this Roman, but nobody spoke. Dana swallows, says that the story isn’t over yet, and continues, her voice a bit hoarser than it normally already was. “We had left the camp to go to the nearest town. It was just the two of us, and those were always the trips I enjoyed most. We had made some good deals, and had managed to trade the wool from the sheep for a good number of articles the camp needed. On our way back we had stopped close to the well he had found me, and had made love until deep in the night before we had gone to sleep. Maybe this was why we were less observant than normally, or maybe we had just become to arrogant because of the strike of good luck we’d had lately, but in the dawn we were attacked by a group of soldiers from the king. They were with at least ten men against us two, and even while we had magic we weren’t strong enough to fight of ten well-trained soldiers, and soon we were tied up with our backs towards each other. The soldiers were eating the food that was meant for our tribe, and I could feel how angry this made Roman. I hushed him, and told him that he should keep his peace, but he removed the roped and attacked the nearest soldier. The ten men jumped on him, and before I could even throw the slightest spell, a knife was sticking out of his side, and he was bleeding heavily. We fought back to back, but it was no use. He took another stab in his chest, and I felt him sinking to the ground behind me. All I could do was draw up a temporal shield to protect us (I hardly knew how to do them back then, but somehow I managed) and hold him in my arms. The mana flows were still circling him, but the light was already becoming dim, and the twinkle in his eyes was fading. I held him close to me, and gave him all the energy I could possibly give him, but it was not enough. He was slipping away from me, and there was nothing I could do against it. His last words were a prayer for me, a prayer that I would live to learn and revenge him.” Here her voice falters, as she thinks back of the love she shared with Roman, but Dana continues, aware that all the faces are still aimed at her, and that the pennites around the fire are listening. “When he closed his eyes for the last time, I could no longer hold up my shields, and one of the soldiers broke through. I tried to fight them off, but one of them stuck a knife through my throat.” Dana holds up her head, and they can all see the scar under her chin. “They left me for dead, and I would have been eaten by the vultures if it had not been for Marian and her husband who had become worried, and found me, dying. They took me back to the camp, and nursed me back to life. Physically I healed almost entirely, only my voice is still a reminder of that day, but emotionally there is a black hole inside of me. I have sworn to find the men who killed Roman, and who took part of my voice with him.” Dana inhales deeply, and her eyes get a naughty twinkle in them. “For many years I’ve been spiteful, and looking for these men, but then one night Sweetcherrie here opened a portal and dragged me from my world into this one.” At these words Dana grins at Sweetcherrie, and Sweetcherrie clearly has no idea where she should look. She chuckles apologetically, but Dana waves it away. “I think I should be thankful that I ended up here, I can learn and heal here. But I will never forget.” With this she finishes her story, puts the last piece of bread in her mouth, and waits for the next person to tell his or her story.
  8. “You will have to write a story that tells a lesson, children. You can write it all down, and then tomorrow we will read the stories in class.” As the children left, John sat down. It had been a long day again. Especially little Billy had been causing trouble. That kid always managed to fall from trees, and hurt himself. Today he had been playing with a ball and had accidentally knocked over the school mascot. The gold-coloured monkey had broken of his arm, and it would be quite expensive to get it fixed again. He sighed, and packed his stuff together. He still had to look over the tests he had given out today, but he would do that at home. The class was very excited the next day, all of them carried pieces of papers on them with their stories, and they were all chatting about who would have to read his or her paper in front of the class. He let them chat for a bit, and then cleared his throat. “So who wants to go first?” As he had hoped the class went silent at this. “Ok, I’ll choose a volunteer then…..Anne you can go first.” The girl scurried out from behind her desk, and walked to the front of the class. It was clear that she really didn’t want to tell her story in front of the whole class, but John knew that they all had to learn to speak in public. He nodded to Anne that she could start, and hesitantly the girl started reading. “My dad has chicken, and yesterday we gathered the eggs and drove them all off to the market. We had 20 eggs when we left. During the drive I had the basket with eggs on my lap. When we got to the market we had only 12 eggs left. My dad was really angry about me, and told me I had to be more careful with them.” “So what’s the lesson you’ve learned?” “That you have to be careful with fragile things.” John nodded and told her to go back to her place. He looked around the class, all of the children tried to make themselves as small as possible. “Maggie, you can read next.” Maggie started protesting, but hurried forward when he told her that she could also get an insufficient. “My dad has 20 sheep, and they were all pregnant. But when the lambs were born 2 died.” “Hmm…a bit short, but what is the lesson you’ve learned?” “That you shouldn’t count the lambs before they’re born.” “Not bad, you can sit down.” John looked through the class, and then on his watch. They had time for just one more before the break. In the back of the class Billy was pulling one of the girl’s braids, and the girl was just going to hit him when John called out Billy’s name. “Billy, you can read next.” “But sir!” “No buts Billy, please come to the front of the class, and read you’re story.” The boy stood up, and slouched to the front of the class. He looked at his teacher, but didn’t see even a remote trace of a soft spot, so he sighed and started reading. “When my auntie Linda was in the army one day they dropped her from an airplane with a parachute. In her pockets she had a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun, and a knife. While she was going down she drank the bottle of whiskey so at least she didn’t have to worry about that anymore. Upon landing she ran into the arms of 70 armed men. She took her machinegun and shot 50 of them, and then she ran out of bullets. She took her knife and killed another 15 before the blade broke. The last 5 she killed with her bare hands.” Billy stopped, and wanted to go back to his seat, but John stopped him. He frowned. “So what is the lesson that you’ve learned from this?” Billy shrugged. “Don’t mess with auntie Linda when she’s drunk.” OOC: I've heard various people that weren't too happy with the set dates.... Would it be possible for someone with the necesary powers to split the thread? This way there would be one Thread for the 'Read and Learn' and one for the 'Fingerpainting'..... Also I am removing the set dates...meaning that you can just post in these two activities when you want....... The first post in either of these threads will still earn you 15 geld and the following ones 10 geld
  9. The carnival wasn’t as busy as usual yet, but that would change. Fred was happily bouncing from booth to booth, and miss Ann was following him. He had whined for hours about the trade a pie for a kiss booth, and finally she had given in. Together they had baked a cake, and it had turned out pretty ok, at least according to Fred. The cake had six layers, but because Fred had been too enthusiastic he had opened the oven too early, and the layers had sunken in like a plum pudding. Ann hadn’t been too happy when Fred had put the layers together, she didn’t think the different flavours would go well together, but he had been determined that it had to be this combination. The first layer was a spongy cake layer, and it had been soaked in rum, the second layer was some sort of vanilla cream, and the third was made of chocolate cookie dough. If he had stopped at that it still might have come out sort of edible, but then he had added the fourth layer; boiled carrots mashed until they were nothing more then some unidentifiable orange mush that was so thing you could drink it. Fred had said that he liked carrots and that therefore other people would have to like it as well. Ann had tried reasoning with him, but he had answered that it was his cake, and that he would decide what would go on it. The fifth layer was one of boiled eggs mixed with garlic and mayonnaise, because that was what his mom always served on parties. The whole had been covered with some sort of crumbled cake, and Fred had decided that it would taste good on top of a cake like this. With whipped cream he had drawn figures on top of the pie that were supposed to be stars, but looked more like little white turds. Ann had sighed when they had taken the cake out of the oven, it had looked ridiculous all flat, and it was a good thing that they had put a proper tin around it, because even with the tin around t the carrot mush was dripping. She had drained as much carrot from it as possible, but there was still a large amount of orange juice drifting on top of the pie. They had put a box around it and had went on their way. Now Ann was carrying the box with the cake in it, while Fred bounced over the beach. Once he tripped and he’d gotten all his clothes covered in sand. He’d almost cried, because he wanted to look his best when he traded the cake for a kiss, but Ann had managed to smooth things out by saying that most people would probably be covered in sand. After this he hadn’t worried about it anymore. Sometimes people spoke to him as if he was like any other, but then Ann would step in and explain that Fred was special, and give the person a wink that cleared up why a man who looked about thirty was acting as a ten-year old. Finally they came to the ‘Kissy-Wissy Snookums Pie’ booth, and Fred fell silent. It was almost as if he had suddenly become shy and, if Ann didn’t know better, a bit afraid. The reason of his awe became clear only moments later; Fred had been staring at Rydia. He was looking at her ears, and bounced over. Totally ignoring that someone else was already talking to her, and that she had her attention with something that looked very shiny. “Can I touch them?” Ann tried to apologize for Fred’s behaviour, and wanted to smooth it all out by offering the pie to Rydia, but Fred was already stretching out his hand. Never before had he seen such long ears, they were beautiful, and he wished he had ears like that.
  10. aarrg, I have got to get my hands on a copy....
  11. Errr...more of Fred? http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...=0entry105405
  12. Today was culture day in the centre, and Fred was well excited. They would meet people from all over the world, and it would be great fun. He’d been up very early already, and had run downstairs for breakfast, but nobody had been there yet. So, he patiently waited until everybody else would be downstairs, and they could eat. Slowly people started dripping into the big dining room, and even some of the group leaders were awake now. They started carrying out the bread and Fred rushed to the kitchen to help with the tea. He hoped that Ann would be there; she always let him help with making breakfast. Ann, one of the activity leaders, was just about to turn on the electric kettle when Fred came running in. Dutifully she stepped to the side and let him take over. Then she looked at his feet. “Fred? Why aren’t you wearing shoes?” Fred looked at his bare feet, and wiggled his toes. “I think I forgot miss Ann, I was so excited about the people from different cults we will meet.” She laughed. “Cultures Fred, not cults, but maybe you can go and put some shoes on now.” Fred checked if the kettle was really on, nodded, and bounced off into the direction of his room. When he slid through the communal hallway he almost bumped into someone. He apologized and wanted to move on, but when he saw the lady’s face he stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her with his mouth wide open. “You have something..” his hand pointed at her forehead, “right here.” To his surprise the lady started laughing, and although Fred though she had a pretty laugh, he didn’t understand why she was laughing. “This red dot means that I’m married.” Now Fred was even more lost, his parents were married, but they didn’t have red dots on their heads. And if getting married meant that you had to have a red dot on your forehead than he didn’t think he wanted to get married. Or perhaps only to miss Ann, she was always nice. Maybe he could ask her if he could put a red dot on her forehead, so he wouldn’t have to have one on his. He had just opened his mouth to ask all this to the lady when Ann walked in. “Ann! Ann! Can I put a red dot on your forehead?” Ann looked confused. “I think you have an admirer,” the lady with the red dot chuckled, and winked at Ann. Fred had no idea what an admirer was, but if it meant that he could marry Ann he didn’t mind being one. “There is more to it that that Fred, but what do I see you still haven’t put your shoes on?” “I was on my way there miss Ann, but then I met this nice lady, and-“ “Fred!” Ann looked seriously at him and he bent his head, and walked out to do as she had asked him. The two women walked out, and Fred was just about to go to his room, when he saw that the lady had dropped something. When he took a closer look he saw that it was a blue ribbon. He picked it up. It felt soft in his hands, and it felt even nicer when he rubbed it against his face. It was a nice, shiny ribbon and Fred really liked the colour. He put it in his pocket, and decided to give it back to the lady once he had put his shoes on. While he walked to his room he kept his hand in his pocket and kept rubbing his thumb over the velvet. He really, really liked the ribbon, and when he had reached his room he sat down on the bed and took the ribbon out of his pocket. He didn’t want to give it back, but felt a bit guilty about this. But then he wasn’t sure that it was the lady who had dropped the ribbon, it could have been someone else. And of it had been someone else, he didn’t know who it was, and that would mean that he could keep it. Finders, Keepers! Fred put the ribbon under his pillow. If the lady would ask for it he would give it back, and if she didn’t it wasn’t hers and then she could keep it. He looked at the time, and saw that the big hand of the clock was already pointing to the nine, which meant that the cult day would almost start. He ran out and ran back to the breakfast room. More people had arrived, and he hurried to find a good place. Miss Ann was still talking to the red-dot lady, and Fred watched them curiously. Would she ask? Would it be her ribbon? When everybody was here Ann decided that it was time to start. She told the group to be silent, and when they were she started introducing the different people. One by one they told something about their country. Fred saw an Indian, and someone who looked a bit yellow, and of course, the lady with the red dot. When it was her turn she told the others what she had told Fred. She also told that blue was a special colour in her tribe, and that she had brought a piece of ribbon to show them what colour blue it was exactly. At this moment Fred sank deeper in his chair; the blue had not only looked special it was special, and now he had it under his pillow. The lady opened her bag, and when she couldn’t find her ribbon she looked very sad. “Unfortunately I seem to have lost my ribbon, so I can’t show you what the exact colour blue it is.” Fred silently got up from his chair; he would sneak off, get the ribbon and put it back in her bag, without her noticing. He managed to get out of the big hall unseen, but when he ran past the hall…he slipped. It was rather slippery, and since he’d still forgotten to put shoes on he had slipped. He tried to grab a chair, but because he had been running too fast he mis-grabbed, and the chair fell over together with him. Miss Ann came running from the big hall, and hurried over to see if he was ok, but Fred started crying. Not because he had hurt himself, but because by now he felt so guilty that he just wanted to cry it all out. “I took the riiihiibbon miss Aaahann, iiihit was oohon the floohoor and Ihii took it.” He was sobbing louder and louder, and even the lady with the red dot came running over. Ann was a bit angry, but when the lady heard that he was feeling so sorry, she kneeled next to him and asked him quietly why he had taken it. “Because it was so nice and soft miss, and because I thought that it wouldn’t be yours, and-“ “Shhh, you can keep the ribbon, but could we maybe show it to the others so they also know how special this colour is?” Fred dried his eyes and showed a watery smile. “So you’re not mad at me?” The lady shook her head and smiled. “It is a special colour isn’t it?” Fred nodded happily, and got up from the floor. Everything would be all right; the lady wasn’t angry with him, and he got to keep the ribbon. He had learned a lot about cults today. People with red dots were married, and really nice, and had blue ribbons; what a special day! He was darting off to his room when he heard Ann yelling after him. “And put some shoes on!” OOC: I know I got half the facts on hindoeism wrong but my muse was having a holiday....so look at it as creative freedom, or something like that...
  13. Opposites You speak about rain When I see the sun Opposites attract Heightens the fun You say it is cold When I feel the fire Leading the way Feeding desire You see darkness When I feel the light But who is wrong And who is right When in darkness A shimmering light Is brighter than The sun in daylight Let me light your darkness With my light Let me feel your warmth And it’ll just be, Right?
  14. Sorry By hurting Masking hurt Words hastily spoken Spoke before thinking Thought before speaking more Realisation that neither was enough Enough to express the feelings confided in them Enough to express the regret confided in them Realisation that regret is not enough Emotions after thinking more Thought after emotions Words defined me Silenced now I am nothing
  15. Words No words just feelings But feelings are so hard to show And though I know that you would listen I have no way to tell, what you already know Through the virtual realm I reach out My hand touches yours…almost I stare into the silence And let the world turn on Without me, for one second I listen to my heart A strong beat tells me What should be said, To break the silence That lives within I warmly embrace that silence And ask it to guide me To where I am supposed to go How can I feel so lost when I’ve been found?
  16. Spiralling Lost in the spiral Falling down Into a dark hole Of emotions From the bottom I look up Smilingly you look down I stretch out my arm But your smile is frozen Disbelief and astonishment Fight for primacy Hope turns into sorrow As I turn away from you I Slowly hit the ground My legs have given way To the tidal wave of despair That flooded me over I drown in sorrow Now I push away The only thing Worth holding on to Please find me…
  17. JUMP Today I knew kadeng I knew why kadeng Why people kadeng jumped KADENG -doubt- The hand of kadeng Of life pulled kadeng Pulled me kadeng away SMACK And threw me headfirst into a brick wall.
  18. I feel... Sun blocks my stare, I feel Wind strokes my hair, I feel Rain wets my clothes, I feel Pain rocks my soul, I feel Touched by love and desire I see you, I feel I hear you, I feel I smell you, I feel I feel you Untouched but set on fire I feel, I should stop I feel, don’t go on But I feel I feel!
  19. Lost How am I supposed to feel? When I want to kill what’s left inside How am I supposed to heal? When the tears haven’t been cried Should I feel more or less the same? The same as before I died? Before this happened? This happened far too fast Too fast to disagree You went on and decided without me Decided that we did not match Not match for what was meant to be Meant to be….should’ve seen Should’ve known it wouldn’t be Wouldn’t be this what I’m used to…be? Used to being hurt by now Used to…but not like this Like this it has never been….not for me at least You see I’m not meant to be…like this I just don’t match….should wear a sign that reads Careful! Don’t mix with love….
  20. Going anywhere? From here to there To anywhere And back Lost in a summer spiral Lingering in summer dreams Of long lost love The breeze picks up What’s left, and melts away Those momentous moments Until I’m here Not there Just anywhere And back
  21. Existence It was in my dreams, Does this mean it’s here? And does that mean, That it only exists when dreamed about? Would it fade with waking up? Or can it exist, Period? If I dream about a place, Does that mean it exists? Or is existing, Realization? But if the dream doesn’t realize it’s there, How can it be anywhere? And if I go to anywhere, Will I spread out over everywhere? Cause if I go to nowhere special, I get back to where I was before. And having been everywhere, I know it gets me nowhere. Do you see? I mean really see? With your eyes closed, But still see?
  22. OOC: A load of poems that were sitting on my harddrive...some of them good, some less good....Doesn't really matter...just airing ghosts... Black Brick Black from the inside Brick from the outside should’ve known that the clock doesn’t tick for me that the wheels would not be kept in motion should’ve known that after sun would come rain that you’d cause me pain and confusion should’ve known that you messed with my head that inside you’re dead of emotion should’ve known that the black would not subside that the bricks didn’t abide such devotion Brick from the inside Black from the outside
  23. A balloon slowly floats over, and as it's above Loch Ness lake a rope is being droped out of the basket, so Tanny can grab hold of it.....Yeah another correct guess
  24. The plane lands safely on Charles de Gaulle airport and waits for Katzaniel to board...good guess
  25. It did, and it also flew over all the other pyramids in Egypt... Tanny you're found...
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