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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie
Sure, I won't reply again to these sort of posts. Wanderingcamel: if you're still around...the welcome was genuine.
I'm in no hurry, but if I don't let you know, how will you know..err.. yah, something like that
I can see the AVV just fine, but have lost my Mod options...
(Page 74.) ‘Bye,’ said Harry. They walked to the front door, and it closed behind them almost with a bang. It seemed Slughorn had really lost the nerve to teach. ‘What will we do now, professor?’ ‘I don’t know yet, Harry.’ Dumbledore said as they set off down the garden path, ‘but we’ll find a way.’ The garden gate swung shot behind them, and the sound made a very final click, almost as if it wanted to confirm the finality of Slughorn’s answer. Harry felt as if he had failed, Dumbledore had trusted him with this, and now he hadn’t been able to convince Slughorn to go teaching again. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t do it.’ Dumbledore placed a hand on his shoulder, and smiled down at Harry. ‘I’m proud of you no matter what Harry, especially after everything that happened at the Ministery, and permit me to say that I think Sirius would have been proud of you as well.” (continue page 77, top) (until page 81) ‘Harry, dear! Gracious, Albus, you gave me a fright; you said not to expect you before morning!’ ‘Well, we were less lucky then we had hoped we would be,’ said Dumbledore, ushering Harry over the threshold. ‘Slughorn proved less persuadable than I had expected. Harry was great though. Ah, hello, Nymphadora!’ Harry looked around and saw Mrs Weasley was not alone, despite the lateness of the hour. A young witch with a pale, heart-shaped face and mousy brown hair was sitting at the table clutching a large mug between her hands. ‘Hello, Professor,’ she said. ‘Wotcher, Harry.’ ‘Hi, Tonks.’ Harry thought she looked drawn, even ill, and there was something forced in her smile. Certainly her appearance was less colourful than usual without her customary shade of bubblegum-pink hair. ‘I’d better be off,’ she said quickly, standing up and pulling her cloak around her shoulders, ‘Thanks for the tea and the sympathy, Molly.’ ‘Please, could we maybe discuss something before you leave?’ All eyes turned to Dumbledore. ‘I say we still need a new teacher, and-‘ A little happy ‘yay’ interrupted, and Dumbledore looked at Harry sternly, but his eyes were twinkling, ‘Now as I was saying. We still need a new teacher Nymphadora, and I dare say that you would be an excellent choice.’ Tonks looked from Harry’s hopeful face to that of Dumbledore, and already opened her mouth to object. ‘Please, Tonks, you’d be great.’ Another stern look, this time from Mrs Weasley, made him stop talking again, but Harry loved the idea of having Tonks for potions classes; with her he would certainly be able to continue with the subject. ‘But really, I cant, I couldn’t, I..’ ‘I’m certain that you can, and could, this is why I am asking you.’ Dumbledore’s eyes smiled, and Harry thought that it was almost as if he was radiating confidence, and some of it seemed to have given off on Tonks. ‘All right then, if you say-’ Behind the door muffled screams were heard, and moments later Ron, Hermione, and Ginny stormed into the kitchen. (I'm affraid that I chose a change so big, that I could continue changing the rest of the book as well. Enough to know that there will probably be some changes in it with Tonks as a potions teacher Hope this is sort of what was meant to be done)
Gah, I'll give this in dutch cause it only makes sense in my head in dutch... Elke keer dat ik dit lees, lees ik bekeken ipv bekijken. De wereld wordt bekeken. Ik denk dat bekijken op zich wel kan, maar qua gevoel klopt het net niet helemaal. Verder moet ik zeggen dat ik vooral het 2e stanza heel sterk vindt. Ik ben zelf best een fan van de herhaling en het simpel houden, maar dat was al bekend. Oh, en denk misschien eens aan de mogelijkheid om met leestekens te werken. een komma achter de eerste regel van elk stanza zou de vraag van de specificatie van die vraag scheiden. Het leest zo goed, maar een komma of zelfs een vraagteken zou er net een ander gevoel weer aangeven. Wat ik mis is het antwoord op de vraag....waarom doen we het eigenlijk? Niet zeker of dat antwoord in het gedicht gegeven moet worden. Verder denk ik dat je hier iets goeds hebt, en vooral de beelden die het schetst zijn erg mooi.
....and as she walks out some people see a grin on her face....
Yup and seeing that this is a writing site, I'm more than willing to help you get some of those nasty spelling mistakes out Rewritten it could be something like: (my comments are in red) Hi everyone, I'm new here, and I would love to meet some likeminded people (the smiley here shows your good intentions, and to clarify your goals can be pretty important) Today's world makes me want to ask questions, and I'm fairly certain that some other people will have similar questions to mine. (elaborating here again clarifies your goals, and it makes us understand the main character a bit better) How does the price of gas, become the price of gas? And why do we tolerate them raising the prices, instead of forming a massive army and hack into them? (here you could bring in your imagination, and describe in more detail how this army would battle with the people that set the prices for gas) Why do we help other countries, instead of helping the people in need in our own country? (I've taken out the drama. I mean a bit of description is fine, but you also want your questions to be clear and understood) I would like to ask if there are others that are interested in discussing these subjects or others, and would like to request those people to post their replies here. (rewording can make a great difference. The english language has a pretty large vocabulary, and choosing you words with care is important when you're a writer) Lastly, I would like to thank you for your attention, and I wish you an excellent day. (again the smiley to soften your words, and to let people know that you come with good intentions) Leaving blanks makes it so much easier to read, so does the use of capitals and proper punctuation. Finally I would like to say that spelling and grammar is pretty important if you plan on writing. A mistake is not the end of the world, but it does make it a lot nicer for the reader if you properly spell your words. I'm not a native english speaker, and there are possibly a lot of people around here that would be able to help you further (some really are magicians with words ), but I hope this has been of some help. Welcome at the Pen, and I'd love to see some of your real work
I don't know how I missed this idea in the first place because I love it. But yeah, I will try and come up with something that could've been different if something would've been different in your chosen book. I'm assuming that it's not too late to do this
Down with the crowd In endless circles deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper. Till there’s no way out Of this empty vessel Filled with black tar swirling round round round in endless circles. This might get an update, it's been something that floated around, and I might come back to it when I've set my mind straight.
Thanks Patrick For all of you, Sweetcherrie will be available for phone conversations, and will probably also call you at certain times. Also the people that you were asked to interview or write about.....they're me Just poke me anytime you're ready for that, or I'll try and gently poke either one of you
Welcome aboard Vene I almost forgot to post this...just to prevent confusion. This date Wyvern has just dragged Sweetcherrie on will have to happen somewhere close after the meeting has finished. Also it would be nice if you could write Christopher into his office somewhere around that time.....maybe for desk research? pretty please? *looks at Patrick with puppy eyes*
Sweet bumbles in, sees the happy birthday notices and bumbles back out again. CLING CLANG BOINK Sweet comes running back in followed by a hord of bees and with a bee's nest still dripping of honey in her hands. Passing by she throws the nest in the direction of Cryptomancer. "Heard you like sweet stuff, happy birthday, gotta goooooo" Runs out followed by at least a million bees.
Planting her feet firmly on the floor Sweetcherrie try to stop the lizard from pulling her out of the window. She glanced back at the rats, and while trying to pull her hand free, she looked back at Christopher with a begging stare. “I have my cell phone on me, just give me a ring if either of you needs anythiiiiiiiiii” The almost dragon had succeeded pulling her out the window, and she tumbled down. The landing was soft, but when she inhaled she almost wished it hadn’t been. Wyvern had managed to escape through the window that was right above the big container that the bins got emptied out in, and thought their landing had been soft; they were now wrapped in an odour of moulding bread, coffee, and rotten eggs. Sweetcherrie picked something of her jacket, and found that it was a post-it note saying in her own handwriting, “Call Gryphon about AVV.” Above her she heard the constant clicking of cameras, and she was sure that those rats would have the time of their life now. With a sigh Sweetcherrie climbed out of the container, and with her arms folded she waited for the almost dragon to climb out as well.
*bounces in* Great to hear this, and welcome back *huggles*
I've just posted the assignments, if I've miswritten a character, or have given someone something he doesn't want to do, please let me know.
With a glance at the clock, and a look around at the small group of people that had arrived already, Sweetcherrie decided that it would be a good idea to start handing out assignments. She still hoped that the lady that was recommended to her for writing the horoscopes would show up, but couldn’t afford to wait for her. “Christoper? Could you maybe join us?” The alrounder flicked his cigarette out the window, and sat himself down. “Right. Thank you for being here, I could never do this alone, and you’re help is very much appreciated.” Appy was bouncing on her skippyball, and looked at her with a face that had ‘enthusiasm’ written all over, Lucy was staring at the ground, and Christoper was fiddling with his hands, probably missing the feel of a cigarette, but Celina smiled at her and nodded for her to continue. “Ok, I’ve had various hints and tips from people for this edition of the Pen Gazette. I will go over the topics that will need to be covered, and then I’ll assign them to you. First, we need someone to go to federal prison to interview the guy that has been caught by inspector Beaver, I was thinking of giving this assignment to Christopher. Second,-“ But before she could continue Appy’s voice sounded loud and clear. “Mee!” “You?” “Me. I wanna do that.” “Aren’t you a bit small to do this?” The last was said by Christopher who looked at the girl with sarcasm. He obviously didn’t think she would be a suitable choice, and even thought Sweetcherrie knew Appy, she too hesitated for a moment. Appy was looking from one to the other, and now looked at Sweetcherrie with her ‘begging’ stare. “You know I can do it..” Sweetcherrie sighed. “Very well, Appy will do the interviews with inspector Beaver and that drugdealer, but make sure you get all the details.” The girl nodded solemnly and started scribbling signs, unreadable to all but herself, in her notebook. “Second, we need someone to interview a rising star…” She looked at Christopher, and a big grin had appeared on his face. “Sure, I’ll take her.” “Right, try to find out the name of her new manager, and maybe try to figure out what the last scandal was all about, something with Wyvern….I think it might be interesting for our readers.” Christopher nodded, and Sweetcherrie turned to Lucy. “Lucy, I’ve had a tip about some weird cemetery, could you go there and take some nice ones?” Lucy barely moved, but Sweetcherrie took her silence for a yes. “Finally, Celina. I have read some letters, and there was one that said something about a guy innocently in prison, and that the love of his life landed him there. Might be interesting, maybe. Of course it’s up to you, you have more than enough experience to figure out which letters ” Celina smiled, and nodded as well. “Good. So this is what I would like to get started with. Anybody any questions?”
Upon seeing the enthusiasm on the face of the little…erm…no, erase that…innocent…no… hmm, just girl then, Sweetcherrie simply had to smile. “Yes, and I’m glad that you’re part of our team.” She pointed out the dish with cookies, and offered her a chair, but Appy looked at her and pointed at the skippyball. “m fine thanks.” Crumbs of cookie spread around the room, but Sweetcherrie only grinned at the girl, and poured out a cup of tea for her.
Sweetcherrie had followed Lucy with her eyes as the camera kept flashing. She didn’t know this Lucy too well yet, but her friend recommended her to her, and she trusted the friend. When she’d sat down Sweetcherrie wondered if she should go over the topics that needed work, but since the others weren’t there yet, and she didn’t feel like repeating things she simply stayed silent. Looking through her papers, she herself had to giggle; some of the assignments would be fun to do, and others simply a challenge. The people that had helped her with the topics had certainly done a good job. She looked at her watch; the others would be here soon, and decided to get another cup of coffee.
Stars, there were stars everywhere. Had she been sleeping outside? And why did her head hurt as if an army of dwarfs was hammering inside? And since when could you see stars in a…cave? Sweetcherrie moaned, and tried to sit up, but somehow this shifted the dwarfs through her whole body, and someone must have given them chainsaws instead of hammers. Blinking hard against the haze behind her eyes, she tried to focus on Gryphon, and tried to keep the storm of memories flooding her under control. “What…happened?…and where did those trolls go?” Holding on to the rocks she managed to claw herself a way to standing up straight. “Gryphon?”
Fine. She was lying on her bed, and the world was blocked out. An invisible screen had been pulled up between her and the rest of the world. Knowing full well that his was her own doing, and that it had little to do with anybody but her, made her feel even worse about it. The chaos in her head made her want to scream, simply lash out at the world around her, and kill each and every person that was inside it. She wanted to cry hot tears, but knew that she’d feel ridiculous towards herself, especially because she knew she was being irrational. It wasn’t the world that made her feel like this; it was her own selfishness and silliness that kept her locked up in this cube of anger. It had been dark before at times, and every time she wanted to claw against the walls and scream at them to set her free, give her that feeling of euphoria that she’d had just moments before. Just moments before she’d been on top of the mountain, screaming how good she felt, and now…now she was typing madly at a keyboard to try and get rid of the chaos that was building inside her head. At times she was scared that it was more than just a mood change, at times she was almost afraid that it was more than just feeling a bit troubled. Sometimes she even touched words like manic-depressive, and borderline, but she simply couldn’t accept those options. After all, she’d be considered a nutcracker if that was the case; a fruitcake, a fool, an idiot, no longer able to think for herself, and not at all the person that other people could look up to, and that was always there to try and support others. She shook her head to get rid of these ridiculous thoughts of self-pity. She simply didn’t want to be one of those people, she hated them herself so to become one….no. she simply refused that. Then why? Why did she come to ask herself these questions? What was it that troubled her this much? And why on earth had she ever started writing only to not be able to stop? The tears burned behind her eyes, not tears of pain, tears of anger, but tears of feeling powerless. Powerless to stop the feelings rush over her, and trying to cling on to that ‘top of the world’ feeling she’d had just moments before. She knew she could be there, then why wasn’t she? “Screw the world for a moment, I need to figure this one out for myself,” she thought. Never before she’d asked help of her friends, and never before had she stayed in this mood for long. Every time this happened she just retreated inside her own head, put on some good music, and drowned it all out. And that’s exactly what she would do now, put on some good music and drown it all out. She’d be fine. She’d be fine. .... She was fine.
http://www.ironworksforum.com/ubb/cgi-bin/...c;f=18;t=000560 A guide to those planning to Moderate an RP. The guide is written by Patrick Durham, but for Ironworks (a different RP forum). Still, there is quite some good stuff here, and he gives some handy tips on how to GM a game.
http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=10102 Salinye's take on Role Playing etiquette. Some good replies in there as well, and definitely worth reading. (thanks to Katz for digging this up )
The links in the posts below are all links we advise you to take a look at. Some are from other forums, and show you a different way of Role Play, and some simply give you more information about how to Role Play. Beneath each link you will find a short description of what you will find when following it. If anybody had links to add, you're more than welcome to do so, but I would like to ask to also write out the description of the link beneath it. And in case it concerns links that are not PG13, please also note this in the description.
The timeline here is that the Gazette is made before Lost ever happened. It's pretty likely that various chars will be affected by what happens in Lost, including Sweetcherrie. Edit: Oh, and if possible I would like to keep the OOC's here, that way the story will not be disrupted by them.
Sweetcherrie looks up from her papers as Celina enters. “Morning,” she says with a smile, “Found the letters that I put on your desk?” Sweetcherrie was glad that she would have the possibility to work with her; ‘Dear Abby’ was famous for her sharp and well-aimed answers, and next to this she was simply an enjoyable person to work with. She pushes the platter with cookies and a butler-tray with coffee and tea towards Celina, and sits back. “Had a good weekend?”