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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Looking around the set Dana noticed thing she’d never seen before. The lighting for example was all too bright, and totally unnatural. Why would anybody want something like this in their house? And what a weird house it was. There were too many people living here and they all seemed to walk around with boxes over their ears or in front of their shoulders. Then there was the fact that she hadn’t been able to find the fire, and the heat that was in the air felt as unnatural as the lighting. All in all, she didn’t feel at ease in the studio. A woman who held a box against her ear, and who was talking rapidly approached her. “One moment please.” she took the box away from her ear, and looked straight at Dana, “Are you a contestant?” Dana nodded. “Please follow me.” The box went back to her ear and the woman started talking into it again. Dana wondered who she was talking to and what sort of creature was small enough to live in such a tiny box. She recalled having seen Sweetcherrie with one of those boxes once, and made a mental note to ask her about it. They arrived at a door that had a sign on it that said ‘dressing room’ and the woman told her that she could wait in there until the stage assistant would come and get her. Bottles of what looked like water were standing in the corner and she decided to take a glass of that, but when she opened the bottle, a chemical smell rose up from it and as she took a closed look it seemed as if they had added something to it. Dana shook her head, ‘Silly people, water is good enough on its own, why add things.’ She sat down, and closed her eyes to try and become one with the energy around her. It took her a while, but finally she picked up a nice fresh flow and mentally followed it outside. Dana guided her mind through forest and past mountain streams. And suddenly she had an idea! She would make this whole unnatural environment a lot better! Surely the people would be a lot happier if there were a few trees around, and if there was some proper water to drink. Closing her eyes she focused on the trees that she had seen earlier and started summoning and crafting the manaflow at her will. When she finally opened her eyes again, sweat was pearling on her forehead, but she had done it. The dressing room was half filled with trees now, and in one corner a small waterfall of fresh mountain water was splashing down. Even from the hallway she could hear excited screams, the people must be happy all over the place, seeing that she had placed trees in the rest of the studio as well. Dana smiled and cupped her hands under the waterfall to drink some water and refresh herself.
  2. thanks for bumping this one Peredhil Nice poem Xaious, it reads like a waterfall, and it was certainly a pleasure to be dragged down along the lines with it
  3. Time for my own try ACROSTIC Always remember that this form of poetry Consists of more than just Randomly throwing words together Often the poet needs to Start over and over, Tossing and turning the words Into the exact right order, and with that Creating the message he wants to deliver Right, that took me ages and I even tried to start with an easy form of poetry Oh well, anybody that would also like to give this a try is of course more than welcome *bounces out towards the sunset and the next poetic form*
  4. Acrostic How to write an acrostic poem? An acrostic poem is a way to show what you know about the subject you are writing about. It can be anything from an apple to Aishwarya Rai. You might not think of it as poetry because it doesn't rhyme, but poetry doesn't always have to rhyme. Before you begin, make a list of all the things you know about the character: his or her likes, dislikes, abilities, fears, and so on. An acrostic poem is one where you choose a word or name (like the name of a character in a book) and use each letter in the name as the beginning of a word or line that tells something about that person or character. Let’s say indianest Influencing the minds of New generation of people Destined to lead the world Into a new world And Negotiate life’s Eternal puzzle and twists Satisfying the quest for Truth Acrostic may or may not rhyme. Rhyming and meter don’t form part of the form of acrostic but both many be used to facilitate easy reading and complicate the form a little more to add challenge to the writer. Simply writing an acrostic forming words that begin with the required letter are a good start but don’t make excellent reading. As you get more and more comfortable within the form, start telling a story within the confines of the form, incorporate a little humour. The first example of acrostic I provided using my name is where you start but it is dry boring and not likely to win any praises. You can find a huge wealth of acrostics in the internet, read them to get an idea of the magic you can create with acrostics. Come on try it, it is simple and can be practiced on that train or bus ride to work when we don’t have anything better to do than look out the window. It also reeves up your mind for the day ahead. Double Acrostic Double acrostic most probably developed from the acrostic and is the forefather of the modern day crossword puzzles. Double and triple acrostics occupy an important niche in the history of word puzzles, for it is generally recognized that they were the predecessors to the crossword puzzle. For those unfamiliar with the genre, a double acrostic consists of clues for a sequence of words (the cross-lights) to be written in a list, plus two clues to the words spelled out by the first and last letters of the cross-lights (the uprights). In a triple acrostic a third upright is formed out of interior letters in the cross-lights. The cross-lights may consist of words of varying lengths, but the uprights are obviously constrained to have exactly as many letters as there are cross-lights. Probably invented in the 1850's, the double acrostic was a fad in the latter part of the 19th century. Queen Victoria was believed to be very fond of the double acrostic which, by this time, had evolved from a verse-form into a type of puzzle. This acrostic was supposedly written by her royal hand: 1 A city in Italy 2 A river in Germany 3 A town in the United States 4 A town in North America 5 A town in Holland 6 The Turkish name of Constantinople 7 A town in Bothnia 8 A city in Greece 9 A circle on the globe 1 NapleS 2 ElbE 3 WashingtoN 4 CincinnatI 5 AmsterdaM 6 StambouL 7 TorneA 8 LepantO 9 EcliptiC The first letters spell out the name of a well-known English city (NEWCASTLE) while the last letters, when read upwards, name what the city is famous for (COAL MINES). The acrostic craze continued well into the 20th century. A typical example of these puzzles is this one published in the 1930's when movies and actors were all the rage. Here you may see, despite the veil of haze, A heavenly body with most moving ways. 1. A bustle that surrounds both you and me. 2. This is not lawful; still may sometimes be. 3. A priest or beast-if an odd spelling's found. 4. The dregs of vinegar maternal sound. The solution is: 1 FusS 2 IlliciT 3 LamA 4 MotheR A comparative rarity, the triple acrostic appeared occasionally in puzzle books, almanacs and children's magazines until the mid-20th century at which time, it seems to have faded from view. Here's an example from The Second Penguin Problem Book published in 1944. Left, middle and right Give us a choice of light 1 Kind of glance which he's who's lost his heart Bestows on her who wears the latter part. 2 Here is one with a gun. 3 This is bound to go round. 4 Simplify taste and eliminate waste. My meaning is made plain by my saying it again. The solution is: 1AdoRinG 2MuskEteeR 3BanDagE 4EconOmizE 5ReiteRatioN (AMBER, RED OR GREEN) Later on these two forms were eclipsed by the crossword and rapidly faded from the scene and became extinct. Source: http://www.boloji.com/poetry/learningzone/pkz13.htm
  5. After almost a year of writing, and trying to learn about writing I still manage to mix up most of the poetry forms. Soooo, to attempt changing this I decided to not only read about them, but also write one in each form that I came across. Of course, it’s a bit hard to write one in all possibilities at the same time, so I will tackle them one by one (also simply don’t have the time to write one for each form at the same time ) Together with the poem I will include the description of the poetic form, that way I can go back to them at a later time In between anybody can post in this thread, but I would like to ask to not go to a next form without explaining that specific for as well. Rightyo…should get started then
  6. Circling high above, Troy had felt two presences below, and had looked to find both, but had only been able to see one. He was certain however that there were two, and fairly sure that neither had bad intentions. He wondered on what Dana would want him to do next and what Sweetcherrie would do, and decided that he might as well go down and have a look. If they did turn out to be mean-spirited he could always take off again. Caught by the excitement of meeting possible new friends he almost forgot to send out a thought to Dana that it was probably all alright, but remembered just in time. When he got her reply that she was coming his way, he cooed happily and started descending. The phoenix managed to land quite elegantly in front of the stranger and sent him an image, asking who he was. The only reply that got back to him were images of confused feelings, but seeing that he still felt no threat, he hopped forward and nudged the outstretched hand with his beak. Troy made sure to be careful and not set the boy on fire; being almost sure that neither Dana nor Sweetcherrie would like it if he did. … Dana had started running the moment she had received the images of the phoenix and the information that he would go over to make new friends. She had tried to warn him that not everybody was friendly, but the bird had ignored her and she had seen him descend. During her run she had summoned a whip from the Keep, and had attached it loosely to her knife belt. The adrenaline pumping through her body heightened her senses and she picked up the energy of the second person Troy had mentioned. The energy was ahead of her, but was heading towards her, and it felt as if they were both going towards Troy now. 'This will be funny, two strangers in the Pen Keep and Troy trying to make friends with them.' The thought crossed her mind and as she slowed down she slipped a knife into her hand, wanting to be able to react fast if needed. Approaching with care now, her internal ‘radar’ set on sharp, Dana was ready for whatever she would find. The phoenix totally blew whatever cover the landscape and the unexpected approach might have given her, by letting out a happy cry. Troy moved to come towards her and, as she saw the boy stumble backwards at the rash moves of the bird, she told him to stay put. The phoenix protested but stayed where he was, and she now addressed the stranger. “Who are you, and where did you come from?” The knife loosely held in one hand she shut out the images of reassurance from Troy that the boy meant no harm. You could never be too careful.
  7. Her concentration was off today, and meditation was only possible when she was focused. Dana moaned softly with frustration as Troy popped up next to her. She’d felt him coming, the changes of energy around her when he teleported were easily picked up, even though her focus was less than brilliant at the moment. The bird cooed softly and nudged her arm. Images of what Troy saw as love tried to enter her brain, but her mood was such that she forced them out and sent a thought back to leave her alone for a while. Troy hung his head, but did as she asked and rising up he sent her another comforting image before he glided off into the direction of the Pen Keep. The surroundings she chose for meditating were normally solitary, allowing her to concentrate fully, but now she had sent the phoenix away she suddenly felt lonely and even a bit guilty about the harshness with which she had reacted towards him. Dana pushed the feelings out of the way and for a while she tried to focus on turning her thoughts within when something else broke through the flow. However, this time her sense couldn’t identify who or what it was. She picked up the wrinkle in the normally steady waves and followed it mentally, but already it was fading. After hesitating whether she should go and have a look, she decided that mediation wasn’t happening anyway, so she got up and walked towards where she had felt the disruption. With the ease of habit the trees parted before her, pushed aside casually by the movements she made causing the energy to ripple out around her. Feelings of unease reached her as she approached the edge of the woods. Her sharp senses told her that whatever it was that had come over was standing in the middle of the field that lay ahead of her. Now she wished that she hadn’t sent Troy away, and as if the bird had heard her thinking he popped up in the air above her and shrieked happily as he felt the change of her mood. With a quick thought she told him to be silent. The phoenix circled the sky and expressed curiosity as to why she had silenced him. Dana projected the image of the strange force in the field and asked him to go check it out. Troy rose higher and circled above her once more before he swooped off in the direction she had shown him. Dana followed him with her eyes, curious of what news he would come back with.
  8. With a spurt and a face that was saying thunder Sweet ran back to the Cabaret Room. Her pens hadn’t been in her cupboard, and she was starting to get worried now. What if she’d lost them? They were her most precious possessions, not to mention one of the few ways she could do some magic. She ran around the corner, and started sliding. On her first trip she had dropped one of her roller skates, and of course her foot had stepped straight on that stray skate. With rocket speed she was rolling back into the Cabaret Room…straight into…
  9. Heya Well, for nice people you came to the right place and I will also attempt reading this...once my brain has calmed down from writing my rather bouncy character Sweet....couldn't get my brain to focus on something even if they would pay me to Anyways, *hugs* and welcome to the Pen
  10. Sweet ran around dropping stuff everywhere. Her magical pens were forming a trail behind her, and her arms were still full enough to provide an orphanage with toys. When she skidded around the corner she ran straight into Morgane. Toys went flying, and the jar with whipped cream she’d had in her hands sprayed all over the place. “Jouch, oh, hi, gotta go, t’is Appy’s birthday, gotta go.” The girl struggled to get up, but the cream had made the floor rather slippery and to not fall again, she grabbed hold on Morgane, making them both fall again. Sweet scrambled back up gathered all toys together, not noticing she also grabbed Morgane’s teddy, and hurried of again; shouting over her shoulder that she could use some help if Morgane was feeling bored for some reason. Finally she skidded to a halt inside the cabaret room and glanced around. Right, that corner would do just fine. She dropped all her toys in the corner and looked in between them for her magical pens. Toys flew over her shoulder and slowly the ground transformed into a toy-carpet, but still she hadn’t found her pens. Then she remembered that she must have left them in her room somehow. She turned the corner and just that moment Morgane came in. “I thought you might-“ “No time, I forgot my pens and I wanted to make a drawing from her and Moose, and ….” Her voice had gotten softer as she hadn’t stopped running while shouting at Morgane, and now she had left her standing there. Morgane looked at the pens in her hands that she had gathered in the hallway... OOC: *huggles* … *huggles some more* Happy birthday
  11. Read each line aloud without making any mistakes. If you make a mistake you MUST start again without going any further. This is this puzzle This is is puzzle This is how puzzle This is to puzzle This is keep puzzle This is an puzzle This is idiot puzzle This is busy puzzle This is for puzzle This is forty puzzle This is seconds! puzzle Ran accross this one online and thought it was funny..... not really a brain teaser but still nice some spoiler space Now, go back and read the third word from each line from the top
  12. No replies needed, simply needed to get it out. I closed my eyes, but the world wasn’t gone. This time it didn’t let itself be shut out, it thundered in with force and I wondered if it was simply the hour of the day that made me feel like this again. Or was it simply in me? With my eyes closed I reached out and I knew that I would not touch anything but the wall built around my own self. Why do I always step in without thinking and then walk into the walls I have erected myself. Rather stupid to actually let them take over that what I have always loved so dear, the world. Not even my closed eyes give me the peace I long for, the silence that I want in my head. I know I should not complain, most of the time I’m the happy bouncy girl, so why not today? Where did the bouncing go? And who the hell decided I’d get this back in return? Behind closed eyelids the question marks float around, and all I wanted were some frickin answers. Can someone please find me some? Don’t have to know them all, I’m no idiot, and I do realize that life would be rather boring when you would know all the answers, but just a couple isn’t too much too ask, is it? I shake my head with my eyes closed. I should go to sleep and dream the world out of existence. Simply drown all of it away with my own nightmares screaming in my head. But I can’t. I know that the moment I open my eyes I would have to face the world again, and knowing the world this is probably a good thing. I almost believe myself as I’m writing it down. The words simply flow from my head into my hands, and when it’s like this my hands won’t be stopped. I open my eyes, and see that the world is still turning and sigh about the silly thoughts that have just appeared on my screen, and for one moment, just one moment I think of deleting it all. My hand hovers above my mouse and I know that with one click the last 20 minutes would not have happened. And then I open my eyes.
  13. I know how very impolite it is considered to reply to threads this old, but I just wanted to thank you... Because even though this was posted long ago....it touched me today
  14. Her hands and even her shoulders were hurting when she finally finished the last story. She leant back and noticed the time. It was time for the meeting! Sweetcherrie stepped up and her sudden movement caused the messages to flutter down to the floor. She gave a little cry of despair. It was times like this that she absolutely hated Mister Murphy. After picking up the papers she dumped them in the bin and decided to try and invite them personally. With some protest her laptop shut down, and with her stories under one arm and a cup of coffee in the other hand she walked out her office to see where everybody was. Upon entering Lucy’s office she already saw that it was empty. A large envelope was lying on the desk with the words “for Sweetcherrie” written on them. The envelope felt heavy when Sweetcherrie picked it up, and upon opening she discovered some amazing pictures. “Well whatever she’s doing now, she’s delivered some amazing work as normal.” She stuck the photographs back into the envelope and continued on her way to the next person. She stepped into Christoper’s office and practically had to use a knife to cut herself a way through the smoke. “My god Christopher, can you not not smoke for a bit?” Sweetcherrie coughed, and her eyes watered as she tried to look at the reporter. Christopher stood up from what he was typing at his computer screen, and opened a window. "I know that I am hopelessly addicted to cigarettes. Believe me, I have tried to stop, but it didn't work. This is my one vice. A pity that it is a bad one." - he said with a sigh for once being nearly totally honest with himself. After another cough, Sweetcherrie found herself barely able to speak, but managed to get her next sentence out. “Anyways, I came here to tell you that we have a meeting in half an hour, I hope your articles are finished by then, because the presses are not waiting.” "I'm nearly done" - Christopher replied motioning at his computer screen. Sweetcherrie only caught a glimpse of the article though, as the screen saver switched on just then. “Right, I’ll see you in half an hour in the meeting room then.” Sweetcherrie swooshed out of the room, and went to see if Celina was in. Upon arrival she discovered yet another empty office, but laughing was coming from behind the next door, and when she entered she found not only Celina, but also the Madame sitting around the desk. “You two seem to have a good time.” They turned around as she spoke. “Yeah, I was just telling the Madame about one of the letters I received today, some of them simply are too funny.” Sweetcherrie chuckled; she knew all to well what sort of things the letters ‘Abby’ received contained, and also knew that although sometimes they were pretty serious, others were plain ridiculous. “Final meeting in half an hour, will you guys be ready before then?” The ladies across the room nodded. “Good, now I only have to figure out where Appy is. You don’t happen to know where she ran off to, do you?” Silence followed, and Sweetcherrie shook her head. “Thought so, no problem I’ll reach her some way. See you in half an hour.” After this she walked to the meeting room and started preparing the agenda, and worked a bit on the layout. She already had in her mind what the order would be, and there were some professionals working for the Gazette that could probably do this a lot better, but she had nothing better to do anyways, and at least it kept her hands busy as she waited for the others to arrive.
  15. erm...ok am being a bit blond here apparently and yeah, if you can post the most recent version that would be great my apologies to all that have clicked on that link and found nothing.
  16. Dana stretched and checked if all her body parts were still where they were supposed to be; she had been practicing teleporting all day long, and in the end the bird had still been better at it than her. She glanced at Troy who was happily popping op from place to place, and tensed as she suddenly felt an evil undertone in the manaflow. Closing her eyes she focused on the feeling, and knew that there were people in danger. After sending a quick though to the phoenix to follow her, she hurried of to see if she could offer help. Upon arrival in the Assembly Room she skidded to a halt and glared at all the talismans. The negative energy in the air was so strong here that it started to give her a headache. Dana was just rubbing the temples of her head when Wyvern jumped up in front of her, trying to hang a talisman around her neck. With a instinctive reaction she flicked her wrist and pushed the energy flows away from her, and by doing that also pushed the lizard through the air. The flow hit the almost dragon hard, and tumbling backwards he rolled into Mynx who was just about to congratulate Vlad and now yelped in pain as she had to use her bandaged paw to keep her balance. Dana stumbled an apology and started summoning the talismans, but when she saw that there were simply too many she drew up a protective field around here. She shook her head to get rid of the headache, and stepped over to congratulate Vlad. Maybe in a weird way he liked this sort of energy, after all what did she know of being a lich. OOC: Happy birthday
  17. Right! You sorry excuses for writers….. But seriously the writing side of us seems to lack attention lately, and even though the social side is very important (it’s what keeps us together) We (the judges) crave to read some good writing again. Therefore I give to you “Challenge of Five Elements” Those who think they can do this can sign up by sending Gwaihir or me a PM, and by posting in this thread (yes, both please). You will be given five elements that will have to be present in your story. You will post your story in the assembly room and at the end the organization will publicize the 5 elements that each participant had to weave into their story. There is no limit of words, and there are no limits as to how your story has to be written. There is however a time limit, all stories need to be in before the new year starts. The judges (Gwaihir, Lord Panther, and myself) will than see who has woven the elements best in their story and will reward the three best with shinies (50 geld for best, 30 for 2nd, and 15 for 3rd). We will of course not only look at how well you managed to use the five elements (are we writers or not ), and to make sure that you know on what criteria you will be judged otherwise we will hereby give you a nice overview: (We will be using the SWG criteria, seeing that the Katz and Mynx have done an excellent job of defining them, so for those who can access this forum, they can be found here) Gwaihir will judge for character and setting Lord Panther will be judging grammar and descriptive Sweetcherrie will do planning and dialogue Good Luck, you’ll need it!
  18. Shame you edited in your original post, would have been nice to see how this work got developed Still a nice poem though
  19. I will start with a teaser, and the person who guesses it will post a new teaser or pass it on to someone else (pointed out to me by a neighbour, looked like a fun game ) Question There are 8 sisters in the family and each of them has a bother? How many brothers are there in total?
  20. First of all, the first stupid question has yet to be invented, and those that are most wrong are the ones not asked I’ve only been writing since somewhere January, but absolutely love RP writing, so am not too professional, but have read a lot about it by now. I’ve always wondered until which point something is RP and when it turns into a co-written story. I think that the more you go towards planning everything you go more towards a co-written story. Then again this is all a bit of a grey area probably. As Zadown said it seems to me you’re very active in keeping your RP alive and going forward, and to me this is the main role of a GM. I’ve written with tighter rules and totally free RP, I like both and I think that no matter if there are lots of rules or none, good writing has mostly to do with how you develop your characters and how the readers can identify and live along with them. And these things can be developed with or without rules. Both have their advantages, and disadvantages. Lots of planning probably ends up with a tighter plot and a well thought out storyline. On the other hand I’ve had some pretty nice surprises when there was no pre-set plan, and I’ve felt challenged a couple of times already by those unexpected twists. Aaaand…I’m babbling In short, writing to me has to be something fun and enjoyable, and rules or no rules is probably a very personal thing
  21. Keep at it Katz, it's developing nicely and you can do this I'm sure of it
  22. Happy Birthday Ayshela hope you're having a good one
  23. After her escape from the zoo.... She slipped into her office after having gone past her room to get some clean clothes on. Sweetcherrie sat down for a moment, and reorganized her thoughts. She looked at the clock and saw that it would be about time to round everybody up. The answering machine was full with messages and lost calls, but she decided to ignore them for the moment, and reached out for the phone to start calling everybody on their cell phones to call a meeting for that afternoon. She would have to apologize for having been absent for so long, and felt rather guilty about the fact that she hadn’t been there to do some more work herself. When she had reached everybody but Appy, and had fixed a meeting in two hours, she sat down, and started going through the faxes and messages that had come in while she had been out of office. With her laptop on and the messages next to it, she started writing on some articles and stories herself, in hopes that it would be good enough.
  24. While being locked up Sweetcherrie had been dreaming away about a heroic rescue from some prince on a white horse, so when the janitor opened the door for her she was rather disappointed. She thanked him, but was overshouted by what sounded like a large group of women terrified with fear. She took another deep breath to straighten her face, having to go through a whole group of girls with the disappointment of not having been rescued heroically was not exactly her favourite pass time, and opened the door of the cubicle with determination…….. And knocked it straight into Wyvern. Sending him flying backwards, straight into the arms of the cheerleaders. The girls ooohed and aaahed, and started giggling things like ‘such a cute lizard’ and ‘wow, he’s cute’. Sweetcherrie looked around the corner to see what was happening, and when she saw her date in the arms of a dozen gorgeous looking women in the shortest skirts and tightest tops possible, she crossed her arms in front of her. “I guess the date is over then?” She raised an eyebrow, but when all the almost dragon could get out of his mouth was some half-hearted denial, and pursed her lips together. “Right, I guess I’d better get back to the office then and get the Gazette ready for printing.” With a last look she turned around and marched out of the restrooms. This date had been…well, whatever it had been, but now it was time to get some other things going again.
  25. 1. evil 2. Gyrfalcon 3. Minta 4. devillish 5. thank you 6. the seventh heaven 7. stupid 8. toilet 9. lemonade 10. swallow 11. wings 12. naughty 13. simple 14. It's raining men - Aretha Franklin 15. green 16. toes 17. towels 18. woolen scarf 19. tender 20. lived Not sure if I did the gesture part correct but very cool to see one of these again
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