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Annie got up and ran, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. When she noticed that the crowd wasn’t following her anymore she slowed down and looked back. They were all standing in a circle around something, and she inched closer. Insecure about why all of a sudden they had directed their attention elsewhere she shuffled closer, and then almost tumbled backwards as she saw what it was that everybody was looking at. It was her own body, her neck was at a weird angle, and she wondered why it didn’t hurt more. Looking around the circle she discovered that all the people from town were here. Most of them were looking sad, but there were two that were standing a bit separate from the others, and talking to each other with in soft whispers. Annie inched closer to one of them, and tried touching, but her hand went straight through. She tried talking, and could hear her own voice, but nobody else could. Annie stamped her ghostly feet. She would find a way to get her new knowledge out in the open. Somehow, she would. She had always been a spoiled little brad, but she also had been a very stubborn brad, and she would find a way to get this knowledge known.
Werewolf XXIV: (tentative) sign up
Sweetcherrie replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*shakes head* shame...oh well, thanks guys was fun Edit: Annie will be hunting town a bit if I have time. She of course can now go where ghosts can go, and in my post I will constantly hint towards her knowing stuff. Unless Tanny has a problem with this of course, but I will keep it all very vague and I won't even go into speculating anymore. -
I like the way this poem is layered, layers piled on top of each other, and running next to each other. It says so many things at the same time, and leaves it up to the reader to pick out his or her meaning. The choice of words rolls through my head, and I enjoyed reading this. Mainly what this poem told me is things about peer pressure and naivety, feelings I know, recognize, and sometimes even fear… The threshold to take decisions is different for all of us, and I think that in the end it’s mainly ourselves that wonder why we do, or do not do things. Thanks
With her mind on the secrets of the book and a pout on her face Annie sat at the kitchen table. Granny had made her hot chocolate, but she hadn’t touched it yet. She thought she knew who had done all this, and now she was planted in a kitchen where she had no possibility to do anything. When Karen knocked on the door, Annie saw her chance. She would single-handedly find those baddies, and maybe then her dad would be proud of her. Maybe he would even get her something to drink at the Inn. She started slipping of her chair when Granny turned around. Quickly she skipped back on, and smiled innocently. She had lost her chance to be brave, now her dad would never be proud of her. Annie swallowed hard and kept her eyes on the floor. Memories of the last time that she and her dad had done something together were only vague. Sure they bought her presents, but sometimes she simply wished that they were just….there. Granny and Karen had finished their conversation and, as Karen left, Granny came back to the kitchen and sat down next to Annie. “That Karen would be really good for Tsal, but what? Why are you crying dearie?” No way on the world Annie would show her tears to anybody, but now she couldn’t hold them back. She was only a child, and all this had upset her more than she wanted to know. Vote: Still Granny Jammeez - Jammeez
Werewolf XXIV: (tentative) sign up
Sweetcherrie replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
I will be travelling from sunday evening (amsterdam time) to wednesday. Appy will take over RPing Annie (if she's still alive by then of course) *hugs Appy* thanks Correction: Appy won't be able to do this either, so if someone feels like playing a spoiled brad for 3 days...please let me know -
Sweetcherrie looks up from paperwork she's doing at the bar, and nods with a smile before returning to the enormous pile of work in front of her.
The whole night she had been tossing and turning, she had to get that book. Annie woke up with the screams ringing in her ears, and funny enough it weren’t even her own screams. She jumped out of bed, slipped on her expensive leather slippers, and ran outside in her nightgown. The screaming had come from Jonathan’s house, and she ran as fast as her short legs could carry her. Around the entrance of the door a fair few people were standing and talking, all with worried looks on their faces. The little girl tried to worm herself through the crowd, but got caught by a pair of big hands. “Where do you think you’re going?” She looked up and looked straight in John’s face. “I think I am going inside.” Annie tried to worm herself out of his hands. “I don’t think so missy, in there is something you simply don’t want to see.” Denying Annie something she wanted was not a good idea, especially if she was just awake, like now. Her eyes became just slightly smaller, her lower lip started to quiver, and…. “You are meeeeeeaaaan! I wanna go see! I have every right to see, and don’t you treat me as a little girl!” She had kicked John in the shins by now, and had tried again to slip past him. But through her screaming more people had looked at her, and a different pair of hands grabbed her; wrinkled hands this time. “My dear child, come and have a cup of warm coco.” Granny Jammeez had a firmer grip than Annie had expected, and there was no escaping. Had even the only nice person in this village turned against her? house by the ‘experienced in difficult children’ hands of Grammy Jammeez, but she wouldn’t leave it with this, no way! OOC: Vote for Granny Jammeez - Jammeez
1. Colour - hazy grey 2. Adjective – sleepy 3. Name of Male – Ozymandias 4. Adjective – cloudy 5. Verb (Past Tense) - dreamed 6. A Profession - sandman 7. An Exclamation – no way! 8. Adjective - lovely 9. Noun - pillow 10. Part of Body (Plural) - eyes 11. Noun - blanket 12. Verb (Past Tense) - loved 13. A Hobby - pottery 14. Noun - coffeepot 15. Verb (Past Tense) - swept 16. Name of Female - Katzaniel 17. Noun - teaspoon 18. A Number - 25 19. Adjective - grumpy 20. Adverb - naughtily
Dana looked at the bark, but had no idea what the girl was talking about. She could see that it was some sort of city the girl had drawn, and a boat of kinds, but after having established that neither was a threat she longed for a hot bath. Would the people in the Pen mind if she would take strangers to the Keep? She didn’t think they would, after all they had welcomed her with open arms. “Would the both of you like to come for a drink?” She tried gesturing it to Ming, and only hoped that those signs were similar on all planes.
Her dreams revolved around the golden ball she had found, and by morning Maiara knew she had to follow the map. It wouldn’t be a wise move to journey this close to winter season, and the people of her tribe would declare her nuts, but then again, they already thought that anyway. Her father would not especially like her going off on her own either, but it was something she simply had to do. As the first rays of sunshine broke through Maiara was fully packed and snuck out. She had decided not to tell anybody, it would simply be easier that way. The map was already engraved in her brain, so she had packed the ball and the scroll away safely in her bagpack. With a last determined look over her shoulder she started walking towards the mountain range in the east, and with each step she felt more certain that she was doing the right thing.
Many magnificent members make moods meliorate
In Annie’s mind the notebook was screaming ‘read me, I hold stories about gruesome murders’. It was tempting her, it was luring her to it, but she could hardly take it. Or could she? She had always gotten what she wanted, and now she wanted this. Of course he wouldn’t mind if someone would just read a little, and she was after all only a child, how much could it hurt if she would just borrow it for a minute? In her corner she sat there, pretending she was studying her latest bracelet, but she held a sharp eye out for what Nathaniel was doing. She normally wasn’t allowed in here, but the innkeeper knew that she would throw a tantrum if he tried to kick her out. Last time this was tried her father had simply shown up, waved his purse, and he had given in at the end. And now she wanted to have that book, she had to have that book; she needed to have that book. Only to figure out how she would do this. Looking around she saw some of the other village kids outside, who of course weren’t allowed in like her, and an idea popped into mind. She got up and snuck out the door. “Hello.” It was her sweet voice, the sugary voice, the voice that would fool anybody…that didn’t know her. The boy she had approached however had known her for his whole life, and he looked at her distrustfully. “Would you like to do something for me?” “Erm…no?” “But I would be very grateful, I would be so grateful that I would even give you this bracelet.” She held up the silver bracelet, and the afternoon sun reflected and spots of light danced over the boy’s face. His eyes turned slightly greedy, and Annie knew that she had him. Everybody was for sale. If there was one thing she had learned of her dad, it was this. She bent over and whispered something in his ear. Two minutes later the boy snuck into the inn, and looked around to see where the book was that Annie had been talking about. And there it was, lying all unguarded on the table, open with the pen next to it. What a luck he had, this would’ve been the easiest earn ever. He walked over to the table, snatched the book off, and stuck it under his shirt. But, just as he turned around to walk back out again, a voice behind him said, “I believe that’s mine.” He felt the blood run from his face, and froze on the spot. Outside Annie gasped as she saw the boy getting caught; it was all over now. The book would be guarded heavily. The only thought she felt for the boy was how stupid he had been to get caught, and all her other thoughts were already racing to get what she wanted. OOC: Changing vote to Jammeez - Granny Jammeez
*hugs* sorta busy at the moment or would've written proper post...hope you had a great birthday though
Something I've been wondering about
Sweetcherrie replied to Patrick's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I am quite open about myself in general and what lives in the heart, lives in the mouth...so yeah I talk openly about writing with friends and family -
You didn't move to Holland by any chance?
Annie had been following Nathaniel around. The man had only moved in a week ago, and she didn’t like him. He had scared her once already by appearing straight behind her when she was peeking into the living room of his mansion, and she just didn’t like him. After all it was her good right to walk around town, and if she happened to walk very close to his house and peek in, than that was her right. It was a free country, and besides Annie’s father could’ve easily bought that house if he had wanted to, but because it was hunted he simply hadn’t wanted the house. She’d followed Nathaniel to the inn that afternoon, and had then followed him back to his house. Annie knew that he hadn’t heard her, and was positive that he hadn’t seen her either. Now she was watching him in his house, and just knew that it had been him that had killed Mark. It all went together, the creepy house, the creepy guy, and the creepy murder. Also the fact that he hadn’t said something about the whole thing yet was simply strange. How could someone take this so lightly; it was as if with his silence he admitted that he was guilty. OOC: vote for Venefyxatu – Nathaniel
Annie sauntered down the street. It was a bad day today; the weather was too cold, the sun was too bright, her pony hadn’t wanted to come out of his stable, and on top of that her parents had gotten her new riding gear, but of course it was exactly the wrong stuff. This morning she had already thrown a tantrum about it, and her mom had hastily promised to do better in the future, but she still had the worst mood ever. Why were there never any kids around to play with when you needed them? In her annoyance Annie kicked at a little stone that was on her path, and the pebble flew through the air down the road. She looked up and her eye caught the sight of the smithy. That was an idea! She could go and ask Adam to make her a new bit for her pony. Surely after buying her the wrong gear her parents would give her a new bit, especially because the other one was three weeks old already and although it was still ok, she really needed that special bit. Changing direction slightly she ambled off towards the smithy and walked passed granny Jammeez’s house. She glanced in and secretly hoped that the old lady would notice her, at least she normally had a nice word for her.
It's all closed now, and I think I can safely say we will need some time to write out our feedback, and to discuss who has actually won that amazing fabtastic...errr...yeah More news later
Werewolf XXIV: (tentative) sign up
Sweetcherrie replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
woohoo, more players -
Role-playing 101, class in session! Brute's take on how (not) to RolePlay
Somewhere in a dungeon…. “Let go you stupid zombie…eeep!” The little girl got hold of one of the zombie’s bandages, and it started unrolling. Faster and faster the mummy de-bandaged, and the pile of cotton on the floor was rapidly growing. The normal ‘braaaaaains’ got cut off at the ‘i’ and started sounding more like ‘braaaiieeeeeee’. As the end of the bandage cut lose from the zombie, it started tolling around and crashed into the wall where it dissolved into dust. Perplexed, Sweet looked from the pile of cotton to the dust that slowly floated towards the ground. It only took a second and then she dived into the pile of bandages, after all she had come here for that amulet, and have it she would. Finally she managed to dig it out from the pile, and triumphantly she held it up. The amulet was bright silver with a blue shine. In the centre an emerald emitted some sparks as the light of the torches fell through it. Sweet had no idea what the amulet had for powers, but she knew that it was already pretty. She stuck it in her pocket, and made her way back to Cabaret Room; Panther would be happy with this gift. As she entered the Cabaret Room she finds that it’s empty and only one package lies in the corner of the room. She put her amulet down and while taking her pens out she sat down on the floor to draw up a giftwrapping for her gift. OOC: Happy Birthday
Werewolf XXIV: (tentative) sign up
Sweetcherrie replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*extends hand to Jammeez and LeifTheBunny* I don't think we've met yet more and more looking forward to this one -
Werewolf XXIV: (tentative) sign up
Sweetcherrie replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Annie; 7 years old and the spoiled brat of town. Her mommy and daddy are loaded, and she has always gotten everything she ever wanted. She always has the newest toys, and definitely the fastest pony in town. Annie is however a lonely kid, her parents rather bought her a new doll then spend some time with her. In looks she’s a Shirley Temple copy, only her curls are raven-black. She has a quick mind and an even faster tongue which makes it even harder for the other village kids to like her. The rest will come as we go along....unless she dies way too fast (which is likely to happen, cause I'm looking forward to playing her ) -
Werewolf XXIV: (tentative) sign up
Sweetcherrie replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*bouncebounce*squeekbreaks*bouncereadbounce* Wooohooo...yes, I am in! Char will be a bit later -
Her hands shook as the content of the scroll seeped into her head. It was written in an an older language which contained words she knew, but not all the words were clear, and those that were made her shiver. It spoke about a divine secret up in a cloister in the mountains, and about powers beyond men’s current knowledge. Maiara tried to decipher the rest of the scroll, but only managed to find the first hints of where to look. There was a piece of a map drawn, but it seemed that the maker of the scroll had intentionally left out the rest. Studying the map she thought it could possibly be where her tribe had had set camp six winters ago. It had been one of the toughest winters since years, but they had managed to find some game in that valley. The tribe had spent the winter there, and because of the valley they had gotten through winter with only a few losses. Already back then Maiara had felt that there was something special with that valley, as if some greater force had made sure they survived. On the map she saw buildings that she couldn’t remember, and was certain that weren’t there, but still the flow of the rivers, and the surroundings; she was sure it was that valley. The thunder had drifted by, and the rain had also changed into drizzle. She had forgotten all about her surroundings, and now returned to it. With care she rolled the scroll back in the ball and stuck it under her clothes. Maiara stood up and looked around; nobody to be seen. She hurried back to her tipi. Once there she hid the ball under her sleeping hides, but no matter how much she wanted to hide it out of view it didn’t leave her mind.