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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. err... I couldn't finish reading this out of annoyance.. Isn't it slightly blown out of proportions, and are people not all fingerpointing now, where really we all know that nobody around here would ever mean it like others seem to understand it? o_O Get back to trusting your fellow pennites in wanting to do best for everybody perhaps...
  2. Enjoyed reading this very much It gripped my attention and didn't let go till the end. Thanks
  3. HAHA, this is great! I appreciate this airy piece of poetry very much, gave me a good laugh Thank you
  4. Hmm...nice. It's got a sweet flow in it, almost as a river softly babbling along I'm not sure if I understand entirely why that one sentence is underlined, it seems too harse now compared with the other words, maybe italic instead? Either way, an enjoyable read
  5. Happy birthday Salinye Must be great with a large family...birthdays
  6. Yay Thank you all for the birthday wishes, it was a quiet day spent with the cat being a rascal.
  7. Wrenwind Her satin touch Feeds a storm Of sensual whispers And passionate rage Her amethyst mirrors Reflect a soul Kinder than many And wiser than most Her eloquent words Provide a sense, Of direction and meaning And inspire those in need. Through darkness and light Through sad times and worse Through happiness and laughter She is and always will be, A little gem. Still not entirely happy with it, but I can always come back for little fixes later
  8. Gah! I come from the north...I depise carnaval *hides for the horrid music that comes with it*
  9. I know this is not something most of you will be celebrating, but it brings back memories for me http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~erik/sint/sint.html
  10. C!!! Cherry *grin* now how to define that.... Ah yes..
  11. ballistocardiograph a medical instrument that measures the mechanical force of cardiac contractions and the amount of blood passing through the heart during a specified period by measuring the recoil of the body as blood is pumped from the ventricles I think I watched too much ER
  12. Alternate * go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions * exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions * understudy: be an understudy or alternate for a role * allowing a choice; "an alternative plan" * interchange: reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) * alternate(a): occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate" * surrogate: someone who takes the place of another person * do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift"
  13. In this game someone will start with a 5 letter word starting with A.The next person will put a word starting with A that has 6 letters and so on till we get the longest A word there is.Then off to the B`s...If possible post the definition of your word too. HAVE FUN!! Right, stolen from another board, but it seemed a fun idea nonetheless Apple definition: fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh Oh, please don't put derivations of words on, like the next one should not be Apples....
  14. Weehoo cool! Sooo…I’ve sorta mixed up the names and out this came. (I actually made notes with the names and pulled them out one by one ) Below you will find the ring, and we’ll work clockwards. .......................................Mynx ....................Wrenwind.................Zepheri ......Sweetcherrie..................................Cryptomancer ...................Tanuchan...................Mardrax ....................................Katzaniel So Mynx writes a poem about Zepheri, Zepheri about Cryptomancer, and so on, until we finish the circle with Wrenwind writing about Mynx. Afterwards the poems can be posted in this thread I’ll put about 2 weeks for this, but remember the main object of this whole thing is simply to have fun while writing
  15. Are people still up for this? Cause I'm still willing to organize it
  16. In a few words it captures the tired feeling you can get from putting too much weight on your own shoulders. Personally not too fond of the comparisons made with Adam and Eve, but I do like how you managed to zoom in on the feeling with these few words. sorry, might not be making too much sense, but I do like how this turned out
  17. A little girl with blond, springy curls peers around the corner. When she sees there’s nobody around she shuffles into the room and looks at sign next to the landing platform. With one hand she plays a bit with an airplane model and wonders if she should join in. Then she notices the chocolate figurines and starts drooling slightly. Maybe she should join in. And most likely nobody will miss it if she would just nibble on the Peredhil feet slightly. She takes out a piece of paper and starts scribbling. With her other hand she picks up the Peredhil figurine and nibbles on the feet. “Hmm…name of female Pennite…I dunno any females…know lots of girls though.” With the pen in one hand and the chocolate figurine in the other she starts thinking. Slowly her hands start feeling warmer, and suddenly a big brown blob falls on her piece of paper. Sweet stares at it for a second with big eyes, then stares at her hand, and opens it. The Peredhil figurine is hardly recognizable now, and her hand is covered in dark brown chocolate. For a moment she’s on the verge of panicking. What if someone will discover that she nibbled on Peredhil? Then a big grin spreads out over her face, and a plan is born. With her chubby children’s fingers she starts molding the figurine back into shape. Every now and then she licks her hands clean, but eventually a new figurine is born from the chocolate of the old. Slightly smaller, and slightly less correct, but if she squeezes her eyes it almost looks like him. With quick movements she places the figurine back where it was and positions the one from Gyrfalcon slightly in front of it. There that would have to do, and now quickly fill in those other things, and only moments later she leaves the paper on the desk. Chocolate hand prints all over it. 1. Name of Female Pennite - Minta 2. Name of Male Pennite - Lilvaldar 3. A Mythical Title – Might Gabul of Lasagna Village 4. Noun - glitter 5. Verb, past tense - zotted 6. Name of Another Pennite - Mynx 7. Adjective - silly 8. Verb ending in “ing” - flinging 9. A Liquid - Elvenwine 10. Adverb - red 11. A Time of Day - midnight 12. Noun - bubble 13. A Weapon – Holy Sword of Demonpoking 14. An Exotic Article of Clothing - Platemail Bikini (+100 stamina, and now even more see-through) 15. Verb - sit 16. A Piece of Furniture - loveseat 17. Plural Noun - clouds 18. Part of Body, plural - toes
  18. lol! This is a great monologue! Laughed almost all the way through, and yes, I also agree that it's just one of those stupid "convenience" inventions. And boy, aren't we being diapered enough already in this society? I mean, no walking to the TV to switch channels, noooo, instead we just create a new illness...a TV thumb. No more cooking, nuhuh, instead we complain about bad health...well, what do ya know, if there would be less TV diners, and more exercise you might actually see more involvement, less estrangement (cause people actually do talk when they eat diner properly at a diner table) and less "colds". In fact, I say that once we've banished self-flushing toilets, we should ban TV diners! *grin* sorry, got of course, but hey, very cool piece of writing you have here
  19. Yay! Happy Birthday Hope you'll have a good one *hands you a hug with a red ribbon around it* Warning, opening might lead to serious huggling.
  20. I can mention 2 we have in holiday, or I should say, used to have. At the moment it's getting less and less since all is americanized...I always wonder why we can't just have theirs on top of ours, the more the merrier, no? 11th of november: St. Maarten. He was a good giving man way back when, and especially did a lot of good for children as far as I know. Either way he did do a lot of good for me when I was little, because on his nameday we went trick or treating like most people do now with Halloween. Difference was that we had lanterns instead of costumes. Used to come home with a bag full of candy, and then divide it in candy with and without paper. Oh, and my mom would of course confiscate a lot, since we kids would otherwise be throwing up within 2 hours. 5th of December: Sinterklaas or St. Nicolaas Also one of those happy days for kids. This saint used to come from spain on his steamboat. He had black helpers, and a white horsey. If you had been a good kid all year he would bring gifts, if not you would get a bag of salt or something like that. Lots of great songs, and it's still celebrated, though getting less now christmas is taking over unfortunately. Leading up to this day we were allowed to put down our shoes in the evening with a carrot in it. At night the good saint would then come on his horsey (hence the carrot) and put a small gift in the shoe. On the day itself the doorbell would ring mysteriously (the neighbour) and then a biiiiiiig bag of gifts would be in front of the door. Of course as you grow up the mystery disappears, and the Sinterklaas I remember most was when I didn't believe in the saint anymore but my little brother did. My dad asked me to press the doorbell and then I should quickly hide in the toilet. Stupid enough...I forgot to close the door, so my smartass brother just had to ask howcome the saint had not come in on his horsey if the door had already been open anyway. Think my dad never had a more difficult time coming up with something, all while shooting discomfortable looks at me. Anyway, these were mine, and I have very fond memories of both
  21. Funny what can make people make decisions, and how they can make them over reasons that can seem trivial later. Nice story, very philosophical. Definitely got me thinking, and I like that, thanks
  22. Ooh, can I? Can I? *jumps up and down* I'll take that as a yes *grin* Your wish is granted, from the sky shinies are raining down. Their shinyness is blinding, but you can't keep your eyes of them as they come down towards you. In the beginning they looked small, but as they keep falling closer you're starting to wonder if this was really the sort of shiny you wanted. Bigger and bigger the shinies become, until they look towerflat sized. Not only are they big, they've come with meeeelions at the same time. You try to run, but they are coming closer, and then... (hehe, oh well, I figured you would easily manage yourself a way out of this )
  23. it's great to see how much attention this has gotten since some people have actually spent time on this.... thank you Nyyark for doing this, shame it ended like this
  24. uhuh am still there as well for this one
  25. *giggles* I think these are some great rules to live by I'll add two of my own * sometimes you should simply ignore that little voice that tells you that things are going to go wrong, have a little faith, and it will work out * everybody is interesting, sometimes you just have to take a second look to find what makes a person interesting
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