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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie
*wholeheartedly agrees with Tanny*
*blink* I guess I kinda missed that vote....I think I'm sorta dead tonight as well, will try to get a reaction in tomorrow....*giggles* great post Lord_Nor
Will try to post tomorrow, have been a bit busy this weekend so far. Also if other people would still like to join they would be more than welcome
I'll follow anything as well
Left me with a weird feeling in my stomach reminiscing about my own childhood.... thank you Technical aspects: Atmosphere well created, good descriptions and comparisons that really added to the 'feel' of this story. Some slight spelling mistakes/typos, but all in all a really nice piece to read.
hehe, we're gonna have a valentine party the 21st here, and that's the way forward I think (Oh, we'll also be organizing a christmas in june or something probably)
People had only stared at her dumbly, and none of them had actually believed her when she had said that the sand had been moved by a floating hand. And she even thought she had seen Jammilla smirk about her, and Fleur could do nothing about it. With a pout she had gone back to her chores, and had hoped for a moment alone with Chakyaka; he would be able to explain it to her. While she was doing some cleaning up her thoughts went back to the look Jammilla had on her face when she had stormed in. The b***h! First she tries to steal Chakyaka away from her, and now she believed that Fleur was a fool. She would seriously have to do something about this. Her hands continued sweeping, but her head raced with all sort of different plans. In the corner of an eye she saw Ibis playing with a knife, and her thoughts roamed over what you would be able to do with such a knife, especially someone so driven with it. Maybe she should ask him to teach her how to handle such a beauty; she would be able to give Jammilla a real scare. Fleur sighed, who was she kidding? She would probably only hurt herself, she’d always been a total clutch with anything that came into her hands, and if that would be a knife, well.... it would only be worse. Maybe she should let Jammilla have Chakyaka; after all she was a suitable match for him, nothing as clumsy as her. OOC: Vote for Dean/Ibis
School has kidnapped me (hey, maybe I'm the Princess ) and I won't be posting anything till earliest tomorrow evening....so no idea when the next vote is, but my posts will have to wait for me to be un-kidnapped
OOC: Co-written with Vene, thanks, superfun as always Last night had been more than special, and Fleur still felt his arms around her each time she closed her eyes. Softly humming she was doing her chores, but it were only her hands that were working, her mind was still dreaming. Today would be a good day, and today she would be able to do even the dirtiest jobs with a smile, because today Chakyaka would be with her. Edi's spirit floated across the sands of Dune, swearing at his new condition. Now that he was dead, everything was clear to him; there was no more haze to shield him from unpleasant memories, no more alcohol to create that haze. He'd tried several times to impose it upon himself through sheer force of mind, but all he'd managed was to blur his vision just a little. Out of pure irritation he kept it that way, because at least not seeing things clearly was familiar. Suddenly he noticed that he was near the caves again, and with a grin he decided that he might as well share some of his misery with the others in there. After all, it was their fault, wasn't it? He floated up the rocks and through the cave entrance, floating through the guard on duty and sending a chill down his spine. Once in the caves, he looked around, wondering where to start his mischief. A shiver went through her whole body, and Fleur looked up. Was he here? But when she looked around there was nobody to be seen, it must have been just a thought that had made her shiver. She continued her hum, but looked up again as she got the horrible feeling of not being alone, and this time it wasn't a pleasant shiver. Perfect. Although ... Fleur had been nice to him. Pahh ... she'd only wanted him out of the way, that's what it had been. Not realizing the good intentions behind Fleur's behaviour, Edi floated through her a few times and cackled with glee. She wouldn't hear him anyway, so why not? When he got bored with just hanging around, he started wondering whether he'd be able to move things like ghosts in stories. With immense concentration, he managed to shift a bit of sand on the floor. Hm ... this'll need practise. She clamped her hands around her body and felt as if she was freezing, which, in the desert, was about the last thing she'd expected. Fleur looked around, but this felt abnormal, she could feel the presence of someone, and could almost hear someone laughing, but she couldn't see him....or her. Then the sand moved, and suddenly she saw a hand. With a scream she jumped backwards. Hands were not supposed to float through the air! She was most definitely certain of that! With her back against the wall she watched as more sand was shifted by the hand. When he saw the reaction those small actions caused in Fleur, Edi floated up and down with joy. He decided to give Fleur a break, just to see what she'd do, and floated into the next cavern, concentrating on hiding his presence while at the same time watching her. It was a good thing that nobody could see the grin on his face; it was so happy that it took on frightening proportions. The sand had stopped moving, and the warmth slowly seemed to come back into the cave. Cautiously she took step away from the wall, and then another. As she neared the place where Edi was standing it got colder again, and (though she had no idea he was there) she stopped walking. What should she do? She wished that Chakyaka was here, he would know. For a while she stood there, simply questioning herself on what her next action should be, but then she gathered all her courage together. Fleur ran out of the cavern, past the cold spot, into a different cavern where there were more people, screaming all the way. "The place is haunted! Really, I saw the sand move!" Edi chuckled to himself, and floated a little closer. He didn't quite enter the next part of the caverns yet, though ... let them wonder for a while.
Zariah: I think there might also be a slight culture difference here.... In general where I live (and everywhere I have lived so far) it's simply not as 'Valentine' as the states yet. Commerce is trying to turn it into the same hype, but most people look at it pretty soberly and simply wonder where this day comes from all of a sudden....
OOC: Co-written with Gwai With her fists clenched Fleur had left the cavern, doing her very best not to cry. Why, oh why, was it like this? Surely it wasn't meant to be, or something similar. But she couldn't help being in love, only from now on she would pretend not to. Clearly faith was working against them, and somehow it didn't want her and Chakyaka to be together. To empty her head, and try and convince herself of the rightness of this decision Fleur wandered through the caves. As he walked away from Niab Chakyakha was thoughful. Was it that obvious that he was sweet on the off-worlder? Maybe it was but he really was trying to be tough and uncaring. It's just that she was so trusting it was beautiful...and she was beautiful quite on her own. What kind of clever fremen would fall in love with an off worlder? But she wasn't like most off-worlders. She observed the surroundings and she tried to fit into the Fremen culture. She wasn't outrageously wasting water more than she could help it and she listened when corrected. As he walked toward the others he wondered where she was. Fleur stopped dead in her tracks; she was trying to get him out of her mind, and there he walked straight into her world. She tried to step back before he had seen her, but Chayaka chose just that moment to look up. Their eyes met. He smiled. Sometimes the gods were kind. "Your hair floats llike a halo." Why did he have to be nice to her just after she had decided to follow faith? "Yeah, well, thanks." She wanted to turn around, and really be a bitch, but she couldn't. Her legs were frozen to the spot, and those eyes, she simply couldn't turn away from those eyes. As Chakyaka watched the emotions fly across Fleur's face he began to realize that it wasn't as easy as he'd thought. Still, any woman who looked into his eyes that way was not yet lost to him. "You're upset." A tiny little nod was all that Fleur did to acknowlegde this. She wanted him to take her into his strong arms and tell her that it would all be ok, that he would be there for her, and most of all she wanted him to kiss her. But how could she ask this of him? She couldn't. Insecurely she took a step forward. Chakyaka put his arm around the girl's shoulders. "You aren't worried about having a relationship with a Fremen?" Shivers went through her body, and Fleur's voice sounded unstead as she answered his question. "It's not good, it's not meant to be." This wasn't going the right way. "Who are you to know what Arrakis wants?" Suddenly as on a decision he moved towards Fleur and kissed her fiercely. For a floating second Fleur wondered who Arrakis was, and what he had to do with the two of them, but then she got lost in his kiss. His lips were hard on her soft lips at first, but then he grew tender, and Fleur melted deep inside. She couldn't possibly hold on to her resolutions while she was in his arms, she should do something, but where the mind was still fighting, her body had given in to temptation. From there things became deeply interesting. In fact, so interesting that even a Fremen's good ears weren't listening, and it wasn't until they heard the footsteps right next to them that they looked up.
Was he still looking at her? No, he was talking to Rahnia. Had it even been real what she had felt that day she had met him? Fleur wondered if this was even worth it, the whole being in love thing only rendered her more nervous than she had ever been before. Ah yes, he was looking at her! Fleur smiled, he was looking at her and Rahnia had to nudge him to actually keep his attention with their conversation, that must say something. She would have to think of a plan to speak to him alone, so far it had been difficult with all that had been going on. Maybe she could slip him a not later on, saying something about how they should meet that night. Fleur nodded to herself, and quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper. She would wait until Rhania was gone, and then slip it into his pocket. Fleur continued with what she was doing, and finally Rahnia moved. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath, now would be her chance. She got up and turned around. She casually took a few steps towards him, and smiled. He returned her smile and she started to feel dizzy, and then their daydream shattered as Ibis walked into the cave. Fleur turned around again not to show her confusion, and devastation. She had been so close and now, now she had lost this opportunity. Stupid Ibis had totally spoiled it. Would she ever get a chance to be together with Chakyaka? OOC: Vote for Ibis
*adds her congrats to those of the crowd*
The troll drove her further and further back. With Inbi shouting in her ear Sweetcherrie was getting quite handy in wielding the sword, but she would need a way out sometime soon. Her eyes flashed back and forth to see wether there would be a possibility to get a break from this troll, and just as the troll moved to smash a chair on top of her, she saw a door at the back of the cave. "Duck!" The chair splintered with a smack against a table as Sweetcherrie did what Inbi shouted. Her eyes flashed over the confusion and she saw Patham looking her way. "There's something there! If we just-," She swung her sword, but missed, and had to dive to the right to not get a facial make-over from the troll, "-get rid of this one!." The troll had given up on finding more furniture to rearrange her cellstructure, namely to something without any structure, and now stormed towards Sweetcherrie with its fists high in the air. Only by another shouted command from Inbi she managed to tumble away from the grabbing fists. Patham assessed his situation by two rapid glances to each side. He had to get past a large troll in order to attack the one close to Sweetcherrie. He lunged headfirst at the troll, closing the distance between the two of them in long strides. Just as the troll swung its large club at him, Patham shifted into his owl form, and flew past the hurtling weapon. Flying through the legs of the still flabbergasted beast posed no further problem. Patham flew close to the ground, until he was close to Sweetcherrie then rose rapidly, and three meters from her shifted back to his human form, looking immediately around to see whether anything close by posed an immediate danger. "What's your plan?" - he asked Sweetcherrie, as he lifted his sword to block any incoming attacks from the troll. "If we would just manage to-," she hacked into the troll's arm, and almost got her sword stuck, "get there, I'm sure we could hold our ground better from there." "Distract the troll." - Patham whispered. "I'll try getting behind it, and knocking it out." Distracting? That would be easier said than done, this troll seemed to notice anything and everything, of course it was her bad luck to get a particularly smart one. Sweetcherrie decided that shouting might be the best destraction, and possibly it would even surpise the beast. "Yo! You! Ugly face! Yeah! Look here!" with her sword she aimed for its face, and for a moment it seemd to work, but then the troll must have seen a movement in the corner if its eyes, and with amazing speed it turned around and swung his arms through the air to launch them at Patham. His back wasn't entirely turned to her, but Inbi screamed at Sweetcherrie to take her chance, and she stuck her sword in the troll's side. Patham ducked from the troll's blow, but there was no need to do so, as Sweetcherrie's strike to its side halted its attack, and enraged, the troll turned back towards Sweetcherrie, but all it managed to achieve was to create Patham an opening through which he could attack, and he slashed deep into the troll's other side. The troll sank to his knees, and with a large bang it fell forwards. "Come on! We have to hurry." Sweetcherrie pulled Patham along towards the door she had seen, and luckily the door wasn't locked. Together they dove into the quiet of a tavern, and Patham quickly moved to close the door behind them. The cavern they had entered was large and spacious. The lights here only came from torches, and instead of a way out it almost seemd as if they were entirely trapped now. In the middle stood a large round table, and around it there were quite a few chairs. In front of each of the chairs an amulet lay on the table, and above the middle of the table a book hovered in mid-air. With the oaken door firmly closed behind them, Sweetcherrie felt save to explore the cavern further and walked around the table. As she did so the book turned with her, and started glowing brighter when she took a step towards it. When she stretched out her hand the book opened and like wildfire the pages flipped over, until it had apparently found the page it wanted to show to them. Not knowing exactly what to do, Sweetcherrie looked at Patham, "Do you think it's save?" Patham listened for several seconds at the door, but heard nothing from outside. Satisfied that they were at least moderately safe here, he followed Sweetcherrie to the strange tome. One glance at it was enough for Patham to realise what the book described. He now understood why things had happened the way they had during the last several hours. It was all clear. How could he have not realized earlier? "I'm pretty sure it's safe here." - he said in reply to Sweetcherrie's question, then returned to reading the two pages, where the book had opened. "If I read this correctly then someone with sufficient control over the flows of energy would be able to achieve quite powerful things simply by thinking strong enough about them, don't you agree?" "Is that what it says?" Sweetcherrie thought about this for a minute. The ground had softened when she had thought it would, and all her friends had appeared when she wished them here, and were those trolls real, or were they coming from her. But that would mean that she could all end it with a simple thought, a simple wish. No, it couldn't be that easy, could it? Patham looked at Sweetcherrie, thinking the same thoughts that she had been. "Hmm..." - he mused, then offered a suggestion, while his gaze lingered on the pages of the book, as though he were hypnotized. "Why don't you try wishing something?" - he suggested, hoping that it would work. "As in what? I mean I can hardly wish for flowers coming out of your ears or something, this is not going to work anyway." Despite the serious situation they were in Sweetcherrie had to giggle about that funny thought, and wished that it would work the way Patham said it would, at least she would have something to laugh about then. Patham looked quizzingly at Sweetcherrie as she giggled and wondered what she could possibly be wishing for. After nothing happened for several seconds, he asked: "So, what did you wish for?" With her mouth open, Sweetcherrie stared at Patham. Cute little tulips were sticking out his ears, and she wondered why he hadn't felt them yet. "Err...nevermind, I think you're theory might hold ground. But wishing those trolls away isn't that simple. I mean they're big and...and," she shuddered "mean." Patham noticed the direction of Sweetcherrie's gaze and felt around his ears, plucking the tulips from them with a wide grin across his face. "You see that was easy. Those trolls wouldn't be harder at all." - he said putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "If you want we can hold hands and wish both for the trolls to disappear at the same time to see whether it works." "You can always try." Sweetcherrie had forgotten that Inbi was still there. The voice was reassuring somehow, and she nodded, "I guess I could try, but wouldn't it be better-" Patham shook his head, "I think this is the only way, this book is pretty clear about it." "All right, we'll give it a go." She extended her hand towards Patham, and hoped he wouldn't notice how it shook. After all, if it was this simple, wouldn't it then be her fault that those trolls were there in the first place? And wouldn't it be her fault that her friends were in danger? But she shouldn't think about that now, now was the time to think off a tavern without trolls. After several long seconds of waiting, Patham released Sweetcherrie's hand and walked to the door. "Here goes nothing." - he said and opened the door a crack, peeking out.
If I would have a someone who would only be nice to me on Valentine...he would be out of the door already....but there's no someone at all
*pokes Gwai* Could we have a charlist? One that shows who plays who and all that?
I wished marketing would let me forget this day Everywhere I go it's pink, although the yellow of easter shines through already. I guess I have nothing against the day, but have nothing for it either. And I've always imagined that in a relationship you should have a few more days than Valentine where you're nice to each other....
OOC: Warning for implicit content!!! (Just tell me if it has to go) Dennis had gotten tired of waiting for an answer, and was already attempting to look around Imar, but that lovely jester had left. He wondered where he had gone off to, and at the same time he was trying to think of a way to get rid of ponytail, and on top of that his blather had started to fill up. Oooh! wait a minute! That would of course be the best excuse ever to get out of this conversation! He started shifting in his chair, and folded one leg over the other. He looked at ponytail intensely and wondered how a man could live with such skin as he unfolded his little sharade further by wiggling more on his chair. "I'm sorry to interrupt this very interesting conversation, but I'm affraid I have to use the little boys room. Be right back, hun." Dennis slipped away, and left a stunned Imar. He didn't care too much, he simply had to find that jester, and find out more about him, but first things first. As he walked out the grand hall he wondered whether the toilets would be as soft and silky, and asked a purdy knight where he could find them. The bathrooms were indeed gorgeous, although Dennis would never have put in golden taps, a gypsy wouldn't even want golden taps, of course gypsies didn't even have taps, they had wells, but that didn't matter. In his opinion the only place you could possibly use gold was in money. He undid his trousers, and sighed as he emptied his blather in the porcelain toilet. But my oh my! Who was that? Dennis had to control his urges to not swing around (it wouldn't have made a very good impression to splatter his dear jester under pee), but there he was. Adrian had stept into the bathroom as well, and stood next to him. And, wow, did he have nice equipment, his belt was heavy under it. Dennis could see some juggling cones, and a set of multicoloured balls, he certainly wouldn't mind playing with them once! He shook off, and did his pants back up. "You know, I noticed you before...and it so happens that I think we should work together." Dennis hoped that he had looked manly enough to pull this off, and tensely waited for an answer.
Can we actually do this twice?
I see where you're coming from, but sometimes form simply has to give way to flow, sounds, and other things that make a poem to something that really says the things you want it to say, in a way it's supposed to be said Also, I still can't get the iambic and pentameters apart from each other, so I can hardly speak....I can only say if I liked something or not And I really liked this one, but there *must* be a way to get all of this in there...we just haven't found it yet Edit: Still looking at this, and would there simply be a possibility to change that first line? For example: You had no time to hear what you were told This would give you a different ending to work with, of course it would also destroy some other things, and it would make it more passive, but you would keep your syllables and rhythm, and still have a different ending to work with
Fleur had seen him, her stomach had turned twice, but she had seen him! After she had brought Edi to his room she had walked back through the caverns when she had seen him. Chakyaka had been doing some rounds through the caverns and she had walked passed him. Fleur had even smiled, but he had been lost in thought it seemed, or maybe... Maybe he didn't want to see her, maybe he felt guilty about something so he didn't want to look at her. No! she didn't want to think that way, he would love her as well. Sure, he was a bit of a grump, but he had also smiled to her, but what if? What if he had found someone else? What if he had gone back to that other girl, ooooh! and what if he liked Jammilla instead of her? Oh no, that would be bad. Fleur got angrier and angrier. Jammilla had looked at him, had he looked back? But she was certainly prettier than Jammilla wasn't she? Fleur shook her head, this meant war. Chakyaka was hers, and she would let Jammilla know as well! In a rush she hurried towards where she had last seen Jammilla, and along the way she was thinking up all sorts of stuff she wanted to say to the girl. She couldn't let Jammilla steal Chakyaka from her, she simply couldn't. OOC: No Vote. Sorry, I kinda like a tie in the first round, this way the dice can decide, since first round is random anyway
On her way to her room to clean out her cupboard, Sweet sees the banners and bounces into the room. When she sees that it's Cyril's birthday she hops inside, and pulls a very sticky candybar from her pocket. "I saved this one for after I had cleaned my room, but now you can have it for your birthday." She places the candybar on the table, and disappears out again hoping that she will somehow find another candybar once she has cleaned up that cupboard of hers. OOC: Happy birthday Cyril, I'll add my voice to that of Salinye, May I always be blessed enough to count you among my friends
A girlish giggle rings through the air, and from the corner a little girl bounces forwards to meet the people standing in the middle of the room. "Is Mr Wyvern trying to get you into one of his schemes? He tried that with me as well, but then Sweetcherrie said I wasn't allowed. Somehow she seemed to think that it was too dangerous." The girls shows a pout, clearly not agreeing with the ruling from Sweetcherrie, and clearly thinking that all Wyv's dangerous schemes are more fun than anything else in the world. With more giggling the girl bounces around Evangeline, her curls bouncing around her head with her, "You are new heh? I'm Sweet, maybe we could go play sometime. I have really cool pens, see?" A chubby hand disappears into a pocket of the red dungarees and reemerges with a whole lot of pens flying out at the same time. The girl dives forwards to pick up the stray pens, but does this so that she bumps into Evangeline, nearly sending her flying. Standing back up again Sweet holds up her pens for Evangeline. "Sorry for that, but see? They're really cool. Well, if you ever feel like it, just let me know, but now I have to go," Her face turns a tad down, "I have to clean up my cupboard still." The pens disappear back in her pocket, and with a quick smile the little girl bounces out of the room. OOC: Welcome to the Pen
Great post Gwai!