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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. A green cloud drifts into the Conservatory, killing all flowers on its path, and leaving a gooey feel behind. Thick as peanut butter, but with the smell of the deepest sewers, the cloud seems to seep through even the smallest cracks and settles over the people present. Some wrinkle their nose, eyes cross, and in a corner the first has already fainted. Those able to stay on their legs can hear a loud thonking coming from the hallway, and as the muffled sound comes closer the smell becomes stronger. A plopping sound, and next an eyeball comes rolling around the corner. Scurried sounds announce something following the eyeball into the room. A half-rotten hand makes a grab for the eyeball, and as the creature looks up, the eyeball still in his hand, some mouths drop open. The creature looks at them with the eyeball that’s still left in its socket, but one can wonder whether it would be able to see anything with it at all, since a large part of its flesh is hanging down its face, and has sunken in front of the eye. With a quick move the loose eyeball is replaced in its socket with a nauseating pop. The creature coughs and large flocks of brown slime fly about a meter forward and land with a plop on the floor. With its three feet nine, flabby skin, and third foot hanging loosely from its left leg, it might well be one of the ugliest creatures that ever existed, or the shortest, dwarves not counted, of course. It clears its throat once more, slimy sounds gurgling through the now silent Conservatory. “Ello, My name is Ugh Bah, and I bet nobody is more disgusting than I am.” Ugh Bah grins, showing a set of rotten teeth, a worm crawling through a black hole in his mouth like it would crawl out of an apple. OOC: Hah! New challenge! Haiku Challenge is going towards an end, and since I’ve done stories and poetry, I thought it would be nice to have an RP challenge next The idea is to create an even more disgusting creature than Ugh Bah. The best player will win the cup of green slime and fungus, filled to the rim with…of course, green slime. (Though some brown and yellow smoker’s slime might be included )
  2. Sorry for the wait. Time is spread weirdly around me it seems… Like Finnius and Tanny I let my feelings guide me. I am convinced that poetry that touches you is worth more than something that is technically brilliant but does nothing with you *touches her heart* in there… How can you say poetry is not your strong side when you produce such gems? Maybe you should develop this side a bit further I agree with the Tanny and Finnius that this one calls a strong image to mind, and it’s a warm, and peaceful image as well, one to dream away with, still it’s mainly the image of the dog that comes to mind for me, and I would’ve liked to see more emphasis on nature. Still, really nice and that’s why I wanted to mention it. I can see her standing there with her face lifted up in the rain to receive the warm drops, smile playing around her mouth. A sensual image almost, but filled with joy about the new start of spring. My favourite. I can feel the wind cutting through the watery sun when I read this. Maybe it has a bit to do with where I live? Anyway, this one is my favourite out of those that have been posted here. I would like to compliment all that have posted their haiku here, they’re all good, and choosing some to comment on was absolutely not easy. Thank you all
  3. Cook hated it when things went wrong. Once he’d opened the oven too soon on a cake, and it had made a gurgling noise, and then sunk into a puddle of dough. The taste had still be ok, but it had looked way less good. He looked at his stomach, sorta like that, only less bloody. Teeth prints could still be seen where the bug had ripped his stomach out, and his intestines were hanging out, shit colouring his blood dark-brownish. It didn’t even hurt that much, and the purple fuzzies dancing around his head were actually rather nice. Cook had expected it to hurt like hell, but it only stung a little. He looked around, and wondered where everybody had gone. Just a few moments ago his fellows were fighting alongside with him, but now he could only hear something rumble in the distance. Around him dead bugs and dead brothers were lying side to side. Dazedly he rubbed over his arm, and noticed that it was only a stump he was rubbing with. He looked at it, and giggled how silly an arm looked without a hand. Then he noticed the line of needles in his upper leg. ‘Morphine’ it read on them with big red letters. Oh well, at least he now knew why it didn’t hurt more than it did. In fact, he felt rather sleepy. Maybe he could take a short nap, and then return to the fight a bit later. Cook closed his eyes. The purple fuzzies blanketed him and slowly carried him away from this world, he smiled
  4. very good indeed Evangeline no idea what contest this is you want to enter, but this story builds up well, and makes the reader feel with and for the characters. I think I read one small typo, somewhere you have one where it should probably be on. Minor, but you probably want to get it out Once again, well written, and thanks for sharing
  5. OOC: Inspired by someone very, very dear to me, and Appy helped with the technical aspects *sends a kiss to the first and a hug to the second* thanks I smile as I reach out lovingly touching Your spirit with mine, I smile I smile as you reach out Gently touching My spirit with yours, And I smile I smile as life reaches out tenderly touching Our spirits with love, And my smile sings.
  6. I so wanted to write something IC in here, but time is not helping lately.... Happy belated Birthday *huggles* hope you had a good one
  7. The sun is shining. The rooftop is covered with golden light, and even though I live in the middle of the city, I can hear a bird sing. Singing solo, like me. With a longing for spring to kick in properly I hang out my window and watch the shadowplay of a tree on the house behind mine. My eyes wander aimlessly around and I see that my neighbor has put new plants in his window sill. The curtains are closed, and the plants are portrayed like whores against their white background. They weren’t there yesterday. Two bamboo sprouts, each in its separate blue vase, one leaning slightly towards the other, but the other doesn’t notice. It is standing tall and straight, head aimed at the sun, unaware of the request for attention of his fellow sprout. It hits me that they are like two kinds of people; the ones that are strong and tall, looking brightly at the sun, and the others, reaching out, wanting to belong. I wonder if one could be both, but the plants disagree with me. A cloud drifts in front of the sun, cascading shade over the sunny roof. The curtains move and my neighbor appears. He swings open the window and waves. Then he turns the vases slightly, and I see that the bamboo sprout that had looked tall and straight to me also has a slight bent. “You need to turn them regularly.” my neighbor says, “They grow towards the sun, you know.” I smile and nod in reply, thinking, “Don’t we all?”
  8. The Challenge is closed as of this post You can still post haiku, but we won't be taking those into account anymore when we chose the best ones Thank you all for posting such amazing poetry, you guys are all fantastic *jumps over messages to pm the other people that would give feedback*
  9. O_O Cruel! You make us follow the lifes of these buggers, and then you plan to cook them? Bad Regel!
  10. Have fun in Estonia
  11. Sweetcherrie ducks in, a big pile of books under her arms. She drops the books on a table and rummages around in her pocket. With difficulty she pulls the package that is too large for her pocket out, and takes it out of the box. She sticks out her hand to Gryphon and opens it. In the palm of her hand a small golden phoenix rolls up. The figurine is life-like, and seems to be an exact copy of Troy. "I've had these made by a jeweler." She slides the phoenix in Gryphon's hand where it ruffles its feathers, and curls back up. Sweetcherrie stands smiling until she sees the confused look on Gryphon's face. "Oh, sorry, if you're ever in need....wake it up properly, and ask it to call Troy. He'll come and help you, well, he'll try at least. His healing sometimes is still a bit off... Anyway, Happy Birthday!" With a broad smile she huggles her partner in crime.
  12. *hugs Wren and gives her a bandaid* =/ I know it won't help, but maybe it'll magic a tiny smile?
  13. What a good idea to bump this I might just have to find an unused line myself...
  14. And you deserve every last bit of it
  15. With her head tilted little Sweet looks full of fascination to Ozy, and how his head seems to be turning blue. "You know that can't be healthy..." Without warning she giggles and launches in a tickle-attack, and makes Ozy gasp for air. OOC: I'll still be using my own sarcastic humor (can't change nature ) just more careful with whom, and where
  16. Okido....it's taken a while, but bosy lifes all over the place prevented us from getting together with the three of us I won't make a big fuzz over this but I will *gives a sign to some sidecharacter in the corner and a drum can be heard*.... aah, that works oh, yeah, I should announce a winner.....it's....Tavarilyn *applauds loudly* Congratulations!
  17. Jikes, it's been playing through my mind all day that I would have to write something for this, but in the end all I wrote was just more text for my project Happy belated birthday Tam!
  18. *takes out a pair of scales and sets it up neatly* *she then takes out ww game and graduation, and places one on each side of the scales* *promtly the scales drop to the side of graduation* sorry... won't have time
  19. Is this still alive?
  20. A threat that’s all it is Menace in a tin can Released, Only when I Allow it to come out Still In every corner Of my mind It’s there Luring Lurking Stealthily In the black of my head Waiting for that one little sign of weakness Where I close my eyes, and Think
  21. The feedback level in your profile confused me slightly so I'll just tell you what I thought of it A well written story, and an enjoyable read. I would love to know if this poor girl is actually going to make it out, or if she's really going to be food for the roses Something that could possibly be improved upon is the start of the story. I had to wrestle myself through the first four paragraphs, and though I understand that some background info is needed (especially in a story like this with a different world and all) I think there are better ways to draw the reader in quicker. One possibility could be to spread the info that you've now condensed into the first three paragraphs out over all paragraps and let it shine through by character actions, or what she sees or hears. Other than that, very nice story, and yeah, I would definitely like to read more from you
  22. OOC: I was just thinking how nicely short Zool's reply was, and then this came out of my fingers....oh well *GLUMP* Dennis felt himself being swallowed by the hippopotamus, and it didn’t even hurt. He swam to the hippo’s stomach and swam around a bit. It was awfully dark in here, and he wished he’d never ignored his mother’s wise words, and swim too close to the beast’s mouth. Just as he was about to give up he heard a sweet voice crying for help. As fast as his fins would take him he swam towards where the sound was coming. Looking around he finally saw where the voice came from. In the middle of the hippo’s stomach there was the most charming little fish stuck half above water. Her fins looked awfully dry already, and Dennis saw that she was getting weaker and weaker. Without thinking Dennis came to the rescue and bumped as hard as he could against the plants that were holding down the girl fish. Another big bump and she was free. He supported her down into the watery stomach content, and finally she could breath again. “Are you ok?” He bubbled. The girl nodded, and a small bubble came from her mouth. “I tried getting out of here, but this hippo seems to have an iron stomach.” Dennis’ already globy eyes widened, “You mean there’s actually a way out?” The girl fish nodded, “And now you’re here, we might just be able to make it. We have to create lots of bubbles, and give the hippo gas. That way he might just have to fart, and we could simply spray out together with the bubbles.” Our fish thought about this for a moment, and then nodded as manly as he could, “Don’t you worry, we will get out of here.” They started bubbling, and bubbling, and Dennis was started to feel light-headed, that’s how hard he worked on getting the biggest bubbles. But finally they heard a small rumble. “Faster!” The girl fish shouted excitedly, and they worked even harder to get more and more and more bubbles. Then with a heavy rumble the hippo passed gas, and the two little fish rode the wave that was being pressed through the hippo’s sphincter. Like a volcano water, and air, and Dennis and his new-found girlfriend were spewed out of the hippopotamus. With a ‘plump’ they landed back in the pond and quickly swam away from the beast. “Phew, that was close,” Dennis said. But before he could bubble more, the girl fish had given him a kiss on his bubbly lips, “Thank you so much, now I will go look for my boyfriend, he must be worried.” And she swam away, leaving poor Dennis with a fishlip that almost touched the bottom of the pond. New words: - Roses - Screwdriver - Teaspoon - Polka dot
  23. A flurry of blond curls could be seen as little Sweet ran down the hallway towards the Cabaret Room. In her hands she held a box that was rattling with each hurried step she took. It was the great lizard's birthday, and she was almost too late, this could not happen. A party with the lizard, and she not there. She skidded around the corner, and came to a halt as she crashed into Gyrfalcon. The crash sent her package flying, and Sweet tried to get back to her feet to catch the present before it would hit the floor, but she was too late. The box hit Wyvern on his head, and got stuck on his horns. A loud 'crack' could be heard, and the next moment chocolate syrup is running down the lizard's face. "I'm so sorry, it was a 'make-it yourself cake', but I guess it's cake mix now." The little girl looked sad at losing her perfect idea for a gift, but the next moment a broad smile appeared on her face. Careful not to slip over the chocolate syrup that had dripped from Wyv's face on the floor, she walked over to him, and put her chubby arms around his neck. "You can be your own cake now!" she giggled as she gave the lizard a happy-birthday hug. With a finger she tasted some of the syrup, "And you taste pretty good as well." More giggling followed, but then she finally managed to get out a "Happy birthday, Wyvern!"
  24. Hmm...if we look at the technical aspects of this piece I do agree with Wyvern that some things could be worked out further. However, it feels as if you've simply written down your dream, and stayed true to what you remembered of your dream. Thank you for sharing
  25. From out nowhere they attacked, and suddenly I found myself kneedeep in blood and gore. One of them had apparently decided that I would be his lunch, because he launched at me with blinking teeth that all seemed to say ‘yum’. I shot once, and I shot twice, then I shot again. I had been walking safely at the back, but they seemed to be everywhere. From a distance I heard my own gun fire, time and time again. The bastards were hard to kill as well. I’m sure I’ve shot that big one ten times already, but seriously this is one tough mother- sorry, excuse my language, well at least the thing is dead now. It’s just that I’m not too used to fighting, since I’m normally cloned to work in the kitchens, but this seems to be an emergency so they put me out here as well. Around me I’ve seen more flesh and blood than I’ve ever seen before in the kitchens, but it doesn’t bother me too much. After all, I’ve been made to kill, whether human or animal. Killing is simply a necessity, and in this case also an order. Suddenly I feel a stinging sensation in my side, and as I look down I see that my side has been sliced open by a second alien. Blood gushes out, and I wonder if it isn’t supposed to hurt more than it does. I don’t even think as I aim my gun at the bug that still has my blood on his claws, and a moment later I see his brains fly through the air, and hit one of my twins flat in his face. I see how he staggers into one of the bigger aliens while his eyes are full of brain. The alien immediately turns around, and sticks a claw inside my twin’s lower stomach, and the cry he lets out pierces my ears. I fire my gun time and time again, and notice that I start to feel a bit faint with the blood loss, but I can’t stop. The bugs want my life, and they know I want theirs, so I fire another round, only causing more blood to flow, but at least it’s not mine this time.
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