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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. no idea what transitive or intranstive verbs are , but I think it could be used as followed: "I tried to exhort the commission in giving me a fast reply, instead they delayed the matter further."
  2. I would And once again, thank you for doing this...also..hmm Maybe the AVV could do something like this, but more as a Pen Poetry month? just wondering here...
  3. First of all, welcome to the Pen Feel free to ask questions if you have them, and I hope you find our community as welcoming as I have always found it to be. I really liked this poem, to me it feels as a pause in between stressy things. Am curious what the subtitle means though. Thank you for sharing this with us
  4. Thank you Yui and Aleaha hehe, this word somehow made me think of anime...but I guess it has little to do with that Hmm..another verb...lessee Please don't animadvert my work, it's a rather sensitive subject. (think it's something like that meaning at least )
  5. Heyhey Welcome to the Pen Rin
  6. *lifts the rock and smiles at Zepheri* This whole thread is there because I'm learning new words...that means I don't know them either And besides, not knowing something is definitely no reason to crawl under a rock, it's a reason to stand up and ask more...at least around here. *hugs* Now if someone with more English than the two of us could kindly explain? *winks at Zepheri* I think we might need that...
  7. Yay, new week, new theme This week's theme: Express yourself. *grins* I should probably opine on situations a bit less, and stick my nose elsewhere....
  8. As the orc approaches Shanai looks around for something she could use to defend herself, and then sees an old-fashioned broom in a corner. While Jack tries to do something about the mouth odor of the orc, the elf takes a big leap and bounces over to the broom.
  9. *sails through her email* hmm...again no word...only during weekdays. Oh well, new theme, new word tomorrow *waves at Gwai and Rin* heya
  10. They always give an email about a page long on the word in action. Seriously for someone willing to develop the English language beyong the words you use everyday this is not a bad way to do it, and most of the times their examples even make me laugh (sometimes because they simply still don't make sense ) This is the entire email they gave me about pococurante: So here they used Voltaire as an example, and not as the origin. Still if Voltaire was the first to use it, it is well possible that he were the one making it up from the latin words, as they say in the origin part. Funny how writers can actually make up words, and that those same words are still used centuries later. But if I were to use the whole email here each day, it would first of all become annoying, and second of all half the time their examples make absolutely no sense to me at all, and then they use half a dozen words I have to look up on the side
  11. Pretty cool background information Vocab Vitamins gave this possible explanation to where the word came from: I liked yours better, and they keep saying it's always a bit of a guess to where the words come from. Ooh, and maybe Voltaire even got it from this. Funky to see how words come to existence. Thanks Quincunx I guess my character Sweet could be described with a word like harum-scarum With a big jump Sweet landed on the other side, and giggled as she rolled over, only to bump into the other fuzzy monster. The girl had always been a bit harum-scarum, but today she really took a turn for the irresponsible.
  12. Her mouth had dropped open when she had seen the mess in the backroom (that floor would take hours of scrubbing), and drops even further open when the man in the green clothes lets the doors swing back shut. Surely they couldn’t leave it with this. Shanai wishes she had her broom on her to feel less naked, but takes a careful step forward. Her voice shakes slightly as she feels all eyes turn towards her. “Sir, don’t you think we should do something?”
  13. I really like this last one. Gives me those warm fuzzy feelings inside feelings inside, and the way he plays with words is brilliant. Thanks again for doing this Yui, it gives me a chance to get to know poetry by the poem instead of a whole bunch at the same time.
  14. Thanks Tanny Character edited in Looking forward to this one, but stop me when I mess up the storyline
  15. Hmm...this is so not my theme..but so many good players signing up... *dubbshesitatesfiddle* Gah! Why not Character will come later, but he'll be a dwarf most likely...if this is no problem Edit: Character Stoomp is only 87 years, and in his condition it’s even the question if he will live to a 150. The dwarf is namely born with a few brain cells missing, or well, maybe even more than a few, and smiles a lot (grinning sheepishly mainly), but don’t get him upset. He hates being upset, and when he does get upset he’s quite dangerous as well. With the power of about fifteen oxen’s he’s been know to use small trees as his club when he gets ‘upset’. However, Stoomp like to be around people and for reasons unknown he is especially fond of Filkiormous Magnanimous Berrison who he calls ‘Kormoose’ (since he can’t pronounce Mr Berrisons’s real name, and neither can I ). When he sees his Kormoose his tiny blue beeds of eyes light up, and like a baby elephant he thunders off. Oh, did I forget to mention he is small but *loves* eating? Well, he does…this is one dwarf you don’t want to have sitting on top of you.
  16. Yay, a brand new word! Oh, forgot to tell they always work around a theme. This week's theme is: Devil may care! I have to say, somehow this one makes me think more off law thingies (probably because in Dutch a procureur is someone who will council in civil lawsuits) than of not caring...oh well, lets give it a try . "She stroked with her finger over his arm, but her proccurante moves told him she no longer cared as much." *frowns* not sure if it would actually work in that one...anybody want to try better?
  17. Standing where? A line in between Looking from the outside in, to where I once was Wandering anywhere A wall in between Staring from the bottom up, to whom I once was Moving somewhere A bubble all around Grasping from the inside out, to what I once was Staying here A loving arm around Feeling from the top down, to why I will be I will still be me.
  18. Already for a while I have been registered for 'My word a day' from http://www.vocabvitamins.com/ , and they give me the most funny words. But, occasionally it's actually been really helpful, and hey my vocab does improve...slowly Anyway, I thought we might be able to do something funny with this, so I'm just going to give this a try It's not too difficult, I will give the word, and then you (and me) will come up with a sentence this word can be used in. They always give an example sentence as well, and I will use those here to clarify the meaning of the word. We'll see how it goes My try: She leaned back against the wall, insouciant in the way her hand carressed the stone as her eyes followed his every move.
  19. Sweetcherrie shakes her head as she sees what the two have written so far. “Breasts! Is that all you think about? That poor Sanda, let me help her out a bit.” She took up one of little Sweet’s pen, and continued where Zool had left the story. Sanda sat downapproached the men; showing off her luscious breasts. When she saw that they were practising she smiled, and leaned against a tree to watch the muscles tense on their half-naked bodies with each move. One of the men got hit on the head immediately as he turned to look at her, and she smiled at him. The man was a real hunk, almost as cute as Wyvern, but certainly not as handsome. Slowly his eyes turned away, and he fell to the floor. Sanda ran over to him and kneeled next to him. “Oh my gosh! Are you alright?” At the sight of her breasts the poor men fainted again, and Sanda sighed, she always had this effect on men somehow. Then a lizard… …err…oh well, why not… Then a lizard with a beard, a short red beard, who looked sort of friendly approached her, and Sanda gasped at his stunning gorgeousness. Money was sticking out from his pockets, and he radiated with power. Sanda decided that he must be Wyvern’s handsome, and gruesomely rich cousin or something, since he had all the same features as the Almost Dragon. She started panting a bit, and longed to be taught by him. Sweetcherrie put the pen down. “There,” She said with a satisfied look and wiped her hands clean from pen stripes.
  20. hmm...I like this as well, wonder what it would look like in prose form Thank you for posting your work here, Phoenix. It's always a joy reading it.
  21. The bell of the door tinkles merrily as Shanai enters the bakery, and a few people look back to see who came in. It makes her cringe; she’s used to do her job behind the scenes, and having people stare at her makes her just slightly nervous. The elf wrinkles her nose as she sees how dirty the floor is, bread crumbs all over the place, and she suppresses the urge to get her broom and sweep. She neatly gets in line, and hopes that this bakery is better than the last, since she really has no time to bake her own bread today, much too much to clean still.
  22. Ugh Bah pumps his chest up further, and roars, "Don't tell me there are no stinking mummies, rotting eggs, or worse out there?" He looks around in disbelief. OOC: I will close this thread next week. Am sorta hoping to see more disgusting creatures step up to the challenge, but I hate leaving things unfinished, so just to give you all a heads up
  23. The girl you're writing these for must be very special. Good poems, hun, and I hope the two of you will live happily ever after like in the fairytales.
  24. Mind if I try putting an image to this poem?
  25. I don't know the piece this was inspired by, but I will cross my fingers and hope things will turn out alright
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