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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. Hmm...this word feels to me like a really nice way to say that someone has been talking all nice and well, but that he went nowhere with it...bathos...right a sentence of my own... *thinks* *thinks more* eep! I don't think I can
  2. Oooh! More Kiwis! *huggles* welcome at the Pen
  3. These people were so nice, helping him pack like this. Stoomp wanted to huggle all of them as tightly as he always huggled his teddy bear. He peered into his now empty bag; somehow they had emptied it all out. Apparently he didn’t need colour pencils, marbles, sticky candy, his toy bricks and toy hammer, and his clothes already weren’t clean anymore from the banana. He saw how Fwin took his teddy bear out, and Stoomp clung on to it, making sure that teddy would go with him. Then his eyes fell on some flowers that were standing in a garden, and immediately he had to think on how he had had made that ‘pwetty elven lady’ angry. Maybe some flowers would make her happy again. With the teddy bear in his arms he escaped ‘Karmoose’ and ‘Fwin’, and dove into the flowers. He grabbed two red ones and a purple one, and decided to add a yellow as well. Then the window opened and some hobbit lady saw that he was plucking her beautiful flowers, and she started screaming. Stoomp looked up, and decided that she too needed a flower to be happy. The lady swooned as the stem snapped, and our little dwarf left the flower on her window sill (stamping on the flowers that were still left) for when she would wake up again. He turned around, just in time to see Jagkatha walk away. With the flowers in his hand he started running after her, and bumped straight into Irvin. With his eyes on Jagkatha’s disappearing back, Stoomp fell over and dragged Irvin along with him, flowers still clutched in his hand.
  4. Sorry Mynx, I figured that since I'd never specified the first time who it all got dropped on, and again with the water, that you didn't mind... Sorry, I'll redirect Stoomp elsewhere.
  5. *listens* *listens again* *smiles* *listens again* addictive tune this...I love it! You should do this more often...oh wait a sec...have to restart *grins and listens again, already being able to sing along with the chorus* Oh....did you open the door? *grins* Cause there seems to be a doorbell somewhere in the middle....
  6. Stoomp’s eyes started to twinkle when he saw Karmoose walking down the street, and with his chubby arms wide open he wobbled off to huggle the hobbit tightly. So tightly in fact that the hobbit must have difficulties to breathe, but Stoomp was so happy to have found someone who would surely know where they had to go that he didn’t think of letting go for one moment. Instead he started bouncing a little with his arms still tightly around the hobbit, dragging Karmoose along in his bounce, all the while giggling about how glad he was that he would now get to know where to go.
  7. mwuahahaha.....Wyvern!
  8. They had told him to pack, so Stoomp packed the best he could. He had taken a small bag pack and was now stowing as much of his belongings as he could into the bag. He wondered how he had managed to get himself into so much trouble yesterday evening, and why that pretty elvenlady had been so mean to him; all he had wanted to do was help her. Stoomp sighed and it was then that he noticed he had accidentally stowed the banana he had been eating in with his clothes. Now his clothes and hands were half covered in banana puree and he wrinkled his nose as he started to take the banana mush out again; he was so simple sometimes. Stoomp realized this as well, and wished that he could be smarter. Smart like Kormoose maybe, he seemed pretty smart, or maybe he could be nice like Jin, or strong as Rootmaker, but he wasn’t. He closed the bag, forgetting that he had put there was still half a crushed banana in it, and lifted it up. It was not too heavy, and he strapped the pack onto his back; it would simply have to do. For a moment he stood there, thinking what he was supposed to do now, but then realized he had no idea. Were they supposed to gather somewhere? He sat down and squished the bag pack between his body and the wall, flattening the banana inside it further, and frowned to think where it was again that they would meet. A smile appeared on his face. He would simply go ask one of the other dwarves, they had been nice to him, and they would surely know. With a happy grin on his face he jumped up, and bounced out of the room, off to find Jin or Frerin, or anybody that would be willing to help him in fact.
  9. Once again, glad to have you back and writing I liked this poem; the flow is good and pulls me through to the end, and I *really* like the idea of the simple hero, cause in the end we’re all heroes in our own personal life; holding off whatever darkness there may be for us. There are a few small suggestions I would like to make… First, the use of a small ‘i’. Not sure why you did it here, but in the beginning it felt appropriate, since the person is feeling that he/she has no powers. Towards the end I would however give it a capitalized ‘I’ since here it is clear that that person is the hero. Also, you use the word powers twice to end a line; I think it might be nicer if you would try to find something else for one of them. Lastly, I miss punctuation in the first three stanzas, and then you do use it in the last. I’m never too sure on where and how to use punctuation in poetry, but there are definitely some places where it feels it could use a comma. Anyway, all in all I very much enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing it with us
  10. *blinks* is this a different day in different countries? In Holland it's not till the 14th
  11. I've been away thursday and friday, so I still have two words for last week I'm positing that I'll be using it wrong, since I have no idea what they mean here... I would like to asseverate that the Pen, and mainly the pennites, mean a lot to me (not sure if that's used the right way, but hey..)
  12. A loud burp sounds from the other side of the room, followed by girlish giggling. As Ugh Bah turns around he sees a little girl in red dungarees, with blond curls, and blue eyes grinning at him. The girl bounces over, and pulls her nose up against the odor. “You do smell horrific, but I bet you can’t burp as loudly as I can!” She bites a gulp of air in, and swallows it. Sweet giggles, and bounces a bit, and then burps again, louder than the first time. Ugh Bah tilts his head, and his eye almost falls out again. The little girl wrinkles her nose, “You know, you should really do something about that eye, you need two to see.” Ugh Bah nods, “But I can do that as well,” he declares, and breathes in deeply. Half of the green cloud disappears into his mouth, and the air suddenly smells better…for a short instant. Then Ugh Bah opens his mouth, and a pathetic little burp comes out. “See! See! Toldyaso Toldyaso Toldyaso!” The girl chants and dances around him. “And burping is disgusting, I know cause I’m always told so.” She giggles again and stops bouncing which is probably only good, since Ugh Bah was starting to see green from dizziness nausea. OOC: Hah! Might as well have some fun myself here
  13. *huggles Phoenix* great to have you here
  14. *giggle* no problem Mynx Oh, not sure what will happen with Stoomp walking with water in his hands...think he'll make it safely to clean her dress?
  15. His hands were shaking as Stoomp sat down again. That lady hadn’t been nice at all, and he hadn’t meant to do all this. Stoomp felt like crying, but his momma had always said that only small dwarves cried, and he was a big boy now. He sat down again and looked at the food on the table, but he wasn’t hungry anymore. He glanced at the pretty elvenlady who had been so angry with him. Of course, it had all been his fault. Stupid, stupid Stoomp! Under the table his hands turned to fists; this was such a nice party, and already he had made someone angry. He looked around a bit dazed, but then his eyes spotted a glass with water. Stoomp’s face shriveled up in thought as he tried to capture what his mind was trying to tell him, and then it lit up. He knew what he could do! He took the glass of water, and cautiously took a napkin of the table. He would go clean that pretty lady’s dress with this water, and then she would be all happy again. With the glass in one hand and the napkin in the other, Stoomp got up and started wobbling over to Jagkatha, a big, determined smile on his face; he would make it all better.
  16. I'm possibly to do some rolling there, but if someone could maybe explain how exactly that works....
  17. Shanai grabbed the broom, and bounced back towards the orc. She was determined to clean up that mess, and with the broom in her hands she started shooing the orc out of the back room. “Shoo! Go Away, you messmaker!” Concentrating on the mess the orc had made, Shanai did not notice the form in the back.
  18. The hall was filled with bright lights and Stoomp had been staring at them for a while already, his eyes twinkling, and a sheepish grin on his face. The world was good tonight, and if the world was good you simply had fun. And all these people were so nice, especially that Kormoose person. He had glimpsed at the hobbit briefly already, and had decided that someone with such a beautiful name must be a beautiful person. What he really wanted to do was bounce over and huggle him tightly, but Stoomp didn’t think that would be a good idea at a party. Instead he decided to eat something. He diverted his stare from the lights at the ceiling to the table, and his grin grew wider. All the goodies were there, pig in chocolate sauce, apples with cranberry dip, and even some things Stoomp had never seen before, and Stoomp had seen a lot of food before…and tasted it. With the big grin on his face he reached out his chubby hands for a lamb’s leg, and noticed he could not reach entirely. He got up and leaned over the table, taking half the plates with him, and leaning clumsily over Jin’s plate, but managed to get hold of the piece of meat. He pulled back, and this is where it went seriously wrong. Jin’s plate went on the ground, he knocked over a jug of wine, and as he pulled back his arm, he accidentally shoved his elbow in the person’s face on his other side. Stoomp turned around to apologize, but forgot that he had tied the table cloth around his neck as napkin and pulled the glasses left standing over with him. With the lamb’s leg in his chubby hand he looked at the mess, and then looked up at the desperate faces that were staring at him. “huh-huh,” he chuckled, “himesarwee.”
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