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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sweetcherrie

  1. For about one second Shanai is surprised that the shooing actually worked and then she leaps over to the body on the floor to see who it is, and if she can actually still help this person....or if nothing else, clean up the mess.
  2. “Ugh Baaaaah! Here boy!” The voice thundered through the room, and the next moment those present feel the earth shake under their feet. Something big was approaching, and judging by the words it was looking for what was now floating in bubbles on the floor. The earth shook again, and the voice cried out; closer this time, and more urgently. “UghBaahaahaha! I know you’re clohose, I can smell you!!” The floor croaked and moaned, and as they all looked at the door they saw an enormous shadow appear in the doorway. The shadow grew larger, and then a head was stuck around the doorway. Two blood-red eyes were staring into the room, and a familiar green cloud drifted from an enormous mouth. “Has either of you seen Ugh Bah, my doggy?” As he spoke the spectators could see that a half decayed cat was lying inside a rotting tooth, moving slightly with each word. A bubble of green snot threatened to drip out of the hairy nose, but the giant sucked it back in, almost lifting Sephora and Sweet of their feet with the draft it caused. The nose wrinkled, and glanced over the room. Apparently it had a good sense of smell, even though the nose was filled with snot, because the giant squashed himself through the doorway and looked straight at the goo on the floor that had once been Ugh Bah. It seemed to be analyzing the situation and scratched its ass in the process. Then he bent down and the finger that had been scratching his arse, a finger about as big as a whole hand, was stuck in the blubber. He pulled his hand back and sniffed on his finger, and then stuck it inside his mouth. He sucked up the chemical ooze and made a slurping sound as if he was eating soup. The green bubble of snot reappeared and when the giant turned around he was clearly crying. Large drops of blood fell from his eyes and spread out over the floor and his face. He looked around the room, scratched his arse again, and then looked straight at Wyvern. As the giant shuffled closer to the Almost Dragon the bubble of snot rose and fall as the overly large species kept on sniffling. “Hahas my dohoggy suhuffered?” He had finally reached Wyvern, and placed the hand he had just used for scratching his bare arse onto the lizard’s head, patting him like Wyvern was a doggy as well. The almost dragon looked up, but just that moment the giant chose to place a spotted brown finger over Wyvern’s face. The giant started crying even louder, and looked around for a handkerchief. He spotted Ozymandias’ robes, and grabbed it to blow his nose in it, lifting Ozy along in the process. All the green snot disappeared into Ozy’s robe, and the giant held Ozy at a distance to look at his snot. He took his hand off Wyvern’s head and picked the robe free from his snot, and stuck the finger into his mouth. He picked his teeth with his fingers, and the halfdecayed cat flew out. With a big bow it landed in front of the girls’ feet, and both of them jumped back with a squeaked ‘ewwwww’. He dropped Ozy to the floor, like he was indeed only a used handkerchief, and knelt in front of the lizard. The green cloud seemed thicker as he spoke now. “Please, tell me what has happened to Ugh Bah.” OOC: Let me know please if I've accidentally misused one of the other characters.
  3. ... valentine
  4. oh my...a well known emotion this... A very enjoyable read. Welcome to the Pen Dros, and I sure hope we get to read more of your writing
  5. Zepheri: The story can be anything the picture inspires you to Ayshela: What sort of detail would you like about the photo?
  6. hehe, well here goes to my mum...who has decided to be on holiday with mother's day. So she'll have to live with just a phonecall from me
  7. I've guided Stoomp into the Pen Keep...I kinda liked him too much to let him die like this. He might make an appearance later on...depending on if he remembers that he still needs to bring Jagkatha flowers
  8. The water was cold all around him, and Stoomp had never liked swimming much. He struggled to get lose, but the tentacles around him kept a firm grip around his dwarven body. He lifted his head up towards the surface, and felt immense pain in his chest. He managed to free one of his chubby arms, and reached out to the faces of his friends, and then there was nothing but darkness. His body was dragged down fast, but Stoomp was floating into unconscious dreams. The dwarf dreamt of a land where everybody was happy, and where all people were nice to each other. The land had angels and devils, undead and the living, children and grown-ups all living next to each other in peace. There were scents of fresh bread and sugary candy, he could hear laughter, and the world was colourful and happy. In his dreams Stoomp smiled at all the happiness he saw around him, wishing he was there in that dream world. The dwarven body, large for his kind, but small in this immense dark lake floated to the bottom, and rested there for a moment. Then different tentacles arrived, and this time they were glowing softly against the dark background of water. They enveloped Stoomp’s body gently, and the ground opened up before them. With the dwarven body safely lying within, the tentacles entered the ground, and took him away to a better place. OOC: The other half of this post can be found here.
  9. OOC: First half of this post can be found here. Stoomp woke up, bathing in soft light, but was not able to move. He was wrapped in something soft and glowing, and it felt good, and he almost wanted to turn around again to sleep some more, when a soft voice spoke to him. “You’re granted a second life, use it well.” The glow disappeared, and for a moment Stoomp felt alone. The sounds that had been subdued, came back, and he felt himself falling into a shaft of colours. He fell and fell, and landed softly. But what was that? Whatever he had fallen on groaned and moved under him. Stoomp remembered falling on top of Irvin, and remembered that it was not a good idea to fall on top of people, so he moved and looked around. The dwarf had fallen straight on top of an older man, and if it were up to Stoomp to say how old, he would’ve said ancient. The man had hair everywhere, even on his face, and it was a nice colour gray with some black in it as well. Stoomp decided that he liked this man already, and figured that it would be good to huggle him. He opened up his chubby arms, and hugged the stranger tightly. Ozymandias gulped for air as the dwarf clinged tightly onto him. It was his birthday, and maybe he had expected some birthday greetings, but a completely unknown dwarf falling from the sky, and huggling him to death, had not been in his expectations. Stoomp let go, and grinned happily. The world was the one he had dreamed of, and he couldn’t wait to discover more of it. He felt around in his pockets, and then discovered he still had his bag pack with him. He took it from his back, and rummaged around in it. Teddy was still there, but his hands grabbled further down. He started pulling things out, and pushed them into Ozy’s hands. Ozymandias, who was trying to get air back into his lungs now he had been released by the dwarf, found himself standing there with a variety off weird things. Finally Stoomp had found what he was looking for, and as he took all the other things back into his bag pack he left the Elder standing there with some sticky candy in his hands, the dwarf had figured that everybody must like candy. That done, Stoomp turned around and wandered off to discover this new world. OOC: Happy Birthday!
  10. Stoomp had been trying to clean his hands on his trousers, when the wargs attacked. He looked up and exclaimed one word. “Puppies!” With his chubby arms open wide, and a fat grin on his childish face, he walked over to one of the biggest wargs around, giggling the word ‘puppy’ over and over.
  11. Sorry, no phrases of my own today…might add them later..
  12. Sorry, life has taken over a bit at the moment...I'll try to get a post in some time soon...hopefully tonight still...
  13. errr? if you're refering to WW XXX....I'm IC Dana there...here I'm me...I don't walk around in leather either, sorry
  14. Stoomp had been looking for good flowers all day long already, but they all seemed not colourful enough or they were half dead, and Stoomp was decided to give Jagkatha a pretty bouquet of flowers. He looked around, saw Irvin walking more in front of them, and suddenly remembered that he still had the chocolate in the pocket of his trousers. He stuck his hand in and pulled back, but all he pulled out were chocolate covered fingers. Whatever it had been that Irvin had given him, it was not that anymore. He wobbled faster and walked over to where Irvin was walking, and pulled the hobbit’s sleeve, leaving dark brown stains. “Izze not good.” The dwarf said and held his sticky hands up in front of the hobbit’s face, “Izze not good at all.” OOC: I don't think I could ever come up with an IC reason for Stoomp to dislike someone...so here go some dice...vote for Gryphon - Mattias
  15. To me this reflects love that should not be...well, in your heart alone maybe..which is what the second stanza tells me. I think you've captured the feelings pretty well, and I'm so glad to see your back and writing. I always love the way you manage to capture feelings or thoughts with simple words, so straight to the core of things. Thank you.
  16. *giggles* I like this one...should be used in diaper commercials Up and Go from Libero, keeps your baby clean and dry, and cushions your baby's pratfall... *giggles some more as she wanders out again*
  17. Candy (Snoepje in dutch and almost pronounced the same as Snoopy)
  18. really nice, and the story it tells is sad, but indeed well handled. How can he feel so alone, when she's always by his side? The lines I like best I think. Still somehow it feels as if the story is interupted, as if there is a gap between the two. On one hand I like this because it lets the reader fill it in with his/her own thoughts, on the other hand...what did happen to him? An interesting poem all in all. Welcome at the Pen, and thank you for sharing this with us.
  19. Ooh, that does help! Thank you...that last one also made me giggle
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